Top 300 Quotes From 12 Monkeys

[Katarina turns on a radio]
James: What is that?
Katarina: Music, James. And more to the point: it's a broadcast. Shortwave. From somewhere out there! What you and Dr. Railly did in 2016, changed things. Here: our records show that some of the quarantine zones didn't fall as quickly as before. So there were more survivors. Human lives spared, because we dared to challenge fate! Do you know what that is? It's hope, Mr. Cole.

Deacon: Ever since you left me behind, I have been helping you assholes.
James: Yeah? What about Elliot Jones?
Deacon: If they caught him, he would have finished Titan, and trust me, that is the last thing you want. Olivia's playing a long game, and she is going to win, because you suck at it. I don't.
James: Why the hell would she trust you?
Deacon: 'Cause she sees in me that special something only another evil shit can. I'm just bad.
James: Good point.
Deacon: You had it too, when we first met, so that you could live to fight another day. James... hate me if you want, but you got one chance left. Like it or not, it's me.

James: So, he pushed you out, left you for dead, and now you want the Witness. So maybe for the first time, we both want the same thing.
Olivia: It's been decades since I've seen you, but your eyes... they're much older.
James: Why don't we talk about Titan?
Olivia: You've been chasing it, haven't you? To the very edge of time? Only now, you're an inch from falling over.
James: How long are we gonna keep doing this, huh? Me and you, back and forth?
Olivia: That's your problem, James. You imagine that we're equals.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: Hey, we need to come up with a game plan for when we find Leland Goines.
James: We find him, I kill him. That's it.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No! No, you can't just walk in there and murder someone.
James: 1 for 7 billion? That math works for me.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: That might not solve the problem. Whatever this guy's done to create this plague might already be under way. No, let's say you stop him, how will you know if the future is changed?
James: Oh, we'll know. I'll be erased.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You mean you'll... You're gonna die?
James: No, it's... It's not death. It's something else. It's... this me will never have been from that moment forward. It's complicated. It's okay - I knew this was a one-way trip coming in.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: And then what about the future?
James: It'll be rewritten into something better. Plague will never have happened. My time will be gone. Trust me, there's nothing there worth saving.

Dr. Henri Toussaint: Nature doesn't break, it only bends.

Dr. Henri Toussaint: If you want Jennifer to do something, you ask her not to. Took me years to figure that out.

Jennifer: When I was a kid, I used to keep a diary - all the rules I wanted to break and all the wacky shenanigans needed for success. But, I'd always, always get caught. I'd go and do a thing, and there she'd be, Mommy-not-so-dearest. How did she know? Hm! My diary. Turns out, I was writing about the future in the past tense. #PrimaryProblems.

Katarina: We may not have all of the answers we seek... but tonight, we have each other, and that, in this moment, is enough.

James: You buried me?
Alternate: I watched you die. We stumbled upon this place together. Soldiers beat the hell out of us.
James: Yeah, that happened.
Alternate: You took a hit. You never woke up.
James: That didn't happen.

[Chechnya, in 2015]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: [on the phone] Aaron, it's me. Cole's not here, I'm sure. I've bribed officials, talked to locals, and now I'm standing in front of the blast site. No one survived. And there's no body. He did it. He saved the future. He was erased. It's over.

Dr. Julian Adler: This is a simulation of the current time stream as we know it. When we initiate the Primary code sequence...
Jennifer: The serpent's free! Only traveling in one direction again.
Dr. Julian Adler: The loops are broken, erased.
Katarina: Julian, show me those splinter coordinates again.
Dr. Julian Adler: You were right, Katarina. These dates do not represent all our splinters.
Katarina: No, only Mr. Cole's. This is every time he has traveled, every moment he has affected the time stream. It's his entire life. This was never about splintering. This was designed to destroy a Djinn, and a Djinn cannot be deleted from just one moment. It has to be removed from every moment. The Primaries built a machine to erase James Cole.
Jennifer: No. Cole can't be a Djinn. You said yourself, this is something that can only be born of time travel. Cole's father wasn't a traveler.
Dr. Julian Adler: His mother, Marion.
Katarina: Hannah...

Jennifer: Hecky, I asked you to please be careful with the grenades. We got a discount for a reason.

James: What is it?
Dr. Julian Adler: Titan - it's splintered to England, 1491. She's done it.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Jones.
Dr. Julian Adler: Thanks to Elliot Jones' data, we can use Titan's signature as an anchor, and with Katarina's tether telemetry as a beacon...
James: We can lock on.
Dr. Julian Adler: And send you to 1491.
James: [to Cassandra] You ready to get medieval?

Jennifer: I didn't see either of you two yestertoday. No vacations, work to finish!

James: Maybe things happen the way they do for a reason.
José: If that's true, then why undo it at all?

Agent: Nefarious characters seem to coalesce around you like bum hairs in a drain.
James: That's colorful.

[Deacon has ordered Cassie to stab the guard in the neck]
Deacon: Don't hesitate, don't miss, or we die. Clear?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I'm a doctor.
Deacon: Believe me when I tell you: 'Do no harm' died 30 years ago.

Athan: You dined here before?
Eliza: Of course not. Why?
Athan: You feign ignorance. But I decipher from your carriage that you are not from the slums that you serve. The past is merely a shadow that the present cannot hide. It stalks us.

Jennifer: Did someone find you?
Jennifer: Yeah. I got this. This guy... is history.
Jennifer: Is that a catchphrase?
Jennifer: Maybe.
Jennifer: Abort catchphrase!

James: She was right there! I could see her! I could've saved her!
James: No, you would've been killed. We would've been killed?
James: I'd rather die trying.
James: Trust me, I remember. All this... except the kick to the nutsack. I really should've remembered that one.

Katarina: The Primary code has given us the method to reset the timeline.
James: Yeah... we're running out of time, so let's get me in that thing, erase me, whatever you gotta do.
Dr. Julian Adler: We can't. It would take 3 1/2 years for our systems to compile and assemble the entire code.
Katarina: Time will collapse in a matter of hours, 12, maybe 13 at best.
James: So we go back, give ourselves the code in the past.
Dr. Julian Adler: Rendering our machine useless for all those years. We halt the mission before it even began.
Katarina: We'd never reach this point with the answer.
James: What about Titan? It's a time-traveling city. It must have a thousand times the processing power we need.
Dr. Julian Adler: Possibly, provided that one could stop Olivia's final sequence and somehow - impossibly, mind you - gain access to her systems.
Katarina: Even if we could, we have no idea where or when Titan even is. I'm sorry. If I hadn't endeavored to change history, to rewrite time, to manipulate for personal...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: James...
James: I'll listen to rest of the speech in 12 hours. Till then, we got work to do.

James: Okay. So how do we do it? We take their code, we put it in our machine...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No. No. No, this can't be it. There has to be another way. Jones? This is not how it was suppose to end.
Katarina: How was it suppose to end? The mission hasn't changed... Only our feelings.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: But if you can erase him, you can erase Olivia. There has to be another way.
Katarina: Maybe... but this what we have. We have run simulation after simul...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: But I just murdered 7 billion people. I will not murder 7 billion and 1, not when the one is worth all the rest.
Katarina: Time will be reset. They will live again.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: But he won't. He can't. He can't exist at all.
James: It's okay. Cassie...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No, it's not okay. No, it's not okay. You've given everything to time. You are owed. I am owed. Time owes all of us.

Emissary: [about Jennifer] Mother won't leave. There's something wrong with her. She's been saying a lot of strange things lately.
James: Sounds like regular Jennifer to me.

Jennifer: Look. Look before you. Listen! Listen! Listen. The thunder of fallen men! Great men, our fathers, forfeiting their world, their legacy; but not for their sons, for their wives, for their mothers. For their daughters! And when disappearing men die on their sword, we daughters shall make from twelve what men could not. Yes! An army!
Jennifer: [to a girl] You. You see it. Twelve's not a primary. No, but 13. You're a bright little monkey.

James: Jesus, will you shut up? I swear, I'd drive us into an anomaly right now if I could get away from the sound of your voice!

Katrina: Do you believe in fate?
James: Sure. Fate, karma, Santa Claus. I'm very spiritual.
Katrina: Spirituality is just science we don't understand... yet.

Katrina: Mr. Cole, you are welcome to spend the rest of your life right here on the floor of this cell. That's one option.
James: What's the other one?
Katrina: Depends. Do you believe in fate?
James: Sure... Fate, karma, Santa Claus. I'm very spiritual.
Katrina: Spirituality is just science we don't understand yet. Call it what you will, but something led you and me to this moment.
James: For what?
Katrina: A mission... one for which I believe you were destined.
James: Who are you?
Katrina: Jones is my name. You're going to help me change the world, Mr. Cole.

Aaron: I called 9-1-1.
James: What's 9-1-1?

Katarina: I've loved very few in my life. My father, a husband, briefly, and my daughter. All three murdered, by a disease in which you had a part. Why? To save the life of your child whom your barely knew?
José: You created time travel. Save your daughter. You of all people should understand.
Katarina: Understanding does not lessen my contempt for you.

Olivia: There's an expression I'm fond of - one I teach those who follow me. We honor time...
Mallick: [in flashback] ... with patience.
Deacon: That's what this was? Just a long con.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: You look good.
James: Thanks. You, uh... You look like the women we used to see in old magazines.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Which magazines?
James: I mean, uh... you look... clean.

Adam: The Army of the 12 Monkeys.
James: You know them?
Adam: CIA monitors groups all over the world. I always liked the weird ones. I remember him. A briefing. Cryptic. 1987. A war with the Yakuza in... Tokyo. Place called The White Dragon.
James: 1987. Leland said... What do they want? Why a plague?
Adam: Death, time, rebirth. Monkeys. Like hours on a clock.

James: This is a new level of crazy.
Jennifer: Crazy is as crazy does and this crazy is getting shit done.

[first lines]
Lillian: [voice-over] I want to tell you a story. About how the world ends, and the man who came back through time to stop it... and failed. For, you see, there is another traveler, one who's both the architect and witness to our destruction. And the man cannot see the other's design. The end of the beginning -... - and the beginning of the end.

