Top 30 Quotes From Benji Dunn

Ethan: The show's about to start, Benji.
Benji: Right.
Ethan: Just take your position. Tell me what you see.
Benji: Okay.
Ethan: Nice tux, by the way.
[Benji looks around trying to find Ethan]

Benji: [Ethan wants to drive the car just after he was resuscitated after drowning in a water tank] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you OK to drive? A minute ago you were DEAD!
Ethan: What are you talking about?
Benji: [Benji gets in the car] This is not gonna end well.

Ilsa: One more time. You'll have three minutes. Two and a half minutes to switch the security profile. Thirty seconds to escape through the service hatch.
Benji: Remember, conserve oxygen. Don't move a muscle if you don't have to.

Ethan: Which way, Benji?
Benji: Turn left!
Ethan: [breaks a window by throwing a chair at it]
Benji: Go, go, go, go! What are you waiting for?
Ethan: [as people watch him inside the building] I'M JUMPING OUT A WINDOW!
Benji: Oh, sorry. Good luck.

Ilsa: Unfortunately, even if you could make it through every other security measure, you won't beat the last one.
Benji: So what you're saying is, no mask can beat it. We're busted before we even get into the vault and I wind up in a Moroccan jail playing mummies and daddies with Ahmad the Strangler.

[first lines]
William: [on the phone] Benji? Benji, do you copy? Benji?
Benji: [grunts] Shit.
William: Where is Ethan?
Benji: [crouching in a field] Uh, I can't talk right now.
William: The package is on the plane.
Benji: Yeah, I know. We're currently formulating a plan B. Although, technically, it's a plan C.
William: This isn't going very well...
Benji: I am aware of that, Brandt. You're not helping.
William: Where's Ethan?
Benji: I don't know. We're on radio silence.
William: That plane cannot take off with the package on it. Do you understand?
Luther: [interjecting] We're working on it.
William: Luther? What the hell are you doing there? You're supposed to be on assignment in Malaysia!
Luther: I *am* in Malaysia. I've been here two days. Benji needed my help.
Benji: I didn't need help. I just needed assistance. It's a different thing.
William: [miffed] The package is still on the plane.

Ethan: So the key to crushing Lane is sitting in a computer, just waiting for someone to take it.
Benji: So, why hasn't Lane just sent someone to steal it?
Ilsa: Oh, he has. He sent me. And I can tell you... it's impossible.

Ethan: The Syndicate is real. A rogue nation, trained to do what we do.
Benji: An anti-IMF.

Benji: [coming down to Ilsa and Ethan] You see? What did I tell you? Difficult? Absolutely. But certainly not... Jesus. Is he all right? What happened?

Benji: [sarcastic] Join the IMF! See the world! On a monitor. In a closet.

Benji: If you're going to bring me all this way, you could at least give me something a bit more, you know, dramatic.
Ethan: Benji, we're trying to keep a low profile. You want drama, go to the opera.

Ethan: [Ethan is hanging to the side door of the plane] Benji, open the door!
Benji: Ethan? How did you get in the plane?
Ethan: I'm not in the plane, I'm ON the plane! Open the door!
Benji: Yeah, yeah, yeah, right!
[opens the rear door]
Benji: Ha! How's that?
Ethan: That's the wrong door!
Luther: [notices the rear door opened] Not that door, Benji, the other door!
Benji: Oh, yeah, sorry!

Ethan: I can't protect you, that's why I need you to leave.
Benji: That's not your decision to MAKE, Ethan! I am a FIELD AGENT, I know the risks! More than that, I am your FRIEND, no matter what I tell the polygraph every week! Now you CALLED ME because you needed my help! And you still do! So I am STAYING! And that is all we are gonna say about that!

William: We good?
Ethan: Things got a little out of hand.
Benji: [becomes conscious] Wow! look out!

Benji: Well, how long will it take to free swim from the intake to the service hatch?
Ilsa: Two minutes, with the current at full power.
Benji: Then you just have to hold your breath for two minutes.
Ethan: What about installing the security profile?
Benji: Well, that's gonna be, like, a minute, tops.
Ethan: So I have to hold my breath for *three* minutes.
Benji: [cavalierly] You can do that.
Ilsa: What I think you're overlooking is the physical exertion. The more you exert yourself, the faster you consume oxygen.
Benji: Don't worry about him, all right? All he has to do is install the fake profile before I get to the gait analysis. You said it yourself, it's the only way.
Benji: That doesn't sound "impossible".

