The Best Sab Shimono Quotes

Emperor: [speaking to young Jack] When the evil shapeshifting wizard Aku arose from the bowels of hate to ravage our land. I was a young emperor at the time and was helpless against his powers. But I remembered our grandfather's-grandfather's stories about three monks, who were gifted with mystical powers. I rode to the highest peak of the mountainside, where the monks agreed to forge me an enchanted sword with great magic. Armed with the sword and the hope of my people, I plunged into battle against Aku. His evil was no match for the power of righteousness, and with the sword's magic, Aku's demon forces were implanted into the earth, forever petrifying him into the wasteland that he created. Through years of hard work, we have rebuilt our glorious past with hopes never to encounter an evil such as Aku again. Always be alert, my son, for the presence of evil is sometimes right behind you.

Devil: Stand aside or you're dead.
Monk: In the fullness of time, we are all dead.
[using his staff, he deflects Ray's poison barbs]
Monk: This is not the way to end my life.

Rama: Boston Brand, your actions have led to the death of another.
Deadman: I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to...
Rama: Intentions are immaterial. You were gifted with power to be used to balance the scales of karma. Because of your actions, the scale now is unbalanced.
Deadman: Unbalanced? Thanks to Devil Ray and his team, the master and all the other monks are dead.
Rama: Incorrect. When the heart was shattered, the essences of the monks were set free. Even now, their souls return to their rightful places.
Monk: [Deadman watches as he wakes with the other monks] No one dies in Nanda Parbat. But the scales are unbalanced. Your work in this world is not yet done.

Monk: I know you are here, Boston Brand.
Deadman: [appearing] What's the point of being a flipping ghost if you can't even sneak up on people? For that matter, what's the point of me being a ghost, period? It's been over a year since I caught the man who murdered me.
Monk: So, your work here is done. You are ready to pass on to the next level?
Deadman: I don't know what "ready" means, but I feel like I done my time.
Monk: And yet, here you are.
Deadman: "Here you are"? What kind of lousy wisdom is "here you are"?
Monk: If you seek knowledge, you have but to ask.
Deadman: I've avenged my own death. Why am I still here?
Monk: Your destiny is not to avenge your own death. Your destiny is to avenge mine.

Kenji: Nobody hunts for a dead man. Nobody, that is, except Remington Steele.

Monk: [buried under a pile of rubble] Do not waste your time, Boston Brand. This portion of my journey has come to an end.
Deadman: But...
Monk: We will meet again.

Emperor: Dry your tears, my son, for nothing worth having is easily atained. Sometimes you must fight for what is yours and for what you believe in.

Ed Wuncler: Tragically, we've just received word that the ref strangled himself, jumped off a bridge, then overdosed on amphetamines.
Mr. Long Dou: Send my condolences to his family.
Ed Wuncler: But fortunately, we've found a completely fair and impartial replacement.
Uncle: Hey there, Chairman Mao.

Emperor: You've forgotten your purpose! You have forsaken us!