The Best Walt Thrombey Quotes

Walt: [shouting to Geatnana Wanetta] Do you want dinner Nana? Dinner? To eat? Nana?
Linda: Walt, she's fine. She ate the entire salmon spread already.

Ransom: That's some heavy-duty conjecture.
Walt: Funny, Ransom, you skipped the funeral, but you're early for the will reading.
Ransom: [pointing] Up your ass.
Meg: [angrily] Oh, very nice!
Ransom: [pointing to each family member as they shout at him] Matter of fact, eat shit. How's that?
Ransom: [as the family are all shouting at him] Eat shit, eat shit, eat shit... *definitely* eat shit...
Ransom: I got to do this more often.

Walt: [to Ransom, shouting] How about some more cookies, Hugh? You want some more cookies? Hey, maybe Harlan left you a cold glass of milk in his will, asshole!

Walt: Marta, is it your intention to rennounce the inheritance?
Marta: [Marta shrugs] This is what Harlan wanted.
Walt: Yeah, but... Harlan put you in a very hard position here. I mean, it was unfair of him. I, I mean you see the kind of press and scrutiny that this kicks up, and you
Walt: and you know with your mother.
Marta: My mother?
Walt: Yeah.
Marta: What did Meg tell you?
Walt: Oh this isn't about... you're missing the point. We don't want to attack you in this, but Marta, if your mother came into the country illegally, criminally and you come into this inheritance with all of this scrutiny that entails, I'd be afraid that could come to light and that's what we want to avoid here. We can protect you from that happening or if it happens.
Marta: So your saying that even if it came to light, with the family's resources you could help me fix it?
Walt: Yeah, yeah, with the right lawyers, you know, not these local guys, but New York lawyers. D.C. lawyers, with enough resources put towards it, yes. Not that that ever even needs to come up, but, yes.
Marta: Okay good.
Walt: Okay.
Marta: 'cause Harlan gave me all your resouces so that means with my resources I will be able to fix it so I guess I will find the right lawers.
Walt: Er, Marta, that's not...
[Marta slams the door on Walt]
Walt:'d better be sure that's what you want.

Walt: [Being questioned] My son Jacob, he's 16, very politically active.
Richard: [Cut to Richard being questioned] The boy is literally a Nazi.
Meg: [Cut to Meg being questioned] He's an alt-right dipstick troll.
Walt: [Cut to Walt being questioned] Kids today, with the internet, it's amazing.

Walt: I don't know what any of that means.
Richard: It means your son is a little creep.
Walt: Oh, my son's a creep.
Joni: Guys. Walt, he was in the bathroom.
Richard: Joylessly masturbating to pictures of dead deer.
Walt: You know what Richard, you want to go?
Richard: You bet Skippy, let's go!
Ransom: I've got to do this more often.

Marta: [On the phone] Hello, Walt.
Walt: Hello Marta, it's Walt.

Walt: I am not eating one iota of shit!

Walt: Jacob was in that bathroom the night of the party.
Joni: Oh, so that's where you were all night.
Richard: What the hell were you doing in the bathroom all night?
Jacob: Nothing.
Meg: Swatting Syrian refugees.
Jacob: I was not.
Meg: Alt-right troll.
Jacob: Liberal snowflake.