Olivia: Athan Cole is dead. His cycle begets our own, and together, we will begin another. We will have our forest. Our peace. Our eternal Now. I will make for you what he could not. But first, we shall destroy our enemies where they live. You wanted the Witness to return. She has!

Striking: At last, the next cycle has begun.
Man: [about the 12] In 28 years, they'll be ready. This is quite the undertaking.
Striking: It has to be. Nothing is more important.
Man: You're certain of all this?
Striking: The Witness has spoken.
Man: But what of Jose Ramse?
Striking: On this day, November 11th of 2015, history will show that Ethan Seki will be found dead beside the accelerator he helped finance. His circle will come to an end.
Man: And James Cole?
Striking: James Cole will flee into obscurity, his future unknown to us. All of this is preordained, scripted by time, unmovable, because there is nothing more powerful than fate.

Dr. David Eckland: Only the Germans would invent a card game where the rules change halfway through. Where I come from, we just call it cheating.

Old: [to her younger self] Hello, egg. I'm chicken.

Jennifer: Blondie's just gonna have to learn. Time likes Jones just the way she is.

Katrina: Remember, Mr. Cole. Remember your mission. Everything else is secondary. And everyone you see is already dead.

James: You should get some rest.
Katrina: So should you.
James: Yeah, I never really sleep before a jump. Ramse and I usually knock a couple back. It's become a kind of pre-splinter tradition.
Katrina: Now I know why our calculations are off. It's the alcohol in your bloodstream.

Athan: There will come a time, one imagines, when even the simplest grocer will stock medicines that could have saved a millenia of corpses. You, um... you had a staph infection. A simple infection. Nothing more.
Eliza: How long have I been here?
Athan: Couple of days. I had to give you a sedative. You were lucid briefly. You put up a hell of a fight.
Eliza: And did you have your way with me?
Athan: No, that's not part of the cure. And I find you far more interesting conscious.

[Jennifer is dying]
Old: My Daughters need a Mother. Find a me who needs Daughters.
James: Resurrection.

Pallid: Did you get your answers, darling? Of course not. The one who sees all and knows all is asking us to see nothing and know nothing. It's chaos. It's beautiful. A new uncertain cycle has begun.

Athan: [voiceover] And now, I finally understand what I must do. Return to the place of my birth, and become the demon I have always feared. And I will create others. The Army of the 12 Monkeys. And then shall come a plague. So that time itself can be broken. So that one day, we will have forever. When the forest is red.

Security: I got time to do a quick shit?
Security: How-how long do you need?
Security: A three.
Security: Three?
Security: Yeah.
Security: Hours?
Security: No. No. Three hours!
Security: You said three. What're you gonna do?
Security: A number three.
Security: What's a number three?
Security: Pee and shit at the same time. 2+1=3
Security: I never heard it before. That's why I asked you. You ever do a four?
Security: Once by accident. LaGuardia Airport, 1982.
Security: Two twos with a break?
Security: No, No. Four number ones in a row.

[first lines]
Matthew: [voice-over, narrating] "There once was a serpent, who only traveled one direction. Always forward, never backward. Until one day, the serpent came upon a demon."

Elliot: The shakes. What's with the shakes?
Katarina: Splinter radiation. Lethal exposure trying to escape your masterpiece. Four weeks. Six at best.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: I know this room.
James: How?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: [hearing echoes of Olivia] Most of the blood has washed away. I've been here before. Like a memory of tomorrow. They knew this place. This moment. You.
James: What are you talking about?

Eliza: I'm an educated, learned woman, blessed with a pretty face, and most men wish to either strike me, or bed me. Now, despite all opportunity and provocation, you didn't attempt the first, which makes me believe you desire the latter.
Athan: Well...
Eliza: But you're right. I did escape my privilege with just enough education to help those who had none. And with a little bit o' the old cockney so they'd trust me with a needle. So given the choices that I've made in my life, you should understand that your, your lifestyle doesn't interest me, your ways of purchase do not impress me. But I do rightly thank you for the nurses, and I shall return them to you filthy and haggard.
[she gets up to leave]
Eliza: Please. Enjoy the beauty of your decadence.

Jennifer: This is July 21, 1966. What do you see?
James: "Climb the steps, ring the bell." You found it.
Jennifer: Yes!
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Couldn't help but notice the dead guys.

James: All right, you prep for me and Cassie. Once we're gone, you delete the files, preserve some bit of causality, and then you head back to the Emerson.
Katarina: And then what? Wait for the world to change, as it once did with you tomorrow? James, we are echoes here... following ourselves, hoping that the figure in front of us is smarter than we are. First Leland, then Athan, then each other, now Olivia. How high a wall of bodies must we build to see the curve of history? Same loops, same mistakes, over and over and over. The snake.
James: Eating its own tail. Jennifer's drawings... visions, voices in her head. She was on to something.
Katarina: We are stuck here. We are blind. Ms. Goines is the only one of us who can see.
James: We need to get back in the game. But we can't do anything without a machine.
Katarina: Mr. Ramse is right. At this moment in time, I hadn't perfected it. I was then lost as I am now, trusting only... Wait here for Dr. Railly. Stay out of sight until I find you. There's something I need to do.

Deacon: [as Cole enters] Hey look, it's Time Jesus!

Dr. Cassandra Railly: What's your name? You know mine already.
James: Cole.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: All right... Cole, let's talk about this.
James: Nothing to talk about. You don't know who Leland Frost is. That means they sent me back too early.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What do you mean "too early"?
James: Too far back in the past.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: This is the present.
James: No, this is the past. 2043 is the present.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You think you're from the future. Okay, why did they send you back in time, Cole?
James: About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague, a virus, that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You saw my lecture. Okay, listen to me, Cole. I know you really believe these things, but they're not real.
James: [shows her a watch] I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: That's just like mine.
James: It's not just like yours. This is your watch... from my time, your future. This is your watch.

Pallid: [seeing Arianna dead] Oh, dear.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: How did you do this?
Pallid: Magdalena. She came back in time and warned us about what you were gonna do.
[flashback; Magalena is approached by a version of herself from the future]
Magdalena: [handing herself a knife] The Mother will try to harm herself. Arianna will help her.
Magdalena: Thank you for your sacrifice.
Pallid: [the flashback ends] You know, your son will always know that you chose death over him. Now the Witness is no longer safe, which is why the remainder of your days here will be less, uh... comfortable.

Jennifer: You need to do *something* but *nothing*. Think about it!

Katarina: If I were being forced to bet my life on a mission, I'd prefer it would be one of hope, rather than revenge.

Katarina: How can we defeat an enemy from our own future?

James: I'm the demon.

James: All right, you had your fun. You got some shots in. Now tell me what I need to know.
James: Okay. What do you need to know?
James: Jesus Christ, you came to me! Cassie, Ramse. You know more than me, so let's hear it, future asshole!
James: [he laughs] Jones is right.
James: About what?
James: You are a rabid dog.
James: Okay.
James: You're blind.
James: I'm blind. Then tell me what I'm missing. Tell me the future.
James: Jennifer.
James: Jennifer Goines?
James: Turns out the key to the universe is chock full of nuts.

The: You know, whatever battle you're about to walk into together... it won't be your hatred for each other that will divide you. It will be the lies you tell to camouflage it.

James: What happened to you in Titan?
Jennifer: Titan? Whoosh! 1917! Bombs, bullets, balloons, baguettes!

Jennifer: One does not simply walk into Mordor.
Deacon: That's some Tolkien shit, right?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Deacon: I snoozed through those.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: Notice anything weird about that place?
James: I'm from the apocalypse. Everything here looks weird to me.

Katarina: You killed Elliot.
Deacon: I kept you in the game, Jones. Look, Elliot is dead now, but double down, reset time, and you and him and your daughter will be arguing about dishes in the sink, while me and my brother open a bar, and we raise a glass to the people we didn't have to kill to get here.

Jennifer: What needs to be done, first and foremost, what needs to be done to save the world, Cole?
James: Get you to stop talking?

[last lines]
The: [finding Sebastian dead] We will meet again, old friend.
[takes off his mask]
Athan: When the forest is red.

[Deacon is questioning Ramse about why he has helped the 12 Monkeys create the plague]
José: My son. He lives here. I didn't want to erase this world, with him in it.
Deacon: Aww. Father - of - the - year.
José: You know a little someth'n about that, right? Fathers? You ever hear of a place called New Rochelle, New York? Wilmont Road? A little blue house, and it had white trim. I was parked out front, back in, uh... 2013. Heard a man and woman fighting inside, in the house. He chases her out, and, uh... grabs her hair. Starts beating her up. Two little boys run out.You know, chasing after her. And the oldest was crying, and he, he kept on crying, even when the cops came and... took his Daddy away. Theodore - William - Deacon. That was you. I came to see you. I wanted to see how you became what you are. You know, I think your Daddy, he would've gone all the way. He would've killed your Mom right there. If the cops hadn't come. You should thank me. For calling them. Are you mad, Deac, that I saw you that day? You cried. Sad little boy.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: You're willing to do what is needed and I'm not. I can't. I just want to heal people. Fix things.
James: That's good. You don't wanna be like me.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No.

[first lines]
Dr. David Eckland: You know, the skeptic in me finds it hard to believe that all this is the result of the murder of a few crazy people back in time.
Katarina: It's not just murder. They're paradoxing a Primary, removing a vital string in the fabric of time. It's unwinding before our eyes. This is causality driven insane. Won't be long before it will devour past, present and future, destroying all of mankind.
Dr. David Eckland: Hell on Earth? You're not going all biblical on me now, are you, Kat?

Col. Jonathan Foster: Those days we spent trapped underground, surrounded by all those books, human beings, gone. But their voices were still with us, thriving. We had hope. They were better times.
Katarina: Yes, they were.
Col. Jonathan Foster: You and I were better too.
Katarina: We were.
Col. Jonathan Foster: You were the most brilliant woman I had ever known.
Katarina: But I was also something else.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Yes? And what's that?
Katarina: A mother.
[she shoots him]

Katarina: Sometimes the only way to know what's left in us is to see what's at the bottom.

