The Best Anatole Blaylock Quotes

Anatole: [walking up] Congratulations, officer. You've just arrested a world-famous thief.
Diamond: Who are you?
Remington: [to Blaylock] What have you done with Mildred?
Diamond: [to Remington Steele] Against the wall!
Anatole: If you check that man's pockets I'm certain you'll find the Jennings diamond.
Diamond: [searches] They're clean, Lieutenant!
Diamond: [to Blaylock] Well what's this all about?
Anatole: He has the diamond! He *must*!
Diamond: This is the man you want, Lieutenant; he killed an Interpol agent! Will you listen to me?
Mildred: [runs up, wet, and indicates Blaylock] Arrest this man!
[Blaylock growls, shoves her and Diamond Cop #1, and runs away]
Kevin: [takes his dog Dolittle and sets him loose] Tango!
[Dolittle chases after Blaylock and bites his trouser leg, tripping him. As the rest give chase, he pulls a revolver, but Steele kicks it out of his hand as he runs past]
Diamond: OK, take him away!
[Diamond Cops #2 and #3 do so]
Remington: Well! I guess that dog is good for something after all.
Laura: [looks at Steele's feet, smiles] Uh, Mr. Steele?
[She points down. He looks down and it's implied the dog is urinating on him again. She laughs as he pulls a stoic face]

Anatole: [checking is watch] They must be well into it by now.
Mildred: What gives you the right to make another man steal for you?
Anatole: What gives me the right? That man destroyed my life. Do you know what it's like to have your name dragged through the mud, hmm? To have your colleagues shun you? To be the butt of newspaper reporters and their stupid little columns, eh? I was a good investigator. I deserved better.
Mildred: But if...
Anatole: [on phone] Shh! Yes, Sergeant? This is Inspector Anatole Blaylock of Interpol. It might interest you to know I've uncovered a plot to steal the Jennings diamond tonight. That's right. The Gem Exchange building. Yes, I thought your department might want to share credit. I'll meet you there.
Mildred: I thought you wanted Kevin to steal for you.
Anatole: Do you think money can pay for the humiliation I've suffered? No. Tonight, when I announce to the world that Blaylock the bumbler, the scapegoat, has unmasked the greatest thief of our time, caught him in the act as it were, I shall have what I've lived for these past five years: my vindication.
Mildred: You'll never make it stick, Blaylock!
Anatole: Oh no?
Mildred: Oh no! Kevin will tell the police you forced him into it!
Anatole: Ah. But he'll need you to back him up.
Mildred: And you don't think I'll talk? I will sing a song that will put you aw-... On the other hand, what business is it of mine? I-I mean, I-I-I hardly know the guy! Nah, I wouldn't talk. No skin off my nose.
Anatole: No. Get your coat.
[knock at door]
Rose: Millie, it's us!
Anatole: Don't answer it!
Rose: I have to! That's my bowling team!
Anatole: Get rid of them.
Mildred: But it...
Anatole: Unless you want your friends to join you.

Anatole: You are going to make a little call for me, Miss Krebs.