30 Best Conrad Grayson Quotes

Conrad: [as they scan Emily approaching] The return of the vivacious and elusive Ms. Emily Thorne. It's never too late to reconcile, you know.
Daniel: Never gonna happen, Dad.
Conrad: Why not? Come on, she's a much more suitable match than the delightful if frothy little confection Ashley Davenport.
Daniel: Yeah, well, at least Ashley's smart enough not to cheat on me.
Conrad: Is she now?
[knowing something Daniel doesn't]

Conrad: [seeing his daughter at the breakfast table] Good morning, kitten.
[kisses her on the top of her head]
Conrad: It's lovely to have you back in the litter.
Charlotte: Lovely to be here, Daddy.
Victoria: Won't your mistress be joining us, Conrad? I'm sure we could rustle up a Pop-Tart.
Conrad: She is not my mistress. Morgan is a real estate specialist.
Victoria: And what will you be purchasing? A place in hell?

Conrad: [visiting Emily] You've already taken two bullets to the stomach. Going forward, I'd watch your back.

Charlotte: Why is there a man installing a camera outside my bedroom?
Conrad: Ah, a necessary evil, my dear. I mean, there are worse places to be imprisoned.
Charlotte: Oh, you mean like the rehab you locked me up in?

Conrad: Oh, there's my girl.
Charlotte: I am not your girl. You know, despite all the horrible things I heard about Flight 197 and what you did to my actual father, I hoped it wasn't true, that you couldn't be that evil.
Conrad: Uh, what are you saying?
Charlotte: You knew about the bomb that killed Declan!
Conrad: Who told you that?
Charlotte: Do you have any idea how guilty I feel over his death? From the moment it happened, I blamed myself. It made me sick, and I know that's why I miscarried.
Conrad: Oh, Charlotte, sweetheart, that...
Charlotte: You watched me suffer while you sat on your throne in the Governor's mansion.
[tearfully: ]
Charlotte: I'm done helping you.
[turns to leave]
Conrad: Please don't do this.
Charlotte: [disdain] You deserve to die, miserable and alone.

Conrad: There are bonds in this world that cannot be severed. and the bonds forged in the fires of hardship are as strong as the bonds of blood. We New Yorkers are family. Today I am proud to stand amongst you in the midst of what appears to be a cowardly cyber attack. An attack meant to throw our lives into chaos and to make us shrink with fear. But shrink we will not. Because we're New Yorkers. Because we press on. Because we persevere. And we will rise above this.

Conrad: [to Charlotte, who said she's proud of him] You can't imagine what it's like for me to hear that. I'm proud of you too, kitten, especially after everything you've been through.

Conrad: You are deceptively brilliant.
Ashley: I learnt from the best.
Conrad: [took it as a compliment, but then...] You meant Victoria, don't you?
Ashley: [with wink] Yeah.
Conrad: Ah.

Victoria: [entering into his office] Conrad, a word.
Ashley: Victoria, do you mind? We are actually in the middle of things.
Victoria: [sarcastic] And fully clothed. How refreshing.
Conrad: [to Ashley] Perhaps it will be best if you gave us a moment of privacy.
[she leaves unwillingly]

[last lines]
Emily: [Jack is aiming to shoot] Jack, don't do it!
Conrad: [down below, calling out to his supporters] Thank you!
Jack: Emily, go away, this has nothing to do with you.
Emily: It had everything to do with me. If I had only left you alone from the beginning, none of this would be happening.
[tearfully: ]
Emily: Don't throw your life away because of the choices I have made.
Jack: What choices? What are you talking about?
Emily: Jack, look at me.
[he does, he is no longer aiming at Conrad]
Emily: Deep down inside you've always known the truth.
[Jack looks at Emily and sees young Amanda]
Emily: I'm Amanda Clarke.

Conrad: Charlotte always was an over-achiever.
Charlotte: Just like my mother.
Conrad: May she rest in peace.

Conrad: [to Victoria, still alive] So it's true? Even the devil himself didn't want you.

Conrad: [on phone, as Charlotte enters his office] No, no, no. I don't need to think about it. My answer is no.
[puts down phone]
Conrad: You, on the other hand, I'm glad I said yes to.
Charlotte: These are the reports you wanted, but I didn't have access to some of the financials you asked for.
Conrad: Oh, that's all right, sweetheart, I can get those myself.
Charlotte: Who was that on the phone?
Conrad: No one who would interest you.
Charlotte: Try me.
Conrad: That was a representative from a hedge fund interested in buying my stake in Voulez at an amateurishly inflated price.
Charlotte: Then why say no?
Conrad: Because, my dear, you can't put a price tag on working alongside your own daughter. And my interest in this endeavor is just starting to pique. Now, as Voulez's emissary at today's art walk, I need to go home and slip into something more creative.
Charlotte: Daddy, please don't start calling the South Fork home. It makes me sad.
Conrad: Oh, really? Well, I'm the happiest I've been in ages.

Victoria: And here I thought you were offering me a way out of this.
Conrad: Never.

Conrad: [grabbing Victoria] If you'd answered my calls, you'd know Charlotte's been abducted!

Ashley: Good morning.
Conrad: Oh, good morning.
Victoria: Charlotte, would you excuse us for a minute? It seems that the cat has dragged itself back in.
Ashley: [handing file to Conrad] There's the report you requested.
Conrad: [taking it] Thank you.
Victoria: [smirking] So this is the new communications director? Don't you know that politicians tend to keep their concubines in the closet?
Ashley: [sarcastically:] Spoken like a woman that no one is sleeping with.
Conrad: You'll be happy to hear that Miss Davenport and I have put our past behind us, and we are now looking to the future.
Victoria: Well, I can only imagine what kind of horrifying footage that will yield.

