The Best Alex Stevens Quotes

Diana: Oh, welcome to the reunion, darling.
Joe: Reunion?
Alex: That's right, Joe. All the ghosts are here.
Joe: Good to see you, Alex.
Diana: Now what better place for a reunion of the Silver Ghosts?
Ross: That's right, Joe. In a ghost town. A lot of pollution's gone under the bridge since our final game.
Joe: How've you been, Ross? Hey, why this phony telegram from Mr. Webster? Who's he?
Tom: Webster? You don't recognize Webster? Come on, Joe-Joe. Webster U, huh? Thirteen to seven. The last game?
Alex: Yeah, we-we sent you that fake telegram because we figured you wouldn't come to a reunion.
Diana: Alex wanted to make sure of you.
Alex: It's no reunion without the team captain.
Tom: Lesley! Come here. I want you to meet Joe Mannix. Joe, this is my wife Lesley.
Leslie: I'm the outsider around here. But I've heard about you. You're a legend.
Tom: You see the build-up you get, Joe?
Dr. Hal Lusk: Joe never needed a build-up. You're looking good, kid. Haven't changed a bit.
Joe: Coming from a doctor, that's encouraging.
Tom: And encouragement calls for a drink. Let's belly up to the bar, boys.
Ross: Alex thought of everything. We've got cocktails set up in the saloon. Then we're going to ride to Vegas. Alex has reserved the entire eleventh floor at the Monarch.
Joe: Hal, how are you?
Dr. Hal Lusk: Just fine. How are you, Joe?
Joe: Fine.