The Best Young Topanga Lawrence Quotes

[flashback scene, at the zoo where Cory and Shawn first met. Cory and Topanga, then age 8, with others comes running and pass Shawn on their way]
Young: [to Cory] Hey! Wanna have lunch with me?
Young: I don't think I should. Those guys says you live in the trailer park and I shouldn't like you.
Young: Oh, well, if you wanna have lunch with me, I'll be right here.
Young: [climbs up on a fence] Hey, Topanga, look, I'm a llama! I'm a lla-aah!
[falls over to the llama side of the fence]
Young: Cory, I told you not to play with the llamas!
Young: [off screen] Help! Help!
Young: Somebody, help! Help! Help!
[everyone else runs away. Shawn comes running around the corner, climbs into the llama side, helps Cory up and they climb over again]
Young: Hey, thanks for pulling me over the llama fence. You're fun. My name is Cory.
Young: I'm Shawn.
[they shake hands]
Young: Hi, I'm Topanga.
Young: The wife. I'm sorry I didn't have lunch with you. My friends were wrong. They're not even my friends.
Young: I'll be your friend.
Young: Really?
Young: Just promise me, when we grow up you won't go to college and leave me.
Young: Okay. Friends forever?
Young: Forever.
[they move in for a hug]
Young: [from behind them] Stop it. You're boys!
[flashback ends, and back in Mr. Feeny's office in present time, Cory and Shawn are also hugging, with Topanga standing behind them, just like in the flashback]
Topanga: Stop it. You're boys!