The Best Cassie Quotes

Cassie: There! It's the microtreasure!
Scott: My trophy?
Cassie: It looks like treasure.
Scott: Oh, it is to me.
Cassie: I wanna take it to show and tell.
Scott: Oh, you can't do that. Can't. It never leaves the house. It's too important. This is the best birthday present you ever got me. I'm so touched you think I'm the 'World's Greatest Grandma.'"
Cassie: It was the only one they had.
Scott: Makes me wanna knit you a sweater.

Scott: Come on, Woo. I've got three days left. Why would I try to escape?
Jimmy: Sorry, Scott, but rules are rules. You trip the perimeter alarm, we search the place. Keel to stern, soup to nuts.
Scott: [an agent accidentally drops something and it breaks] Thank you. It was an accident. My foot went through the fence.
Cassie: Our flying ant crashed.
Scott: [seeing Woo's look] Hey, you try and entertain a ten-year-old when you can't leave the house. You know the lengths that I've gone to?
[conjuring a playing card]
Scott: Close-up magic.
[conjuring the card from behind Cassie's ear]
Scott: I learned that.

Maggie: Cassie, let the man get by.
Cassie: But Daddy's super sick!
Jimmy: I'll see about that.
Cassie: He says he doesn't want anyone else to get sick.
Jimmy: Well, I'll take my chances, sweetie.
Cassie: He barfed. Like, a lot.
Jimmy: Young lady, I'm a federal agent. I've seen worse things than vomit. Like, 'a lot' a lot?

Cassie: [Luis appears] Oh no! The fuzz!

Cassie: [to Scott] You can do it. You can do anything. You're the world's greatest grandma.

Cassie: Why can't you just leave my daddy alone?
Jimmy: Oh, Cassie. This must all seem like a bunch of confusing grown-up stuff to you, huh? Well, think of it this way. Your school has rules, right? Like, you can't draw on the walls. Well your daddy went to Germany and drew on the walls with Captain America. And that was a violation of Article 16, Paragraph Three of the Sokovia Accords. Now, as a part of his joint plea deal with Homeland Security and the German government... he was allowed to return to the U.S. provided he serve two years under house arrest followed by three years of probation. And avoid any unauthorized activities, technology or contact with any former associates who were or currently are in violation of said Accords. Or any related statutes. Ok, sweetie?
Scott: Wow, you're really great with kids.
Jimmy: Thanks, I'm also a youth pastor.

Hope: So, Cassie... what do you want to be when you grow up?
Cassie: I wanna help people. Like my dad.
Hope: Really?
Cassie: I wanted to be his partner. Be he said he wants you.
Hope: Is that so?

Jimmy: Not to be a Johnny ask-a-lot, but you haven't had any contact with Hank Pym or Hope van Dyne, have you?
Scott: No.
Jimmy: You sure? Because it's only a matter of time before we get 'em. It was their tech, so they violated the Accords, too. And associating with them breaks your deal. And, uh, I don't need to remind you that any violation of your agreement means 20 years in prison. Minimum.
Scott: I haven't talked to Hank or Hope in forever.
Cassie: They hate his guts.
Scott: [sarcastic] Thanks, peanut.
Jimmy: How'd you do it, Scott?
Scott: Do what?
Jimmy: The card trick.
Scott: Seriously?

Cassie: Don't just stand there! Let's bounce before the po-po come back!
Scott: Po-po? How do you even know that?

Cassie: Trying to help people isn't dumb.
Scott: Well... I screw it up just about every time.
Cassie: So maybe you just need someone watching your back. Like a partner.
Scott: Well, she's made it clear that's about the last thing she wants.
Cassie: Who?
Scott: Hope.
[seeing her look]
Scott: Wait, who did you think?
Cassie: Me.
Scott: You?
Cassie: Don't laugh. I'd be a great partner.
Scott: Aw, peanut. Aw. You would be awesome. And if I let you, I would be a terrible dad.

Cassie: I had a fun weekend, Daddy.
Scott: Me too, peanut. But just wait 'til next weekend. Once I'm out of here, you and I are gonna go paint this town red. We'll have so much ice cream, we'll never stop puking.
Maggie: [pantomiming retching, he "throws up" playing cards] You're getting good at that.
Paxton: How'd you do that?