Top 700 Quotes From Batman Beyond

Dana: If the coach had us do one more lap, I'd be sprouting gills.
[hearing chanting]
Dana: Sounds like Nelson's got his monkeys rooting for him again. Who's the victim this time?
[recognizing Terry]
Dana: Terry?
Chelsea: My money's on Nelson.
Dana: I wouldn't be too sure, Chelsea.
Chelsea: You've never wrestled with him.

Terry: It's crashing me down, Max. Where could she be?
Max: Grip yourself, Ter. What about the fat man? What'd he have to say?
Terry: They took him down to County. I don't think he's gonna be forming sentences for a while. If she'd only contact me.
Max: Maybe she's not here anymore.
Terry: No. She's in Gotham somewhere. Don't ask me how I know. I just do. I can... feel it.
Max: Hey, I believe anything on this case.

Bobby: What happened?
Vance: I didn't give you enough sedative, that's what happened.
Bobby: What are you doing to me?
Vance: It's what I'm doing *for* you. See, you're not going to have to worry about running the company anymore.
Terry: [watching, hidden in an air vent] Magnet.
Vance: That's because I'm going to be in charge again.
Bobby: In that suit?
Vance: No, Bobby. In you.
Bobby: But where will I be?
Vance: Wherever deleted programs go.

Bruce: This isn't the first time Superman's gone rogue. I made sure to be prepared for when it happens again. I prayed I'd never have to use it.
Batman: Kryptonite. This could kill him.
Bruce: Do whatever it takes, but make sure you stop him.

Bombshell: I don't expect you to understand, but we have your best interest in mind. You're a gifted girl, Tamara, just like me. While others can only tap into 10% of their brains, we can go deeper. It's what separates us from them.

Batman: Big shipment. Armed guards. Late night. What are the chances this little transaction is legal?
Bruce: Just make sure you know what you're up against before you jump in.
Batman: Don't worry. I've got it covered.

Batman: Looks like your hunch was right. How'd you know?
Bruce: I've been reading people since before you *were* a person.

Dana: [in class] It's getting to be a ghost town in here.
Terry: Cold and flu season?
Chelsea: More like Dr. Wheeler and that ranch of his.
Terry: All this? Come on, Chels.
Chelsea: Come on, yourself. The parents are scared. They're sending their kids off to therapy by the busload. As if they needed it.
Dana: Sean needed it. Lots and lots of it.
Chelsea: Yeah, but what about Alexa and Jamal? And Adam Stepnik?
Dana: Adam got sent away? But he makes those beautiful paintings.
Chelsea: Except sometimes he uses other people's walls.
Dana: Well, I guess if a kid's parents want him to get therapy, it's not like we can do anything.
Chelsea: Speak for yourself. I'm gonna e-mail the principal. Rattle his cage.
Terry: Careful, Chels.
Chelsea: Hey, it's like a letter to the editor. My dad writes 'em all the time.

Batman: So, what part of "wait here" didn't you understand?
Stalker: Never hesitate. In the jungle, it's kill or be killed.

Mr. Freeze: Stay where you are.
Batman: You've got to get out of here, Fries! The whole place is going to go!
Mr. Freeze: Believe me, you're the only one who cares.

Carter's: How could you have done so poorly on the GATs?
Carter: I got an almost perfect score.
Carter's: "Almost" doesn't get you ahead in life, dearest. "Almost" gets you almost.
Carter: Only one student got higher.
Carter's: Well, that would make you the winning loser, wouldn't it? And if that's good enough for you, then I can see why my opinion doesn't mean much to you, either.

Batman: No sign of him.
Bruce: Keep looking. He's there somewhere.
Batman: Yeah, but where?
[noticing something]
Batman: Wait a minute. Nelson?

Donna: This family's taken good care of us, and it's always going to be there. But why would you want to throw that away?
Melanie: A... a boy.
Donna: [sighing] Love. Great.
Melanie: It is.
Donna: Melanie, men come and go. Most of them cause nothing but trouble. Some of them are worth it. But not one is worth the sacrifice you're about to make.
Melanie: You don't know this one.
Donna: You didn't see fit to introduce us to him. That's because you knew he wouldn't fit in, right? Someday, the right one will come along, one who will fit in. He'll be your king. You'll have all the money you want, all the freedom, the very finest life can offer, but only if you stick with this family. Well?

Terry: "Help me. Help me." Over and over again, like a broken disc.
Bruce: And then she vanishes.
Terry: Yeah.
[turning and seeing Tamara]
Terry: Guess what.
Bruce: She's here.
Terry: [pointing at nothing] Yep. Right there, asking for help again.
Bruce: Talk to her.

Chelsea: [she and other students are planning to attend Howard's party] If you're not too busy being Mr. Host, maybe I can pry you away from Cynthia for a dance.
[puts her hand on his shoulder]
Howard: You're talking to Howard Groote. All things are possible.
[Terry notices Cynthia giving Chelsea an angry look, she squeezes Howard's notebook so tightly it cracks]

Max: So, where does the old man go to unwind?
Terry: Tibet. He's visiting some old guru mentor friend. He's got them all over the place.
Max: Perfect. You can take Dana out to that cozy restaurant on the beach.
Terry: Can't. Gotta work.
Max: You know you're skating on thin ice with her already.
Terry: You don't get it. He expects me to even harder when he's gone.
Max: Why?
Max: He always thinks something bad's going to happen the minute he leaves town. And somehow he's always right.

Terry: Is being Batman just giving me a suspicious nature?
Max: Yes.

Spellbinder: To feel the love you never get in the real world. It's no surprise that addiction follows so quickly.

Terry: What did you send me into? It was like some kind of Blob. You should have warned me!
Bruce: I tried. You have to learn to think on your feet.

Ma: This is getting old, Batman.
Terry: Look who's talking.

Bruce: I severed the computer link when I lost contact with you.
Terry: Did you get all the files?
Bruce: Uh-huh. And every one of Payback's attacks is linked to kids at the Center. Each victim was a patient's parent, teacher, boss.
Terry: The people kids gripe about. So, Payback's attacking whoever gets ratted on in that room.
Bruce: But these patients aren't all in one group. So our suspect has to be someone who has access to every session.
Terry: I'm so ahead of you. Bring up a guy named Howard Lewis. The Center keeps vid-disks of the sessions, and this guy's the librarian. He's got the access.
Bruce: But what about a motive?
Terry: He acts like a kid himself. Maybe he's decided to be their protector.
Bruce: Why rule out Dr. Stanton? He's got access, too.
Terry: You taught me to follow my gut.
Bruce: Be careful. Your gut's still young.

Dr. Stanton: [after Payback was defeated by Batman and revealed to be Kenny Stanton] This is all my fault. I had so many appointments and I kept dumping him on Lewis. He must have figured if he solved my patients' problems, I'd have more time for him.
Bruce: Go ahead and talk to your son.
[Dr. Stanton heads to the police who have Kenny]

Matt: What are you going to do, mister? Cut my heart out? Eat my liver?
Stalker: Don't be dramatic. You are merely bait.

Dana: Wasn't that a great game? I mean, the part you stayed awake for.
Terry: It wasn't you, honest. I'm just seriously REM-deprived. See you tomorrow.

Mary: Well, now it all makes sense.
Terry: Huh?
Mary: You've started making your bed.
Terry: Uh, yeah. Anything to help you out, mom.
Mary: And here I was thinking you weren't coming home at night.
Terry: Who, me?

Batman: [trying to contact Bruce] Can you hear me? I'm down in the shelters under the subway. Can you hear me?
DAK: Talking to yourself?
Batman: It's a radio.
DAK: Might as well be talking to yourself. Radios don't work down here. Any idiot knows that.

Batman: [after seeing Curaré cut through a steel lamp post with her sword] I gotta get me one of those swords.

Terry: There's something I gotta tell you...
Mrs. Mary McGinnis: After the show, dear.
Terry: No, it can't wait. I... I'm... Batman.
[Mary and Matt both laugh hysterically in response]
Terry: Seriously, I am!
Mrs. Mary McGinnis: Honey, please.
Matthew: Hey, it's coming on!
TV: Today's edition of Inside Peek has been postponed due to technical difficulties, please stay tuned for an encore presentation of...
[Matt turns off the TV]
Matthew: Postponed? Why'd they do that?
Mrs. Mary McGinnis: Maybe Ian Peek lost his nerve.
Terry: Somehow, I doubt that.

Bruce: When I was young, women used to throw themselves at my feet all the time.
Terry: What did you do?
Bruce: Step over them.
Terry: Smooth.
Bruce: I thought so.

Terry: [listening to Sean in his cell laughing] Hey, shut up.
Sean: Got some news for you, McGinnis. Word is I'm not going to iso alone. No comment, huh?
Terry: Maybe neither of us'll have to go.
Sean: Sorry, fool. Wheeler doesn't change his mind.
Terry: He won't have to.
Sean: What are you talking about?
Terry: Something neither of us has ever been very good at. Cooperation.
Sean: Cooperate? With you?
[he continues laughing]
Terry: If I get out of here, there are people I can go to, people who'll shut this place down. But I can't get out unless you help me.
Sean: What do I care if they close the ranch? They'll just put me in some other place.
Terry: No! This is your chance to prove they're wrong about you. Maybe your last chance.

Terry: Let me see if I got all this: Jurgen is breaking up with Blade so he can see Chris, but Chris is interested in Eric, who doesn't want to date anybody. Now wait a minute, that doesn't sound like Eric to me.
Max: It's not. You're thinking of the other Eric.
Terry: Aw, man, there's two of them now?
Max: See how important these little updates are? Without them, people would start wondering why you don't know what's going on at school anymore.
Terry: I should just tell them I'm busy chasing renegade synthoids and living heads.
Max: They wouldn't believe it.
Terry: Neither do I.

Dana: You've been living underground all this time? But why?
Patrick: I told you. They tease me. They call me Rat Boy. I didn't like it.
Dana: Sometimes friends can be cruel.
Patrick: I found new friends. They don't make fun of me.

Ronny: Things are a whole lot simpler than they used to be, Batman. Everything's automated. Don't need cameramen. Don't even need handlers. I control all the action with the touch of a button. You wanna know what's behind door number one, Batman?
Batman: [a door opens] One of your serostone creations. I saw them.
Ronny: Not this one, you didn't. He's my first experiment with the stuff. Guess I went a little overboard. I was gonna put him out to pasture, but I always knew I'd find a use for him.

Dana: I can't believe spring break's over already.
Terry: Or that Nelson's back.
Chelsea: Come on, he's not that bad. Anyway, I promised we'd pick him up. I wonder what he brought me.

Barbara: This is Gordon.
Kidnapper: Finally. Someone with a real line of credit.
Barbara: No deals until I know the hostages are safe.
Kidnapper: Sweetheart, I've already been through this with your cub scouts. I'm looking at my foreign account right now, and still no donations. You better hurry, luv. Telethon's over in five minutes.

DAK: Back at school, half the kids want to be you.
Batman: Yeah?
DAK: I was in the other half.
Batman: Who do you want to be?
DAK: Maybe Blight or Spellbinder. Or somebody in the Royal Flush Gang.
Batman: Are you serious?
DAK: Hey, they did what they wanted and wouldn't let anyone tell 'em what to do.
Batman: But look how they ended up.
DAK: Yeah, thanks to you. And I'm gonna end up that way, too, now, thanks to you.

Vincent: So, how do you want me to get rid of the McGinnis kid?
Dr. David Wheeler: The road through the forest winds pretty badly. Sometimes trees come at you from out of nowhere. And you know how little protection those cycles give.
Vincent: It won't be easy. The kid's a fighter.
Dr. David Wheeler: Then we'll just have to take the fight out of him. Give him iso in the morning, too.

Batman: [after Mad Stan throws him into a wall and he lands on his back on the ground] For this, I'm missing a date?

Bruce: Leave him alone. And get off my property! You're trespassing.

Terry: So, she'll let me out to work for you and go to school. Otherwise, I'm in solitary; big time.
Bruce: At least you managed to keep one of these.
Terry: Barely. I got a real problem here. She doesn't trust me anymore, and nothing I say is gonna change her mind. You got any ideas on how to play this?
Bruce: Arch-criminals, I know how to handle. Mothers are something else.

Paxton: Let me guess. You've thought of an even more demeaning grunt job for me.
Derek: Does acting chairman of the board sound like a grunt job?
Paxton: How stupid do you think I am?
Derek: It's in title only, at least at first. I'll tell you what I want done, and you'll do it. If you perform well, real power will follow. I need your help, son. I'm no longer able to face the public.
Paxton: What are you talking about? What's going on?
[removing his sunglasses and revealing the radiation in his eyes, Derek pulls off a section of skin from his wrist]
Paxton: Oh, dad.

Matt: [wearing a Wolf Man costume, he scares Terry as he wakes up] Gotcha! Gotcha good!
Terry: You are so dead, Matt.

Batman: Got some bad news.
Bruce: Let me guess. She got away.
Batman: And broke the freeze gun while she was at it. But that wasn't the bad news.
Bruce: It gets worse?
Batman: Uh-huh. She knows where the entrance to the cave is, remember?

Bruce: The door's not working. I had to shut down the computer when Vance's program tried to get in. If you want out of the cave, you're going to have to do it the old-fashioned way.
Terry: You're kidding.
Bruce: None of the Robins ever complained.

Terry: After you.
Stalker: You don't trust me?
Terry: You were out to kill me, remember?
Stalker: There are worse things than an honorable death.
Terry: Betcha it's a short list.

[On Terry's prospective girlfriend, who turns out to be a criminal]
Terry: This kinda thing ever happen to you?
Bruce: Let me tell you about a woman named Selina Kyle.

Coach: Mason, what kind of bonehead pass was that?
Mason: Sorry, coach.
Coach: You sure are. In fact, you're the sorriest bunch of losers I've ever seen. I don't care what it takes, I want you to get out there and kick butt! Understand?

Cynthia: You don't like me anymore.
Howard: I do, Cynthia. I just have to fix something in your command processor so you don't shove people around.
Cynthia: But I am what you wanted me to be, Howard.
Howard: I... I just didn't mean quite so intense. You're hurting people.
Cynthia: We won't need other people. You're my only reason for being. I'd go to pieces without you.
Howard: [pushing her away] Cynthia. Cynthia! Keep your hands to your... Cynthia!
Blade: [hearing the commotion outside] Go, Howard.

Big: Laid off?
Karen: Paxton Powers wants to move the light weapons division into new areas.
Big: You mean he wants to dump me and hire someone else at a lower salary.
Karen: I won't dignify that with an answer. Due to recent market reversals, your severance package, alas, will be modest.
Big: I built that division up from nothing! I was in Special Forces. I've got degrees in electronics and engineering! They'll have to hire two people to replace me!
Karen: Take it easy, Jim.
Big: Look, Karen, I just got married. I'm remodeling the house, I've got alimony. Things are tight. I mean... you started out as my assistant. Put in a word for me. Let me outsource as a consultant until I can find something else.
Karen: There's nothing I can do.

Falseface: You think my face looks bad? Wait till I'm done with yours.

Terry: Looks like the servo motors in my costume.
Bruce: Exactly like them. I bought yours years ago from a doctor who specialized in prosthetics for people who'd lost limbs. His name was Peter Corso, and this is definitely one of his.
Terry: Looks like the good doctor isn't so good anymore.
Bruce: I'm gonna do some tests on this motor. There's something odd about the circuitry. And I suggest you go make a house call.

Terry: You called it. I put down the bait like you said, and Payback took it. Only it wasn't who I thought it was. I was wrong. Twice.
Bruce: Learn from it. That's all you can do. By the way, what exactly did you say in that group to get Payback so mad at me? You must've given quite a convincing performance.
Terry: Who said anything about performing?

Terry: Something happened to you, didn't it? And wasn't just that you got old.

Terry: Okay, we know it's some kind of sound generator. So now what?
[inserting it into the Batcomputer]
Terry: Computer, analyze the metal this thing's made of.
[nothing happens]
Terry: Computer?
Bat: Incorrect command.
Terry: Uh, do the thing where you figure out what it's made of.
Bat: Request for spectrographic analysis?
Terry: Uh, yeah, that's it. What you said.

Bruce: Back at the cryogenics place, weren't you wondering why Inque didn't morph into her human form and just walk out with the other workers?
Terry: Uh, yeah!... Sort of...

Frank: So what are you gonna do to the guy who did that?
[Willie looks sheepishly]
Frank: No wonder, they walk all over ya. I told you, Willie. Someone pushes, you push back.
Willie: Yeah, like that'll work.
[Frank grabs Willie's arm and yanks him roughly]
Frank: You listen to me. I'm not raising a wuss.

Coe: It is a U.F.O., isn't it?
Scab: Wake up, Coe! All the writing's in English.
Coe: You can read?

Derek: I asked you here, Warren, to clear up any misconceptions you might have gotten from that incident with Mr. Tully. Harry simply suffered an allergic reaction to a chemical compound in the lab. Shook him up a bit, but he's under the best of care.
Warren: That's great. When can I see him?
Derek: Monday morning, first thing.
Warren: Thank you, Mr. Powers.
Derek: Don't mention it, Warren.
[Warren turns to leave]
Derek: Oh, Warren, before I forget, there seems to be a file missing from Harry's records. Would you know where it is?
Warren: No, sir. I have no idea.
Derek: No, of course not.

Barbara: Yes?
Bruce: It's me.
Barbara: You're not authorized to use this frequency. Get off it. Now!
Bruce: Barbara, you have to listen to me.
Barbara: Wrong . Those days are long gone, Bruce.

Sniper: No, no! He's gotta die! The monster's gotta die!
[Batman removes his mask]
Sniper: How could you save him? After what he did. What he did to me.
Victor: What did I do?
Sniper: You destroyed my life, my family, years ago. Gone. Frozen. Forever.
Batman: We'll let the police take care of him.
Victor: No. I've done this man enough damage.
[untying the restraints from his legs]
Victor: No words can express my sorrow for the pain I've caused you. I beg your forgiveness. It was another life, though that's hardly an excuse. I can only promise you this: I will do the best I can to make reparations to you and everyone I've ever hurt.

Jackie: If I spent as much time studying as I do practicing my cheers, I'd actually have an education by now.
Dana: A girl's gotta have her priorities.

