The Best Jack Porter Quotes

Jack: What brings you by?
Charlotte: [comes forward, opens handbag] You're gonna think I'm crazy.
[hands over letter]
Jack: [opens, reads, frowns] Who wrote this?
Charlotte: I have a guess.
Jack: [shakes his head] It can't be David.
Charlotte: Well, Amanda had some journals with his handwriting, so it can't hurt to check, right?
Jack: Charlotte... your father is dead. This is obviously just some jerk messing with your head.
Charlotte: Yeah, my mother said the same thing. And then I found these in her vanity. Two more letters. Why would she hide them and then lie to my face about it?
Jack: Who knows why she does anything?
Charlotte: Please, can I just see the journals?
Jack: I don't know what Amanda showed you, but I don't have anything.
[shakes his head]
Charlotte: Then I guess I'll have to confront my Mom about it, because... I just have this feeling.
[turns, leaves]
Jack: [sighs] Hang on.
[she turns back]
Jack: I think I can help you.

Jack: You know, everyday, everyday has been a gift. I'm started to think it's gonna live forever. Oh... I can't do it. I don't know if I had to say goodbye to him. Sammy, thank you. Thank you for being such a good friend, such a good listener. Thank you for making me smile. Everyday, even the worst of all. Thank you for teaching me about loyalty, about friendship. Thank you for teaching me how to love. Oh Sammy, thank you, thank you, thank you. It's okay. You go on, okay?

Jack: This morning you told me to put all this behind me and now you want me to stake out a bank?
Nolan: No, I want my friend back. And you want answers which you clearly are not gonna get here. So. Best case scenario, you find Amanda, she tells you the whole story and it turns out to be one big Shakespearean misunderstanding. Worst case, turns out you've been wasting your time with a career grifter and potentially murderer. Just sayin'.

Charlotte: [handing him the wedding invitation] Here you go, Jack.
[whispering: ]
Charlotte: So much for your break from Emily Thorne.
[to: ]
Charlotte: Good night.
Emily: Night.
Jack: [after Charlotte leaves] I can't believe you're still going through with this!
[throws the invitation down in front of Emily]

Nolan: You're not going anywhere?
Jack: Declan needs me.
Nolan: You're making a colossal mistake.
Jack: You're sure you don't want a drink?
Nolan: Hm. Make it a double. It's gonna be a long fall.

Charlotte: Jack, don't! I don't deserve your pity. I'm the reason your brother's gone.
[turns to leave]
Jack: Charlotte, wait! There's something you need to know.

Jack: [regarding Nolan's house-warming party] I wasn't planning on going, actually.
Charlotte: Jack! You have to. When is the last time you got out? And Margaux's new in town. She needs to meet new people. You'd be doing her a favor.
Margaux: A rather huge one, actually.
Jack: I'm not really looking to date right now.
Margaux: [shaking her head] Who said anything about dating? You can pick me up at six.

Charlotte: Hey. I thought you'd be getting Carl by now.
Jack: So did I.
[places stuffed toy back into crib]
Jack: But now I'm not so sure. This whole thing with Emily has really... has really gotten to me.
Charlotte: Yeah. Me, too. I've been trying to help her, but the weirdest thing just happened.
Jack: What?
Charlotte: Emily said she remembered her father. And when I asked what his name was, she said 'David Clarke.'
Jack: [covering] Well, I mean, she probably saw you... and then got mixed up.
Charlotte: Maybe. She seemed so sure of it. It freaked me out.
Jack: Charlotte, uhm, I think it might help if I see Emily.
[gets skeptical look]
Jack: Look, she's obviously confused, I think I can help her remember that she's Emily Thorne and not... someone else.

Jack: [on phone, after Malcolm has left after making veiled threat] We have a problem!

Jack: [sadness caused by the wedding video] It's okay, Charlotte.
Charlotte: [shaking her head] I still can't believe they're gone. And now Dad's dying. How can such bad things happen to good people?