Jennifer: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

[Goines is not impressed by the prospect of buying the frozen corpse of a Himalayan man]
Leland: I want... no - need a stellar sample from the past. And that ain't it.
Nakano: This particular piece is far more valuable than you think, Mr. Goines.
Leland: You have the balls to ask me for a half a mil in devalued US currency for some... Himalayan roadkill? No domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.

Whitley: We need your help.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Is that so? What did she do now? Please tell me that she isn't still grinding scavengers into that machine.
José: Project Splinter. It worked.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Katarina sent someone back in time?
Whitley: She did.
Col. Jonathan Foster: Well, then, how are we still having this conversation? Now? Where is that utopian wunderland she promised us?
Whitley: It's not that simple.
Col. Jonathan Foster: That I believe.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: I hate time travel.

Col. Jonathan Foster: I, too, wish that the plague had never happened. The great minds lost, your daughter, my wife. But equally, I mourn the loss of who you might've been. I would so have loved to have seen her, instead of this.
Katarina: And very soon, you will.

Katarina: [to Olivia] My machine takes but a fraction of a second to deconstruct the human body, yet it takes the brain roughly twice as long to process pain. In short, the subject is pieced back together before it can feel the agony of having been torn apart. Unless I decrease the relay speed. In that case, it opens a window for... Well, you'll see. Have a wonderful trip.

Emma: We must be patient, Mother.
Olivia: Mother? I have no daughter, only a piece of myself to be where I cannot. I built you to achieve great heights, not fall from them. Finish Titan.

Jennifer: Everything's changing. Green to red. Everything's changing. Green to red. Everything's changing.

James: We're done. The answers we're looking for aren't in Titan.
Katarina: Where are they?
James: [handing her the newspaper clipping his future self gave him] In the past, with Jennifer. We have to find her.
Katarina: And Dr. Railly?
James: She's not the mission.

Jennifer: Don't worry, Cole, be happy.
James: What is wrong with you?

Dr. Cassandra Railly: You're not safe here anymore, especially around me. You need to find someplace else to stay for a while, someplace I don't know about. If the witness can find me, he can find you too.
Jennifer: Okay, please know that I appreciate the irony of what I'm about to say, but what if it was all in your head?

James: [holding two thugs at gunpoint, who've just come out of a bakery with big metal cases] That don't look like bread, cupcake.
Thug: Who the hell are you?
José: Health inspector, shithead. Surprise inspection. Drop your gun.
James: "Health inspector"?
José: What?
James: I think you could've done a little better, that's all.
José: Well, if your plan wasn't half-baked...
James: Nice. Got me when I yeast expected it.

[previously skeptical of Cole's story, Aaron witnesses him splintering back to 2043]
Aaron: Holy shit!

James: [about the grotesque remains of a human body] What the hell is that thing?
Jennifer: The origin... of my father's virus.

Jennifer: No means no! Take back the night! Stop the insanity!

Aaron: You're no savior, Cole. You're just a savage.
James: You want to know what makes a savage? Seeing shit no kid should ever see and then doing the same thing to survive. I was just a boy, watching the world die, alone. Now I know who I have to thank for that.
[he punches Aaron in the face]

José: What about numbers?
Jennifer: [She turns back to him] I love numbers, especially primaries.
José: [He takes a step towards her] What about the number Twelve?
Jennifer: Twelve's not a primary.
[She says shaking her head and turning walks away]

Jennifer: Well, it ain't Heaven. Just the Keys.
James: Jennifer?
Jennifer: Hi, Otter Eyes.
James: Is this real?
Jennifer: Kind of the wrong one to ask. What did I always say to you about endings? The right one...
James: Is the one - the one that you choose.
Jennifer: But sometimes... it's the one someone else chooses for them.

James: I can feel your breath on my neck.
José: Do ya like that? No?

[last lines]
Lillian: [voice-over] I told you, this is a story about how the world ends. One that begins at the end, and ends... at the beginning.

José: Sam's dead. She found him twenty years ago. The Witness was after her, and... he got caught in the middle.

José: Coffee's not bad.
James: [drinking a Tab] I'll stick with this. This is good.
José: You ever had coffee?
James: Yeah, I used to make coffee all the time when we were scavs.
José: That wasn't coffee.
James: What do you mean "that wasn't coffee"? What was it? Seriously, what was it?

[Cassie sticks Jennifer with a needle]
Jennifer: Ow! Sedatives for a concussion? My malpractice case against you is growing by leaps and bounds.

Katarina: Goodbye, Jonathan. For now.

José: That's got their attention.
James: [sets the detonator] Let's make sure. You're set to pop.
José: How does it work?
James: Gimme your hand, Louise.
José: Oh, God.
[Cole and Ramse splinter away and the car explodes]

James: Look, is this really what you want, people being executed in the hallways?
Katarina: Mr. Cole, very little in my life consists of what I want.

Olivia: You're too late. It's drawn all it needs. Now all we have to do is wait till the end of time. Soon you and him will be in that house forever. I know it's your perfect moment.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No, this is.
[she knocks Olivia into the path of the tether beam killing her]

Katarina: I need to see this to the end. I have to.
Jennifer: You will. I'm here. I'll push you until the clocks stop and the road runs out.

Dr. Ed: The kid with the bug bite and the rash.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I told you, it's lyme...
Dr. Ed: Look, I went through this whole book. I've called every colleague I have. Not one of them has ever heard of anything calling Lyme disease, or watermelon disease, or potato disease, either. Look, I got really good marks in med school.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: The patient needs Penicilin V or he'll die. Trust me. Have I been wrong yet?

Dr. Cassandra Railly: You're insane.
Pallid: No, insanity and rationality may be on opposite sides of the animal, but lately, Doctor, the snake is eating its own tail. And if you were to ask *him*, he would tell you that 99.9% of all species that have ever existed, are now extinct. The natural order.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Him? You mean God?
Pallid: No, no. Not God. The Witness.

James: "The demon cursed the serpent, driving it insane, causing it to eat its own tail. The serpent was blind. But a few knew the serpent's true path. So they created a weapon to destroy the demon. But it never did. The Seers soon discovered that the only one who could wield the weapon... Was the Demon itself. So the serpent was doomed to circle in madness forever."
Jennifer: How did you know that story?
Bonham: Because he is James Cole. Besides the name, they spoke of something else. The Djinn. The endless cycle. I believe you're now on your way to breaking it.
[Cole unlocks the Ouroboros and takes out a scroll]
Bonham: What is it?
James: It's a time and a place.
Jennifer: It's a new mission.

James: Where's Titan?
Olivia: You're not an adversary. You're an annoyance, like a drum that won't stop drumming. You keep asking, "Where is Titan?", but what you really mean is, "Where is she?"

Dr. Cassandra Railly: How did you survive the paradox at the book store?
Pallid: Oh, me? Um... I have really good genes.

Adviser to the Witness: The central spire is capable of splintering by itself. We can run. All we have to do is stop the sequence and release...
Olivia: Do not stop the sequence! It must finish, or else the process will reverse entirely. They don't have the numbers. Take as many faithfuls you can get. Destroy their machine. It's the only weapon they have.

Jennifer: This mission is a trap.
Olivia: Life is a trap. What we decide moment to moment determines our survival.
Jennifer: Huh. How's that working for you?
Olivia: I'd call it misfortune.

James: We need more time. Gotta stop that bomb.
Jennifer: Uh, you want to *save* Hitler? That's the opposite of what you do with a time machine.

James: It was a machine. We didn't get a chance to figure out when it was gonna send me. The beginning, the end...
Katarina: It doesn't matter. Olivia's the center... A Djinn created by time travel, no true beginning, no true end, and thus unbreakable. She's our demon.

Server: [Cole is obsessively staring at a random painting during the party] Excuse me, sir? Would you like a tandoori skewer?
James: [Cole awkwardly takes every skewer off the plate he was offering] Thanks.

Jennifer: Leland Goines, my father, was just a man. But what kind of man? A charitable man, a giving man, a wise man, and, most importantly, a family man. Except that my father was none of those things. No. My father was only ever a Markridge man.

Dr. Julian Adler: [in 2043] Mr. Cole barely made it alive to 1987. You saw what condition he was in, and that was before the splinter to 2015. God knows what further damage that did.
Katarina: He survived. But he won't come back.
Dr. Julian Adler: So, that's all? We just... abandon him, then?
Katarina: I'm afraid it is we who are abandoned, Dr. Adler. Mr. Cole is just... a memory now - as the past was intended to be. This morning, yesterday, or thirty years, it's all just a million firing neurons. Given meaning by the human mind. We'll all be there, eventually.

Katarina: They haven't jumped since we lost them in London. So they're either still there, or...
Olivia: They've found a way to conceal their movements. Jennifer have anything useful?
Katarina: [showing her one of Jennifer's drawings] Yeah, she calls it "the end."
Olivia: The Witness's return to Titan.
Katarina: What do you make of it? Prophecy or bullshit?
Olivia: You're a scientist. Your mind marches in a logical direction. Jennifer's thought process is more random. Past, present, future, all at once. Primaries are driven to insanity by it. They don't see the gift.
Katarina: Do I detect envy?
Olivia: Wouldn't you like to see the puzzle from above?

James: I need to use the machine.
Alternate: If I fire this thing up, it's gonna drain us. We're not gonna have any power left.
James: I can undo all this - put things back the way they're supposed to be.
Alternate: These people, they depend on me. I gotta look out for their future.
James: There is no future. "Whatever the world is now, it doesn't have to be this." Remember? I can change it.
Whitley: You're not actually considering this. If you turn this thing on, we'll bleed the core out. We'll be done. We can't survive.
Alternate: Maybe we're not supposed to.

Katarina: [in 2041] You. Your name is Cole? I've been waiting for you.

Katarina: The worst thing about betrayal is that it never comes from one's enemies.