Dr. Stanton: Welcome back.
Terry: What happened?
Dr. Stanton: Looks like you fainted. Anything like this ever happen before?
Terry: Mm-mm.
Dr. Stanton: Howard found you on the floor.
Howard: I was looking for Dr. S.
Terry: Lucky for me.
Dr. Stanton: Terry, one thing. What were you doing in here?
Terry: I-I was coming down the hall, and I started to feel dizzy. I figured there'd be a couch in here.
Dr. Stanton: Dizzy, huh?
Terry: First-day jitters, maybe?
Dr. Stanton: Maybe.

Guard: Little early for Halloween.
Batman: But just in time for fall.
[he falls backward and soars away]

Batman: Yeah, the source is definitely in here somewhere.
Shriek: Not somewhere. Right behind you.
Batman: You don't have to do this, Shreeve.
Shriek: But I do. And the name's Shriek now. I'll show you why.

Bruce: I've been hearing these voices.
Batman: I know.
Bruce: They think I'm crazy.
Batman: We'll talk about it back home.
Bruce: We're not going anywhere until I figure out where the voices are coming from.
Batman: But the orderlies could come in at any second.
Bruce: Check the light fixture. There might be a speaker hidden in it.
Batman: You can't be seri...
Bruce: Check it!
Batman: [firing a laser blast] See? Nothing.
Bruce: Then the sound's got to be coming from the walls. Strip 'em.
Batman: I can't strip the...
[getting an idea]
Batman: Wait a minute.
Bruce: What are you doing?
[Batman yanks the bandage off his head]
Bruce: Ow!
Batman: Big bandage for such a small wound. It's a two-way radio. Guy named Shreeve makes them. He's the one who knocked down the police station.
Bruce: He probably bribed a nurse to put that thing in the bandage. Still think I'm crazy?
Batman: It never occurred to me.

Mutro: When you prevented Curare from killing her target, the punishment for her failure was death. Unfortunately, we underestimated her. She fought back. One by one, she hunted us down. I am the only one left. And you are the only one who can keep me that way.
Batman: And why should I care to?
Mutro: Because when she has finished me, she will come after you.
Batman: Thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to look for your name in the obits.
Mutro: I thought you might feel that way. So I took the liberty of providing a little incentive. I've planted a bomb in your city. A rather large one. Set to go off unless it receives a properly-guided signal from me every 12 hours.
[Batman knocks him down and takes it]
Mutro: Go ahead. Take it. It won't do you any good. Only I know the codes. I'm not an unreasonable man. You help me defeat Curare, and I'll disarm the bomb. If not, if Curare gets to me first, boom! Gotham experiences a sudden population decline.

Dr. David Wheeler: An out-of-control child. A parent's worst nightmare. I'm Dr. David Wheeler, child psychologist. With the tough new parental liability laws now in effect, mothers and fathers can no longer afford to ignore their children's problems. Are they staying out too late? Ignoring their schoolwork? Or are they involved in something worse? Whatever the problem is, I can help. At my ranch, only minutes from Gotham City, I offer the very finest long-term therapy for adolescents. Yes, it is expensive. But think about the alternative.

Ian: Hello, Gotham, I'm Ian Peek, and on tonight's very special "Inside Peek", I've got gossip to shock your socks off. But first, this question. Who is boxing trainer Jack Turley coaching after hours? Hmm? Would you believe the champ's girlfriend?
[watching on TV, Turley spits out his bite of sandwich]
Ian: I'd watch out, Jack. She's a knockout in more ways than one.
[the door bursts open, and Turley gulps as his client stands in the doorway]
Ian: And then there's rocker Jamie Jerald. She must know that splicing's against the law, yet here she is just a day ago, meeting with one of the town's most notorious genetic suppliers. Maybe hard rockin' Jamie's out to become the real dragon lady in the music biz.
[watching on TV, Jerald wags a reptile-like tongue]
Ian: And now for our headline story, the strange case of Paxton Powers. Remember him? We haven't heard much from Paxie boy since he took over Wayne-Powers from his blighted father. Maybe it's because Pax has been side-tracked by, uh, personal issues? Looks like he's making up for all that time he wasted in the boonies.

Mad: My vest protects me, Batman, like your suit. Only better.

Mad: The whole political system is corrupt.
[detonating bombs]
Mad: Money. That's what it's all about, man. Well, I'm gonna stop it. Take out all the big money in one big blast.
[catching Barbara trying to call for backup]
Mad: Go ahead, commissioner, make your call. I've wired the whole ballroom. No one gets out!
[a batarang short-circuits his detonator]
Mad: Grrr... . you fried it!

Terry: Yeah?
Bruce: The Golem's heading your way. I hope you brought your suit.

Terry: I think it's some sort of military vehicle: real fast and maneuverable.
Bruce: So stop them.
Terry: That's easy for you to say.

Batman: Stalker, games over!

Bruce: The 6:15 metro takes the most direct route and makes the fewest stops. Good for security. I'm betting Sam will be on that one. There are several points where you could jump aboard.
Terry: Yeah, my one-way trip back to juvie.
Bruce: I'm figuring your best bet would be this juncture.
Terry: Come on. I told you what the commish said. What are you trying to prove?
Bruce: I'm just trying to protect her. It's what I do.
Terry: Okay. But this is Gordon's collar. I like her, Bruce. I respect her. I'm not gonna cross her.

Max: Who was in such a big hurry?
Batman: [surprised] It's Sean Miller.
Max: Sean Miller?
Batman: Yeah, from our history class.

Istivan: Untraceable, tax-free. A small down payment.
Big: Not bad. I still need to swipe a high-capacity circuit board.
Istivan: You made quite an impression on the Web. They're already calling you the human armory.
Big: You build this stuff, you test it, but you always wonder how it'll work when the pressure's on.
Istivan: Are you satisfied?
Big: It was like war.
Istivan: It is a war, Jim. Every great conflict is centered around economic struggle. Your personal battle for financial security is no different.
Big: Tell it to Batman. He almost got me.
Istivan: You may have to take him out. After all, wars have their casualties.

Batman: [with Blight caught in the pinch-cell net] Enough. Turn it off. That thing's gonna kill him.
Paxton: You want this as much as I do.
Batman: No. I wouldn't have agreed to this. You said you were gonna help him.
Paxton: I lied.

Batman: It sounds different here. And there's no condensation.
DAK: What are you doing?
Batman: [sticking them on the wall] My explosives.
DAK: You sure this is gonna work? I-I mean, if you use too much, you could blow up.
Batman: You think Blight would have worried about something like that?

Samir: [aiming a harpoon at King] Mine's bigger than yours.
King: All the money in the world and not an ounce of refinement.
[throws a card which knocks the harpoon out of Samir's hands]

Batman: So, where does Mad Stan, um... reside?
Bruce: Police files say row JJ, number 6.
Batman: They haven't done the autopsy yet.
Bruce: Good. We can do our own.
Batman: Hey, I had trouble with the frog in Bio Lab.
Bruce: An electronic scan should tell us what we need to know. Open it.
Batman: [doing so] Whoa. Now I'm really creeped.
Bruce: What is it?
Batman: He's gone. Somebody must've gotten here first, taken the body.
Bruce: Or maybe it was never there to begin with.

Batman: The kryptonite was two inches from my hand. But I hesitated.
Bruce: Why?
Batman: The guy's the greatest hero who ever lived. Uh, one of the greatest. I figured there had to be another way.
Bruce: But now you know better.

Dr. Price: I'm addressing whoever stole the experimental vehicle.
Scab: That'd be me.
Dr. Price: Who are you?
Scab: Who are you? You sound hot. Are you hot?
Dr. Price: Listen to me. That vehicle is government property. You have to return it now.
Scab: Typical babe. Ain't even met you and you're already giving me orders.

Terry: You should have seen her, Bruce. She sure swings a mean Batarang.
Bruce: [Smiles] She always did.

Batman: [calling Derek Powers; smiling] Amazing the numbers people put on their speed dial. Just wanted you to know tonight's boat ride has been cancelled, though your goons are still going up the river. Wish you could join them.
[hangs up]

Bruce: [Bruce Wayne in the mechanized bat suit just risked a heart attack to fight and defeat Inque] Now do you believe me about why I retired?
Terry: Not entirely, but tonight, I'm glad you didn't stay retired.

Terry: So the commissioner calls her personally and says she just wanted to award me with a student service medal. So now I'm in, like, schway city with my mom. She's even taking me out to celebrate.
Bruce: That's nice.
Terry: You know, this could have been a bad scene. If you hadn't believed in me...
Bruce: Old news. By the way, have you heard about your so-called victim?
Terry: Mad Stan? Did they finally find him?
Bruce: Oh, yes.

Terry: Your whole family lives here?
Max: "Whole family" is just me and my sister most of the time. The folks split up when I was a kid. And mom's on the road a lot for work. I guess you and I both have our secrets. Except mine seems kind of pathetic right now.
Terry: Hey, at least you don't have to wear tights.

Terry: She swore that it wasn't what it looked like.
[Bruce raises his eyebrow in question]
Terry: She meant it. I could tell.
Bruce: Ah, to be young again. And gullible.

Willie: You know what I learned in juvie, Batman? You don't kick a man when he's down.
[using his powers, he pulls the Hamilton Hill High sign out of the school wall]
Willie: You crush him.

Bruce: [watching surveillance footage proving Terry's innocence] Why would Barbara see something different?

Dana: [turning on the shower to her liking] Ahh, perfect.
[it inexplicably turns cold]
Dana: Very funny. Who turned up the cold?

Vincent: [leading Terry into isolation] Just think of it as a whole lot of peace and quiet, all at once.

Simon: All the "Last Cosmos" games are connected to this computer. From here, I keep track of many things. Including the players' scores.
Burfid: Schway!
Simon: You three represent the cream of the crop; the highest scorers in all Gotham.
Dempsey: Ultra-schway!
Simon: You are here because each one of you has shown extraordinary aptitude.
Corey: To us, "Last Cosmos" is more than a game.
Burfid: Yeah, it's our whole life.
Simon: Your devotion reflects a profound commitment to the ideals of the Sentries. But are you ready to take the next step?
Dempsey,27671: [two real Sentries swoop down] Whoa!
Corey: Wow!
Simon: Do you have what it takes to become real Sentries of the Last Cosmos?

[after Stephanie's cold-blooded attempt to murder and dissect him, Freeze turns the tables and appears in a suit of armor]
Dr. Stephanie Lake: We were only trying to help you...
Mr. Freeze: [repeating her words] Remember, there may be some momentary discomfort.
[cut to outside the building, hearing the hum of Freeze's cold guns, and Stephanie screaming]

Batman: I fixed your pets, Doc! Now it's just you and me! So why not come out and fight me, man to freak show?

Terry: [hearing an alarm] What's that?
Bruce: It's an alarm system I set up. I've got it hooked into the prison and a few other places. Helps me keep track of certain friends of ours.
Terry: So, which one is it?
Bruce: [seeing the alarm's origin] Inque.
[Terry goes to suit up]
Bruce: Downtown, Gotham Cryogenics.
Batman: On my way.
Bruce: Terry.
[holding out Mr. Freeze's cryo-gun]
Bruce: Just in case.

Terry: [leaving a screening of "Casablanca"] What'd you think of it, Howard?
Howard: Been there, done that.
Max: He's talking about the movie, Howard, not the snack bar.

Willie: I never understood why you liked to pick on the weaker kids, Nelson. Until now.
Nelson: It's not fair. You have powers. I don't stand a chance.
Willie: Okay. If that's how you want to play it. Mano a mano. No powers.
[they brawl, with Willie eventually blocking a punch telekinetically]
Willie: Well, maybe just a little power.

Barbara: Did he tell you what happened?
Bruce: I heard some mistakes were made.
Barbara: Mistakes? It took us twelve months to set up that sting. Men put their lives on the line for it.
Bruce: The boy is still learning.
Barbara: The boy is a hothead. I've been doing some checking on him.
Bruce: I know about his record.
Barbara: Three months at juvie. Another mistake, I suppose. He seems to make a lot of them. Just make sure this one was his last.

[woman screams in the distance]
Terry: Did you hear a scream?
Dana: Hey, it's Gotham City. That's practically our theme song.

Terry: [leaving a Wayne-Powers stockholder meeting] Too bad Shreeve is too freaked out to testify against that weasel.
Bruce: Maybe when his hearing comes back, if it ever does.

Terry: I don't think I shook him. Who is this guy?
Bruce: According to Interpol files, he's known as the Stalker. A big-game hunter who's wanted on three continents for poaching. He only goes after the most dangerous predators.
Terry: So why's he on my case?

Warren: [after Batman and Payback's battle in his store] Look at this place. You couldn't fight the guy outside?

Batman: I think that's Donny Grasso.
Bruce: Who?
Batman: Kid from school. Ran away last week. Guess he didn't run far.

Matt: What are you doing here in the dark?
Terry: Watching the sunset.
Matt: That was an hour ago.
Terry: I know, but they're going to do an instant replay!
Matt: Really?
Matt: "Instant replay", yeah right!
Terry: Twip.

Lorraine: Armory?
Big: Please, Lorraine, I had to.
Lorraine: No!
Big: Don't you see? I did this for you! For both of you. I had to! There was no other way. I was going to lose everything.
Lorraine: You wouldn't have lost us. You did this for yourself, Jim. All your high talk and big money. You lied to us, and now...
Big: Listen, babe, it's over. This was just a... a stopgap. That's all. A-A way to get over the hump. It's gonna be okay.
Lorraine: How? 'Cause no one knows? I know. Jared knows. How in the name of heaven is this ever gonna be okay?

Max: I can't believe my dad took both key cards.
Bellboy: Not a problem, miss.
[letting her in, he clears his throat and indicates the tool in his hand]
Max: Oh, uh...
Bellboy: [she swipes her cash card] Thank you, miss!
Max: [shutting the door behind him] There goes my lunch money.

Batman: [sneaking into Harper's mansion] Whoa. No way a fanboy like Corey wouldn't spew about this. He's covering something.
Bruce: Just be careful.

Ian: I was half-expecting you. Come on in... Terry. Once I saw that the old guy was Bruce Wayne, it wasn't hard to figure out who you were. He was the original Batman, wasn't he? Wasn't he?
Terry: I don't care what you do to me, but he doesn't deserve this. He's done too much for this city to wind up in the middle of a media circus.
Ian: He means a lot to you, doesn't he?
Terry: Yeah, he does.
Ian: I believe you. I really do. That's the trouble with this business. You meet so many liars, you forget what sincerity sounds like. Want to say it all again while I've got the camera running?

Terry: Woah... what the heck happened?
Dana: The party peaked early.

Terry: Where are you?
Tamara: In a boat.
Terry: Where's the boat?
Tamara: In the water.
Terry: Where in the water?
Tamara: I don't know!

[entering a museum]
Terry: You should see this place: antiques, relics... you'd feel right at home here.
Bruce: Cute.

Blight: And behold, I shall be a blight upon the land, and everything I touch shall wither and die.

Batman: Poor kid's gonna cry 'til he shuts down.
Bruce: Its cries are computer-generated, aren't they?
Batman: Yeah. So?
Bruce: That would mean the cries would have certain quantifiable digital properties.
Batman: Then I can set the Batmobile to scan for them, can't I?
Bruce: Uh-huh. Unless they've already made an omelet out of him.
Batman: [insulted] Oh, hey!

Burfid: What is it?
Corey: "Sentries of the Last Cosmos, written by Eldon Michaels"?
Batman: Right. Michaels created the game. Harper just produced it. He was supposed to share the profits, but he went back on the deal.
Simon: It's a lie!
Batman: That's why he had you destroy the databank where the original contracts were stored.
Simon: Don't listen! He's just trying to cloud your minds.
Corey: [flipping through] It's all in here.
Burfid: There's where Zimzam learned to fly.
Dempsey: From the Eagles of Karisium.
Corey: And here's where Aaron gets the Golden Feather from Princess Alla.
Simon: I'll destroy you, you Pyraperan moon slug.
Batman: You're starting to believe your own fiction.

Aaron: [talking to the cryogenically frozen Inque] He said "no raise." Just like that. Told me that what I do here isn't important enough. Not important enough. I'd like to see him talk to you that way. You never had to swallow any disrespect, did ya? No, not you. And if you wanted something, you just took it. But look at you now. All you've got is me, and you're just about all I got. That's why I'm staying here. Even if they don't pay me what I'm worth, you... you listen to me. You're the only one who ever has.

Barbara: When he comes, you have to hand him over.
Bruce: If you take him in, it'll expose his secret. And mine. And yours.
Barbara: What other choice do I have... do we have? Believe me, I'm acutely aware of the ramifications. I have a husband running for reelection. How long do you think that'll last once this hits the Web? No one can protect us this time, Bruce. He went too far.

Mr. Walker: [to Jack and Ace] You're acting like children. If you'd been prepared, Batman would be dead now.
Jack: We got away with the jewels! What difference does it make?
Mr. Walker: I'll tell you the difference: years ago, when I was your age, he broke up this gang for a while. He outsmarted us, humiliated us, and I've been waiting years to get him back.
Jack: Ah, the old revenge game. But tell me something, "sire", how will that make us richer?
[King punches him]

Batman: [after Payback attacks Bruce] You okay?
Bruce: What kept you?
Batman: I figured he'd at least wait 'til after the hors d'ouevres.

Fulton: Fingers!
Batman: Fingers?
Fulton: My kids named him.

Bruce: All of Spellbinder's victims had one thing in common: Dr. Ira Billings.
Terry: Both Chelsea and Jared were seeing him.
Bruce: And so was Cary Deakins, the auction manager's son.
Terry: So, Billings found out which families had access to valuables by speaking with the kids at school. But that means he'd be...
Bruce: [turning on a monitor] Out there now, waiting for you.
Terry: [pulling out his Batsuit] Well, you know how I hate to disappoint.

[Howard is trying to break up with his robotic "girlfriend", Cynthia]
Howard: [finishing] ... we can still be friends.
[Batman groans and puts a hand over his eyes]
Cynthia: Friends...? *FRIENDS?*
[she starts to vibrate and crackle]
Howard: Wrong thing to say?
Batman: Is it ever the *right* thing?