Jack: Tell me, when exactly did punishing the guilty become more important to you than helping the innocent?
[goes off, leaving Emily questioning herself]

Jack: What's all this?
Charlotte: Invitations to the wedding of the century. Maid of honor reporting for duty.
Jack: I thought you weren't into it.
Charlotte: Emily and I have hit a few bumps lately. I'm trying to do the bygones thing because she's marrying my brother in eight weeks. But sometimes, I swear, I think I don't know the real Emily.
[Jack gives an ironic smirk]
Charlotte: So, are you thinking of asking Margaux to the wedding?
Jack: I'm not going to the wedding.
Charlotte: Not going?
Jack: I need a little break from Emily Thorne.

Charlotte: Jack, you helped me by opening up my eyes to the truth about my father. So I'm trying to help you.
Jack: Help me what?
Charlotte: See that you stopped living. You take care of Carl and the bar, but not yourself.
[he sighs]
Charlotte: Amanda would want you to enjoy life. So would Declan. You know what he said to me once? He said "a ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not why ships were built."
Jack: I'll bet he told you he made that up.
Charlotte: He didn't.
[he chuckles, and she laughs]
Charlotte: Regardless, you need to go out. And the beauty of going with Margaux is she doesn't know everything we've been through.
Jack: All right, fine. But I'm measuring my own inseam.

Jack: [inside mysterious cabin] Don't jump to any conclusions.
Charlotte: I'm trying not to, but it's hard.
Jack: Charlotte... David Clarke died in front of a hundred inmates, and even if they were all wrong, why would he wait until now to reach out to his daughter?
Charlotte: Maybe he was afraid.
[picks up page]
Charlotte: This is the same stationery used in those letters.
Jack: Yeah,
[shakes his head]
Jack: but the rest is research. David knew all this information. He wouldn't need to do any of this.
Charlotte: So this really is just some sicko trying to mess with me.
Jack: I'm sorry.
Charlotte: Let's go before he comes home.
[turns and heads for the door, but Jack has another objective]

Jack: Thought you went to school.
Declan: Charlotte flaked on me again. She was supposed to drive me.
Jack: Does it have anything to do with that paparazzi video of her with that girl? Why didn't you talk to me about it, man? I gotta hear about it from a group of barflies? What's going on?
Declan: She's in a really dark place and she's... she has been ever since Amanda...
Jack: She into drugs again?
Declan: I don't know. I don't know, maybe. It's pretty hard for me to tell with her blowing me off every day.
Jack: [Declan takes a handful of bills from the bar's tip jar] What are you...?
Declan: I need money for bus fare.
Jack: How many buses are you taking?

[last lines]
Emily: [Jack is aiming to shoot] Jack, don't do it!
Conrad: [down below, calling out to his supporters] Thank you!
Jack: Emily, go away, this has nothing to do with you.
Emily: It had everything to do with me. If I had only left you alone from the beginning, none of this would be happening.
[tearfully: ]
Emily: Don't throw your life away because of the choices I have made.
Jack: What choices? What are you talking about?
Emily: Jack, look at me.
[he does, he is no longer aiming at Conrad]
Emily: Deep down inside you've always known the truth.
[Jack looks at Emily and sees young Amanda]
Emily: I'm Amanda Clarke.

Charlotte: If I had my wish, that distraction would be over with now. Anyway, I'm out. My mother has summoned the entire family to breakfast to discuss the impending nuptials.
[ironic: ]
Charlotte: I am so looking forward to seeing my father.
Jack: You're not serious.
Charlotte: Actually, while I detest him more than ever, he and I have had a reconciliation of sorts.
[Jack sighs]
Charlotte: It's for a good reason.
Jack: There's no good reason. How did he manipulate you?
Charlotte: He didn't. I manipulated him, and I did it to protect you.

Jack: I don't think that Conrad and Allison are having an affair. Is she even his type?
Ashley: [nods knowingly] She's a woman.
Jack: Something else is going on. But what could it be?
Ashley: I couldn't say, but after years spent in the revolving door of Grayson Manor, I do know one thing. Conrad has a tell. It betrays when he's lying.
Jack: He opens his mouth?