The Best Edouard Kagame Quotes

Edouard: You really don't understand how important you are, do you?
Alec: No, I understand more than you realize. What I don't understand is how you and your gang could possibly think you could change the inevitable.
Edouard: A pebble tossed from a beach can become a tsunami on the other side of the world. You are that pebble, and I am standing on a beach on the other side of time! Waiting for the tidal wave to crash.
Alec: Yeah, you're standing on a beach, and you're facing a tsunami, but you only have a bucket to change it. And yeah, you can scoop out a small amount of water from that wave, and change history slightly. But that's it. The wave still hits and it'll probably drown you. And if I'm that pebble, then progress and innovation is the wave. And it will make the world a better place. And that you can't change.
Edouard: But that's precisely my point, Alec. You're the one who convinced me I can.

[last lines]
Edouard: [to Travis] Welcome to your new home.

Edouard: Kellog is resourceful.

Edouard: What the corporation cannot own, it destroys.

[first lines]
Edouard: Twenty years ago, when the corporations bailed out our failed governments, they sold it to us as salvation. Now we see that we have paid for that rescue with our freedoms. We have awakened to the truth; we have become slaves to the corporate congress. Today, all that changes. Let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike that we have passed the torch to a new generation unwilling to permit the undoing of human rights and dignities. And let every corporation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price in order to assure the survival and success of liberty.