Bruce: Why did you call me here?
Sneak: I can't control it anymore. And it's happening without the belt.
[camera focuses on his abdomen becoming intangible]
Bruce: What do you want from me?
Sneak: My body is losing its substance. You have the resources. That company, all those scientists.
Bruce: There are other companies.
Sneak: Yes, but Taka worked for yours.
Bruce: What does he have to do with this?
Sneak: I was the last one to interview him.
Bruce: Taka would never have talked to someone like you...
Sneak: You'd be surprised how obsequious someone like me can be when I need to. I have Taka's files and research right in there.
[points to the counter]
Sneak: I even have the belt he made.
Bruce: [Grabs him by the shirt] You stole it! You're the one who started the fire!
Sneak: [Pushes him off] I had to have it! To him it was just some experiment but to me it was power... a chance to kick my career into high gear!
[Bruce walks away as the intangible part starts to spread]
Sneak: You can't leave, you gotta help me!
[Grabs Bruce by the shoulder]
Bruce: [turns to face him] Give me one good reason!
Sneak: I know your secret, I know who you used to be!
[at that moment, his head becomes intangible]
Bruce: [with a smirk] You're losing your head!
[starts walking away again]
Sneak: Wait!
[pulls a disc out of his coat pocket]
Sneak: Here it is! The only unedited footage from the cave, no one's seen it but me!
[Bruce doesn't respond]
Sneak: Take it!
[Throws the disc at him, he doesn't turn around]
Sneak: Rragh!
[Puts him in an arm lock and they struggle until Batman shows up and knocks him a distance, by then, all but his arms and legs are intangible, he picks up a gun and fires a few shots at Batman, one hits the ceiling and bits of it fall onto Bruce and Batman. They climb out of the rubble, then he smirks and aims the gun at them then it suddenly falls out of his hand as he becomes entirely intangible and stars to sink through the floor]
Sneak: Wha? Huh? Aaah! Help! Help meeeeee!
[as he goes all the way through the floor]
Bruce: Looks like there's only one force left that has any effect on him. Gravity.

Ma: [to a butler in a house she's robbing] Do they really pay you enough for this?

Harry: We're not rich people, and raising Tamara has been tough. She isn't like other kids, but I guess you know that.
Joyce: When they told us about their special school, it was like a godsend. Finally, she could get the help she needed.
Harry: Right after they took her, Joyce realized that she forgot to pack her favorite toy.
Joyce: I called them up right there and then, but no one answered.
Harry: [banging the table in anger] None of the numbers! It was all bogus, the whole school!
Joyce: Where have they taken her? Where is my girl?
Batman: I'm trying to find that out, Mrs. Caulder. Is there anything else you can tell me? Anything at all?
Joyce: Well, I heard the woman on the phone. She didn't know I was listening. She kept talking about the brain trust, like it was something important. The brain trust.
Batman: Tell me, where was this school they showed you?

Batman: [Barda is accusing him of fabricating the evidence of Superman being the traitor] Listen, lady. I never asked to join this club. You people came to me.
Big: It was only Superman who came to you. And now you're accusing him of murder. It doesn't make sense.
Batman: I know it doesn't, but we're never going to get to the bottom of it unless you open your eyes and stop being so pigheaded!
Big: [shouting] Pigheaded?
[she punches Batman across the room, sending him smashing into a nearby console. She charges toward him, but just as she's about to punch him, Green Lantern restrains her in a energy bubble with his ring while Aquagirl tends to Batman]
Big: Let go of me, Lantern!
Green: Not until you calm down.

Willie: Hit 'em where it hurts.
Nelson: [the Golem crushes his car] No! Not the car!

Pilot: Ha, ha, ha! First thing they're going to do when they get back to Gotham is tell their buds that martians are coming.
Pilot: Second thing. First they got to get their pants cleaned.

Terry: It wasn't me who set off the alarm. I did the best I could.
Barbara: This is the last warning you get. If I see so much as a pointy-eared shadow anywhere near police business, I'll drag you and Bruce to jail.

Paxton: My father's doctors have been working on this for a while. It's called a pinch cell. Turn it on, and it sucks up radiation like a sponge.
Batman: Get to why I should care.
Paxton: I'm having a net built to connect to this cell. If you can find my father and lure him into the net, the cell can weaken him enough to hold him.
Batman: You want me to catch him for you?
Paxton: He needs medical attention. His condition's affected his mind. There's no reasoning with him, even if we knew where he was. I know this is strange, asking you. But from what I hear, you may be the only one who can find him.

Terry: This could work out after all.
Max: Just one thing, McGinnis: You ever call me "Robin", and I'm out of here.
Terry: No problem... Alfred.
Max: [confused] "Alfred"?

Batman: It's some kind of arena. Got a big glass dome. Looks like nobody's been inside in years.
Bruce: What else can you tell me?
Batman: Sorry. I wasn't exactly awake when they brought me here, but...
Bruce: [hearing him trail off] But what? Terry? Terry, you all right? Answer me!
Inque: That's the old guy, isn't it? This is gonna be perfect. Tell him you're at the old Gotham Hills arena and he should come right away.
[Batman remains silent; groaning, she wraps an inky tentacle around his throat]
Inque: Tell him.
[he still remains silent]
Inque: All right, then. Hope you're still listening, old man. We're at the Gotham Hills arena. Get over here right now... or Batman dies.
Batman: No! Stay where you are! She'll kill us both if you...
[his words are muffled, and it's revealed she's kissing him]
Inque: He'll be here. What is he, your father? Grandfather? Well, I'll find out soon enough.

Boy: Dr. Wheeler, could I go back to my room? It's so late. I can hardly keep my eyes open.
Dr. David Wheeler: No! You need to listen to this, all of you. And I've got lots more to say. Hours more.
Boy: Please.
Dr. David Wheeler: Vincent. Take him to the iso.
Boy: [getting dragged away] The iso? No, please! I'll be good, I promise. Please, no.

Commissioner: You're out of your mind!
Shriek: Duh.

[Upon seeing her Batgirl costume in a display case in the Batcave]
Commissioner: I see you've sewn up the bullet holes.

Jackson: No deliveries tonight, thanks to Batman.
Batman: [crashing through the skylight] Somebody mention my name?

Bruce: Terry, listen to my voice. Whatever you're seeing, it isn't real.
Batman: [Spellbinder hits him with a tree branch] That sure felt real.

Bruce: The reason she didn't do it is because she couldn't. She can't go back to her human form.
Terry: And if I were her, I'd be looking for a good doctor right now.
Bruce: [sarcastic] You think?
Terry: Yeah. There can't be too many doctors or labs that do that kind of work around here. Let's get on the computer and make a list of...
[Bruce holds out a disk]
Terry: Oh.
Bruce: One other thing.
[handing him an electric batarang]
Bruce: It's not as good as Mr. Freeze's gun, but it's the best I could do on short notice. Be careful.

Ronny: What you doing here, Maddie? I don't have time for games.
Maddie: Got a dog for you, Mr. Boxer. He's a real contender.
Ronny: [seeing Ace in his crate] You tryin' to cheat me? Selling me back my own mutt?
Maddie: What? I swear, I...
Ronny: Slag it. Must be fate, me and this pooch. We were meant to be together, ain't that right, boy?
[Ace snaps at his hand, then chews on one of the crate's bars]
Ronny: Put him below. I'll deal with him after the games. And if nothing else, he'll make a nice playmate for the other dogs.

Dr. Stephanie Lake: What if I said I could give you life? A normal life.
Victor: Bah.
Dr. Stephanie Lake: Victor, an incredible mind like yours deserves a body.

Dr. Price: You all right?
Batman: Nothing a few transplants won't cure, but...
Dr. Price: Good enough.

Batman: This isn't the jungle. And this isn't Falseface! We can't even ask where he is.
Stalker: Perhaps I was impatient.
Batman: Ya think? There's gotta be a clue somewhere.
Stalker: Every pack has its alpha dog. You could see it in their eyes. They followed this one.

Batman: Magma, working solo tonight?
Magma: [smacking him away] Out of my way.
Batman: How about showing a fellow civil servant some professional courtesy?

Walter: It's getting late, and I still have things to do, so...
Terry: Wait. What about those, you know, sound vibrations?
Walter: Sound vibrations?
Terry: Yeah. I heard about 'em the other day. Someone can knock over a tree?
Walter: So they say.
Terry: So, you know anything about 'em?
Walter: [striking him over the head] Who are you? What do you really want?
Terry: Hey, man, I didn't mean nothin'.
Walter: [Pins him to the floor and holds one of his vibration devices near him] You want to know about sound vibrations? Would you like to see how they can split your skull?
[Terry struggles for a moment and then gives up an upward mule kick off and he runs away]

Matt: [rummaging through Terrific Trio merchandise] Ah, those guys are twips. Batman rips!
Terry: You think?
Matt: Big time!
Terry: How about an ice cream? My treat.
Matt: Sure. What's the catch?

Vance: Who are you? I don't have your cornea scan.
Bobby: I wasn't born when your file was set up. I'm your grandson Bobby.
Vance: How long have I been in here?
Bobby: Almost 35 years.
Vance: 35 years. I imagine the world's changed quite a bit.
Bobby: Oh, yes. My father, your son, he, uh... he's gone. A heart attack. It just happened.
Vance: Ah. So you're alone now.
Bobby: I'm the last of the family.

Jackie: Will you please tell me what is going on?
Bill: There's no time to explain. Now help me get your stuff together.
Jackie: Those... those things that came up out of the ground, what were they?
Bill: I... I don't know.
Jackie: You know. Otherwise, we wouldn't be leaving like this. It's not like you.

Terry: [hearing Terry's phone ring] Got it.
Matt: [picking up] Hello?
[taunting sing-song]
Matt: It's Dana.
[getting thrown out by the scruff of his shirt]
Matt: Hey!
Terry: Beat it, twip.

Terry: Thought you were against this wedding?
Jared: I was, until my new stepdad bought me a car.
Terry: [indicating Jared's mother's necklace] Those rocks from the groom, too? Guy must be loaded.
Jared: Way to go, ma.

Batman: [to Payback after saving a two-timer from him] I know what you're doing and quite frankly, you're nuts! You really think these kids want you to hurt these people?

Dr. Price: The fuel cell has a design flaw.
Batman: Like...?
Dr. Price: A breach in the vehicle's reactor.
Batman: Reactor? As in nuclear? But that's been illegal for years. It could take out half the city.
Dr. Price: Don't you think I know that? But how was I supposed to make something state-of-the-art on the pitiful budget the government gave me? How? Look, we need to find those dregs, and you said you could help.
Batman: [seeing something outside] I'd start down there.

Terry: [seeing a group of protestors] All these people are anti-Powers? Now I don't feel so alone. Paxton?
Bruce: Derek Powers' son. Word is he's being promoted today. As you can see, not everyone was happy with him in his last job.
Terry: While you're in there, ask Daddy about his connection to Glow Boy. I'd love to finally nail this guy on something.
Bruce: I'll see if it comes up.

Ian: Gangsters: they act like big men, until they turn into rats. That's what Tong lowlife Jimmy Lin just did, and I've got the tape. Here he is spilling his guts to D.A. Sam Young about the Tong's involvement in gambling, weapons sales.

Terry: What do we need more evidence for? You taped the feed from my fingertip mikes, didn't you? All you gotta do is take it to the authorities.
Bruce: And what do I say when they ask me where I got it? A little bat left it on my front porch?
Terry: [realizes] Oh. You still got that plastic mini vid-cam? The one you can take through a metal detector?
Bruce: I've got it, but you're not thinking of...
Terry: Some jobs are just too tough for Batman. That's when Terry McGinnis swings into action.

J: Who do you think you're talking to, old man?
[grabs Bruce by the lapels]
J: We're the Jokerz!
Bruce: [smirks] Sure you are.

Batman: I'm at the entrance.
Bruce: Good. Keep your directional mics open. You might pick up something.
Batman: All right. I'll keep 'em open. Where do I start?
Bruce: Well, we've got a rough idea of where the house is, and we know the underground rivers can take you almost anywhere in the city. That's the good news.
Batman: And the bad news?
Bruce: Everything else.

[watching: The Musical]
Bruce: You hate me, don't you?
Terry: Come on, lighten up, it's your birthday.
Bruce: Don't remind me.
Terry: Hey, it took me weeks to get tickets to this show. It's shway!
Bruce: Its schw-arbage.

Big: The war's over, Istvan. We lost.

Batman: Don't touch my dog!

Terry: Are you nuts? This is the boys' locker room!
Max: Yeah I can smell the mildew.

Terry: That's her. Kind of blurry.
Bruce: It's the only photo Interpol has. It was taken at the airport assassination in Berlin.
Terry: Who is she?
Bruce: Curaré. She's as lethal as her name. A member of the Society of Assassins. No one knows her original name anymore, or her face.
Terry: What about the sword?
Bruce: A scimitar. Sharpened by lasers to an edge no thicker than a molecule.
Terry: Guess you'll want me to keep an eye on the commissioner.
Bruce: No. Barbara Gordon's not the target.
Barbara: Her husband is.
Terry: [surprised to see her] How did she... man, what do we do?

Batman: You're going to jail. Easy or hard, it's up to you. Here's a tip: hard isn't fun.

Dana: Manual? On an elevator?

Terry: You don't seem very excited. Your mom's wedding? Big bash, lots of food, then you get the house to yourself for three weeks.
Jared: Whatever.
Terry: You don't like the guy?
Jared: My mom goes through husbands like popcorn. I don't bother to get attached.
Terry: Yikes..

Terry: Hey, workaholic, let's get some chow. Genoa and Swiss. Your fave.
Max: Thanks, Terry, but I have a lot to do. Maybe see you after school?
Terry: You kidding? With what's been going on, the night job's been full-time lately. In fact, I could use your help covering with Dana.
Max: Sure. What does she need?
Terry: [suspicious, then dropping it] Know what? I just remembered I'm free. I will see you after school.

April: So, what'd you bring me? Hope it's something good.
Bullwhip: Just a little number I picked up this morning.
[holding out a large emerald diamond]
Bullwhip: Bet the doc never gave you anything like this.
April: He could never afford to.
Bullwhip: You got anything for me?
Dr. Corso: [seeing them kiss] No! No!
[Batman covers his mouth to stifle the noise]

Batman: If we hit 'em, the reactor will blow up.
Dr. Price: No, it's shielded from impact. But right after the crash, you're gonna have to use this key to deactivate it.
Batman: Uh, hello? I don't think I'm gonna be in any condition to...
Dr. Price: Yes, you will.
[she presses a button, and his seat is ejected from the ship]

Terry: Knock, knock.
Warren: Terry, I'm busy.
Terry: Dad, I gotta go out.
Warren: You're grounded, remember?
Terry: I didn't start the fight!
Warren: I'll hear all about it when we meet with your counselor. Again.

Bruce: [while Terry is piloting the Batmobile] Remember, easy gestures, let the suit do the work...
Batman: [speeding] WOO-HOO!
Bruce: Mind not doing that?
Batman: Sorry.
Bruce: You scratch it, no allowance.

Batman: DAK, we got through.
DAK: Use some more of your explosives.
Batman: I would if I had any left. You could make it through there, and you know how to find your way around here.
DAK: You trust me to get help for you? After everything I've said?
Batman: Better one of us gets out than neither of us.

Bruce: Oh, and Terry, there was one other thing. Your mother called, she wants you to pick up some milk on your way home.
Batman: Milk? That's going to have to wait!

Terry: You really believe Ace recognized this guy?
Bruce: It's possible. Either way, it's our only lead.
[a facial-rec match is found]
Bruce: That him?
Terry: Yeah. Who is he?
Bruce: Ronny Boxer. He's got a dense rap file for illegal sporting events.
Terry: Dog sports. The scum.
Bruce: Yes. And now we know where Ace knows him from.

Dana: Hey, I thought you were in solitary.
Terry: I gave myself time off for good behavior.

[last lines]
Virtual: And now that doctors have studied Spellbinder's VR technology, they're successfully treating the psycho psychologist's remaining victims.
Max: You can say it already. I almost got us both killed 'cause I wouldn't butt out.
Terry: It worked out okay.
Max: I just wanted to be a part of something.
Terry: Well, congratulations, 'cause you're a part of it now, but we'll take it a little slower from now on.

Chelsea: What is that?
Spellbinder: An adventure.

Batman: Are you sure this is the place?
Bruce: He's there, all right. It's been twenty years since he left prison, but I've made it my business to keep track of his whereabouts.

Batman: I thought I might be able to get a bead on Ronny's car. But I lost too much time with the fire.
Bruce: You're in luck. I got a lead on the Web. Tonight's Dog Games are a floating event. It's on an old barge down at pier 22.

Tamara: [after Batman breaks into her room] I knew you'd find me!
[runs up to him]
Batman: Yeah, well, your mom was worried you'd be missing this.
[gives her the toy]
Tamara: Pugley!
[hugs the toy]

Terry: Hover VR?
Max: Pretty schway, huh? Total freedom of movement, total sensory immersion. Latest-gen.
Terry: Think this is what's frying kids' brains?
Max: Come on, Ter. If it was dangerous, you think they'd let kids do it? Anyway, we're here to investigate, aren't we?
Terry: *I'm* here to investigate. You had your chance with Donny's parents, and you blew it.
Max: Yeah, but I got us here, didn't I?

Batman: She's heading upstairs!
Bruce: [locking the stairway to the main house] Pays to be prepared.
Inque: Someone's got a secret.
Batman: [seeing her attach to the door] She's getting through.
[as Bruce presses a button, the door is shocked with an electric charge]
Batman: Man! You *are* prepared.
Bruce: [seeing her leap up to the ceiling] She won't get through that way, either. There's a layer of solid steel.
Batman: [with a rumble, debris begins to fall] I think she has something else in mind.

Bruce: Who are you?
Payback: I'm your worst nightmare!
Bruce: You have no idea what my nightmares are like.