Dr. Henri Toussaint: [about the virus spreading on Haiti] What do you think this thing is?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Something we shouldn't underestimate.

Magdalena: It is a remarkable thing to be raised to raise a child. Shaped in order to shape. Taught to teach.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I'm his mother.
Magdalena: Hmm. The mother is not the belly that bears the child, but the hands that cradle, the voice that soothes the crying, the face it sees, and thinks to itself... "Love."

James: Just act natural.
Jennifer: I am a natural actor, but I've never acted naturally in my life.

James: Listen, man - you know I love...
José: Oh, what are you doing?
James: What?
José: You don't say that.
James: Say what?
José: You never say that.
James: No, I was gonna say, I love whisky, and we should go find some and drink it.
José: No you weren't, you were gonna declare your undying love for me, brother.
James: Don't flatter yourself, okay?
José: I heard you.
James: You're emotional right now. I heard that happens to new parents.
José: Listen, I'm not being emotional. You're being an asshole.
[both laugh]
José: [quietly] Me too.

James: How long was I asleep?
Aaron: You've been in and out of it for the last few days. I wouldn't exactly call what you were doing 'sleeping'. I've seen boxing matches that looked more restful.

Dr. Ed: We weren't sure if you'd ever wake up. You sustained quite a few injuries. The trauma to your head was...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What happened?
Dr. Ed: The factory. Some kind of explosion.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Cole. Where's Cole?
Dr. Ed: We haven't had any patients from the explosion besides you for six months. It's a miracle you're still alive.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Six months?
Dr. Ed: You were out for quite some time. The explosion happened in 1957. It's now 1958.

[last line of the series]
James: Where are you right now? Somewhere safe? Warm? Next to someone you love? Someday, all that will be gone. Time passes how it's meant to. All that matters... is now. Happily ever... now.

Hannah: Mothers die for their children. Yours died protecting you.
James: What was she like?
Hannah: Lost, I think. She always said she felt trapped between two worlds, the one she was raised in and this one, the world she came to know. She grew up without her mother. Never knew her father. I don't think she realized that how much it shaped her, until she was faced with the idea of giving you up.
James: So she left, handed me off to my dad with nothing but that bullshit story.
Hannah: No. The story's not over yet, James.

James: Each of us has a role to play here. Stick to it, no matter what. We all know what we're jumping into. Mission comes first, each other last. Not matter what, we get the bell.

Jennifer: Hey, asshole! Say hello to Future Asshole.

Mallick: We honor time with patience.

Olivia: Thank you for confirming what I always knew. He's far too soft to turn on you all. I just needed a bloodhound. And we finds them, I will kill him... And everyone you love. I will hurt them, break them, twist them around, and bleed them dry. And no weapon will stop me. And I will do this... because I have seen, Katarina. I know, because I am the Witness.

Deacon: You know, I could kill all day every day for the rest of my life, and I still wouldn't touch your body count.
José: Wasn't murder, history as it was.
Deacon: True, you'd have to step up to be a murderer. No, you just whispered in the ear of the trigger man. You are Lady Macbeth, at best.
José: I never pegged you as a reader.
Deacon: Books didn't die in the apocalypse, boys.

Young: I'll be curious... someday to know what just occurred to you.
Katarina: Maybe there is a way. Maybe... You realize that you cannot remember this moment.
Young: Benzodiazepine and a half bottle of whiskey? By morning, you're a dream - a hallucination at best. Go. Fix it. Oh, wait, wait! Before you leave, dear God - tell me this: how do I get these damn tethers working?
Katarina: Stop thinking about machine programming so linearly. Time isn't a straight line. It's a curve. It bends around itself, growing while it turns. Programming with an algorithmic spiral. Just a warning: I'm about to make your life very difficult.
Young: You always have.

Lillian: Who are you?
James: Cole.
Lillian: Are you real, Cole?
James: Yes.
Lillian: [turns to look at Cole] Hm. No, you're not him. I'm insane, and you're my insanity.

Olivia: James and Dr. Railly are tracking their son, which means they're learning to think like him. There are no straight lines. The Witness knows this. So stop thinking linearly.

José: You know how this shit works, no straight lines. Okay, chicken, egg... omelette.

[first lines]
José: Please tell me you're not praying right now. Lady, you don't seem like the type, secondly, it scares me, the fact that you might need some divine intervention bringing our boy back home.
Katarina: I'll take whatever I can get.

Nicodemus: The Primaries, they came from all over the world. They envisioned it from its inception to its execution. They claimed it will render the demon a fate worse then death.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: There is no fate worse than death.
James: Sure there is. To have never existed at all.

Old: There are many endings. Today is one of them.

Jennifer: [about the Splinter Vest] Wait. This isn't yours. It's...
James: It is now.
Jennifer: I think Athan always knew it was a one-way trip. All he wanted to do is save you.
James: Well, he did.
Jennifer: Are you okay?
James: That was a while ago for me.
Jennifer: Which Cole are you?
James: The last one I'm ever gonna be. My friends have been calling me Future Asshole. Listen, you need to find the other me. Your Cole. A lot's gonna happen. It has to for me to get here. He's looking for you. Tracked you all the way here. He'll be by the Charles Bridge tomorrow. Sun up. One last thing. Get him a cheeseburger.

James: [Cassie has found him in 1959] What are you doing here?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What are you doing here?
James: The house? It's mine. I bought it.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Why this house?
James: I was driving by, saw the "for sale" sign. It needs a lot of work. The hospital; they weren't sure if you were ever gonna wake up. But I knew you would.

Seer: When I drink, I can see them.
Jennifer: Who?
Seer: The ones who sent you here from long ago.
Jennifer: Primaries? When/where are they? I need to talk to them. I need to see what you see.
[picks up drink]
Seer: You must not. Death is there. A watcher. Looking for you.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Olivia.
Seer: The Witness must never know of the weapon that the Seers have made for you.
James: A weapon to destroy the demon. How do we find it?
Seer: Climb the steps. Ring the bell.
Jennifer: Climb the steps. Ring the bell. I-I used to hear that all the time in my head.

James: Never thought I'd see Jones packing.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: And not every caterpillar becomes a... butterfly.

Katarina: We don't fix the core, mission is over.

Olivia: You'll upend the tables of history to save the ones you love. But me, you left behind. You really don't remember?
James: Remember what?
Olivia: How I was made. I was raised in a box. I was bled, I was tested. Then one day, I was set free and fooled into another. They called it a cycle. All it really was? Just another box.

Jennifer: Horsemen without horses. Paradox in a box.

Katarina: Ms. Goines? The Daughters - My daughter will be exceptionally lucky. Hannah was - will be an amazing woman because of you.
Jennifer: The actor does not say good-bye to her audience, only good night, and then wakes up and does it all over again.

Jennifer: I want you to take this moment, and think back to the day we met. To the person I was then. Crazy, wild-eyed, Jennifer Goines. Well, the good old days are over. I'm not a victim anymore. I've got credit cards and the Second Amendment on my side. I'm free. Like a virus in a preschool, I'm paying it forward to all the other crazies. I've got the keys to the zoo and now I'm springing the cuckoo's nest. There's a new pack in town. Predators with a purpose and a thirst for vengeance. Because there's one thing I've learned, is that nothing frees you to be crazy like learning that you're not. My whole life, people tried to use me, break me, shape me, mold me into not me. Daddy had that doctor lock me away, but my father wasn't the only one he was working for, was he? Hmm-mm. You tried to lock me in a cage too... like an animal. So I became one. Guess which animal I became. Guess. Here's a hint. Of all creatures great and cuddly which is the natural predator of the monkey? The hyena. These are the end times, Tall Man, but not for humanity. I'm coming for you.

James: The Witness.
José: Olivia?
James: She killed your son... mine... and in a few hours, everyone and everything.
José: You said that I told you not to undo this.
James: Yeah, and I won't. Once this over, you have go back, die that night, or else we'll never end up here. And I have to climb in that machine and be erased from everything.
José: Jesus.
James: And if we're going out... we're taking that bitch with us. I need you for that.

Oliver: Scientifically speaking, this guy is an impossibility. Look, this is the neural activity of a normal brain working compels mathematics. This - That's our friend in there. That is grand mal seizure activity without the chaos or the damage.
Leland: Hmm.
Oliver: Take a look at his adrenal glands.
Leland: They're on overdrive. Explains how he took down all that security.
Oliver: Right, but nothing explains his psychiology. Look, Markridge is the cutting edge of biotechnology, but this guy? This guy is a flesh-and-blood molecular computer. Programmed for what? No clue. We'll have to ask him. But I can tell you this Cole person is a product of advancements way past us... by 20 years, maybe more.

Hannah: Out there, in the wilderness, there were nighttime stories. The terrible Dr. Grimm. She lived in the smoke-stack building, stealing people from the road to feed her machine. Vagabonds and awful children. These stories were meant to scare us into being good. Only, they frightened me from being bad. I've killed more men than rabbits and deer, but the stories stayed with me. So I've sat with the creatures I've hunted, held the hands of dying men, to be merciful, never cruel. Because if not, I'm just that doctor in her smoke-stack building.

Deacon: Glad to see Cassie's cleaning up your mess.
James: My mess? How's that now?
Deacon: Well, weren't you supposed to save the world? Bang up job, love the red skies.

Aaron: So how do you know each other?
James: She bought me a cheeseburger.

Jennifer: Don't know about monkeys, don't know about primaries. Wasted trip. Next time, vet your sources better.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: YOU were my source, in 2044. You sent me here. Said you could tell me everything about the other primaries. You conveniently left out the part about your BFF pulling a gun on us.
Jennifer: Maybe every version of me thinks you're kind of a bitch.

James: You still don't believe me, do you?
Aaron: I believe that this cult is real, but, no, I don't think you're Marty McFly.
James: Who?