[last lines]
Benji: How close were we?
Ethan: The usual.
Ilsa: [incredulous] Usual?
Ethan: [chuckling] Please, don't make me laugh.

Ethan: What's happening?
Luther: I can't open it.
Ethan: What do you mean, you can't open it?
Luther: I mean I can't open it, ever.
Benji: That's a red box?
William: A what?
Ethan: It's a red box. The British government uses them to transport state secrets.
William: Doesn't sound good.
Benji: Meaning it's triple-encrypted. You're not getting into that thing unless you have fingerprints, retinal scan, and a voice phrase spoken by a specific individual.
Ethan: The Prime Minister of Great Britain himself.
Benji: Yes, him.
William: So what you're saying is there is no ledger, which means we have no proof that the Syndicate even exists. So we're back to square one, only now we are all wanted by CIA. I'm so proud of us.
Benji: What I don't understand is why is there a red box sat in a private data vault in Morocco?
Luther: And why would Lane want it if he can't open it?
Benji: If Lane wants it, you can bet he has a plan to open it. Ah, and we just helped him steal it.
Luther: He's going to take the Prime Minister.
Ethan: Yes, he is. The question is how.

Benji: [after Ethan hijacks a helicopter to chase Walker] Ethan, where are you?
Ethan: I'm in a helicopter going after Walker.
Benji: Hold on! How did you get in the helicopter?
Ilsa: What? You can fly a helicopter?
Luther: Did you say "helicopter"? What the hell are you doing in a helicopter?

Ethan: [As he rides a motorcycle higher up the mountain] When do I start going downhill?
Benji: [Knowing that "the jump" is coming] Won't be long.

Benji: Let me guess. Presumed dead?
Ethan: Well tonight, I just made it official.

[from trailer]
Benji: This is a bad idea.
Luther: Is it ever a good one, honestly?

August: The name is Walker, by the way
Benji: Was the little car your idea?

Benji: [as Ethan is running up a circular staircase being chased by the Apostles] Why is he running in circles?

Benji: What the fuck? She tried to shoot me!
Ethan: That doesn't make her a bad person.

Benji: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you okay to drive? A minute ago you were dead.
Ethan: What are you talking about?
Benji: This is not going to end well.

Lane: [while Benji is strapped to a bomb and Lane demands the ledger] Where is the disc?
Benji: Where is the disc?
Ethan: You're looking at it. I am the disc.

Benji: We have to evacuate these people!
Ilsa: There's no time!
Ethan: This whole valley's gonna be incinerated in 15 minutes!
Ilsa: [the two helicopters take off] It's too late!
Ethan: No. I'm gonna get the detonator.
Ilsa: What? How?
Ethan: I'll figure it out. Find Lane and find the other bomb!
[gets out of the jeep and jumps onto the first helicopter]
Ilsa: What the hell is he doing?
Benji: I find it best not to look!

[last lines]
Eugene: [voice-over] We cannot escape the past. Some of us are doomed to repeat it. Grace may believe you saved her from her fate, but you and I both know you merely bought her time. But that's the pattern, isn't it? A cross you've been left to bear. The closer someone gets to you, the harder it is to keep them alive.
Benji: [seeing Ethan parachute down] Thank God.
Eugene: [voice-over, continued] A new day brings a new burden. The key is only the beginning. Wherever it leads, wherever it takes to get there, you'll have to do it on your own. Should you fail in your mission, the Entity wins. Gabriel wins. And the world will pay the ultimate price. Should any members of your team be caught or killed, their sacrifice will have been in vain. So hurry. There isn't much time. The world doesn't know it, but they're counting on you. Good luck, Ethan.

Ethan: [Ethan and Benji are in a car which is flying mid-air] You have your seatbelt on?
Benji: You're asking me that NOW?

Benji: Let me just assure you, this won't hurt... . enough.