Willie: What are you saying? That I snuck out of Juvie and paid the school a visit?
Terry: In a way.
Willie: [Looks kind of surprised for a second and turns away] I don't know what you're talking about.
Terry: [sarcastically] I'm sure.
[Throws the glass of water at Willie Watt and it stops in mid-air as Willie sees it coming towards him]
Terry: That incident at the pier. It left you with some kind of psychokinetic ability, didn't it?
Willie: A gift from my friend, the GoLeM.

Master: You were taught to expect the unexpected, Curaré. Batman should not have made a difference, nor the police, no matter how many there were. You know the price of failure. I only hope you haven't lost your edge.

Terry: 'Terry, today was beach day, remember? Where were you?' Oh, nowhere, Mom, just out saving the world.

Terry: Who are you?
Tamara: Tamara.
Terry: What are you doing here?
Tamara: I need your help.
Terry: Yeah, I got that. So, where are you?
[she uses her powers to "transport" him to her]
Terry: Jeez.
Bruce: What do you see?
Terry: Not you or... or the mutt. It looks like a living room, real swanked out. Her parents are over there on the phone.
Bruce: Can you ID the place?
Terry: Yeah. On the pillows.
Invulnerable: She's doing it again. You're calling again, aren't you? Who are you calling? Tell me, now!
Terry: [trying to stop him, he "returns" to the Batcave] Whoa.
Bruce: What happened?
Terry: Daddy's mad.
Bruce: What was on the pillows?
Terry: Letters. GPT.
Bruce: Gotham Park Towers.

Coe: Smoked 'em! Whoo-hoo!
Jokerz: Sure did.
Scab: But there's a lot of fat butts still to kick, J-Man.
Jokerz: Fat Ts' headquarters.
Scab: He can't stop us anymore, not with this thing.
Coe: Whoo-hoo!
Lee: All they had were some chains and tasers.
Scab: Well, they should've been prepared. Guess they were never in the Boy Scouts.

King: Ten, come get me! What are you waiting for?
Batman: Don't do it. Just go.
[after a moment of decision, she swoops down; a police officer destroys her playing-card board]
Ten: [Batman saves her from falling] I don't suppose I could convince you to let me go.

Terry: [getting a call from Bruce] Please let it be a wrong number.

Batman: [getting caught in Tamara's room] Easy. I'm not here to make trouble. I've been talking to your girl.

Istivan: The war room. Very schway.
Big: You shouldn't be here, Hegedesh.
Istivan: Plans change. My principals have pushed the deadline forward.
Big: I just have to install this circuit board, then pay up and we're finished. And I mean it, Hegedesh.
Istivan: Whatever you like, Jim, but I thought you enjoyed being Armory.
Big: Let's just say it got a little too thrilling tonight.
[installing the circuit board]
Big: There.
Jared: [swatting a spider away] Ah!
[getting pulled out of his hiding spot]
Jared: Let go!
Big: Jared? Take your hands off him.
Jared: Don't do me any favors, Armory.
Big: Jared...
Jared: Mom and I were worried sick about you, but I guess blowing up the town comes first, you dreg.
Istivan: This is very bad. You'd better do something.

Terry: It's me. Yeah, she's fine. I'm letting her rest a bit and then...
[he gets hit over the head]
Terry: Uhhn!
Bruce: Terry!
Max: Whoever you are, when he wakes up, tell him I'm sorry.

Bruce: Mind telling me what you're doing?
Terry: Sealing up the cracks, making sure she can't ooze in.
Bruce: You really think she's coming here, don't you?
Terry: She was here before. She knows the way.
Bruce: Does she? It was dark that night, and the Batmobile goes awfully fast. And then there's the way you drive.
Terry: You got a better plan?
Bruce: I do. It's called getting to know your enemy. Inque left a little of herself on your suit. I'll be at the microscope.

Chelsea: Nelson! What took so long?
Nelson: Some jerk in Customs gave me the third degree.
Terry: Looks like he was thorough.
[Chelsea and Dana giggle at seeing Nelson's polka-dotted boxers sticking out of his bag]
Nelson: McGinnis. What are you doing here?
Terry: Just along for the ride.
Nelson: [thrusting his bag into Terry's chest] Here. Make yourself useful.

Bennet: You're not cleared for this information.
Barbara: But since it's loose on my streets, you're going to be smart enough to tell me what I'm dealing with.
Bennet: It's an advanced tactical synthoid, infiltration unit Zeta. Designed for deep-cover ops; replace, interrogate, dispose. You're not supposed to like it. High endurance endo-frame equipped with a full array of weapons and tools. A holographic emitter onboard conceals the rig while enabling Zeta to mimic its targets.
Barbara: And this you people release into a school.
Bennet: We didn't release it anywhere. It stopped following orders. Ours, anyway. Zeta was on a long-term assignment infiltrating a terrorist group. Six days ago, it went renegade.
Barbara: Why? How?
Bennet: We don't know. We think the terrorists got to its programming. We have to assume it's obeying them now. And that means we take it out. In a school, on a street corner, wherever we get the shot.
Barbara: We'll cooperate however we can.
[Bennett leaves]
Barbara: You get all that?
Batman: [surprised, he turns off his invisibility dial] Guess I'm losing my touch.
Barbara: I don't like this Bennett waging his war on my streets. I trust if you find the synthoid first, you'll show more concern about who else gets hurt.
Batman: At least we know it's out of the high school.
Barbara: Don't be so sure. If this thing was at your school for a reason... it might come back.

[Aquagirl walks in on Batman as he's reviewing the files of the League]
Aquagirl: Going over my file?
Batman: [shutting the screen off] Aquagirl.
Aquagirl: You can call me Mareena.
Batman: Mareena, it's all a bit overwhelming. I don't think I got off to a good start today.
Aquagirl: Give it time. Everyone's been on edge since Micron's accident.
Batman: I'm sorry.
Aquagirl: Occupational hazard I guess. Want to join me for a swim?
Batman: Thanks, but I've gotta cram. This League stuff's still new to me.

Bruce: Peek isn't really a criminal - unless being a reporter counts.

Bruce: Terry, it's only the suit that's out of commission, not Batman.

[in his V.R. fantasy, Stan has wired City Hall to explode]
Mad: [laughing] Finally, an end to the bureaucratic nightmare!
[he triggers the bombs, and the whole building collapses]
Mad: No more graft! No more payoffs! NO MORE JURY DUTY!
[laughs hysterically and you see the police watching him laugh while hooked up to the V.R. machine]
Policeman: Wonder what he's so happy about?
[Mad Stan continues laughing until the fade out]

Batman: [confronting Spellbinder outside Wayne Manor] It's over, Billings. I know who you are.
Spellbinder: I'm glad that makes you feel superior.

Mr. Walker: How many times do I have to tell you there's no room for mistakes in this business? You've got to keep focused.
Melanie: You haven't.
Mr. Walker: What?
Melanie: This thing you've got for Batman, you're making us take stupid risks. We're gonna get nailed.
Mr. Walker: No one disrespects me or this family. Not for long anyway, and if you can't get behind that, you might as well leave.
Melanie: Amen to that.

Harold: Don't just repair me. Make me stronger, less vulnerable too. And don't hold back understand?
Dr. Corso: [Coldly] I understand. No holding back.

DAK: What are you doin'?
Batman: [tapping a wall] Looking for a weak spot.
DAK: Then what, genius?
Batman: I got explosives, lots of 'em.
[wiping his finger on the wall]
Batman: What's with this condensation? Must be something cold on the other side.
DAK: Ever hear of the Gotham River? Runs all around here underground. If you break through, we'll be dead real quick, instead of real slow, which is what's gonna happen now.

[to elderly Bruce Wayne]
Derek: So how are you holding up, Bruce?
Bruce: With a cane.

Dana: It was a nice change seeing you at night.
Terry: You're not gonna start that again, are you?
Dana: It's a very common practice, going out at night, or so I've heard.
Terry: And you know why I can't always do it.
Dana: Yeah, I know. Your job. Hope it's worth it to you.
Terry: Most of the time it is, but not right now.

Terry: I got this... this after-school job. Takes up a lot of my time. Too much.
Melanie: Maybe you should ask your boss for more time off.
Terry: Not this guy. Him, you don't ask for time off.
Melanie: So what kind of after-school job is this, anyway?
Terry: Well, I do errands, sort of. It's kind of hard to describe. What about you? What were you doing out there? How come you didn't go in?
Melanie: Didn't know anyone.
Terry: New in town?
Melanie: Perpetually. My parents move around a lot 'cause of work.
Terry: Least you get to see the world.
Melanie: Yeah. See the world and lose all your friends.

Batman: You want me out of here pretty bad, don't you?
DAK: This is my place. Nobody tells me what to do here; no parents, no teachers, and definitely not you.
Batman: Runaway, huh?
DAK: How'd you guess?

Terry: [finding his father's disc hidden in a framed picture] "In the event of my death or disappearance..." Whoa.
Matt: What you got?
Terry: Something dad was looking at.
Matt: Boring.
Terry: Tell mom I had to go. I could be late.
Matt: Where you going?
Terry: Out.

[last lines]
[Above a jungle, a cargo carrier lands. Fingers walks out, followed by Terry and Bruce]
Fingers: [looks around] Looks the same. Quieter, though.
[Terry looks to Bruce, who takes an injection gun from under his jacket and walks up behind Fingers]
Fingers: [turns around halfway, waves it off] No. No injection.
Bruce: But this will get rid of your human DNA.
Terry: You won't remember what happened.
Fingers: I want to remember.
[Bruce puts away the injection gun]
Fingers: I've been given a gift. I'm strong as a gorilla, but smart as a human. I'm going to use it.
Terry: How?
Fingers: There'll be more poachers. There'll always be more. But now they'll have to deal with me.
[Fingers walks off, looking back at the edge of the clearing once before entering the forest]
Terry: He knows who we are.
Bruce: I don't think we need to worry. He's a kindred spirit if I've ever seen one.

Bruce: Their car was just a decoy?
Batman: See for yourself. It's not over yet.

Bruce: Late again.
Terry: Or early, depending on how you look at it.
Bruce: How I look at it is, the Gang's gonna hit again. And we've only got a few hours, to figure out where.
Terry: You're sure it'll be tonight?
Bruce: You've got something better to do?
Terry: Yeah, I do.
Bruce: This is getting tiresome.
Terry: Look, if you had any proof they're gonna try something tonight, it would be different! But I'm not gonna change my plans because of a hunch.
Bruce: Batman would.
Terry: Hey, I put my life on the line all the time! One night's not gonna make any difference!
[Bruce grabs Terry by his shirt]
Bruce: One night always makes the difference!
Terry: I know what it is. You can't stand to see anyone going out and havin' a life! You want me to end up like you! Alone.
[Terry pulls away from Bruce and runs out of the Batcave]

Kobra: Did you get it?
[Falseface gives him the vial he took from Nelson]
Kobra: Very good.
Falseface: [Kobra One turns to leave] Hold it. I shouldn't be seen leaving work this early.
[changing his facial features]
Falseface: Have to keep up appearances.

Batman: What happened?
DAK: There was a cave-in, obviously.
Batman: I remember now. I must've been out for a long time. How am I gonna explain it to...
DAK: To who?
Batman: Never mind.
DAK: What were you doin' down here, anyway?
Batman: I was following somebody, somebody I thought I recognized. He spotted me, and then... then this happened. What are you doin' down here?
DAK: Right now, I'm findin' you the fastest way out. Got a problem with that?

Zeta: I was programmed to maintain the secrecy of my own existence. Anyone I replaced saw what I was and could never be set free.
Max: But you didn't want to kill this terrorist guy?
Zeta: He was not a terrorist. His associates were terrorists. He was an accountant.
Max: So, he was innocent.
Zeta: Yes, but that is not why I spared him. Replacing him required that I live with his family. I watched them experience life. I saw his daughter ride a bicycle for the first time. I could not deprive her father of seeing her grow just because he knew I existed.
Max: Wow.
Batman: So, why the high school?
Zeta: I needed computers and electronic equipment. Compared to a government site, a school has little security.
Max: And once you saw who's who at the school, I was the natural choice. Who'd look twice at me spending all day at the lab?

Bruce: Terry, there's something hot in that room!
Batman: [while fighting Blight] No kidding! This guy, he's like a walking meltdown!
Bruce: Keep your distance. The suit will give you some protection, but it's not designed for such high levels of radiation.

Terry: [about Bruce Wayne] So why do you hate him so much?
[later, after a long conversation over coffee]
Commissioner: No, I don't hate him. I hate what he's become. Such a great man... so alone.

Max: [finding Mutro's bomb] I found it!
Batman: Can you disarm it?
Max: If I had some help.
Batman: [avoiding swipes from Curare's sword] You're on your own, Max.

Spellbinder: Rise and shine, Donny. Time to pay the piper.
Donny: Please, put me back in. It hurts out here. Please!
Spellbinder: Now, now... love like that doesn't come cheap. You want more, you know what you have to do.

Batman: Curare, listen to me. Mutro planted a bomb. If it goes off, it'll kill thousands, including you. Or don't you care?
[dodging swipes from her sword]
Batman: I'll take that as a no.

Batman: [after Ian Peek, after losing control of his ability to become intangible, sinks through the basement floor of the building, laughing maniacally for a short time, then makes one last scream before sinking all the way through] What's gonna happen to him?
Bruce: My guess, he'll keep right on falling until he reaches the center of the Earth. It's about as inside as you can get.

Bruce: You're lucky. It was just a minor concussion. And four cracked ribs.
Terry: Only four?
Bruce: It'll hurt when you move. And breathing won't be fun either.

Bombshell: Together, people like us will change the world.
Tamara: I don't want to change the world. I want my mommy and daddy.
Bombshell: [reacting as Tamara hits her] Ahh! Don't even think of trying to call him. It would be useless at this point. Remember, we can hear you, too.

Terry: Tell me something: Why were you so sure those voices weren't comin' from you?
Bruce: Well, first, I know I'm not psychotic.
Terry: I hope your other reason's more convincing.
Bruce: And second, the voice kept calling me Bruce. In my mind, that's not what I call myself.
Terry: What do you call yourself?
[Bruce gives Terry a long stare]
Terry: Oh, yeah. I suppose you would.
[Voice sinking to Batman's tone]
Terry: But that's my name now.
Bruce: Hmm. Tell that to my subconscious.

Bruce: Still here?
Max: I want to find him just as much as you do.
Bruce: Have you seen anything?
Max: No.
Bruce: Then why do I need you?
Max: Have *you* seen anything?
[a gang of T's pass by]
Max: That backpack.
Bruce: What about it?
Max: It's Terry's.

Batman: Look, I really hope I'm wrong about this, but he's been programmed to kill. I'm not sure I can just let him go.
Max: Ter, you heard him. He doesn't want to be violent anymore.
Batman: No? Did you see him go for those lasers back at the factory? Violence is hard-wired into him. It's what he is.
Max: He can fight that. I know he can.
Batman: Max, he held you hostage. You want to let him do that to someone else?
Zeta: I'm sorry. It was my only choice. It's the only way I know to acquire an identity.
Max: Well, we're gonna have to come up with another way, aren't we? Does your memory still hold all those people you, uh... replaced before?
Zeta: Yes.
Max: Well, then why not mix 'em up? You know, one guy's hair, another guy's eyes. That way, you could decide who you want to be.
Zeta: Mix 'em up.
[going to a window to look as his reflection, he adopts the identity of a young man]
Zeta: I should go. They'll have followed my last signal to this area.
Max: [hugging him goodbye] Good luck, Zeta.
Batman: [watching him leave] I still need to keep an eye on him, at least 'til he's out of town.
Max: Just give him a chance, Ter.

Bruce: [giving Terry his old utility belt] Better take this. It's got some things you might be able to use.
Terry: Thanks.
Bruce: I'd give you one of my old costumes, but most of them are pretty torn up. You know, bullet holes, burns, gashes.
Terry: I know what you're trying to do, but it won't work.
[taking Dick Grayson's Nightwing mask out of its case and putting it on]
Terry: I'm still goin'.

Rat: You're just like all the others...
Dana: What?
Rat: I thought you'd understand, but you're no different.
Dana: [as a few dog-sized rats line up next to him and growl] You mean you've done this before?
Rat: With other kids the world didn't want. I can see them all from down here. I took them away from all that and gave them a home.
Dana: What happened to them?
Rat: [pulls out a whistle and smirks] They don't make fun of me anymore.
[Blows the whistle and the rats close in on her]
Dana: Oh my god!
[Steps back into Rat Boy, who grabs her by the arms]
Rat: You shouldn't have made fun of me!
[Raises his arm, about to hit her, then Batman jump kicks him, sending him sliding a short distance on the floor]

Bennie: [Getting smacked by Tyrus] Ow, what was that for?
Tyrus: For saying "I told you so!"
Bennie: But I didn't!
Tyrus: Well, you were gonna!

Terry: We've got trouble.
Bruce: What is it?
Terry: You know that freak from the art gallery? He's following me.
Bruce: Try and lose him. I'll see what I can come up with.

Bruce: Another student at your school was also connected to Payback: the son of the man who was attacked last week. And the two boys have something else in common. They're both patients at the Gotham Youth Counseling Center. Know anything about it?
Terry: What's there to know? Sometimes people just need a place to talk out their problems.
[Bruce smirks]
Terry: Some people, anyway.

Bruce: [upon seeing what looks like Terry] You got away?
[as he approaches Terry, he is constricted by an inky tentacle as Terry morphs into Inque]
Inque: He didn't get away... and neither will you.

Terry: Well, someone finally found a way to get to Coach Fitz.
Blade: You know what they're saying, don't you? It's the work of the ghost, just like everything else that's been happening around here.
Terry: Ghost?
Blade: The ghost of Garrison Jacobs, the kid who was killed when they built the east wing.
Dana: Where have you been the last two weeks, in a cave?
Terry: Uh...

Melanie: Remember me?
Terry: Melanie. Or should I say Ten?
Melanie: If you hate me, I understand. What I did to you before, I didn't have a choice. It was between you and my family.
Terry: There's always a choice, Melanie.

Batman: Look, you may be used to dealing with freaks and monsters, but I'm a little new at this.

Bruce: [after questioning a T who had Terry's backpack] He found it this morning down in the old shelter below the subway station. He didn't see anyone near it.
Max: You sure he's telling the truth?
Bruce: Yes.

