The Best Uvanov Quotes

Uvanov: Look, either one of us murdered them or they did. Which do you think is more likely?
Doctor: Ummm
[clears throat]
Doctor: there is one other possibility that you seem to have overlooked.
Borg: We've heard quite enough out of you.
Doctor: You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.

Uvanov: What are you doing here?
Doctor: Just standing here talking to you.

Uvanov: Yes, I suppose it's also a coincidence that, as soon as you two arrive, three of our people are killed. Well?
Doctor: Oh, sorry, I thought it was a rhetorical qu... Yes, it's just a coincidence.

Uvanov: Oh, so we've caught one. Not soon enough, though
[slaps Leela across the face]
Leela: [Kicks Uvanov in the crotch] I didn't kill him, ask this thing.
Uvanov: You'll have to do better than that. Who are you?
Leela: Leela. Who are you?
Uvanov: Why did you kill him?
[Raises his hand]
Leela: You try that again and I'll cripple you!
Uvanov: Why did you kill him?
Leela: I didn't.
[to D84]
Leela: Tell him!
Uvanov: That is a single function labour robot. D class. D for "Dumb". It can't speak.
Leela: Has anyone told him that?
Uvanov: You have cost me and the company a great deal of money and you've killed three people. Can you think of any good reason why I should not have YOU executed on the spot?
Leela: No, but you can otherwise you'd have done it.
Uvanov: Don't get clever with me.