20 Best Billy Quotes

[Brown is telling Billy why he signed up for the police while jogging for a police training exercise]
Brown: So she tells me, "You never finish anything. You finish the police course, you get taken care of again, baby." So after graduation, I get a blowjob again.
Billy: That's great. Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman.
Brown: Fuck yourself.
Billy: Look at it this way: You're a black guy in Boston. You don't need any help from me to be completely fucked.

Billy: [coming from behind the wall to surprise Sullivan] Freeze!
Colin: Whoa! Put the fucking gun down!
Billy: Put your fucking hands up!
Colin: Alright, alright. I can get you your money!
Billy: What did you say?
Colin: I said I can get you your...
Billy: [punches Sullivan across the face] You didn't come here to talk, you came here to get arrested.
[Slaps cuffs on him]
Colin: You have fucking tapes of what? Costello was my informant. I was a rat? Fuck you, prove it.
Billy: [standing Sullivan up] Get up!
Colin: What is this? A citzens arrest? Blow me. Only one of us is a cop here Bill. Did you hear me Bill? No one knows who you fucking are!
Billy: Will you shut the fuck up!
Colin: I'm a sargeant in the Massachusetts State Police, who the fuck are you? I erased you!
Billy: [slams Sullivan against a wall] You erased me, huh?
Colin: Yea... shoot a cop, Einstein, watch what happens.
Billy: What would happen is this bullet would go right through your fucking head!
Colin: Watch what happens!
Billy: What? So you can get the parade? The bagpipes and bullshit? Fuck you! Fuck you! I'm fucking arresting you!
Colin: That's the stupidest thing you could do.
Billy: [while hitting him] Shut the fuck up!
[Sullivan falls to the ground]
Billy: I could give a fuck if the charges don't stick... I'm still fucking arresting you.
Colin: [dazed] Shit.

Dignam: [during Costigan's interview] Your fuckin' family's dug into the Southie projects like ticks. Three-decker men at best. You, however, grew up on the North Shore, huh? Well, la-di-fuckin'-da. You were kind of a double kid, I bet, right? Huh? One kid with your old man, one kid with your mother. You're upper-middle class during the weeks, then you're droppin' your "R"s and you're hangin' in the big, bad Southie projects with your daddy, the fuckin' donkey on the weekends. I got that right?
Dignam: [Billy does not answer] Yup. You have different accents? You did, didn't you? You little fuckin' snake. You were like different people.
Billy: You a psychiatrist?
Dignam: Well, if I was I'd ask you why you're a Statie making 30 grand a year. And I think if I was Sigmund fuckin' Freud I wouldn't get an answer. So tell me, what's a lace-curtain motherfucker like you doing in the Staties?
Billy: Families are always rising or falling in America, am I right?
Oliver: Who said that?
Billy: Hawthorne.
Dignam: [Dignam makes a farting sound] What's the matter, smartass, you don't know any fuckin' Shakespeare?

Oliver: [during Costigan's interview] Do you know what we do here? My section?
Billy: Sir, yes, sir. I have an idea...
Dignam: [interrupting] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's say you have no idea and leave it at that, okay? No idea. Zip. None. If you had an idea of what we do, we would not be good at what we do, now would we? We would be cunts. Are you calling us cunts?
Oliver: Staff Sergeant Dignam has a style of his own. I'm afraid we all have to get used to it.

Billy: [during Costigan's interview] Do you lie?
Madolyn: Why? Do you?
Billy: No, I'm asking if you lie.
Madolyn: Honesty is not synonymous with truth.
Billy: [amused] Yeah, you lie. You lie.

Billy: [talking in the back seat of a car] When are you gonna take Costello, huh?
Billy: I mean, what's wrong with taking him on any one of the
Billy: million fucking felonies that you've seen him do, or I've seen him do? I mean, I mean, he murdered somebody, right? The guy fucking murders somebody, and you don't fucking take him! What are you waiting for, honestly? I mean, do you want him to chop me up and feed me to the poor? Is that what you guys want?
Dignam: [sarcastically while sitting in the front seat] Yeah, well that might stick.
Oliver: [to Dignam] Will you shut up?
[to Billy]
Oliver: We are building a case. It takes time. You know that.
Billy: Somethings wrong. I'm telling you, something's wrong.
Oliver: Yeah, maybe.

Billy: [during a counseling session with Madolyn] You sit there with a mass murderer. A mass murderer. Your heart rate is jacked, and your hand... steady. That's one thing I figured out about myself in prison. My hand does not shake... ever.

Colin: Yeah, shoot a cop, Einstein. Watch what happens.
Billy: What would happen is this bullet would go right through your fucking head!

Oliver: [meeting privately under a bridge next to a river] Okay, kid. Let's do this. Come on, spread 'em.
[Queenan begins searching Costigan]
Dignam: Hey, what do you think you can pop somebody and there's a special card to play? That guy, Jimmy Bags whose jaw you broke happens to work undercover for the Boston Police Department.
Billy: I'm going fucking nuts, man. I can't be someone else every fuckin' day. It's been a year of this. I've had enough of this shit!
Dignam: Calm down, alright? Most people in the world do it every day. What's the big deal?
Billy: Well, I'm not them, alright? I'm not fucking them, okay?
Dignam: Exactly. You're nobody. You signed the papers, remember? Now we're the only two people on the face of this earth that even know you're a cop. How about we just erase your file, huh? How 'bout that? How about we erase your file and then bang, you're just another soldier for Costello open to arrest for I don't know how many felonies. Huh? What do you say we do that, Captain?
Billy: How about I fucking kill you, huh? How about I fucking kill you!
Oliver: That was a joke. Come on!
Dignam: That wasn't a joke. Just because you play a tough guy, doesn't mean you are one you lace-curtain, Irish fucking pussy!
[Costigan punches Dignam]
Oliver: Hey, hey! Stop it! Break it up! Stop it!
Billy: [to Dignam] Fuck you, motherfucker!
Oliver: Goddamn it, stop it! That's an order!
[fighting stops]
Oliver: For chrissake, be smart. If anybody's watching us now, how are we not supposed to arrest you? Come on, get in the car. Both of you, get in the car!