Passenger: What do you want?
Scab: Payment for the joke you bought. I give you funny, you give me money.
Passenger: I didn't buy anything.
Scab: Aw, you're shy. It's okay. I'll just help myself.
Terry: [intervening as Scab grabs the woman's purse] Get lost, clown.
Scab: [hitting a TV monitor] Ho, ho. Big man.
[Terry ducks a punch and, throwing one of his own, knocks him into the TV again]
Scab: That does it.
[demonstrating various karate poses]
Scab: Kwah! Hyah! Whtah!
[as the doors open, he blows a raspberry and runs off laughing]
Terry: [in disgust] Jokers.

Batman: Eldon Michaels, I presume.
Eldon: I thought you were somebody else.
Batman: Obviously. What's this, a word processor?
Eldon: It's a typewriter. It belonged to Philip K. Dick, the greatest writer who ever lived.
Batman: You're a writer, too?
Eldon: Well, duh.
Batman: Why is Simon Harper after you?
Eldon: Why? Because he's a two-faced Janus, a pirate, and a charlatan. And I can prove it.

Stalker: The virus. Did you...
Batman: Yeah, I saved it. And thanks for your concern.
[grabbing Kobra One]
Batman: Call your pal Bennet. Tell him the worst is over.
Kobra: Is it?
Batman: Hello? We just kicked your scaly butts.
Stalker: He knows something.
Batman: What?
Stalker: [grabbing Kobra One] It's not over, is it? What have you done?
[taking and putting him under a mechanical press]
Stalker: Tell me!
Kobra: It's Falseface. He's been infected. He's a carrier, but he doesn't know it. It was our backup plan in case your government resisted. Soon, he'll become virulently contagious.
[Batman hurries away]
Kobra: He'll never find him. Kobra has won.

Shriek: Batman, I know you're down here somewhere. This is your old pal Shriek. I've got your little friend with me here in the main shelter, and I want you to... well, you know the rest, don't you? Better hurry, Batman. Better hurry.
DAK: Idiot. Nobody sacrifices their life for somebody else, not in this world.
Shriek: You don't know Batman.
DAK: I know people.
Shriek: Perhaps you'd like to bet on it. Your life, say?
DAK: Too easy. Even if he wanted to give himself up to you, he couldn't.
Shriek: And why's that?
DAK: He's trapped in...
Shriek: You know right where he is, don't you? Tell me. Tell me!
DAK: Maybe I don't owe Batman anything, but I sure don't owe you anything, either.
Shriek: Wrong. You're about to owe me your life, but only if you take me to him.

Bruce: The Golem's control halo was found on the rooftop, fused.
Terry: Any chance they found the head that went with it?
Bruce: No such luck.

Howard: I appreciate what you guys were saying, but I still want a cool girlfriend like Chelsea or Blade. Then kids would come to me. It's a sign that you're somebody.
Terry: Somebody pretty shallow.
Howard: Shallow but popular.
[seeing Terry's car]
Howard: Hey! The boss's car. How about a lift?
Terry: Sure, if you don't mind a side trip. I have to run an errand for Mr. Wayne.
Howard: Aw, if I had wheels like these, I'd get more girls than a rock star.
Terry: I did mention the whole shallow thing, didn't I?

Guard: Face down, Watt! Hands behind your head! Now!
[Willie uses his powers to throw a bulky object at them]
Guard: Cuff him!
[he uses his powers again to fight them off]
Terry: Willie, stop it now or they'll never let you out.
Willie: [using his powers to throw a table through the ceiling] You should have stayed out of it, Terry. It would have been better...
[rising into the air to the hole]
Willie: ...for everybody.

Dr. David Wheeler: [as Batman listens in with his fingertip microphones] ... easiest thing in the world, being a teenager: you get up, you go to school, you come home, and you do your homework. How do you mess that up? Yet all of you did, in one way or another - and now I have to clean up that mess!
Batman: He's been going on like this for hours, telling them how worthless they are, and how only he can help them. Won't even let 'em go to the bathroom!
Bruce: Sleep deprivation, endless harangues; it's classic brainwashing. Some cults do it. It's also occasionally used on prisoners of war.
Batman: And Wheeler's doing it to kids.

Stalker: I'd always imagined this Batman to be an ageless soul, inhabiting the greatest warrior of each generation. If this bat-spirit really existed, it would present the ultimate challenge.

Spellbinder: On your feet. I'll put you back in once you run some errands. First, dump this mess across town.
[turning Jessie over with his foot]
Spellbinder: Then find me some new recruits.

Melanie: You know what it's like being uprooted every few weeks, never quite knowing what's gonna be happening next?
Terry: I'm beginning to get an idea of what that's like.
Melanie: Two of a kind. That's what we are. I'm Melanie. Melanie Walker.
Terry: Terry McGinnis.
Melanie: [he's taken aback when she kisses him] What's wrong?
Terry: Nothing. It's... just kind of quick, that's all.
Melanie: With me, it's always been now or never.
Terry: Ever consider later?
Melanie: How much later?
Terry: I could see you tomorrow night.
Melanie: That'd be great.
Terry: Where can I pick you up?
Melanie: Um, better not. Why don't we just meet right here tomorrow at midnight, under the big clock?
Terry: I'll be here.

Max: What happened to you?
Terry: Long story. Where's Matt?
Max: He went tubing.
Terry: Great. I'll never get him out of there.
[going to the maze entrance]
Terry: Come on, twip. Time to go. I'm warning you, don't make me come up there.
[climbing in]
Terry: Matty?
[coming to an exit, he sees Matt's sweatshirt nearby stuck into the wall with a large knife]
Terry: Oh, no.

Bruce: Terry, remember. It's not worth risking your life for an egg.

Bruce: I always been a bit of a night person.

Max: [after hearing about the influence of genetics on behavior] But, what about free will? I mean, I'm not going to believe that everything I am was completely decided before I was born.

Max: Nothing like a visit to Donny's to make me appreciate my own mom and dad.
Terry: I know what you mean. Now let's see where Donny was spending his creds.
[Max inserts the card into a hand-held device]
Terry: Vrroom?
Max: VR Room. It's an arcade downtown. Donny was spending his creds escaping reality.
Terry: [dryly] Can't imagine why.

Terry: [about Powers] This guy had my father murdered and all he's done since is hide from the law. Well, no more hiding for Mr. Derek Powers. Now everyone can see what he is... even in the dark.

Bruce: Where do you think you're going?
Terry: To Vance's lab to stop him.
Bruce: How?
Terry: I... uh... I'll figure something out.
Bruce: Look what the suit did to that wall. You think you can go up against that?

Bruce: Is it gone?
Batman: Seems to be.
Bruce: And what about you?
Batman: Still here, mostly.
Bruce: Then you better get going. The power's off in some parts of town, and you know what that's gonna lead to.
Batman: How about giving these stars in front of my eyes a chance to go away?
Bruce: McGinnis...
Batman: [sighing] Right away, boss.

Terry: No luck from the shelters and you're still not worried?
Bruce: I don't worry.
[seeing Terry bandaging his arm]
Bruce: What's that?
Terry: Undercover ploy. I found someone who could lead me to our friend Ronny Boxer. I just have to trick him into doing it. And who knows? Maybe I'll get a lead on Ace from him, too.
Bruce: [going over to Ace's food and water bowls] What did he do to you, boy?

Dr. Corso: I figured you'd try this. That's why I followed you from the hotel. I didn't believe for a second you'd really run from them like that. It was just a trick so you could tail them and find April.
Batman: Looks like it's working so far, doesn't it?

Ms. Pinto: According to this data, most of you did borderline jobs as parents; namely C's.
Howard: But, Ms. Pinto...
Ms. Pinto: Yes, Howard, you and Dana fed yours and rocked it and gave it plenty of nap time, but a baby needs more than that. Its mind needs to be stimulated, too. And according to this printout, only one baby was fully stimulated, the one belonging to Terry and Blade. Congratulations, Mr. McGinnis. Who knew you'd turn out to be such ideal father material?

Dr. Stephanie Lake: I'm Dr. Lake. Stephanie Lake.
Derek: What's this suggestion of yours?
Dr. Stephanie Lake: I could use your baseline DNA to build you a new body, then transfer your neural patterns into it.
Doctor: Dr. Lake, it's not your place to...
Derek: A new body?
Dr. Stephanie Lake: Theoretically, it should work. Of course, I would want to test the process first on someone who also has systemically-damaged DNA.
Derek: You have someone in mind?

Bruce: Anything broken?
Terry: If I said yes, can I go home?
Bruce: No.

Max: Who are you?
Carter: Me? I'm the best.
[fires a laser shot at the printed data in her hand, quickly setting it on fire as she drops it]
Max: Help! Somebody help!
Carter: Who do you think's gonna hear you, Max. Who's gonna come and help you?
[grabs her by the wrist]
Batman: [comes out of the shadows] Me!
[punches Carter in the face, knocking him down for a moment]

Derek: Victor Fries has paid his debt to society, and now with the help of the great medical minds of Wayne-Powers, he's returned to a normal life.
Terry: When was this on?
Bruce: This morning.
Derek: My fervent hope is that the technology used to help Victor will serve to help millions more.
Bruce: I want you to follow Fries. Don't let him out of your sight.
Terry: Why?
Bruce: I don't trust him.
Terry: Powers or Fries?
Bruce: Neither.

Tony: I don't know about this, Bill.
Bill: The shaft's totally sealed. No way for a bleed-through.
Tony: What if there's a quake?
Bill: Tony, listen to me. We may be cutting corners now, but someday, this company's gonna be very, very big. Don't you want a share of that?
Tony: You talkin' partnership?
Bill: I am. Think of Jackie; no mother, just you. You want the best for her, don't you?
Tony: [shaking hands] Looks like I'm gonna need a rope... partner.

Max: I guess I'm not as good a programmer as I thought. Carter wasn't even on my list of possible Jokerz. But you were.
Terry: Wait, you don't think...
Max: I did. But now I know the truth.
[she puts her fingers on top of her head, a la the ears of his cowl]
Terry: What are you gonna do about it?
Max: First thing I'm going to do is go cover my tracks, so no one else can figure out... you know.
Terry: It's been taken care of.
Max: By whom?
Terry: A friend. He's a real expert in covering tracks. This changes everything, you know.
Max: Maybe for the better. At least now, you're not alone with your secret. You have someone to talk to. Someone who can help you out sometimes if you need it.
Terry: Help me out? How?

Batman: How'd you con the formula out of Bane?
Jackson: In the end, he needed Venom just to keep going. It got so bad he couldn't even make it himself. He had to trust someone.
Batman: And now you're cashing in by selling poison to kids?

Karros: You sure you're ready for the big time, kid?
Big: Are you kidding? Big Time's my middle name.

Dana: [Batman shows up to rescue Dana] Batman. How did you-?
Batman: Never mind that. Stay behind me.
[the giant rats pounce on Batman, but he throws them off. One of them hits the shelves, sending them toppling over]
Rat: My collection!
[to the rats]
Rat: Get em'.
[one of the giant rats pounces on Batman, knocking over the barrel of fire. Dana picks up a nearby hockey stick and teddy bear]
Dana: Get back!
[she kicks away one of the rats and runs over to the fallen barrel. She attaches the teddy bear to the hockey stick and sets it on fire. She uses it to wave back the rats. She runs over to Batman, who's being overwhelmed by two giant rats. She jabs them with the flaming hockey stick causing them to run off, saving Batman]

Terry: Hi. I didn't expect to hear from you.
Dana: Flowers can change a girl's mind.
Terry: What?
Dana: We should talk. Meet me at Rhino's?
Terry: Wild Jokerz couldn't keep me away.
Dana: Make sure they don't. I'll be wearing that dress you like.
Terry: Whoa.
Matt: [poking his head in] Terry and Dana sittin' in a tree. K-I... . ahh!
[he shuts the door as Terry throws his shoe]

Derek: Welcome back to the living.
Dr. Stephanie Lake: [Fries gets out of bed] I don't think you should...
Derek: Let's see what he can do.
Victor: [touching a snowy window] Cold. It feels... cold.

Carl: [Carl and Mikey carry Terry to an alligator pit] The bite isn't what finishes 'em, you know? That's just to get a good grip.
Mikey: Is that right?
Carl: Oh, yeah. You should stick around and watch sometime, Mikey. It's fascinating.
Mikey: Get help, Carl.
Carl: What? I like to watch. Is that so wrong?
Mikey: Just throw him in.

Batman: Call your freaks off D.A. Young, or so help me, I'll..
[he groans in pain as he begins to feel the effects of the splicing]
Dr. Abel Cuvier: Tsk, tsk, tsk. What's the matter, Batman? Not feeling quite yourself? Don't worry about the D.A. He's dead meat.
[expanding the size of his claws]
Dr. Abel Cuvier: And so are you.
[he clobbers Batman several times; seeing a chance to escape, Batman flies up through a glass roof]
Dr. Abel Cuvier: It won't matter! It's too late for you to save Young or yourself!

Chelsea: Listen, there's a lot of weird stuff going on here.
Terry: I know. Hold on a second.
[takes out his mini-camera and switches it on]
Terry: Okay, go.
Chelsea: The sleep thing's just the beginning, Terry. He's trying to break our will, turn us all into little robots. Wheeler's got this thing they call "ISO". Short for "isolation". It's total sense deprivation - no light, no sound. He uses it on the kids who don't get with the program. It... It...
[starts breaking down]
Chelsea: Terry, you've got to get me out of here!
Terry: That's gonna happen, Chels. Just as soon as someone I know sees this vid. In the meantime, just try to stay schway for another day or two, okay?
Chelsea: I'll try.

Inque: [oozing into Aaron's apartment] What's the matter, Aaron? Surprised to see me?
Aaron: H-How did you know where I live?
Inque: How could I not know? All those months of listening to you prattle on and on about your pathetic life.
Aaron: You could hear me?
Inque: Yes, Aaron, I could hear you. And see you, too.
[he facepalms]
Inque: But don't worry. I'm not gonna tell anyone, not unless you're stupid enough to try and call the cops.
Aaron: I won't.
Inque: You sure?
[he nods]
Inque: Good. You play this right, and I might give you a nice reward.
Aaron: I'd do anything for you. Anything.
Inque: I had a feeling you'd say that.

Mr. Tan: Where is she, McGinnis? Where's my daughter?
Terry: Dana? I-I don't know.
Mr. Tan: She was supposed to be with you last night, but she never came home.
Terry: She didn't? Mr. Tan, you gotta believe me. I have no idea...
Mr. Tan: McGinnis, I warned her you were nothing but trouble. If anything's happened to her, I swear I'll be back.

Dr. Corso: What's this?
[a limping Kneejerk is led in supported by Terrapin]
Dr. Corso: This wasn't part of the bargain. You said...
Bullwhip: The bargain's anything I want it to be. Understand?

Mary: Late again.
Terry: Mom! Matt! Sorry, I got hung up.
Mary: Terry, you knew I was counting on you.
Matt: Someone's gonna get it.
Terry: Zip the lip, twip.
Mary: Look, I've gotta run. You boys are on your own for dinner.
[kissing them goodbye]
Mary: Stay out of trouble.

Barbara: You're surrounded, Batman. There's no escape. You might as well surrender.
Batman: Sorry, not in my vocabulary.
[as he throws a gas pallet, a patrol car opens a panel and a fan disperses it]
Batman: Oh, I'm fragged.

Walter: Look at this sound suit. I just finished it. It's got four built-in sound generators...
Derek: How's it any better than an old boom box?
Walter: Different kind of boom. Watch. It generates ultra-low frequency vibrations, which I can aim in any direction.
[destroying a block of concrete]
Walter: Imagine the time and effort this suit would save construction workers, road builders.
Derek: Dynamite's cheaper.
Walter: But...
Derek: Shreeve, you're just not a practical guy. All that's ever mattered to you is your research, which is why I had to bail out your company, and now it's time for me to see some return on my investment. I want you to solve a problem for me.
Walter: What?
Derek: Not what. Who.

Batman: This suit works even better than I thought it would.
Bruce: This is your last chance. Better take it.
Batman: No, thanks. Having too much fun.
Bruce: Fun, huh?
Guard: [Batman beckons for them to bring it] He's mine!
Batman: [Bruce presses a button, and the suit power fritzes] Hey... I can't move. What'd you do?
Bruce: It's a failsafe device; paralyzes the suit in case the wrong person gets into it.
Batman: But you can't.
Bruce: I just did.
Batman: Hey... hey!
[the guards start to whale on him]
Batman: Come on. You gotta help me.
Guard: Out of the way.
Batman: [the guard aims his gun at him] Wayne, they're gonna kill me.
[the suit's power returns]
Batman: Yeah!

Bruce: McGinnis. Can you hear me?
Batman: Who... who's that?
Bruce: It's Wayne.
Batman: Mr. Wayne? W-Where are you?
Bruce: There's a radio receiver in your cowl. Now listen to me, McGinnis. I want that suit back, and I want it now.
Batman: Uh, now's not a good time.
Bruce: That suit is not yours. You had no right!
Batman: Somebody had to do something, and you sure weren't about to.
Bruce: I'm warning you.

Nelson: Fold, dreg. I got you beat.
Terry: Funny, you remind me of a Joker I met this morning. Except he was prettier.
[Nelson spits on his neck, and Terry punches him in retaliation]
Dana: [watching them fight] Oh, boy. Not again.
Coach: [breaking them apart] That's in, McGinnis. Get your clothes and get out.
Terry: But he just...
Coach: But nothing. I saw you throw the first punch. Out!

Derek: I must say, it's so nice to see you taking an interest after all these years.
[seeing Bruce notice an open folder, he closes it]
Derek: We're lucky to have you as a resource.
Bruce: Mm-hmm.
Derek: You should come by more often. I'll set you up with the finest office in the building; just not this one.
[Bruce reaches out to touch a statue]
Derek: Ah, I'd prefer you not touch that.
Bruce: In case you're worried, I didn't come here to set up shop again.
Derek: Why, Bruce, you've misread me. I don't worry.

Dr. Stanton: It sounds to me like Mr. Wayne really does respect you, but that he has a hard time showing it.
Terry: Why do you think that is?
Dr. Stanton: Maybe some trauma in his past. I don't know. But if he keeps getting on your nerves, quit. It's only an after-school job.
Terry: Actually, it's a little more than that.

