The Best Becky Jackson Quotes

Brittany S. Pierce: Becky, I know it's scary. And it would be so cool to be a Cheerio again with you next year, but I have to move on and so do you. And if you really prepare yourself, the world won't seem like such a scary place.
Becky: Pinky promise?
Brittany S. Pierce: Pinky promise that.

Sue: Becky, that is the best Halloween costume I've ever seen.
Becky: [Dressed up as Sue] Thanks, Coach.
Sue: There's only one thing missing.
[hands Becky a megaphone]
Sue: Go scream at some fatties.

Becky: I'm Queen Bee and I can sting like a bitch.

Tina: [while breaking up the fight between Jake and Ryder] I persuade you to stop fighting immediately.
Becky: Freeze, bitches!

Becky: The meteor made me realize that there is something I really wanna say to you. Brittany, I've always looked up to you!
Brittany S. Pierce: Thank you, Becky.
Becky: Let's both not ever graduate. The world out there is really scary. Someday, they will make me leave here... and I don't know what I'm going to do.
Brittany S. Pierce: Okay, but Becky, I can't stay here. I aced my SATs which means that if I graduate, I can go to whatever college I want to.
Becky: But I can't go to college.

Becky: Coach, I have a confession to make.
Sue: Take a seat. Now, if this is about the complaint you lodged against me with Principal Figgins, I already know.
Becky: You do, Coach?
Sue: Oh, Becky, I've known ever since I tinker-tailor-soldier-spied my way into Figgins's file cabinet and read the evaluation cards, and when I saw one written in crayon, I knew it was either you or Brittany and you're the better speller.
Becky: Coach, I'm sorry. I was just looking out for the team.
Sue: Did you mean what you wrote? That you're worried I'm not as focused on the Cheerios as I used to be? Well, then you don't need be sorry and thank you for the feedback.
Becky: You're not mad?
Sue: No, Becky. But impending motherhood doth given me perspective. Oh, Becky, I'm reminded winning, my girls, destroying my enemies. Motherhood's not gonna change that. If anything, it makes me want them far more. You're an excellent co-captain, Becky. You're like me. Not afraid to make the tough calls.
Becky: Coach? You're gonna be a great mom.

Becky: [to Will] Give me some chocolate, or I will cut you.

Becky: The glee club's doing Britney Spears for the assembly. I just found out.
Sue: Becky, you're on red alert. If you see any awkward teenage frottage, you perform that citizen's arrest we practiced.

Becky: [When Becky brings a gun to school] I was scared, Coach, about graduating, the unknown world, with no one to protect me!
Sue: Honey, I told you. You will always have a place here.
Becky: No! I wanted to be prepared and protect myself! I need hope!

Will: Miss Fabray! Wait. You know, there's only one person in this world that you care about. And that's yourself.
Quinn: You have no idea...
Will: [slams his hand on the table] I'M NOT FINISHED!
Becky: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Will: You're not a little girl anymore, Quinn. How long are you planning on playing the victim card? Since day one, you've done nothing but sabotage the same Glee club that's been there for you over and over again! When you got pregnant, when your parents kicked you out... You know, Mercedes even let you live in her house! And I don't recall ever hearing so much as a 'thank you'. Tonight, you're a train wreck. Well, congratulations. But you stride into my office and tell me it's MY fault? Well, then I have something to say to you: grow up.