20 Best Alec Sadler Quotes

Alec: [remembering Lucas] Every star in the universe eventually dies out. Darkness always conquers light.

Alec: [to Julian] It's actually, quite beautiful. Full of new ideas, new perspective. Maybe if I don't become the evil corporate overload of the future, maybe you can go on to become Mother freaking Teresa. And maybe, in future, we're not trying to kill each other.

Matthew: Incredible.
Alec: What do you want?
Matthew: You know who I am? Right. Well, believe it or not, I know a little bit about who you are as well. Maybe even more than you know about yourself.
Alec: Look, if Kiera sent you here to talk me into whatever...
Matthew: No, Kiera didn't send me. You know I- I had a job like this, once, way back - or is that "way forward"? - mopping floors and cleaning toilets. Good, honest work my father called it. I hated that job but I guess it did teach me something.
Alec: What's that?
Matthew: Well, first off, money and power doesn't mean your shit doesn't stink. More importantly, the only thing separating me and the future I wanted was will. I had the talent and the ambition, all I needed was a chance. The problem is, of course, you're rarely given that chance; more often than not you've got to take it. So one day, on my knees cleaning up where some idiot had missed with his piss, I did.
Alec: And what did you do?
Matthew: I quit. I scratched and clawed and willed myself into my own business. I put all that hard work into Kellog Incorporated.
Alec: And here you are today... you've come a long way.
Matthew: That's one way to put it.
Alec: Look, what does any of this have to do with me?
Matthew: Oh, I don't know. Let's just say that both of our futures rely on your own will. All you have to do is, is look down and realize...
Matthew: [whispering] that you're on your knees too.
Matthew: Only difference is, you're... a... genius. Anyway, listen, I'm uh, I'm lookin' to set up a new venture, cutting edge stuff. Also looking for talented visionaries to do visionary work. You know, mold the future, all that jazz. Hey, money is no object.
Manager: Uh, are you being taken care of, sir?
Matthew: Why yes, thank you. Alec here is taking very good care of me. He knows his stuff! You know something, I'd be careful if I were you. 'Cause someone might just, uh, just come along and... and poach him away.
Manager: Wonderful. Uh, have a... good day sir. Um, Alec, uh, when you're done with this customer, can you drop by my office? My printer's jammed.
Matthew: Printer jams. How novel. You know there's no paper in the future? Or should I say, "no future in paper"?
[Kellog offers Alec a business card. Alec takes it]
Matthew: Drop by for a chat unless you've made up your mind. In-credible.

Manager: Sadler, do you have any idea why all of the network passwords aren't working?
Alec: Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot to tell you about that. Um, I had to flash the router with OpenWRT in order to put up a new firewall.
Manager: And, why did you do that?
Alec: Well, um, actually you'll be happy to know that I recalibrated the network so that 46% of the customers can now use the automated checkout system. That'll save on labor costs by 15% and decrease customer wait times by a minute and 30 seconds on average.
Manager: Is that right.
Alec: Yeah, and you don't have to do sales reports anymore; it's all automated now.
Manager: No... sales reports.
Alec: Nope, poof, gone! Straight to head office. In fact, the efficiency of the system as a whole is nearly tripled; it's 256% to be exact.
Manager: Okay. Sadler, here's what's gonna happen: first, you're gonna get me a coffee; then you're going to undo all this mumbo jumbo. None of this was even approved by head office.
Alec: This'll save the company money!
Manager: [patronizing] Look, I know what it's like to be young and ambitious and think I have the answers to everything, but you can't go messing with the system because you think you have a better way of doing things.
Alec: But I'm telling you...
Manager: [firmly] No look, I'm telling you to reset the network to the way that it was and do the job that I hired you to do! I can un-hire you just as easily. Oh, and that coffee? Make it black.

Alec: I'm 18, and I'm supposed to change the world, and I'm afraid I won't, and I'm afraid I will!

Kiera: [after Alec regained access to kiera's CMR] Get out of my head, Alec.
Alec: You can't shut me out. I built the system we're talking on, remember? But I understand you think by telling me what I'll become, it'll create some sort of paradox whereby my knowing, it won't actually happen? But what you may not know is that there's actually two schools of quantum time travel theory. On the one hand, you've already changed the future by going back in time. The damage is done, you can't stop what's already been started.
Kiera: What's the other?
Alec: That this journey is part of your own timeline from the future. That is to say that all these events have actually happened before, and you're just simply going through the motions, again.
Kiera: Does that mean I'll get back to my time?
Alec: If that's what happens, or happened. It's a little confusing, even for me.

Alec: So Dr. Feelweird cut us off? Unbelievable!

Alec: [Alec watches Kiera who is in her underwear thru her CMR w/o her consent] You're so Pretty
Kiera: [Noticing Alec ogles her via her CMR] Not cool...

Kiera: I was wrong.
Alec: Just get me out of here. And then you can go to hell.

Edouard: You really don't understand how important you are, do you?
Alec: No, I understand more than you realize. What I don't understand is how you and your gang could possibly think you could change the inevitable.
Edouard: A pebble tossed from a beach can become a tsunami on the other side of the world. You are that pebble, and I am standing on a beach on the other side of time! Waiting for the tidal wave to crash.
Alec: Yeah, you're standing on a beach, and you're facing a tsunami, but you only have a bucket to change it. And yeah, you can scoop out a small amount of water from that wave, and change history slightly. But that's it. The wave still hits and it'll probably drown you. And if I'm that pebble, then progress and innovation is the wave. And it will make the world a better place. And that you can't change.
Edouard: But that's precisely my point, Alec. You're the one who convinced me I can.

Kiera: [comes walking in a little beleaguered]
Alec: What happened to you?
Kiera: Travis happened.

Alec: You can't just walk in here.
Kiera: All evidence to the contrary.

[first lines]
Alec: [arriving in the past] Holy shit!
Female: Call security!

Kiera: [wondering] You trying to get rid of me?
Alec: [chuckling] I definitely am.

Alec: I don't know why you're letting Gardiner help you.
Kiera: Give a dog a bone, he'll chew on it for hours.

Alec: Please don't kill me.
Jasmine: I'm not killing you. I'm saving the world.

Alec: [preparing body] She'll be every where and every when.
Carlos: A viking funeral...

[last lines]
Alec: You there?
Kiera: Yeah, I'm here.
Alec: I don't know how to say this.
Kiera: Just say it, Alec.
Alec: Your journey here was no accident. The time travel device didn't malfunction, and Kagame knew this. The truth is, I'm the one who sent you back in time. And you're not going to believe why.

Ann: Just let me explain.
Alec: Explain what? Why you lied in a court of law? That's perjury, you can go to jail.
Ann: You don't understand.
Alec: Do you know what you've done? I'm supposed to testify tomorrow.
Ann: And I'm not asking you to lie, Alec.
Alec: Well, if I tell the truth, then I send my mother to jail. If I lie, then I risk sending us both.
Ann: Look, Julian needs our protection. He has no one else.
Alec: Julian shot a police officer in cold blood. He tried to blow up a building, he was ready to do it. He doesn't deserve our protection.
Ann: He's family, Alec. Families do not turn their backs on one another.
Alec: No. Apparently, they throw one another to the wolves and then fight over the scraps.

Alec: I'm the landlord of this timeline, you're a squatter.