James: [Cole, jumping through the times, is finding himself attached to a hospital bed] Oh, yeah - this is where I meet...
Jennifer: Who are you?
James: Hey Jennifer, I'm Cole.
Jennifer: Are you real, Cole?
James: Listen, I'm sorry I can't stick around. But do me a favor. From this point forward, don't ever call me Otter-eyes again.

Katrina: Mr. Ramse. Have you ever heard Mozart? Or Beethoven? Debussy, Bach? He was my favorite. You're too young to remember.
José: I remember enough.
Katrina: It wasn't just... the people. It was the ideas. The paintings. Rembrandt, Caravaggio. The books. Shakespeare. Tolstoy. And... and the music. Oh, the music. Go. Go call me a monster.
José: [referring to the experiments] This is wrong.
Katrina: This was necessary! You don't think I felt the pain of those men?
José: You kept going!
Katrina: Because in a thousand generations, we could not rebuild what was lost! What is the lives of a few people, compared to the whole of human history? Without it, there's nothing. Nothing, no future. Just... just drifting. In the ocean of time. No shore in sight.

James: Hold on to this. We are going to need it again, about one minute ago.

James: My dad used to say a thing: "The only failure is giving up."

[Cassie and Jones are threatening each other]
Katarina: It's time for you to go.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I have a gun.
Katarina: Yes. But I have a knife, and unlike your gun, my knife is real.

Katarina: I'm sending you all to Montana, 1852. A period where pioneers found hope and expedient demise in the New World. Make no mistake, this wilderness is as wild and as the animals within it; ravenous and untamed.

James: You didn't know me before. Before we met, I killed people for nothing. For scraps. Families. I did whatever I had to do.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: But you did it to survive.
James: Did I? I just killed the only conscience I've ever had. And now I find out that the man behind the apocalypse is my son. So I get it now.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Get what?
James: If there's something wrong with him. something inside that makes him... he got it from me.

James: Sometimes you got to lose to win.

[Jones has told Ramse about the experiments on people, which made time travel and the project to save humankind possible]
José: You better wake up, lady. In case you haven't noticed, it's not working! Nothing's changed! We're still here. And all you got is blood on your hands.

Kyle: You're not worthy. You're just like the others. You were meant to protect me.
James: Only from a paradox.
Kyle: I'm The Immortal. I'm not supposed to die.
James: Everybody dies.

José: [having brought Olivia to Jones] I saw her at Titan. Whole place went up in smoke, and there she was, like she was just waiting for it.
Katarina: Or you.
José: How would I know?
Katarina: You did work with her for a quarter century, helped her profit off history. Markridge, the plague, Project Splinter. I'd say you know her better than most.
José: She broke off from them in 2016, and her and the Witness have been in a dogfight ever since.
Katarina: Well, then she had thirty years to knock on our door.
José: Or maybe it's bullshit. But it's bullshit that I thought you should know.
Katarina: Mr. Ramse, this place is so steeped in bullshit. It's the truth that I find hardest to believe.
José: I gave you the enemy of your enemy giftwrapped in a bow. Could I see my friend now?
Katarina: After all you've done, huh? After all that we've done to each other. Come on, you and I know better. My friend's friend is no more trustworthy than my enemy's enemy.

Katarina: It's definitely M5-10.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: We never knew how it was released.
James: We do now.
Katarina: If they only had one remaining sample.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Well, this this is how you maximize its impact: turn a building of innocent people into traveling time bombs.

Thomas Crawford Jr.: Remember, James. The only failure is giving up.

James: How long was I out?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Almost three days.
James: What?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Whoa, no, whoa, hold on. You're not exactly 100% yet.
James: Ugh.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Although you do heal fast, like, unusually fast. You're lucky. The bullet passed clean through. You know, the one you took before you... disappeared.
James: Splintered.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Is that what you call it?
James: That's what they call it. You believe me now. You don't think I'm crazy?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No crazier than I am. I mean, I just sewed up a bullet wound I saw you get two years ago. I don't know what I believe, but... you're here.
James: Okay. All right, we got to move.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: W-whoa, hold on. Cole, you've just been shot. Your body has been traumatized. You need time to recover.
James: No, no, no. I don't have time.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: But I just need a second here.
James: We got to go. No, no, no, we don't have a second! We have to...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Stop! You have no idea what the last two years have been for me. It's been three days for you, but it's been years for me.
James: Listen, Dr. Railly...
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Yeah, it's not really doctor anymore. It's kind of hard to keep your practice when everyone thinks you're a lunatic. Now, you asked me to be here, and I am... but I have a lot of goddamn questions.
James: You're right. It's been a long time for you. You deserve some answers.

Katarina: Mr. Cole and Dr. Railly are lost in time. This anomaly is threatening to kill us all. I don't have the time to break on through to the other side with you.
Jennifer: Jim Morrison. Primary.

Alternate: Your Dr. Railly was murdered - shot in 2015.
James: They must've killed her after I splintered.
Alternate: Looks like her death was the point of divergence. Somehow, her absence must have caused the plague to be released a year earlier in Chechnya. She must have been very important.
James: She was. She is.

[Jones shows Cole the "machine"]
James: The hell is that thing?
Katarina: That is our salvation. The virus is not yet done with us, Mr. Cole. It will mutate, again and again, until not even the immune are left standing. There's only one way to end it. And you are the key. I want to send you back, to stop the plague before it ever happens.
James: That's impossible.
Katarina: Nothing is impossible. Difficult, yes. Dangerous. Not impossible. But there will be a price. If we are to reset time, all this before you will vanish. This world will cease to exist. This dark time must be sacrificed, to restore a brighter one. We have no other choice. And if all this disappears, so, too, shall we. And you and I, we will start anew. All humanity depends on us. But they will never know what we have done. And I'm grateful for that. So tell me, Mr. Cole. Will you help me?
James: Go to hell.

Jennifer: You know what the one difference between you and my mother is?
Olivia: What?
[Jennifer stabs Olivia]
Jennifer: I get to say goodbye to you.

Old: I think you need a guide, another primary.
James: Like you?
Old: Ha, this me? I'm no spring chicken anymore. Can't see 'em like I used to in my head. It happens as we age, the voices fade.
James: What about the you from 2016?
Old: Now she's got the touch! She's got the power!

Jennifer: Wise are those who know that they are not wise.

Adviser to the Witness: Katarina. You know the sad reality of luck is that it can only be defined by how long... it doesn't last.

James: I was sent back in time to kill a man. That was supposed to fix everything. It didn't. So I killed more people. Nothing changed. And then I saved someone. Someone who should've died. And *that*, that is what changed things. It's the only thing that's ever made any difference.

James: [Cole gently presses Cassie's hand] Cassie.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You and I both know that we're gonna lose so much before this is over.
James: I'd rather have that moment and lose it than die never having had it at all.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You say that now. But it's the losing that haunts us.

Katrina: Mr. Cole, did you find him?
James: Yeah, I found him.
Katrina: Then you failed your mission. You were to eliminate him before he could release the plague.
James: Leland's dead. I killed him, just like you wanted me to. You were wrong, Killing him didn't change anything. There were others. There were always others?
Katrina: "Others?" Others, who? Mr. Cole, who?
James: The Army of the 12 Monkeys.

Pallid: That's unfair. You know, time is cruel. You know, I watched the ones I loved die, defeated by time. In the end, we all lose... Yet you may win... if you choose to. Goodbye, Cassandra.

Lillian: Some happiness is better than a lifetime of anything else. Death can be undone, James. Love cannot.

Katarina: Ms. Goines... remember, your plan... your mission... your responsibility. If it goes awry, please have the good sense to pull back.
Jennifer: Any other words, Jonesy?
Katarina: Don't fuck up.
Jennifer: A real Tony Robbins, this one.

Samuel: [shoots his Dad and Cole with rubber bands] Got you. You're both dead.
José: Nice job, buddy.
James: You're supposed to be watching my back, man. You're high-fiving the enemy?
Samuel: Dead means no talking.
José: Oh, man, I think I got a flesh wound.
James: Avenge me, brother.

Jennifer: Maybe time won't let you kill Jones. Maybe time likes time travel.

James: I didn't come here today to save Cassie. This is a long fight. You're only halfway there. It's gonna hurt. Things inside of you are gonna break. Things you never even knew you had. I'm gonna tell you something I probably shouldn't. It's probably screwing with all that causality bullshit Jones used to go on about. You're gonna have to forgive yourself for what you've done. For what you're gonna have to do. There's a beginning, and there's an end to all this. And all you and I are ever gonna have is what's in between.
[indicating Cassie's watch]
James: Wearing this... means that somehow, somewhere, you're always gonna find your way back to her.
[the other James senses the time splinter coming]
James: Time to go.
[handing him the news clipping about Jennifer]
James: See you soon.
[James splinters back to his time; after a moment, Cassie approaches]
James: That was harder than I thought it was gonna be.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You told him there was hope.
James: I had to get here somehow.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You know there's another way.
James: No. There's not.

Striking: We should talk about James Cole.
José: He's not a concern.
Striking: How can you be so sure?
José: I killed him. In '87. That was his last jump. You have a working virus now. It's over. What's next?
Striking: The plague. And the coming of the 12.

Alternate: If you can't be right, at least be brave.

Jennifer: Imaginary friends aren't supposed to be dicks.
Jennifer: Yeah, yeah. Just bustin' your balls, psycho.

Katarina: It took months, but I watched time repair itself. The Red Forest is gone, for now. A memory of tomorrow.

Jennifer: We have to go monkey hunting. Okay, what's the natural predator of the monkey?... Hyena! Like a pack of hyenas! We'll take the fight to them, Cassie!

Adam: America keeps her secrets in a glass case with a sign that says, "Do not break." But I have a hammer, and I will set you free.

Jennifer: [of Olivia] That is not a woman. It's a chameleon. Whatever you see is what she wants you to see. And if she smiles at you, it's because she wants you dead. That isn't someone who's ever been anywhere she didn't want to be.

Dr. Henri Toussaint: Somewhere in the world, there's a dark corner, needs a doctor. There always is.

Jennifer: You guys, did... did we just save Hitler?
Deacon: [holding up the detonator] Maybe not.
Jennifer: Is this what I think it is?
Deacon: Jawohl.