Victoria: They said it would take an act of Congress to get you out on bail tonight.
Conrad: No, no. No, all it really took was the Initiative.
Victoria: What did you promise them?
Conrad: I don't think I'll know until it's too late.

Victoria: [arriving at wedding ceremony] Mm. I'm sure that smile would be genuine if Lydia was draped over your arm. I heard about your slumber party last night.
Conrad: Oh, that was a momentary lapse of reason, not unlike our last approach to the altar.

Victoria: [on phone] Conrad, this is Victoria.
Conrad: [he had no idea she survived] Is this some kind of a joke?
Victoria: Oh, you wish. The next few moments are going to be the most important of your miserable life. You're going to do exactly as I say or I will haunt you all the way to your last pathetic day on earth.

Conrad: Victoria, may I say, you are positively radiant in your natural element.
Victoria: [elegant red dress] You mean, in the midst of a crisis, or with blood on my hands?
Conrad: No, in that dress, at one of your wickedly expensive soirees.
Victoria: Conrad, your gall never ceases to repulse me.

Conrad: [as Victoria idly plays on piano] The authorities will be arriving any minute.
Victoria: Well, I won't waste my energy throwing you out.
[ceases playing, causing one false note]
Victoria: Though I am surprised that you haven't gassed up a Gulf Stream and gone on the lam.
Conrad: Oh, running would be undignified.
Victoria: Particularly after suffering the humiliation of being sold out by your very own daughter.

Conrad: Congratulations, Victoria. With one bullet, you've slaughtered us all.

Victoria: Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice the gaping hole where ten million dollars used to be? I've seen the bank receipt.
Conrad: I was trying to protect you.
Victoria: The only thing you were trying to protect is your weakness for her.
Conrad: She has the power to expose us, Victoria. I didn't have a choice.
Victoria: You could have called her bluff. After fifteen years of complicity, I don't think Lydia has it in her.
Conrad: Maybe not before you exiled her. But thanks to your handiwork, she no longer has anything to lose. I'd say we got away with a bargain.
[Victoria slaps Conrad]
Victoria: It's because your handiwork we're in this situation in the first place.

Conrad: I'm gone, like, two days, and Daniel's off the wagon. How'd you let that happen?
Victoria: I had my hands full. Perhaps you can tell me where your hands have been.

Conrad: [as hostage returns] Oh, my God. Charlotte? Oh, my God! How did you get here? We need to get you to a hospital. Charlotte...
[checks to see how she was mutilated]
Conrad: Your ear.
[but all is fine]
Charlotte: [shrugs off his hands] "The naïve deserve two things: swindling and scorn." That's what you always say, isn't it? How much do you hate me, then? Because I've been pretty damn naïve until now. You're too blame for Flight 197.

Frank: [limousine pick-up for Lydia, security chief opening car door for her] Ms. Davis.
Lydia: Thanks for picking me up on the street corner like a prostitute.
Conrad: [on cellphone inside car] Yeah, all right. Don't send anyone through for the next half-hour, Sharon. I'll return calls when I'm back at the office.
Lydia: So you do still return calls.
Conrad: Lydia, I understand, you're upset.
Lydia: I'm not upset.
[hands him a large folder]
Lydia: I'm ruined.
Conrad: What is this?
Lydia: [telephoto lens pictures taken through the window of her secret liaison, shows illicit romance] Michael's attorney presented these to the judge. And they triggered the fidelity clause in our prenup.
[several damning photographs]
Lydia: I get nothing. The beach house, my jewelry, the damn dog... Everything is gone.
Conrad: I am sorry, Lydia, but, really, what can I do?
Lydia: [resolute] You can write me a cheque. A big one.

Conrad: [on the laptop] Six months ago, Victoria gave birth to a baby girl. Her name is Charlotte. You want proof that I'm telling the truth? Ask her who the father is?

Charlotte: [as Ashley, not Conrad, gives the speech] She's giving the eulogy?
Conrad: Uh, tribute, sweetheart, tribute. Eulogies are for funerals.

Conrad: Have you lost your mind? What the hell kind of stunt are you pulling, showing up at my house?
Lydia: I went to see Victoria. It had nothing to do with you.
Conrad: Nothing to do with me, huh? Victoria is seething.
Lydia: That's exactly why I went. I'm trying to repair the damage that my relationship with you caused our friendship.
Conrad: A friendship that exists only in your imagination, I assure you.
Lydia: She just needs more time. Rather than making this harder, you might want to think about facilitating a détente for the two of us.
Conrad: A détente. Between my wife and my mistress.
[Conrad chuckles in disbelief]
Lydia: If I'm gonna get my life back, then I need Amanda to accept me. And I can't think of a better place than the Open Arms benefit. Get her on board, Conrad. Otherwise...
Conrad: Otherwise what? Another empty threat?
Lydia: Empty? How does this sound? "The Graysons are incredibly powerful, Your Honor. I was intimidated into helping them frame David Clarke, and then threatened by their head of security if I didn't comply. The prosecution rests."
Conrad: You're bluffing.
Lydia: Try me.

Charlotte: I'm getting you through this, whether you want me to or not.
Conrad: You know, I may have used up all my good luck on you, and it was worth it!