Terry: Bruce, you gotta help me. I don't know why, but the cops are after me.
Bruce: Did you think you could get away with killing Mad Stan?
Terry: [surprised] Killing? What are you talking about?
Bruce: Barbara was an eyewitness. She saw everything.
Terry: All I did was hit him with my elbow. He was knocked out, not dead.
Bruce: She wouldn't lie.
Terry: And I would?
Bruce: Where are you? If you want me to trust you, you've gotta trust me.
Terry: I'm at Max's.
Bruce: Stay there.

Mr. Groote: [Scolding Howard] What in blazes did you buy with it? Dynamite? Dynamite to blow up the house with?
Max: I think Howard need some quality time with his old folks.
Terry: You think they'll ground him?
Mr. Groote: [Last lines] Your mother's antique doll collection!

Dr. Stephanie Lake: No doubt about it. He's reverting.
Derek: Why? How? Don't you know what this means to me?
Dr. Stephanie Lake: There must be some kind of pneumonic agent within the DNA.
Derek: If only we could biopsy his organs at this stage.
Dr. Stephanie Lake: That might be doable.

Falseface: [in pain from the virus] Impossible. After all I've done, Kobra wouldn't... they couldn't...
Batman: What did you expect from a pack of vipers?

Terry: Uh-oh, the GAT scores are in.
Dana: I don't even want to know what I got. Hey, Max, what's your ID?
Max: The last prime number before my birth year.
[after an awkward silence, she inputs her ID]
Terry: 2400! You got a perfect score!
Max: Yeah, well, it's just a number. Doesn't mean anything. Believe me, Terry, you're just as smart as I am.
Dana: Think so, huh? Let's see what he got.
[inputting his ID]
Dana: Incomplete? How do you get an incomplete on the GATs?
Terry: Some emergency. I had to leave before the test was over.
Max: Sometimes I get the feeling you arrange for these "emergencies".

Terry: Everyone thinks you're a ghost. It's all they talk about.
Willie: I know. I'm the hero of the school, and that's not half of what I can do.
Terry: Then why not just bust out of here, do what you want?
Willie: 'Cause everybody would know. In two months, I'll be gone from here. I'll have all this power and a normal life. If you don't trip on me.
Terry: I know how to keep a secret.
Willie: You better. I know where you live.

Dr. Price: Having fun with the new toy?
Pilot: Heh. You built us a winner, Doc. Wish I had one of these in the last war.
Dr. Price: I'm sure there'll be another soon enough. Now how 'bout some numbers?
Pilot: R and B pressure, 20, 40 psi. Excel pressure: 1104... fuel temp: 280... air speed...
Dr. Price: Did you say 280?
Pilot: Roger. 2-8-0. That a problem?
Dr. Price: Get out. Get out right now.
Pilot: You saying you want us to just leave it?
Dr. Price: Yes. My team will be along for it in five minutes.
Pilot: But...
Dr. Price: Land right now and get as far away from the vehicle as fast as you can.

Bruce: In case you haven't noticed, we've still got a lot of this shrapnel to deal with. You'd think that someone in a suit like this would be able to dodge a simple hand grenade.
Terry: I did dodge a hand grenade! Problem was Mad Stan had two.

Batman: Definitely something weird going on over there. People dressed up like playing cards.
Bruce: Did you say "playing cards"?
Batman: Uh-huh. They travel in your circles?
Bruce: 'Fraid so.
Batman: Well, guess I better go introduce myself.

Batman: Good bad dog.

Big: Ease up, Tiny. You only have that nice life because of me. You owe me for playing your part down.

Commissioner: He wants Batman. That's his price.
Bruce: If he wants Batman, he can have me.

Batman: Wayne, you there?
Bruce: Go ahead.
Batman: Is there any time of day I get to have a social life?
Bruce: Not in this business.
Batman: You get a real kick out of this, don't you? Maybe it should be you up here instead of me.
Bruce: I'm doing my part.
Batman: Which is what, again?
Bruce: I did some digging after I saw a report on Powers' desk. It seems that he and Foxteca are up for the same job. The government wants a new lunar station, and only one of them gets to build it.
Batman: So Powers is crippling the competition with sabotage.
Bruce: And until we can stop him, you're Foxteca's guardian angel.

Bruce: By the way, thanks.
Terry: For what?
Bruce: For reminding me why I got into this. It's been so many years now.
Terry: But you never really forget, do you?
Bruce: No, you don't.

Falseface: Check these unmarked creds. They must be worth millions.
Kobra: And to us, they'll soon be worth much, much more.
Falseface: How's that?
Kobra: We're going to coat them with the virus. It's really quite simple. These creds are used for every kind of purchase. They are passed from hand to hand. And with every transaction, the virus will be transmitted on contact. If the government is foolish enough to refuse our demands, there will be no way to stop the disease.
Batman: Wanna bet?

Batman: [confronting a purse snatcher] Give back the bag. It doesn't go with your shoes.

Batman: What are you doing?
Dr. Price: Stopping them.
Coe: Better turn, Scab. You better turn.
Scab: She wants to play chicken. That's a game I always win.

Bruce: Terry.
Batman: A little busy right now.
Bruce: Put your visor through a frequency scan.
Batman: Why?
Bruce: Because I know who's behind all this. And I'm betting he's there right now, hiding behind an illusion.
Batman: [doing so and looking out at the barrage of cops] Spellbinder.

Derek: Hello, Terry. Ever had a ride in a limo?
Terry: My dad always told me to never take rides from strangers.
Derek: Who's a stranger? Besides, your dad's not around anymore. Be smart, Terry. Get in.
Terry: I'll pass.
[Mr. Fixx grabs him and frisks him]
Terry: Let go of me! What are you doing? You some kind of sicko? Help! Help!
Derek: That won't do you any good, Terry. Why don't you make it easy on yourself and give me back my disc?
Terry: What disc?
Derek: You know what I'm talking about.
Terry: All right. If he lets go.
[Fixx lets go, and he takes it out of his shoe]
Terry: Happy?
[he throws it away, knees Fixx in the stomach, and flees, dodging gunfire from Powers' bodyguard]
Derek: Enough. Well, at least I've got the evidence.

Max: How do you do it?
Batman: Do what?
Max: This hero thing.
Batman: It's easier for me. I got the suit.
Max: No. How do you save the world... AND NOT TELL ANYBODY?
Batman: I can tell you. You can tell me. That's why I'm glad you found out... partner.

Jack: [holding a security guard hostage] Looks like a clean getaway.
King: You think so?
[seeing Batman in pursuit]
King: Drop him.
Jack: What?
Ten: You can't do that.
King: Of course I can. You heard what I said! Drop him!
Jack: [throwing the guard off] Sorry, gramps.
[Batman breaks off the pursuit to save him]
King: [pointing his sword at Ten] Don't ever argue with me again.

Bruce: No. I can't risk it.
Terry: 'Cause he's an ex-con? You know about my record. You trust me with all this.
Bruce: You didn't spend three years in prison.
Terry: That's right. He did and I didn't. All because I happened to be underage. He and I were the same, Bruce, only I caught a break. I just want to give him one too.

King: Your mother and I love you very much.
Queen: But we needed to be sure you loved us.
Ten: You don't love me. If you did, you wouldn't have done this to me. And you never would have made me choose between the family and Terry. You would've accepted him.
King: You were too young.
Ten: Age had nothing to do with it. You were afraid I'd leave the gang. That's what it was. All I've ever been to you is an accomplice. Never a daughter. I just... wish it hadn't taken me so long to realize it.
Batman: How sweet. A family reunion.

Batman: Yeah, there are desks, but just on this floor. And all the computers are just empty frames. It was made to look like a school. Any luck on the Brain Trust?
Bruce: It's an international society, very secretive. Headquarters are somewhere in Europe, they think.
Batman: That's it?
Bruce: I'm still talking to Interpol. But it's fairly evident what the Brain Trust is about just by its name.
Batman: There was nothing brainy about the guy in the hotel.
Bruce: Oh, no? Think about it. He was invulnerable and felt no pain, like shamans who walk on hot coals. It's mind over matter.
Batman: I hate it when you blitz me like that.

Bruce: Most of them have turned up in hospitals with overdose levels of serotonin in their brains. They're comatose, but stable.
Terry: And they were all runaways?
Bruce: That's why I thought of it when you mentioned your friend Donny.
Terry: Except he's not comatose.
Bruce: Not yet, anyway.

Batman: Max, it's me. Any luck with Bruce?
Max: The satcom's down for at least another hour. I got the computer running an automated search just in case.
Batman: Why? Aren't you at home? Max, what's going on?
Max: Let's just say I'm doing a little search myself.
Batman: Tell me you didn't go to his hotel room. This isn't a game, Max. I want you out of there, now!
Max: Hey, your suit doesn't give you barking rights over me, McGinnis. Besides, as long as you've got your eye on him, I don't see the danger.
[she gasps as Curare attacks]
Batman: Max! What's happening?

Terry: There's no way out.
Sean: Sure there is.
[opening the other cells]
Sean: All we need is a little distraction.

Derek: Mr. Fixx, any word on the kid?
Mr. Fixx: Not yet, but they're looking.
Derek: I don't have to tell you how important this deal is to Wayne-Powers. It's going to open up the entire Eastern Bloc for us, so I don't need it spoiled by a snot-nosed punk.
Mr. Fixx: I took care of his old man, didn't I?

Batman: The laser hit downloaded you into my suit's computer.
Vance: It's a loose fit, but I'm sure I'll grow into it.
[Terry strains, trying to fight the suit]
Vance: Don't even try to resist. The suit's much stronger than you are.

Batman: Okay, Casper. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you want Nelson, you have to go through me.

Max: Terry, it's not like there's a website for illegal card games.
Terry: I know, but there's gotta be some way of finding out where the derby is. Police reports, maybe?
Max: Wonder if I can get some pictures from last night.
Terry: Pictures?
Max: From the surveillance satellites. That'd tell us exactly where they were.
Terry: You can download from the Defense Department's computers?
Max: Well, not legally. So this is what you blew off Dana for. I was just talking to her.
Terry: You're not gonna say anything to her, are you?
Max: Do I ever? But I would like to know what's going on.
Terry: I'm... helping a friend. That's all.
Max: With this kind of lying? It's got to be more than just a friend.
Terry: Wish I knew.
Max: Better decide soon. It ain't fair to Dana.

Bruce: Terry, enough. You should be down at the piers looking for smugglers. Not staking out your high school waiting for petty vandals.
Batman: Just one more sweep. If I can catch this so-called ghost in the act, I can prove it's all a hoax.
Bruce: You've already invested too much time in this.
Batman: [seeing the electricity in the school going haywire] And it just paid off.

Max: Rough night?
Terry: Aren't they all?
Max: Maybe you need someone out there with you. You could do worse you know.
Terry: Forget it.
Max: Why should you have all the fun?
Terry: Max, it's not fun.
Max: What? Flying, intrigue power? Yeah, you're right. It's a drag.

Ozzie: Do I know you?
Terry: No, but you're gonna want to.
Ozzie: Talk to me.
Terry: I heard your boss was looking for sport dogs. I got one at home that's a born brawler. A real winner. Not afraid of no one.
[holding up his "bandaged" hand]
Terry: Look what he did here. And me, he likes.
Ozzie: Takes more than teeth to make a good sport dog. But if he's got half the juice you got, he might be worth a scan.
[giving him a business card]
Ozzie: You give this guy a call. Tell him Ozzie sent ya.
Terry: [watching them leave, he takes the bandage off and dials his phone] Wayne, it's me. I got a number for you to trace.

Dr. David Wheeler: Mr. McGinnis, is it? What were you doing back here?
Terry: Just looking for a bathroom. That's when he jumped me. We know each other from school. Weren't what you'd call close.
Dr. David Wheeler: Pat him down.
Terry: [fighting as a guard searches him] Hey! Hey... uhn! What do you think you're...
Dr. David Wheeler: [the guard hands over his vid-cam] What's this for? Home movies?
[re-playing Chelsea's plea]
Dr. David Wheeler: Whose idea was this?
[Terry refuses to say]
Dr. David Wheeler: Lock him in a room.
Terry: [getting dragged away] Hey! Hey, you can't do this. Stop, let go! This whole place is gonna crash when the parents find out about you.

Terry: Look, if you had any proof they were going to do something, it would be different. But I'm not going to change my plans because of a hunch.
Bruce: Batman would.
Terry: Hey, I put my life on the line all the time. One night isn't going to make any difference.
Bruce: One night always makes the difference.

Willie: It's not the worst place in the world, just kind of boring.
Terry: You've been hitting the weight machines.
Willie: It helps pass the time, and I found out that I like being strong.
Terry: I'll bet.
Willie: Besides, with good behavior, I'll be out in less than two months.
Terry: In time for the junior prom.
Willie: If they'll have the gym repaired in time.
Terry: How'd you know about that?
Willie: Someone from school told me.
Terry: Who?
Willie: What is this, McGinnis, 20 Questions?
Terry: The guard said no one ever comes to see you, or calls or writes.

Aaron: Inque, what I want more than anything is to be like you.
Inque: You're serious, aren't you?
Aaron: Dead serious. The power you've got, I want it. I've been wanting it a long time.
Inque: Then you'll get it.

Mr. Chandler: [stopping a surveillance tape of Aaron kissing Inque's cryo-cell] Let me guess. You were rehearsing for a play.
Aaron: You... you were taping me?
Mr. Chandler: You've been spending an awful lot of time in there, Aaron, and now we know what you were doing.
Aaron: But taping me? How could you?
Mr. Chandler: How could *you*? I've never seen such sick behavior in my life. Clean out your locker.
Aaron: But... Mr. Chandler, I've done good work for you, and...
Mr. Chandler: And what, Aaron? You wanna take this to the review board? You'll never win. And everyone'll find out you're a...
[he groans in disgust]
Aaron: [defeated] I'll clean out my locker.

Mutro: [firing on the Batmobile] No need for violence. I was merely trying to get your attention.
Batman: You've got it. Who are you?
Mutro: Mutro Botha, at your service. For a price, of course.
Batman: Botha. I've heard of you. You're a member of the Society of Assassins.
Mutro: I *am* the Society of Assassins
[Batman draws a batarang]
Mutro: No need for that. If my mission had been to kill you, you would be dead already. No member of the Society has ever failed.
Batman: Except one.
Mutro: Yes, because you stepped in to stop her. In a way, this is all your fault.

Batman: [after being tripped during a balance exercise] No fair!
Kairi: Fair? The only fair around here is in September. Deal with it!

Vincent: What's next?
Dr. David Wheeler: Hold McGinnis overnight. See if anyone comes looking for him.
Vincent: And if they do?
Dr. David Wheeler: We destroy his vid disc, and it'll be my word against his.
Vincent: And what if no one comes?
Dr. David Wheeler: In that case, we'll put a more... permanent end to this.

Bruce: I should warn you, I can be a difficult taskmaster. I accept nothing short of excellence in all who work for me.
Terry: I think I can handle it.
Bruce: Very good then, Mr. McGinnis. Welcome to my world.

Mad: You're all infected with the disease of bureaucracy! But I know the cure, man! All of you must be destroyed! ALL OF YOU!

Max: [searching Mutro's hotel room] If I were a critical life-saving clue, where would I be?

Terry: This is what an idiot looks like, Max. I let him trick me, and then while I was out, he moved his whole operation. I'm never gonna find him.
Max: Ter, you're forgetting something. While you were unconscious, he had a perfect chance to get rid of you for good, but he didn't. What's that tell you?
Terry: That... that maybe he's not such a bad guy after all.

Batman: What now?
Bruce: Dump the vehicle as fast as you can. They'll have a tracer on it. You should be flying above Old Town right now. There's an underground tunnel behind the old Majestic Theater. Find it and link up with me when you get there.

Terminal: That's right, Maxine. I know who you are.
Max: I know who you are, too. Terry.
Terminal: McGinnis?
Terminal: She thinks I'm McGinnis.
[the other Jokerz laugh]
Max: I know he's one of you! He told you I'd be here!
Terminal: No one told us anything. We've been following you, to finish off what we started.
Max: [holding up her list of suspects] Because of this?
Terminal: [smacking it away] Ehhh! Wrong again. I don't care about your data-crunching. I have a more personal reason for wanting you gone.

Bruce: [after Willie breaks out of juvie] What did you think was going to happen?
Terry: I don't know. I just had to be sure it was really him. I know, I know. I messed up.
Bruce: [loading a tranq gun and tossing it over] One shot, and he'll be out for hours.
Terry: If he shows up.
Bruce: Oh, he'll show. He's drawn to the school. It's an obsession.
Bruce: Your area of expertise.

Terry: [to Bruce] I guess you're the expert on troubled kids. You collect them, right?

Mutro: Batman, come in. I can't stay hidden forever. Batman!
[hearing a rustle of bushes, he takes out a gun and fires; a ninja star knocks the gun out of his hand]
Mutro: [disarming her as she attacks] Lesson number one, Curare: always hold onto your weapon.

Max: [finding the front door of Donny's apartment unlocked] Hmm. The Grassos never were big on home security.
Max: Mr. Grasso! Mrs. Grasso!
Terry: [seeing the mess inside] Looks like they're not big on cleaning, either.

Batman: [restraining Curare] Max?
Max: [showing the disarmed bomb] Can we go home now?

Bruce: Her name's Inque. She's a corporate saboteur. Interpol's been after her for years. It looks like Powers is her new employer.
Terry: What is she?
Bruce: The results of a mutagenic experiment. The details aren't known.
Terry: So how do you stop her?
Bruce: That's where thinking on your feet comes in.

Bruce: I wouldn't blame you if you stayed home. Not after what all those ingrates have been saying.
Terry: I didn't get into this for gratitude. I have a feeling you didn't either.

Bullwhip: Guess we got off on the wrong foot tonight, doc. Maybe this'll make it up to you.
Dr. Corso: [seeing what he offers] You know what I want, and it's not jewels.
Bullwhip: Then you're just going to have to be patient.
Dr. Corso: For how much longer?
Bullwhip: Until I'm sure we don't need you anymore.

