The Best The Margrave Quotes

Cara: [she heard him use the word 'discipline' and so...] When my servants dropped things and began to grumble and whine, it was never too long before they fell back in line.
The: Tell me how you manage it, princess.
Cara: Once, long ago, I was training a slave, who endeavored most stubbornly not to behave. So I cut off a finger or two with a knife, and threatened to slaughter his child and his wife. Then I stripped him naked, and strapped to a horse, I dragged him through miles of bramble and gorse. I rubbed salt into his wounds, and rolled him in rubble. That was the last time he gave any trouble.
The: Impressive. I'll have to give it a try.

Cara: [on top of the margrave] Tell me where the key is or there's going to be a royal decapitation.
[her blade goes lower and lower...]
The: It's sewn inside my vest!
[Cara finds it]
Cara: [taunting] Dear margrave, the sight of your face makes me sick, you decadent, pompous, self-satisfied...!
[rhyming word lost as she slaps him through the face]