James: Ramse and I, we, uh... we had rules for ourselves. Never kill in anger, only for self-defense. And that became food and shelter. There was one day we raided this farmhouse. And there was this... old couple. The husband went down easy. But the old lady, she, uh... she was quick. She got a knife in me before I... And, uh... so I did it. She, uh... she looked up at me, and she smiled. Like she forgave me! And I never knew it before that moment. That was what I wanted.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Forgiveness?
James: [nods] I don't deserve it. I know that. But still, ever since, that's what I've been rushing towards, you know, just trying to make everything make sense. And that's what this is. You know, if I can... if I can fix this. If I can fix it... then all of it won't have been for nothing.

Katarina: There once was a serpent who only traveled in one direction; always forward, never backward, until one day, he encountered a demon.
Hannah: It's a story about time. The serpent is time. The demon, Olivia. Devouring its tail, the endless loops. It's insanity.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: The Red Forest.
James: The Seers are Primaries. So that means if the story's true, they have a weapon to fix all this, break the cycles. We need to go back to 1852 to get it.
Jennifer: Uh, pioneer town? Death by dysentery? That's a wagon train of nopes.

Katarina: Where's Ramse?
James: Tell me he won't get hurt.
Katarina: Why would that matter if you are successful?
James: Because getting Ramse killed can't be the last thing I do here.

Jennifer: The actor does not say good-bye to her audience, only good-night, and then wakes up, and does it all over again.

José: [while getting Cole ready for the Machine] I want to you to have fun back there this time okay? I don't want you to get shot, I want you to get laid.

[when fighting Cole, Hannah gets the upper hand and holds him at gunpoint]
Hannah: Stay down.
James: [chuckles] Jones give you that?
[only now does Hannah notice the mobile tether stuck in her arm]
James: Say hi to your mother for me.
Hannah: You little sh...
[she splinters away]

Agent: Wish I could say it was good to see you two, but I'm not so sure. I almost got shit-canned from the Bureau after what happened in '44. They passed my report about time travelers around like it was the funny papers.

Adam: Why are you so willing to die?
James: I got it comin'. Other people don't. Order from chaos, it isn't real.

Jennifer: I'm doing Dateline here, try to keep up!

James: Look, I know this is hard for you to understand...
Aaron: No, I get it. The world is ending. You're a time traveler who doesn't know what he's doing.
James: Back off.
Aaron: You got her killed!
James: And then I got her back!
Aaron: Yeah, how many times're you gonna be able to do that? How many times does she have to die before you figure your shit out?
[Cole stands up]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Cole.
Aaron: You don't know. Do you?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Stop it!
Aaron: You're right about one thing. The future's pretty bleak, if you're all they got.

Elliot: Well, turns out, my pallid friend, that I, much to my utter and "holy shit" surprise, am a father. Mm-hmm. And although that I'm what you might call processing it - you know, denial, acceptance, picking out colors for a room I never got to paint - I have learned something. There's this thing - every father - every good father - would do for their kid. Wanna know what it is?
Pallid: Tell me, Elliot. What would a father do for their children?
Elliot: Fight.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: Why're you doing this?
Striking: Because you're important. He has plans for you.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: The Witness.
Striking: He wants to meet you.

Athan: There are... other places where... where a woman like yourself would never be made to feel less than anything...
Eliza: Oh, fantasies!
Athan: If I could show you... if I could take you there... would you come with me?
Eliza: We've no world, Athan, no hour, but the one that we're given. And only here are we meant to serve and be tested.
Athan: [groans] Yes, but... what if you could see the puzzle from above? And then... and then you could rearrange all those pieces?
Eliza: Then you would be a god, and no man or woman were ever meant to be such.

[to Jennifer Goines]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You know, you are a pain in the ass in every time period.

James: Deacon has a plan. We can get the bell.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Where is it?
James: It's below, in the tunnels.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Then we need to move. We only have fifteen minutes.
James: What happens in fifteen minutes?
[Jennifer pantomimes an explosion]
James: What?

Jennifer: Welcome to casa de childhood trauma.

[last lines]
Katarina: James. Mr. Ramse survives the jump, he's going to try and stop you.
James: And when he does, I'm gonna kill him.

Dr. Julian Adler: What's left for us now, Katarina? What options do we have?
Katarina: I'm incapable of abandoning this place. There are no other options for me.
Dr. Julian Adler: Even if there's no hope? Even if it means knowing you will die here?
Katarina: Hope?
[she chuckles]
Katarina: Hope is the luxury of those who are unburdened by fate.

James: You know, I meant to ask you where you got these things.
[lights Jones' cigarette]
Katarina: At Raritan. I plant tobacco. Out back. Next to the cucumbers.

Striking: You're walking through a red forest, and the grass is tall.

Athan: [voiceover] My days are spent living amongst ghosts. Tedious. Predictable. I'm just an observer. Connoisseur. Traveler. I've seen society rise... and fall. As I'm Primary - or some variation of - I have visions. Often of how those I'm closest to will meet their end. I find that freedom is the best way to cope with my particular affliction. Without this freedom, those visions that have plagued me - my demons - my curse of foresight... I fear I might go mad. Fortunate for me, I possess the means to stay sane. The ability to travel anywhere, any when, at will.
[his splinter vest malfunctions]
Athan: Well, that's unfortunate.

Striking: Aaron Marker. Dr. Railly is very important, to us, and to you. So tell me, what're you willing to do to keep her alive?

Dr. Cassandra Railly: [referring to Peters] It's too late to stop him from making the virus. That damage is done. I think that's enough.
Aaron: Okay. But he's not innocent.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: He thought he was saving his husband. But he still made a choice.
Aaron: And I get it.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You do? Helping to destroy the world to save just one person?
Aaron: One person that you love. In the end, isn't that all that matters?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No.

Katarina: Elliot, what are you doing in the past?
Elliot: You don't understand. I spent the last ten years building. Building something monumental. A research vessel. An ark that can travel through time.
Katarina: Elliot, dear God, don't tell me you...
Elliot: It's called Titan.

José: What the hell is wrong with you? Listen. I get that you're in a rush to delete yourself.
James: Easy, man.
José: That one's in a mad dash too. You guys are being reckless.
James: Look, we're getting close to the end of this thing, okay? If she's right about tomorrow...
José: All right. We'll never have happened. I get it.
James: Yeah. And you won't be around to hear me say 'I told you so'.

Olivia: Jennifer, it's good to see you again. The reports of your recent wellness were quite pleasing to me.
Jennifer: My wellness? Who told you that, your spy?
Olivia: Stacy was there to watch over you, ensure your safety.
Jennifer: I'm tied to a chair. Epic fail.

[last lines]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What do you think will happen, when this is over? I know you say that the future will be saved and that you won't exist, but... what do you think happens? To you?
James: I don't know. Wind up a better me in a better place, I hope.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: And what is that, that... place? What does it look like to you?
James: [chuckles] I was in foster care, when I was little. The other kids used to have this game they'd play, talking about where they'd go if they could go anywhere. Exotic places, mostly, just stupid kid stuff.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Where was your place?
James: [from Cassie's memory] "It's the Keys."
[Cole grunts; a soft rumbling starts]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Cole, wait.
James: What is it?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Goodbye.
[he splinters]

[Speaking in German]
Friedrich: You were part of this?
Katarina: Yes.
Friedrich: I knew it.
Katarina: Just one last think I need to tell you...
Friedrich: Yeah?
Katarina: Go to Hell you little piece of Nazi shit!

[Cassie is discussing the monkey symbol on a Middle Eastern artifact with Dr. Garret]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Have you ever heard of the Army of the 12 Monkeys?
Edward: You know what? You're a beautiful woman. You should've stuck with that. We're through here.

Jennifer: [knocks on door] Guys, I found something! Come on, out of bed! Let's move! Besides, I know what you're doing in there. Better be careful this time. Butt stuff only!

James: I don't have forever to promise you. The most I can give you is this moment. But it's yours if you'll take it.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: If the meds are preventing you from seeing primaries, taking you off of them might bring back the visions.
Jennifer: You know that's not how it works, right? Hallucinations don't come with an on/off switch. You sure you're a real doctor?

Katarina: David! Get back here! Please.
Dr. David Eckland: Oh, it's not so bad. I dig it actually. Going out in a wild, romantic gesture to a beautiful woman all in the name of love.
Katarina: I don't love you.
Dr. David Eckland: You did once, and that can't be erased.

Adam: You know, the CIA can murder and lie with impunity, in exchange for what? Order? Progress? Cell phones and the illusion of safety?
James: I don't know what your deal is. But if you or anybody else who's infected walks outta here alive, it's over. For everyone.
Adam: I never thought that I would meet anyone more nihilistic than me.

Dr. David Eckland: [Deacon hands him a gun] I'm a pacifist.
Deacon: You're shitting me.

Aaron: I spent my entire career putting bullshit sound bites into other people's heads. Cassie's the only person who ever filled me with anything. I can't lose her again.
James: I got a buddy, back in 2043. Always says this thing: Everybody's got two wolves inside them. Both of them are starving. The one wolf is anger, envy, pride. The other one's truth, kindness. Every day they tear each other apart. But it's not the better wolf that wins. It's the one you feed. Cassie feeds the good one.

Dr. Julian Adler: I did my damnedest to enter every coordinate, every date, but it's little more than a jumble of data.
Jennifer: Okay... the weapon to destroy the demon... But how would you do that exactly?
Katarina: The loops and tangles of time. To stop something that never started, to end something that never began, you must break them. Untangle...

Magdalena: James Cole. Don't worry, you're not going to die - at least not today.
James: Who are you?
Magdalena: Oh, we've never met. And now...
[she activates her chest plate]
Magdalena: ...we never will.
[she splinters away and simultaneously resets the time to an earlier moment]

Dr. Cassandra Railly: We... kill the Witness - reset time. There is no you and me. No us and him. We don't get to change the past and keep the future.