Magma: You saw the way she looked at me. We're freaks.
Freon: Michael, please.
Magma: [touching hands, his fingers ice over] I can't even hold you in my arms anymore.
Freon: It's hard for all of us.
Dr. Howard Hodges: I can imagine, my dear.
2: You wouldn't have to imagine if you'd been there.
Magma: Yeah. I'm still trying to figure out that budget meeting you went to that night.
Dr. Howard Hodges: What are you implying?
Freon: Calm down, Mike. It's not like he knew this was going to happen.
Dr. Howard Hodges: Mary, you know how much I care for you. All of you. And we're doing everything we can to find a cure.
Magma: You should let me help.
Dr. Howard Hodges: Michael, you can't even touch a test tube without melting it. Better you stay here, where you can do some real good.

Paxton: "No more pollution". How do they expect us to make a profit?

Cynthia: We can be together forever.
Howard: Forever's a long time. A real long time. And I'm kinda young.
Cynthia: Which means we'll have even more time together.
Howard: Cynthia, listen. We have to talk. The fact is, this relationship isn't working. You're way too possessive. It was great in the beginning, but now, I...
Cynthia: You what?
Howard: I wanna see other girls.
[she starts to overload]
Howard: Oh, this isn't good.
Blade: [seeing him come out] Sounds like you really got her wound up.
Howard: You don't know the half of it.

Batman: Payback, right?
Payback: Yeah. Your new ally.
Batman: Ally? What are you talking about?
Payback: I do the same thing you do.
Batman: Sorry, pal. Not even close.
Payback: If you're not with me, then you're the enemy, too.

Dr. Corso: They're gonna kill her now. They're gonna kill her.
Batman: Who? Who are they gonna kill?
Dr. Corso: My wife. It's the truth! Why else do you think I'd be helping those punks?
Batman: [taking a photograph] This her?
Dr. Corso: Yes. April. April changed my whole life. Have you ever met anyone like that?

Vance: [voice gradually regresses from an adult to a high child's tone and then to baby talk] Five hundred megs! A thousand kilobytes! Pi "R" squared! Two plus two equals four. Me first! I wanna play. One potato... two potato... Mama Mama... Ma-ma!

Terry: So, Dana, you got time for a fizz or something?
Dana: I do, but you don't.
[indicating Bruce nearby]
Dana: Your keeper's here.

Batman: The towers are falling. Get away from there!
Shriek: No use pleading. You're dead.

Nelson: Schway party, Howard. It takes real guts to blow up your own home.
Blade: Yeah, kids are gonna talk about this night for years. You're a legend.

Kip: You don't know what you're missing, McGinnis.
Donny: Yeah. Spellbinder hooks us up real good.
Terry: [alarmed] Spellbinder?

[in the Batmobile]
Max: Ouch! Could you get your ear out of my eye?
Batman: I warned you, the Batmobile wasn't built to carry two people.
Max: All those billions, and you'd think that he could afford a back seat.

Falseface: [posing as a Customs agent] Anything to declare?
Nelson: Yeah. Saint Denis parties hardy.
Falseface: I meant do you have any restricted items in your possession?
Nelson: [placing his bag on the table] Peg it. I got nothing to hide.
Falseface: [finding a vial of green liquid] What's this?
Nelson: Jeez, how'd that get in there?
Falseface: You tell me.
Nelson: Well, I don't know. Someone must have stuck it in at the airport. You know, like when I went to the bathroom.
Falseface: You let this bag out of your sight?
Nelson: I had to. The stall was too small. I was desperate. You gotta believe me. I've never seen it before in my life. Honest.
Falseface: [after a moment of consideration] Go on. Next time, Mr. Nash, keep a closer eye on your bags.

Sean: McGinnis. Come to see me?
Terry: 'Fraid not, Sean.
Sean: Don't you wanna talk about the old days? Like, say, that fight we had back in seventh grade? Ah, I remember it real well, Terry. The way you and the others were always laughing at me.
Terry: Sean, you're s... I don't have time for this now.
Sean: [throwing him to the floor] I got the time.

Terry: [regains consciousness after being hit with mutagen antidote, then sees Ace growling at him] Nice to see you, too.
Bruce: Can't say I blame him, you roughed us up before I could cure you.
Terry: Cure me? Cuvier! He spliced me in his lab.
Bruce: With a massive overdose of vampire bat serum.
[Terry looks in shock for a moment at the parts of his suit that he ripped through when the mutagen fully took effect]
Bruce: I figured we would be needing a new supply of the mutagen antidote, but it was sooner than I expected.
Terry: Thanks.

Spellbinder: For years, I fought the demons in the heads of those ungrateful little snots! While their coddling parents paid their garbagemen more than me! Now I'm taking what I've earned!

Zeta: I decide who I want to be.

Sean: Chelsea. I never expected to see you here.
Chelsea: Now, there's a coincidence, because I never expected to be here, Sean.
Sean: Yeah, you were always one of the good ones, Chelsea. Good grades, good manners. Except you were always talking about me behind my back.
Chelsea: I never talked about you, ever.
Sean: Well, that's even worse, isn't it?

Louie: Hey, drifty, you got a purpose?
Howard: I'm here to pick up a special order.
Louie: Ahh, you want a custom job. Something like that little synthoid number over there?
Howard: Sure, sure, yeah. I mean, can you?
Louie: Well, legally, no. But for the right price, I'd shave a coyote.

Nelson: Something's wrong. He's not eating. Why isn't he eating?
Terry: Maybe because you're trying to feed him through his nose.

Bruce: Interesting.
Terry: Interesting? That's all you can say? It was unbelievable!
Bruce: A word I rarely use.
Terry: You think I'm crazy, don't you?
Bruce: Terry, the sample you gave me was just ordinary soil, plain old dirt.
Terry: It was alive!
Bruce: Okay, supposing it was, do you really think last night will be the end of it?

Bruce: [with Terry in the Batcave] He's using a jamming signal. I'm sure of it. The problem is finding out where the signal's coming from. Here are the places where the effect was most severe. But it's still gonna take some time to isolate the...
[his phone rings]
Barbara: Bruce, the truce is only temporary.
Bruce: Why am I not surprised?

Batman: You okay?
Bruce: I'm fine... Batman.

Max: You live dangerous, Mcginnis.

Bill: Tony?
Earthmover: You... left... me... buried!
Bill: I thought you were dead.
Earthmover: No! Didn't want partner!
Bill: That's not true! There was nothing I could do for you, nothing! But there was Jackie. I took care of her like she was my own daughter. Isn't that what you would have wanted?
Earthmover: You stole her!
Bill: You wanna kill me? Go ahead. I got a lot to answer for, but for God's sakes, let Jackie go.
Earthmover: She stays... and you die.

Paxton: Did you really expect me to believe you'd ever give me power? That I'd ever have an ounce of control as long as you were alive? You taught me by example, Dad. The only way to get power is to seize it!

Dana: You're cheating.
Terry: Am not.
Dana: You have to be cheating. There's no way you could know something like that without a calculator.
Terry: People used to.
Dana: You're saying you memorized the multiplication tables? What for?
Terry: My dad was a scientist. Guess he wanted me to be ready for anything.
Dana: 15 times 15.
Terry: 225.

Terry: There's this thing on the web.
Bruce: I know. They've been running it twice an hour since before dawn.
Terry: How did he...?
Bruce: He planted a camera in the Batmobile.
Terry: No.
Bruce: I just found it.

Ra's: But now this youthful form has served its purpose. It is time for me to move on to a new body: yours.
Bruce: [sarcastic] Sure, Ra's, why not? Anything to hold off the Grim Reaper another few seconds.
Bruce: I take it back. You don't cheat death, you whimper in fear of it.
Ra's: [backhands him] Silence!
Bruce: And you hit like a girl.

Ma: Well, boys, we did it. Got the whole set.
Slim: Oh, yeah, we did it, all right, but while we were wasting time with this, we could've stolen stuff worth ten times as much.
Ma: [grabbing him] Nothing could be worth more than these jewels. You hear me? Nothing! This is the first swag your father and I ever stole together. We swore we'd never fence it. It's all I have left of him now that he's... gone.
Carl: But, Ma, dad's not dead. He just ran off with...
[getting slapped]
Carl: Hey!
Ma: Don't ever talk that way about your father.

Sam: I thought the man was supposed to protect the woman.
Commissioner: Last century, babe.

[Dr. Lake goes into a lab where Mr. Freeze's head is being stored]
Mr. Freeze: Take a good look, doctor. I've been like this for nearly fifty years and I haven't aged one day. I have become what many men have dreamed of: an immortal. And yet, there hasn't been a day, an hour, a minute, I haven't thought about death. It obsesses me. Even now.

Max: What's with Jared, the bond market crash?
Terry: His dad's a light weapons expert. He gets laid off, suddenly Wayne-Powers is burglarized by a guy with enough equipment to stand off a marine batallion.
Max: Armory?
Terry: I gotta make sure.

Mary: [serving Bruce coffee] I hope you don't mind milk. We're out of cream.
Bruce: I prefer it.

Agent: Still no signal. He lost us.
Bennet: We'll find him. He's not getting out of Gotham.

Max: Dana, what's up?
Dana: Thought you might need a ride to Winn's study group tonight.
Max: No, thanks. I'll see you there.
Dana: You know where Winn lives, right?
Max: I'll get directions from her.
Dana: [giggling] Him. You said "her". Winn's a guy.
Max: Sorry. Concentrating.
Dana: What else is new?

Dr. Emil Cuvier: Look at me! The abilities of the entire animal kingdom are at my command! What can one blind little bat do against that?
Batman: The best I can!

Bruce: Everything all right there?
Batman: Fine. Perfect. Except they got away.
Bruce: We'd better reconvene. You should know who you're dealing with.
Batman: Be there when I can. I'm late for an appointment.
Bruce: But I need to talk to you.

Coach: [breaking up a fight between his players and the opposing team] Quit whinin'. It was a legal check.

[Terry looks at the Grey Ghost costume]
Bruce: Way before your time.

Batman: Cuvier?
Dr. Emil Cuvier: [Cuvier appears, spliced with tiger, hawk and snake] No longer, Batman. Now you face a true chimera
[Grabs Batman by the leg]
Dr. Emil Cuvier: You bring out the beast in me!

Frank: Sure caused a lot of trouble. Guess that means he ain't no wuss anymore.

Blade: And how's our little A+ doing?
Terry: He's sleeping. You'll hardly know he's around.
Blade: Forget it. Jurgen has this new 'Vette I want to check out.
Terry: I want a divorce!

Terry: Actually, it turned out pretty good. Tamara and her parents were put under protective custody. Not only do they end up in a better place, but they got doctors to help her with her powers.
Max: You think she's doing okay?
Terry: [seeing a vision of Tamara waving] Oh, yeah. I've got a feeling she's doing just fine.

Terry: No sign of him anywhere. I've lost him.
Bruce: Him? That's a doll you're talking about, not a life.
Terry: It's my life if it's lost. I'll have to take family studies again. Have you ever taken family studies?

Bombshell: [watching him dodge an energy blast] I'm impressed, Batman. That would've taken out a small infantry. Of course, there's nothing like a direct hit.

Batman: [communicating in writing] It's happening all over town. Everyone's... going... nuts.
Bruce: Shriek must've... found a way to interfere... with the vibrations of air molecules.
Batman: Huh?
Bruce: Air molecules carry the vibrations... of human speech.
Batman: [verbally, to himself] That's what I get for sleeping through Physics.

Lorraine: [seeing the car Jim bought Jared for his birthday] You sure don't do anything halfway, Big Jim.
Big: Heh. There's no reason the Tate family shouldn't have the best, and as long as I'm around, that's what it's gonna have.

Nelson: [after Blade asks Willie to the school dance] Think I'm gonna let some twip take my girl?
[raising his fist, he lowers it as a teacher passes by]
Nelson: Relax. You're saved. For now.

Blight: Who are you?
Batman: You really want to know?
Blight: Yes!
Batman: You killed my father.
Blight: Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
Batman: Too bad. It's all you get.

Frank: Galvanic Lifter Machine. G.L.M. GoLeM. It's a, uh, robot. Two stories tall, thirteen tons, and THIS JERK LOSES IT!

Terry: [outside Wayne Manor] If you just keep on this road, curves back to the freeway.
Dana: I can't leave you out here.
Terry: Sure you can. I just have to see this guy.
Dana: About what?
Terry: I'll explain later. You-you better go before the storm hits.

Max: How much time do we have?
Terry: Curare's last sighting puts her at least three hours away. I'm gonna meet Mutro outside his hotel in about half an hour.
Max: What's the plan?
Terry: He's the bait. When she shows, I'll get in between them. This bomb business could get bad. I'm gonna need your help, Max.
Max: You know you can count on me, Ter. What do you want me to do?
Terry: You've gotta find a way to contact my partner.
Max: [disappointed] Oh.
Terry: You know, I never really told you his name.
Max: Wait, let me guess. Just a shot in the dark here. Could it be... Bruce Wayne?
Terry: I guess it wasn't very hard to figure out.
Max: Like, the first day.

Terminal: Query: how many custodians does it take to clean a school? Answer: none, twip. It's all done by machines.
[a custodian robot approaches]
Terminal: Just a squirt of oil and a recharge, and they keep the place spotless.
[another robot approaches]
Terminal: And cleanliness is so important, don't you think? That's why I've replaced the standard cleaning fluids with something a little stronger.
[one of the robots fires a green liquid that burns through the wall]
Terminal: Acid.

Victor: How fitting that that diseased skull of mine should be buried like this.
Dr. Stephanie Lake: Frankly, I couldn't think of anything else to do with it.
Victor: It was the right thing. It symbolizes the end of a life and the beginning of a new one.

Nelson: Not for the stiff. What do you need to contact a dead guy for? Wouldn't you rather have a live one... Like me?
[Girls move the Ouija board to "No"]
Chelsea: The board has spoken, creep!
[the girls laugh]
Nelson: Oh yeah?
[Nelson kicks the board away]
Nelson: Well, now Nelson has spoken.

Terry: [Bruce tends to his head wound] Ow!
Bruce: Why weren't you watching your back?
Terry: I was too busy watching my front. Am I supposed to have eyes everywhere?
Bruce: Only if you want to live to a ripe old age.
Terry: You don't make it sound too inviting.
[tying it off, Bruce yanks the bandage a little too hard]
Terry: Ow!

Warhawk: [after Batman uses the Kyrptonite on Superman the next time he attacks them, they pull his suit off to reveal a starfish-like alien on his chest] Lantern, Barda, you've been around the galaxy once or twice. Ever see anything like this?
Big: Never.
Green: [uses her ring to conjure up a magnifying glass to get a closer look] Whatever it is, it appears to have somehow embedded itself in his skin
Batman: Any chance of getting it off?
Green: I must remind you, this is not just one alien species before us, it's two, and I do not yet understand the subtleties of their interaction.
Warhawk: I'll take that as an "I don't know."

Bruce: As Batman, you must handle the widely-varied tactics of your criminal adversaries. Some will try to distract you with bizarre gimmicks. Learn to use their weapons against them. These quirks have a pattern. Recognizing them is the key to winning.
Terry: Not too shabby, huh?
Bruce: [turning off a simulator] Better, though your execution could use more...
[holding up a broken robotic head of Killer Croc]
Bruce: ...finesse.
Terry: Hey, it gets the job done.
Bruce: Speaking of jobs, yours is to get a replacement for this one after school.

Mr. Freeze: There's enough energy here to destroy the whole compound, Batman. I suggest you find a way out.
Batman: Fries, think. This can't be what you want. You'll only cause more pain, more suffering.
Mr. Freeze: No, I end it. When this goes, I go, too.

Batman: Nice plane. Not quite as nice as the Jokerz', though.
Dr. Price: Thanks. I built it.
Batman: Then you should've kept a better eye on it.
Dr. Price: I ordered the pilots to abort.
Batman: Why?
Dr. Price: Not your problem.
Batman: You want me to help you or not?

Chelsea: Adam, it's so good to see a familiar face. Adam?
Sean: [she sees he's just making brush strokes, with no paint] Adam's not gonna be saying much for a while.
Chelsea: Why not?
Sean: 'Cause of the iso.
Chelsea: The iso? What's that?
Vincent: All right, everybody, time for class.
Chelsea: Class? Here?
Sean: You'll see.

Shriek: [after Batman saves DAK] All for nothing. All that effort wasted, but at least it allows me the pleasure of dispatching you myself.
Bruce: Why do they always talk so much?
[whacking Shriek with his cane]
Bruce: I just happened to be in the neighborhood.

Barbara: Listen to experience, kid. I appreciate what you've done tonight, but ditch the costume. You can't live a life of narrow escapes forever. It's a thankless existence, and the rewards are small, if any.
Terry: [petting Ace] Well, sometimes the small rewards are the best ones.

[talking about a villain HQ]
Terry: It's a toxic waste dump.
Bruce: Or so they say. Can you think of a better way to keep people away?
Terry: Call it a high school?

Terry: Dana, you remember Charlie?
Dana: I remember who he is. Do you?

Mary: Terry! I was afraid you were gonna miss it.
Terry: Miss what?
Matt: You know, "The Inside Peek." Everybody at school's talking about it.
Mary: And at work, too.
Terry: Aren't you the one who didn't want us watching this? Uh, you said I wouldn't find it so entertaining if I was on the receiving end.
Mary: Yeah, well, what do I know?

Terry: I can't even make out their faces.
Bruce: You don't have to. Your subconscious will see her if she's there. Just try not to blink.
Terry: I can't believe all these kids are missing.
Bruce: Believe it.
Terry: [the Bat-Computer finds a match] Yeah, that's her.
Bruce: Tamara Caulder. Reported missing yesterday. Address, 2014 Riverside, apartment 33.

Nelson: You had your fun. Now get real. Blade's too hot for a twip like you. Be smart and step aside.
Willie: No.
Nelson: I'm tryin' to be generous here, Watt.
Willie: I don't need your generosity.
Nelson: Yeah, you do.

Bruce: I got worried when you didn't come back.
Terry: Bet you brought one of your old Bat-suits with you.
Bruce: You'll never know.

Terry: Come on, can't you cut him a little slack? Like my mom said, he's just a guy trying to put his house in order.
Bruce: It's a cold draft that blows through that house.

