The Best Vera Gantry Quotes

Vera: Well, in fact, there have been... five calls regarding negligence of the mother before the fire.
Matthew: Did they come from the same neighborhood?
Vera: I'm not at liberty...
Matthew: She was a real piece of work.
Wallace: Casey.
Vera: These are serious allegations. Captain Casey, did you see how the fire started?
Matthew: It looked like an electrical fire, but I can't be sure. That would be a matter for the Office of Fire Investigation. I can say that the mother Jenni turned over her wheelchair so she could crawl up the stairs and try to save her child.
Vera: Couldn't get up the stairs.
Matthew: That's not what I said.
Vera: Were you summoned by the fire alarms inside the house?
Matthew: I believe it was a 911 call.
Vera: No alarms.
Matthew: Hey, what's your agenda here?
Vera: To protect a child.
Matthew: It seems more like it's a premade decision in search of facts to back it up.
Wallace: Okay, that's enough. You have my captain's incident report.
Vera: Yes, I have everything I need.
Matthew: Are you serious? This woman came here to check some boxes. Didn't matter what I said.
Wallace: You're right. I didn't like her attitude.
Matthew: She wanted a few choice quotes so she could take a boy away from his disabled mother. Doesn't sit right with me, Chief. Doesn't sit right at all.