The Best Kevin Masters Quotes

Anatole: [walking up] Congratulations, officer. You've just arrested a world-famous thief.
Diamond: Who are you?
Remington: [to Blaylock] What have you done with Mildred?
Diamond: [to Remington Steele] Against the wall!
Anatole: If you check that man's pockets I'm certain you'll find the Jennings diamond.
Diamond: [searches] They're clean, Lieutenant!
Diamond: [to Blaylock] Well what's this all about?
Anatole: He has the diamond! He *must*!
Diamond: This is the man you want, Lieutenant; he killed an Interpol agent! Will you listen to me?
Mildred: [runs up, wet, and indicates Blaylock] Arrest this man!
[Blaylock growls, shoves her and Diamond Cop #1, and runs away]
Kevin: [takes his dog Dolittle and sets him loose] Tango!
[Dolittle chases after Blaylock and bites his trouser leg, tripping him. As the rest give chase, he pulls a revolver, but Steele kicks it out of his hand as he runs past]
Diamond: OK, take him away!
[Diamond Cops #2 and #3 do so]
Remington: Well! I guess that dog is good for something after all.
Laura: [looks at Steele's feet, smiles] Uh, Mr. Steele?
[She points down. He looks down and it's implied the dog is urinating on him again. She laughs as he pulls a stoic face]