The Best Colin Rigsdale III Quotes

Kate: Are you familiar with a girl named Pamela Bonner?
Jessica: Detective, what is this about?
Kate: Mr. Rigsdale?
Colin: Name's not familiar.
Kate: Really? I understand that she was an intern here at the firm last year. Isn't that correct? And isn't it also correct that you attended the Banks & Bauer summer associate party last year?
Jessica: Don't answer that. Detective, what are you doing?
Kate: The same thing that my victim, Erica Albrook, was doing. Trying to figure out how her best friend, Pamela Bonner, actually died.
Jessica: Her death was an accident.
Kate: Really? Then why do we have a record of Ian Blaylock, Mr. Rigsdale's attorney at the time, receiving a phone call from him at 1:45 that night?
Jessica: Detective, this is privileged information. It's inadmissible.
Kate: And we're not in court.