James: Adler, how soon can you program the jump?
Dr. Julian Adler: It's not me you have to worry about. Jones' tether should act like a kind of lighthouse in the fog, but we are still firing a bullet into the storm here.
James: So aim carefully.
Dr. Julian Adler: That requires monumental processing power. Titan has that. We do not.
James: Figure it out. We're going.
Dr. Julian Adler: We could be off by years and miles. Should you make it through the fog at all, I am not putting anyone in that machine until we know what we're in for.
James: Jesus, Julian, sack up.
Dr. Julian Adler: I will knock you on your ass, boy!

Emissary: You're leaving us? You'd sacrifice your life for them?
Jennifer: Yeah. I would. I don't know what old me taught you, but clearly she forgot the most important lesson.
Emissary: Which is?
Jennifer: Be excellent to each other.

Olivia: I've always wondered... Why the mask?
Athan: If you're gonna promise death, best look the part. Now, I suppose... that's your job. Surely you've realized by now. Took me so long to see it. The thing I believed I was meant to become. A sad, lonely demon at the end of time... was never me. Ensuring my own creation meant ensuring yours. The promise of a timeless realm. The deceiver. It was always you, Olivia.
Olivia: What?
[flashbacks of the masked "Witness"]
Olivia: But I haven't done those things.
Athan: Not yet. But you will.
Olivia: No. I haven't given orders through time, I... I prayed to you. I worshipped... *you*!
Athan: Yes.
Olivia: You are the Witness.
Athan: No, that's where you're wrong. But I witnessed. It just took her for me to see. Life isn't measured by clocks. And though you have an army at your back... you are alone. And *that* is why you will lose.

Agent: Sometimes you just have to go it alone.

Agent: People just want to believe they have control over their own fate.
James: Good luck with that.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What do you think, Gale? About fate?
Agent: In my experience, Cassie, you can bust down a door on a routine raid, and before you know it, some numbskull with a $30 popgun from Sears Roebuck is either giving you a haircut, or putting your lights out. That's not fate, that's dumb luck. But, either way, when it's time for my dirt nap... yeah, I hope I'd have something to say about it all.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: What do you think Jennifer really meant?
James: She said time knows Jones invented time travel, and it needs her to do it.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Did she also tell you that time has a long, white beard and a list of commandments - "Thou shall not splinter and kill the creator of time travel"?

Katarina: Did you ever have children?
Dr. Julian Adler: A son. He succumbed, in 2017.
Katarina: The greatest lie is believing that we are shaping them. That we have any control. No. They make us. They can destroy us.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: Peters is recreating M5-10 for the 12 Monkeys, he'll need animals to test it on. The CDC can get a list of suppliers, and then I'll be able to track him down. Just like the Big Burn and the Night Room. Then splinter, apocalypse, rinse, repeat.

[last lines]
James: You know, the other you told me to ask you about the cost of all this, the sacrifice. Every time I splinter, it feels like I'm being ripped apart from the inside. If I stay, I'm not coming back, am I?
Katrina: If you succeed, does it matter?
James: No. But if I don't?
Katrina: James. You and I, we're breaking the unwritten rules of the universe. But time, it's going to take what it's owed. Eventually, it will kill you.
James: How many jumps have I got left?
Katrina: Not as many as I'd like.
James: Is there enough?
Katrina: It has to be.

James: I hear you're out of a job.
Olivia: I was wondering who would come to me first. You, Katarina, Cassie. How is Dr. Railly these days?
James: Did you notice the sky when you came in here? Clear blue. Leaves are green, no Red Forest. Looks like the Witness didn't come through for ya after all.
Olivia: The upper hand doesn't suit you.

Olivia: You shouldn't be here. You have work to finish.
Pallid: The virus was taken by James and Cassandra on the eve of its release. They've interfered again. Broken yet another cycle.
Olivia: James Cole somehow remains a threat to our perfect reality. Today, I will end his cycle, and then... I will assure the plague is born not as you have have intended, but as it always has.
Pallid: The Witness has spoken.

Pallid: James, did you lure me here just to shoot me?
James: No, asshole. I'm here to save you.

José: You know, we're always a step behind. For once, why don't we take the fight to them?
James: Look who's all leap and no look now.
José: You know what the difference is, brother? I earned it.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: If time can be rewritten, then the world can be remade.

Deacon: You wanna pull people together, you put them through hell. You wanna split people apart, give 'em a secret.

Jennifer: You know, as a former CEO of a major biotech company, I'm used to certain amenities. This place is old and it smells. It smells like old.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: Hey, what are you doing?
James: What do you think I'm doing?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Okay, there are two ways this goes. One, you go in there looking for the weapon. And what do you know? Bang, bang, loop, loop. It was us who killed the Russians all along. Two, surprise - it the Army of the 12 Monkeys - Olivia's final suckerpunch.
James: I can't sit here any longer. Let's go stretch our legs, peek in the window or something.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: No rushing in?
James: No. I just want to get a breath of good old 1966 fresh air. Promise. Come on, it's a nice night. Hmm?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Bullshit.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: What just happened?
James: Something comes back in time, comes in contact with itself, Mother Nature doesn't like it when you rearrange her furniture.

James: Listen, I want to tell you something. It won't make any sense to you now, but it will the next time you see me.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Okay. Okay.
James: It's the Keys. Huh... I couldn't tell you before, because I was too embarrassed. It's the Keys in Florida. I saw a... picture of a... beach there in a magazine once. That's where I'd go.

José: [before going back to the past] I promised my son I'd always protect him. I can't do it now. I'll do it then.

Katarina: You know, anything we do, even if we undo it, it happened nonetheless, in God's eyes.
Whitley: Sounds like Foster. You gettin' superstitious on me?
Katarina: I don't think that God's wrath requires my belief.

Katarina: Is there anything I can get for you? Blanket, perhaps?
Olivia: Thank you, no. I'm strangely never more uncomfortable than when I'm comfortable.

James: I remember this one time. Ramse and I were kids. Bumped into this group of guys coming out of a gun store. They were much older than us. There was five of them - just armloads of guns. They had these... green boxes of ammo at their feet. And they saw the two of us, out in the open, broad daylight. And they just lit us up. And we thought we were dead. Not a single bullet hit us. We thought it was some kind of miracle. Now, there's two ways to look at that story. The way I like to look at it: it wasn't our day to die. God or time, whatever, didn't want us to die. Thinking like that helped us through some hard times, believing that... there's something out there helping you out.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What's the other way to look at it?
James: Remington makes blanks. And they come in a green box.

Dr. Julian Adler: What are you doing with those?
José: Jones needs it.
Dr. Julian Adler: She sent you?
José: Yeah.
Dr. Julian Adler: Are you lying to me, Mr. Ramse?
José: [punches him] Yeah.

[last lines]
The: Allow us to introduce you to... the Witness.

[last lines]
James: They were one step ahead of us the whole way. Now I know why.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: How?
James: I know who the Witness is.

Zalmon: They tell us time heals all wounds. Yet I believe it creates them. Tell me. For whom do you grieve?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: My husband. He was killed inside the mine.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: We were married for 15 years. He slaved away in that mine day in and day out. We didn't have much... but we had each other. A perfect life. Or as perfect as it could be.
Zalmon: I've been to many services. Encountered grief in many forms. Tears, laughter, and stony faces. But yours confounds me.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I don't understand.
Zalmon: You wear the mask of loss, but you do not feel it. At least not for your husband. I'm afraid what I have to offer... isn't for you.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: You're right. I don't feel it. My husband died in the mine, but... I lost him long before. Time was our enemy. We spent so much of it apart... But there was a moment, when it was just the two of us. About to be the three of us. And it felt like we were exactly where we were supposed to be. I've never been so happy.
[she gasps]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: [emotionally] But it had to end. And we ended up apart. And we lost our child. I guess I thought we would find our way back to each other. But I'm still stuck, in that moment. Every day, I wake up wondering... what our family would have been like, if we had the chance to actually be one.
Zalmon: [giving her a card] Join us at the Wake. We offer you a chance to live in that perfect moment... forever.

Jennifer: Tell me what happens. How does this end?
James: There are many endings.
Jennifer: Which is the right one?
Future: [from Cole's memory] The right one...
James: the one you choose.

José: Come on, I gotta die to a good song, brother! Good song!

[first lines]
Nicodemus: What I am about to tell you is the legend as it was told to me. There was once a serpent who only traveled one direction. Always forward, never backward. Until one day, the serpent came upon a demon.

Hannah: I was told that when I was a small child, I was found floating down a river on the back of a golden swan that I had tamed. Now Mother says I was brought to her because of you - a woman who used a machine to cheat death.
Katarina: No, to save you. My daughter. And billions.
Hannah: I like the swan story better. No one dies. Science killed the world. Now your machine is going to finish off what's left of us.

James: [saying goodbye to Agent Gale] Thank you, for everything. I mean this in the best possible way: I hope I never see you again.
[they shake hands; after a moment, Cole disappears, splintering back to his time]
Agent: That... is just so god damn cool.

James: Mmm. Oh, that's good. If I lived in this time, this is all I'd eat. Cheeseburgers, every meal.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: I know this, Fear City. This is New York City in the 1970s. Fiscal crisis, high crime. Police made pamphlets to give to tourists. I saw it in a documentary about the origins of hip-hop.
Jennifer: Well, aren't you full of surprises?

[an FBI agent is asking James about his - alleged - time in the war]
James: Listen, I really don't want to talk about it.
Agent: As former G.I.s, we have an obligation to share our stories here.
James: Listen, ass-hole, I'm just trying to have a drink.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: [butting in] There you are, James!
Dr. Cassandra Railly: [to the agent] Is my brother troubling you?
Agent: Not at all. I just wanted to hear about this Seventh he was stationed with, what with him being a war hero and all.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: [matter-of-factly] My brother was in the Philippines, in '42.
Agent: [taken aback] Bataan?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: He fought the Japanese for three months straight, before he was taken prisoner and forced to march 60 miles from Mariveles to San Fernando. When he finally escaped, he was shot twice, including... down there. So you will forgive him if he doesn't want to share his stories.
Agent: I'm sorry, kid. Goddamn Japs. No hard feelings?
James: No hard feelings.
[he shakes the man's hand and leaves with Cassie]
James: Why did it have to be "down there"?

