The Best Doug Morgan Quotes

Doug: No!
[rises from his seat]
Doug: It's - it's - it's how you see it. It's the story you tell. It's not the way it is. *You* can't differentiate one thing from another, you...
[bangs on interrogation-room door]
Doug: I know how it is. I get it. You don't. You're not a "clear"!

Detective: You wanted to transform your context.
Doug: Yes. That's what I did.
Detective: What's a "context," Doug?
Doug: [looks flustered, stutters] I... It's - it's hard to say.
Detective: It's in your letter; you don't know what it means?

Detective: And that's when you overcame your biggest fear. You changed your way of being.
Doug: Yes!
Detective: You killed your dad and transformed your life.
Doug: [nods, smiling] Yes, I did.
Detective: And you killed your brother for the same reason.
Detective: The brother who had loved you, who watched over you.
Doug: It's wasn't real love. The context wasn't authentic. He watched out for me out of guilt. It's old stuff.
Detective: It's in the past. You killed your dad and you... let it go.
Doug: Yes!
Detective: Well, so then you became everything that Grace Note promised you. I mean, like it says here in the brochure, look! You became creator of your own destiny! Wow, look at you! You're a success story!