Billy: [during a counseling session] There was a cop leaving when I came in.
Madolyn: How did you know he was a cop?
Billy: You know, bad haircut, no dress sense, and, you know, a slight air of scumbag entitlement.

Billy: [in Costello's bar] Frank, how many of these guys have been with you long enough to be disgruntled, huh? Think about it. You don't pay much, you know. It's almost a fuckin' feudal enterprise. The question is, and this is the only question, who thinks that they can do what you do better than you?
Frank: The only one that can do what I do is me. Lot of people had to die for me to be me. You wanna be me?
Billy: I probably could be you, yeah. Yeah, I know that much. But I don't wanna be you, Frank. I don't wanna be you
Frank: Heavy lies the crown... sort of thing.

Frank: I got this rat, this gnawing, cheese eating fuckin' rat and it brings up questions... You know, see, Bill, like you're the new guy. Girlfriend... Why don't you stay in the bar that night I got your numbers. Social Security numbers. Everybody's fuckin' numbers.
Billy: Is there something that you just wanna go ahead and ask me? 'Cause I'll give you the fuckin' answer, all right? Frank, look at me. Look at me. I'm not the fuckin' rat. Okay? I'm not the fuckin' rat.

Uncle: [in a hospital hallway] What's this I hear from Stephanie about you becoming a policeman?
Billy: You mean Stephanie, who was the only one who came to my father's funeral? That Stephanie?
Uncle: Yeah, *that* Stepanie.
Billy: Nothing much to it, Uncle Edward.
Uncle: Are you trying to prove something to the family?
Billy: When you say "the family," who do you mean exactly? You?
Uncle: You always have to question everything, don't you?
Billy: Maybe it would have done you some good to have some *questions* from time to time, you know? "Am I an asshole? Are my kids a mess? Is my wife a money-grubbing whore?" I mean, those are questions, right? "Have I ever been good to my dying sister or am I just now pretending to be?"
Uncle: Do you need some money for the funeral?
Billy: When my mother dies, we don't have any more connection.
[Billy walks away]

Billy: [in Pakistani Proprietor's store] Hey, you fellas come from Providence?
Providence: Isn't any of your business where we come from, is it, now?
Billy: Fuckin' delivering cannolis or something?

Oliver: [during Costigan's interview] We have a question: Do you want to be a cop, or do you want to appear to be a cop? It's an honest question. A lot of guys just want to appear to be cops. Gun, badge, pretend they're on TV.
Dignam: Yeah, a lot of people just wanna slam a nigger's head through a plate-glass window.
Billy: I'm all set without your own personal job application. Alright, Sergeant?
Dignam: What the fuck did you say to me, trainee?
Billy: [to Queenan] With all due respect, sir, what do you want from me?
Dignam: Hey asshole, he can't help you! I know what you are, okay? I know what you are and I know what you are not. I'm the best friend you have on the face of this earth, and I'm gonna help you understand something, you punk. You're no fuckin' cop!

Colin: [bloodied and handcuffed, in freight elevator] Just fucking kill me. Just fucking kill me.
Billy: I am killing you.

Billy: No, I gotta get out. I can't be doing this anymore. You know what's gonna happen?
Oliver: What?
Billy: I know he's gonna find out who I am and he's gonna fucking kill me.
Oliver: I'm really sorry... I swear to God I am. I'll get you out of this. It won't be immediately but I will get you out. Two weeks at most.

Frank: Have a seat, Bill.
[Costigan sits down at Costello's dinner table]
Frank: [while eating crab] Do you know John Lennon?
Billy: Yeah, sure, he was the president before Lincoln.
Frank: Lennon said, "I'm an artist. You give me a fucking tuba, I'll get you something out of it."
Billy: [sarcastically] Well I tell you Mr. Costello, I'd like to squeeze some fucking money out of it.
Frank: Smart mouth. Too bad. If you'll indulge me...
[sees Gwen leaving]
Frank: Now what?
Gwen: Choir practice.
Frank: [annoyed] Choir practice.
[Costello pulls out a severed human hand]
Frank: The point I'm making with John Lennon is - a man could look at anything, and make something out of it. For instance, I look at you and I think "what could I use you for?"

Madolyn: [after a counseling session] Why is the last patient of the day always the hardest?
Billy: Because you're tired and you don't give a shit. It's not super-natural.

Billy: [to Frank Costello in Frank's bar] You accuse me once, I put up with it. You accuse me twice... I quit. You pressure me to fear for my life and I will put a fucking bullet in your head as if you were anybody else. Okay?
[Frank drops something. He reaches under the table and pulls up a gun. He looks at it as if he's never seen it before and then points it at Billy]
Frank: You got something you wanna... ask me?