The Best Amanda Clarke Quotes

Nolan: [back-flash] Trust me.
Amanda: I am. With my life.

Nolan: Ding, dong, the bitch is dead.
Nolan: Victoria Grayson has actually taken her last breath.
Amanda: It's hard to believe, but... the coroner confirmed it.

Nolan: [looking at computer screen] Exhibit A, Twitter's debating what people are supposed to call you now. #Amanda or #Emily?
Amanda: Emily Thorne no longer exists.
Nolan: It's the end of an era.

Amanda: [voiceover, as Amanda sits next to the slumped body of her father] Upon embarking on a path of revenge, Confucius warns that one should dig two graves. Confucius was right. The second of the two graves was meant for me. I was only saved by my father's infinite love.

Amanda: [gun pointed at her mortal enemy] Oh, for once, you're right about something, Victoria. Unlike you, I've never killed anybody. I believe that the people who hurt my family deserve to live in agony, not pay with their lives, but you... You... are the one exception. For you, death is my only true revenge.

Connie: [TV interview] Do you think it's all over now?
Amanda: I pray that it is. But deep down inside, I know it's not. Victoria, if you're watching, it is in your hands to end this.