The Best Dr. David Wheeler Quotes

Dr. David Wheeler: [as Batman listens in with his fingertip microphones] ... easiest thing in the world, being a teenager: you get up, you go to school, you come home, and you do your homework. How do you mess that up? Yet all of you did, in one way or another - and now I have to clean up that mess!
Batman: He's been going on like this for hours, telling them how worthless they are, and how only he can help them. Won't even let 'em go to the bathroom!
Bruce: Sleep deprivation, endless harangues; it's classic brainwashing. Some cults do it. It's also occasionally used on prisoners of war.
Batman: And Wheeler's doing it to kids.

Vincent: So, how do you want me to get rid of the McGinnis kid?
Dr. David Wheeler: The road through the forest winds pretty badly. Sometimes trees come at you from out of nowhere. And you know how little protection those cycles give.
Vincent: It won't be easy. The kid's a fighter.
Dr. David Wheeler: Then we'll just have to take the fight out of him. Give him iso in the morning, too.

Boy: Dr. Wheeler, could I go back to my room? It's so late. I can hardly keep my eyes open.
Dr. David Wheeler: No! You need to listen to this, all of you. And I've got lots more to say. Hours more.
Boy: Please.
Dr. David Wheeler: Vincent. Take him to the iso.
Boy: [getting dragged away] The iso? No, please! I'll be good, I promise. Please, no.

Dr. David Wheeler: Mr. McGinnis, is it? What were you doing back here?
Terry: Just looking for a bathroom. That's when he jumped me. We know each other from school. Weren't what you'd call close.
Dr. David Wheeler: Pat him down.
Terry: [fighting as a guard searches him] Hey! Hey... uhn! What do you think you're...
Dr. David Wheeler: [the guard hands over his vid-cam] What's this for? Home movies?
[re-playing Chelsea's plea]
Dr. David Wheeler: Whose idea was this?
[Terry refuses to say]
Dr. David Wheeler: Lock him in a room.
Terry: [getting dragged away] Hey! Hey, you can't do this. Stop, let go! This whole place is gonna crash when the parents find out about you.

Vincent: [breaking up a fight] What do you think you're doing?
Sean: We... we were just talking, that's all.
Vincent: [seeing the blood on his lip] Just talkin', huh?
Sean: He started it.
Terry: Liar.
Dr. David Wheeler: I'm afraid I have to agree.
Sean: Dr. Wheeler. You know me. I don't get into fights anymore.
Dr. David Wheeler: Do I know you, Sean? I thought I did. But now I think you were just pretending to go along with the program.
Sean: No, I was into it. Really.
Dr. David Wheeler: Iso, first thing in the morning.
Sean: Iso? You can't!
Dr. David Wheeler: Sorry, Sean. It's time you made some real progress.
Sean: You do this, I'll get you. I swear. I swear!

Vincent: What's next?
Dr. David Wheeler: Hold McGinnis overnight. See if anyone comes looking for him.
Vincent: And if they do?
Dr. David Wheeler: We destroy his vid disc, and it'll be my word against his.
Vincent: And what if no one comes?
Dr. David Wheeler: In that case, we'll put a more... permanent end to this.

Dr. David Wheeler: An out-of-control child. A parent's worst nightmare. I'm Dr. David Wheeler, child psychologist. With the tough new parental liability laws now in effect, mothers and fathers can no longer afford to ignore their children's problems. Are they staying out too late? Ignoring their schoolwork? Or are they involved in something worse? Whatever the problem is, I can help. At my ranch, only minutes from Gotham City, I offer the very finest long-term therapy for adolescents. Yes, it is expensive. But think about the alternative.