The Best Baba Voss Quotes

Baba: He's a jackass, but he's right. I don't want to be the reason for your failure.

Haniwa: Why didn't you kill Edo when you had the chance?
Baba: Killing a brother would be like killing a part of yourself.
Haniwa: Like killing your own father?
Baba: Mmm.
Baba: My father ordered me to kill Edo. And I made a choice.
Haniwa: If you were protecting Edo, then why does he hate you so much?
Baba: [sighs] Family can be complicated.
Haniwa: Well... I was just kidnapped by my uncle and found out that my mom is a princess. I think I know something about complicated families.

Baba: You know, the day you and your sister were born, Witchfinders attacked our village. Many died, and we fled. Your first night was spent in a forest, and I stood guard that cold night. And every rush of wind through the trees sounded like the breath of a Witchfinder. I had been a father for less than a day, and I already thought that I had failed you, that I could not protect my children. That fear never goes away. But I have learned to embrace it. It is what makes us a father.
Kofun: I don't know that I'm supposed to be a father. Not like this.
Baba: Oh, son. You will find a way, as all fathers do.
Kofun: How?
Baba: There is no great secret. You'll be scared... often. That's part of it. Fatherhood is a different kind of battle, one that you wage with your heart. And you, Kofun, you have the strongest heart of any man I've ever met. Now take him. Your battle begins today, son.