[last lines]
James: The virus. It got out?
Aza: Of course. There's been a plague, all over the world.
James: What year is it? What year is this?
Aza: 2017.
James: No, when they tried to pull me back I jumped two years.

James: Maybe the Seers have a plan to get us out of all this.
Katarina: Not with a legend, or with a fairy tale. Where did you hear that again?
James: Something I heard as a kid.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I interned in pediatrics, heard a lot of children's stories, but... never that one.

[James has arrived in 1944 ahead of Cassie]
James: Hey, you want to sit down, grab a drink or something? I've been drinking whiskey sours. You ever have one of those?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Oh, my God. You like it here.
James: What's not to like?

Katarina: Ms. Goines, how's your French?
Jennifer: [in French] You left me in France for five years. I was in plays... I recorded an album that you never listened to. Assholes. I had to learn French or starve to death.

James: [uncovers a car] There it is.
José: She's a beaut, isn't she?
James: You think it'll still run?
José: Ain't about the age, brother. It's about the gas that's left in the tank. Everything else we can fix, you know?

James: This is good. What is it?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: General Tso's Chicken.
James: That guy was a general?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Yes. Here in the past, we have soldiers on the front lines dedicated to the preparation and distribution of both sweet and sour deep fried chicken.

Jennifer: You have no idea how exhausting it is being crazy.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Maybe that crazy can help save the world.
Jennifer: Wow. There's some manipulation for you.

Jennifer: Not everything is preordained, no matter how it may seem. They say things happen for a reason. That is a lie.

James: Even if we do this, we might not both make it through.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I know.
[cut to Jennifer singing upstairs, then back to Cassie and Cole]
Dr. Cassandra Railly: We need a distraction.
James: You got something in mind?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I saw a kinky boudoir upstairs.

Jennifer: [of the Witness] What did he say to you?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: He, um... He told me he wants to destroy time. So there'd be no more death. He made it sound almost beautiful.
Jennifer: Well, it's not. Death is like... everything. It's a time clock that makes us better. Makes us love harder. I don't know. I think it's, like, maybe what makes us human.

José: [to Yard Thug] I killed you - without lifting a finger.

James: I know this.
Katarina: It's an ouroboros. Many cultures have it.
Hannah: Jennifer often drew that. Sometimes waking from a nightmare.
James: Why? Why did she draw it?
Katarina: She called it "the end of the beginning."
James: The secret to the universe is chock full of nuts.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What are you talking about?
James: The future me said that there was an end to all this, that Jennifer was the key, that she had the answer to everything.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: She did. Guardians. Athan.
James: No, there's more than that.
Katarina: Ms. Goines wanted to return to her time. 2017.
James: Well, we need to find her. Get the machine back up and running again.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: We can't.
James: God damn it.
Katarina: Dr. Railly's right, it's impossible.
James: We're not giving up!
Katarina: Mr. Cole.
James: We need the core to get the machine to work. We had two. The broken one, and the one we slaughtered Spearhead for. We use the old to fix the new one.
Dr. Julian Adler: The old core was in storage. Outside the splinter perimeter.
James: Which means we know it'll be there.
Katarina: Crushed under the rest of the facility we left behind.
James: Well, there's only one way to know.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Go back to Raritan? It's way too dangerous. We lost enough...
James: Deacon. Whitley, Lasky... Athan. They died for us. For this mission!
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Cole. There is no mission. It's over.

Katarina: Jonathan. Let me show you the machine, and then you will see...
Col. Jonathan Foster: Seeing a machine is not gonna make me believe in blasphemy.

Katarina: I don't know who of you believes in a god. And if so, what kind? A god of absolutes. Or a god of compromise. My god of late has been time. Time doesn't concern itself with morality or good or evil, but with if and when. A god who understands that I've already done that which I will one day do. Our sins precede us. They define us. One hopes, in the name of order and necessity, wrong for the sake of right.

Athan: Why the mask?
Eliza: If you're promising death, best to look the part.
Athan: Must be dreadful to wake up on the table and wonder whether it's a demon or a doctor tending to you.
Eliza: Worse for them not to wake at all.
Athan: So you're a doctor yourself, then.
Eliza: [laughs contemptuously] Oh, right, we are. Only men-folk for the sawbones, women only fit for cleaning up the shite and piss.
Athan: Please don't make assumptions. The history I've seen is one of great women sung badly by clumsy men.

Guard: [all spoken in Czech] This plague. They'll never find a cure...
Guard: Don't complain. No tourists, less people, fewer Americans.
Guard: Yeah.

Deacon: I hear horses, and it's the bad guys. I here gunshots, and thy gang is all here.

James: Where did you find them, again?
Jennifer: You wanna start an antisocial organization, you need antisocial personalities, right? Sprung them from a handful of institutions. I mean, sure a few of them are borderline personality but very dedicated. Yeah, it's like the A-Team with all Murdocks!

James: I had him. Why'd you stop me?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I told you, you can't just kill someone.
James: He's already dead! Don't you understand that? Everybody is already dead. You are already dead because of him! 7 billion people dead. I had a chance to stop him.

Athan: How does one stop what never began? I think you're the answer, Jennifer.
Jennifer: I'm not like you. I can't see the whole puzzle. I don't know what all this means.
Athan: You are not like me. You are better. Whatever these are, these symbols - this is your mission now.

[opening scene]
Katarina: [narration] Three years ago, I sent a travler back in time... To stop a plague that had killed 7 billion people... Change history, and save the future. However, the puzzle was fare more complex than we could have ever imagined. We discovered the Army of the 12 Monkeys, a conspiracy spanning centuries, a cult operating by fierce religious devotion to the word of its prophet, a woman from the future who called herself the Witness. The world's end, an infinite hell on earth, are by her design. And our mission to stop her has come at a tremendous cost. And the last remaining survivors of Project Splinter have lost everything. Our will... our hope... Our friends. The Witness has already begun her destruction of time, her Red Forest. And the puzzle, the one we set out to solver together, has finally given us an answer. But not the one we hoped. For, you see, the only way to save the world... To save the past... the present, the future is to erase James Cole... Delete him from every moment. The loops and tangles of time... This war... It's all a disease created by the cure. The end of the beginning, the serpent eating its tail. And now that beginning is finally here.

James: You came.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I had to see if you were real.
James: Here I am.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: Here you are. You know, you're late.
James: It's not an exact science.

Jennifer: You know, some people think that ghosts are just replays. Traumatic events recorded into their surroundings. Into time. You don't believe in ghosts, do you?
Dr. Cassandra Railly: I don't.
Jennifer: You've gotta open your mind, Doc, before someone opens it for you.

Katarina: This is the second time you've pointed a gun at me, Mr. Ramse. I assure you, there won't be a third.
[headbutts him]

Katarina: Here is everything we know. We are losing this war against the Witness, and we have but one hope: a weapon forged for us by those who understand time best. Primaries, somewhere, some-when in the ancient past. And they have given us a clue, a riddle to find it.
Jennifer: Climb the steps, ring the bell.
Katarina: And now we know what this bell is. Die Glocke. Discovered by the Ahnenerbe, a pseudoscience division of the SS. It came into the possession of one man, Sturmbannfuhrer Friedrich Waesch. This man was desperate to improve his station in life. This particular manor was seized by Waesch during the occupation for the specific purpose of exhibiting artifacts collected by the Ahnenerbe. He held a gala, our only documented stopping point of the Glocke, from its unknown origin to its appearance here in 1940. Hidden from history after, from this gala to our own altercation in 1966. It is gone.
James: So get it here or never.
Katarina: Infiltrating this gala will be the most difficult mission we've ever dared to endeavor. To underestimate this evil was what allowed it to take root in the first place. Make no mistake, to retrieve this weapon, to destroy the Witness, we need to descend into hell.

James: [teaching Cassandra to shoot] That's good. You're steady. First time I shot a gun, the kickback knocked me on my ass. You're steady.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: That's because I'm tougher than you.
James: [chuckles] I believe that.

Jennifer: Did you ever think of maybe doing something, but not doing it?
James: I'm getting pretty tired of hearing you talk in circles.
Jennifer: You're tired of hearing me talk in circles? I'm tired of you going around in them.

Jennifer: [of her Hyenas] I freed them, I feed them, and now I lead them.

Kyle: The Witness wants to be immortal in his timeless forest. But can you imagine destroying time itself, so everything that's left is living and dying in the same moment, an eternal now? Everything you've ever known, anyone that you've ever loved. There's no future, no past. Forever red.

Whitley: [after Hannah has a disagreement with her mother] You're never gonna win an argument with her. Believe me, I know.
Hannah: She's so focused on saving the past, she never thinks about the future.
Whitley: Doesn't sound like there is one. You went to 2163. You said the world was dead. So we're gonna die either way. Why not go down fighting?

Dr. Cassandra Railly: [when learning that Cole has killed Henri] I trusted you. I had a good life before I met you. A full life. Now there's just... death.

James: Go home to your family. In fact, when I call you in '61, just call me a douchebag, and hang up.
Agent: Well, I don't know what a douchebag is, but I'll definitely call you something.
James: You're gonna help me anyway, aren't you? Another goddamn loop.
Agent: I don't know. We'll find out in '61. Good luck.

Jennifer: Flag on the play, Otter-eyes. And, yes, I will always call you that. But okay, we gotta go. We came, we saw, we kicked their ass. Time will take what it's owed.

Dr. Cassandra Railly: This is a relationship I will never understand.
James: You should hear what you just said.
Deacon: Oh, you're sore about us? I trained her to survive, just like I trained you. I'll tell you something - she's got a lot of talent.
James: Except for that blind spot when it comes to pieces of shit like you.
Dr. Cassandra Railly: What is that suppose to mean?

James: What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.