Bruce: What are you saying, Barbara? That I should hand Terry over to Shriek?
Barbara: No. Give him to me. I'll figure out something. I had some pretty good teachers, remember?
Bruce: I remember, but you work for a mayor who'd sell out the kid at the drop of a hat.
Barbara: Look, if you've got a better plan...
Bruce: All I know right now is this: that kid's done a lot for this city. It's time for the city to do something for him.
Barbara: We're trying, Bruce, but we've only got 'til midnight. What then?

Batman: They're Ts, another gang. Been fighting with the Jokerz for years.
Dr. Price: That doesn't mean they deserved this. It's all because of me. And it's only gonna get worse.

Blade: Here. You take him.
Terry: Blade, you can't just...
Blade: I didn't realize how much it cried. Besides, I have a date with Jurgen tonight. We can't exactly take the thing along, can we?
Terry: But I had it all day, and I've got something important to do.
Blade: I don't care.

Warren: Drew... where do you think you're going?
Drew: I got a life outside the store, you know. Besides, my shift's over.
Warren: That's your regular shift. You still got overtime to do.
Drew: Overtime? Oh, come on, Warren. Not again. The store's practically empty.
Warren: Other kids beg for overtime. Maybe I should hire one of them.

Batman: There's something wrong with the suit. I can barely move my leg.
Bruce: McGinnis?
Batman: Now it's the arm. Did you get that? Hello? Can you hear me?
Vance: Stop shouting. I can hear you perfectly well.
Batman: Wh-who's that?
Vance: Robert Vance is my name.
Batman: The computer guy? But you're...
Vance: Dead? Rebooted is more like it.

Max: Killer move, Corey. How'd you peg it?
Corey: Gotta go with your instincts.
Terry: Good instincts. You just bagged the all-time high score.
Corey: Yes!
Max: No fair. You musta logged a gazillion hours on that game.
Corey: Maybe more. But for the first time, I really felt it, you know? Like I actually was a Sentry of the Last Cosmos.
[bumping into Nelson]
Corey: Ahh! Hey, watch it!
Nelson: Or what? You gonna bop me with a flaming sword? Get a life.

Mary: What are those?
Terry: Nothing.
Mary: Don't lie to me. They're slappers, aren't they? I've seen them on the news.
Terry: Mom, it's not what you think.
Mary: The lies, the poor grades, the unexplained absences. It's because of these, isn't it?
Terry: No! They're not even mine!
Mary: Then where did they come from?
Terry: I found them in the locker room at school.
Matt: Yeah, right.
Terry: Jeez, Matt! Mom, you gotta believe me.
Mary: I don't want to hear any more. You're grounded.

Batman: This Payback guy thinks he's some sort of vigilante, standing up for kids. The good news is I finally met him face to face.
Bruce: But the bad news is you didn't stop him.
Batman: I couldn't. I had the manager and Drew to worry about.
Bruce: Drew?
Batman: He's a kid from my school.
Bruce: Really?

Bruce: Go away! I don't want to hear you!
Walter: It's for your own good. Now get up.
[Bruce does so]
Walter: Go to the window.
Bruce: What for?
Walter: Go!
[Bruce does]
Walter: Open it.
[hearing various voices repeating the command, Bruce does]
Walter: You know what you have to do.
Bruce: [trying to fight it] Who are you? Why are you saying these things to me?
Walter: I want to help you. I'm you.
Bruce: No.
Walter: Who else could I be?
Bruce: You can't be me!

Inque: After all I gave you, how could you have turned out like this?
Deanna: You never gave me anything except money, mother. How did you expect me to turn out?

Max: Am I glad you're back. I couldn't live another second without your charming repartee.
Zeta: I must remember to practice sarcasm.
[holding out a paper bag]
Zeta: Here. You must be hungry. Genoa and Swiss. Your fave.
Max: [eating] Why so nice all of a sudden?
Zeta: It is not all of a sudden. I have taken great care not to injure you.
Max: Being held hostage isn't exactly five-star treatment.

Batman: [seeing Bane emaciated and on a respirator] What happened to him?
Jackson: Too many years on Venom. That's what the stuff will do to you.

Terry: [as Bruce analyzes a slapper] What is it?
Bruce: Venom. A highly addictive steroidal compound. Only one man has the formula: Bane.
Terry: I've heard of him.
Bruce: You're going to meet him, as well.
Terry: Sure. As long as I'm home by 9:00.
[seeing Bruce's look]
Terry: I told you I was in trouble.

Max: So, the big guy's in Malaysia?
Batman: Yep. Taking care of some personal business.
Max: You do know they've just had a major typhoon in that area.
Batman: Yeah. No way for him to give me any orders. Now, ain't that a shame?
Max: Aren't you worried?
Batman: Believe me, Max, this is not a man you worry about.
Max: I wasn't talking about him.
Batman: Hey, I can handle Gotham for a few nights without his help.
[the Batmobile is fired upon]
Batman: Whoa! That almost scratched the paint job.

Commissioner: I hear you wrangled yourself a new errand boy.
Bruce: I never wrangled anyone. Every one of you came to me.
Commissioner: Maybe for once you should try to talk someone out of it.
Bruce: Would it have worked for you?

King: It appears you're outnumbered.
Batman: Not really. I tipped off some friends of yours on the way over. Told them who robbed their game.
[the gangsters' car pulls in, and they run in, guns blazing; later, after an extended battle sequence]
Batman: I also tipped off the cops. Your deal, King.

Derek: It has been moved and seconded that Wayne-Powers tender an offer to the city in order to expand into the historical district. All in favor.
[a few "ayes"]
Derek: Opposed?
[more than a few "nays"]
Derek: [trying to hide his disappointment] The motion is defeated. Meeting adjourned.

Terry: Sometimes I ask myself, is Batman just the suit, or is the man inside?

Frank: I want you to take care of this, Willie. You hear?
Willie: How am I supposed to do that?
Frank: Hit 'em where it hurts! You figure it out.

Ms. Pinto: This week's project will help show you what parenthood is all about.
[pointedly, mostly to Terry]
Ms. Pinto: And for those of you who are *failing*, it will be one last chance to catch up, because this assignment will count for a full half of your final grade.
[the class fawns as she unveils the eggbabies]
Ms. Pinto: Yes, they do look cute, until you have the responsibility of caring for them. And that's exactly what you'll be doing this week. That means feeding it, bathing it, rocking it, whatever it takes. I've divided you into random couples. Nelson, you'll be paired with Maxine.
[Max groans]
Ms. Pinto: John Key and Rachel Eng. Frankie Lewis and Matilda Ides. Howard Groote and Dana Tan.
Howard: [waving to Dana] Hi, honey.

Terry: It wanted Nelson. It didn't care about the girls or me, until I tried to help him.
Bruce: "It." So now even you believe it's a ghost.
Terry: Everybody else does. The guys have even started to dress like him. And some of the girls are wearing black as a sign of mourning.
Bruce: You're not "everybody else."

Terry: I've been looking all over for you.
Dana: Look somewhere else. As far as you're concerned, I'm not here.
Chelsea,25898: Ooh.
Terry: Listen, I'm sorry. Mr. Wayne needed me again last night. I... I don't blame you for being mad.
Dana: Mad? Ter, I am way beyond mad. I've tried to be patient.
Terry: And you've been great. You've always been there for me.
Dana: So what do I get in return? Broken dates, broken promises. You care more about your dumb job than you do about me.
Terry: Dana, I have responsibilities now. My mom and brother depend on me. What do you want?
Dana: Someone who occasionally will be there for me.
Terry: [trying to follow as she leaves] Dana, wait.
Chelsea: Uh-uh. Girl time.
Max: Too bad you can't tell Dana what you've really been doing at night.

Bruce: Terry! Can you hear me? Terry!
Batman: [climbing out from under rubble] I'm here.
Bruce: What happened?
Batman: I just got my butt fried by the Sentries of the Last Cosmos.
Bruce: What?

Batman: Where are they going?
Coe: [sarcastic] To grandma's for milk and cookies.
Batman: Don't want to rat out the Jokerz, huh?
Coe: They're my bros.
Batman: Yeah? Well, your bros just ditched you.
Coe: I... I...
Batman: Looks like you're an only child now.
Coe: They're going to bust up the Ts' headquarters at the old subway station. I don't know when, though.
Batman: Let's hope it's not too late.

Bruce: [finding Terry in the Batcave] Get out.
Terry: [outside, Ace the dog growls at him] All right, I'm going. It's not like I did anything wrong.
[the light in a window goes out]
Terry: Freak.

Terry: Max, I, uh, just got a call from my boss. Can you keep an eye on the twip 'til I get back?
Max: [playing an arcade game] No sweat. Help yourself, kid.
Matt: Thanks!

Terry: There's Donny. I'll feel better when I rip spellbinder's location out of his face.
Bruce: Or you could cool your jets and just tail him.
Terry: Oh, I guess that's a good idea too.

Batman: And if I told you what I was gonna do, you wouldn't have let me. You didn't trust her.
Bruce: And rightfully so, it seems.
Batman: Okay, I was wrong. The only thing I did right was stick a tracer on her.
Bruce: Live and learn, kid.
Batman: That's it? That's all you have to say to me?
Bruce: For the moment. Now, why don't you see if you can locate her frequency?

Bruce: That theatre: it was where my parents and I went the night they were...
Terry: I think you'd want it torn down, so after all these years you could finally forget.
Bruce: Do you want to forget what happened to your father?

Terry: [after Dr. Suzuki sends him flying into a wind tunnel facility, he gets up and sees a woman working at the control panel as Dr. Suzuki approaches through the hole] Hey!
[she doesn't respond, he takes her headset off]
Terry: Work day's over!
[Dr. Suzuki fires a beam at him, sending him into the nearby wall as the woman runs off]

Terry: Dana, sorry I'm late. I got stuck in...
Dana: What are you apologizing for? I wasn't expecting you.
Terry: But, I... but...
Dana: How many times has it been now, Terry? After a while, a girl gets the idea.
Terry: No, you've got it all wrong.
Dana: Do I?
Terry: It's not like I wanna be late. It's just that I've got these responsibilities.
Dana: Sure you do.
Terry: Look, if you can't handle it, maybe we should just forget the whole thing.
Dana: Terry, I already have forgotten it.

Batman: That's all you can find for Eldon Michaels? An address?
Bruce: From a few years ago. I've checked every data system; there's nothing on him. Not even a birthdate.
Batman: Maybe he really is from outer space.

Ten: I'm only trying to save my family! They'll be killed if...
Batman: Skip the sob story. Let's pretend I believe you.
Ten: Then let me go get the ransom money. Please!
Batman: No. No more stealing.
Ten: You're killing my family.
Batman: I'm saving them.

Dr. Price: Did you kill the reactor?
Batman: No. They got away. You built some ship, lady.
Dr. Price: You have to stop them.
Batman: You'll be okay?
Dr. Price: In another few minutes, it won't matter. Now go!

[Bruce has the chance to become young again]
Terry: I'll tell you right now, there's no way I'm wearing the Robin suit.

Max: [noticing Terry is absent from school] He's probably sick, that's all.
Dana: He seemed fine last night.
Max: Yeah, but you never know what you might wake up with.
Dana: That's what I'm worried about.

Terry: Well, that's about two square blocks. If we had a couple of days, we might be able to find the bomb.
Max: Wait. I've got Mutro's cash card. It'll tell us where he's been spending money in the last few days.
[scanning it]
Max: This is the only location inside the highlighted area. And he's visited it twice. That's gotta be where it is.
Terry: The Gotham Museum of Armaments?
Max: What better place to hide a weapon than a place that's filled with 'em?

Bruce: I've been testing the new sky cam, and picked up something at Vid-City Electronics.
Terry: What?
Bruce: Late shoppers.

Terry: Check this out.
Max: Handprints? They don't look big enough to knock over lockers.
Terry: No fingerprints, either.
Max: Maybe he wore gloves or something.
[hearing guys heading towards them, she gets into a locker to hide]
Max: Ter, you gotta get me out of here.
Terry: How?
Max: I don't know. Think of something.
Terry: I'll let Mr. Silverstein know you'll be late.
Max: You are so dead, McGinnis.

Commissioner: I heard the D.A.'s office is plea-bargaining the Densmore case. Do you know how hard my men worked to...?
Sam: Uh-uh-uh, no shop talk after hours. You want to discuss my shortcomings as a D.A., call my office and make an appointment, Commissioner.
[Kisses her]

Batman: [finding slappers in Mason's gym locker] Jackpot.
Coach: [whacking him over the head] Looks like I got a rodent problem. I don't know why you're poking your nose in my gym, and frankly, I don't care.

Victor: I'm calling it the Nora Fries Foundation, named after my former wife.
TV: And you intend to fund it yourself?
Victor: Before I went to prison, my legitimate earnings were put in a blind trust. After all these years, it comes to quite a significant sum.
TV: A half-billion, I hear. That's some charity.
Victor: Not charity. Justice.

2: I can't believe you broke into the lab.
Freon: Why would you take such a risk?
Magma: I had to know the truth.
2: But Hodges said...
Magma: Hodges lied. See for yourself.
2: [inserting the data cube and seeing their DNA helixes break apart] We'll be like this forever.
Magma: No, it's worse than that.

Superman: Good to see you Bruce.
Bruce: It's been a while.
Superman: You seem to be holding up pretty well.
Bruce: I could use some of that Kryptonian DNA.
Superman: You'll outlive us all, Bruce. You're too stubborn to die.
Bruce: [Looks at Terry] What are you smiling at?
Batman: Nothing.

Mary: I got a call from your school today. They said you were sleeping in class again.
Matt: Ooh! Busted.
Mary: What's going on, Terry?
Terry: Nothing. I've just been busy.
Matt: [taunting singsong] Yeah. Busy with Dana.
Mary: Your teacher said he sent home another demerit file.
Matt: [reaching for Matt's backpack] I'll get it.
Terry: Hey! Out of my stuff, twip!

Terry: Melanie?
Melanie: Terry, I... I can't see you tonight.
Terry: Something come up? Schoolwork?
Melanie: No.
Terry: Then what is it?
Melanie: I... I can't see you again. Ever.
Terry: Why?
Melanie: It just... didn't work out. I gotta go now.
Terry: Melanie, there's something wrong, isn't there? Tell me!
Melanie: There's nothing wrong. Nothing. Goodbye, Terry.

Terry: Guys, this is Charlie "Big Time" Bigelow. Charlie was always scheming about how he was going to make it big, and the name stuck.
Big: And T.T. is Tiny Terry, 'cause he was always thinking small.

Terry: You wanted to see me?
Dr. Ira Billings: Mr. McGinnis, come in. No big deal. I know the past few months have been rough, with your father passing and you moving back in with your mom. I wanted to see how you were doing.
Terry: Uh-huh. I'm fine. That it?
Dr. Ira Billings: I don't bite, Terry. Have a seat.
[Terry reluctantly enters the office]
Dr. Ira Billings: I hear you're working part-time for an actual billionaire. That must be exciting. Tell me all about it.

Batman: Look, wonder-dog, I don't like you, and you don't like me, but how 'bout cuttin' me a break this one time? Bad guy. You find, me stop. Got it?

Walter: It's a neglected sense, hearing. And it shouldn't be, because all too often, our first warning of danger is sound.
Derek: Shreeve, what are you trying to...
[hearing a rumbling engine, he gasps as a train horn blares in front of him]
Walter: [turning a flashlight and another device off] See, Mr. Powers? Just an illusion.
Derek: Uh, I knew that.
Walter: Of course. But after all the research money you've given me, I thought you deserved a demonstration.
Derek: Frankly, I was hoping for more.

Bruce: A bunch of gangsters, and a pile of credit and jewelry, you say?
Terry: There were some gold ingots in there, too.
Bruce: This brings back some memories.
Terry: Wanna share 'em?
Bruce: Sounds like you got a little too close to the Derby. It's a high-stakes poker game that's been floating around Gotham since before even my time. As you noticed, it attracts some of our most colorful citizens.
Terry: You'd think they could afford better security.
Bruce: They probably figured no one would be crazy enough to try and rob them.
Terry: Ten's not crazy. Desperate's more like it.
Bruce: Sounds like simple greed to me.

Terry: It will have to wait til tonight. I have to get to class. It's family studies and I'm failing.
Bruce: How does someone fail family studies?

Derek: Dr. Lake and I have taken every precaution, Victor. Let me assure you...
Mr. Freeze: Save your breath. I am neither afraid nor capable of being comforted by your banal words.

Dana: He's not sick, Max. I just called his house, and he hasn't been there all day.
Max: All day? Maybe Mr. Wayne had an emergency. You know how old people are.
Dana: But why wouldn't he call?
Max: [hearing a knock on the door] Dana, I gotta go. Somebody's here.
Dana: If it's Terry...
Max: Yeah, I will.

[first lines]
Howard: I just don't see the point.
Dana: Of a library? Come on, Howard.
Howard: It's so... retro. All the information you want you can get over the net. Books too.
Dana: But what about the feeling of holding the book in your hands? You can't get that over the net.

Zeta: I was created for one purpose - to destroy. I do not wish to destroy anymore.

Terry: Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton... I don't know.
Max: Come on. Clinton was the fun one, then came the boring one.
Terry: They're all boring.

Bruce: Terry, you're needed.
Terry: Right now? I'm on my way to meet Dana. Can't it wait?
Bruce: No. Mad Stan's out again.
Terry: Great. What's his gripe this time?

Max: Specs on this model say the signal has a range of only two miles.
Batman: Well, how does that help us find the bomb?
Max: This is why you should try to pay attention in geometry, McGinnis. Look: he reset the timer once here, where you met him; he was going to meet you at the park, so he would have had to set it there. And he must have set it at least once from the hotel...
[the radii from the 3 points overlap in only one small area]
Max: And voila! Math is once again your friend.

Dana: What's that?
Max: The results of a compiler program I've written.
Terry: About Batman?
Max: Yeah, I needed a hobby, and it beats macrame. I hacked my ID so that I can stay after hours to work on it. The program searches the grid for specific information about Batman.
Dana: He's between 5'6" and 6', between 16 and 36. How can he be that young if he's been around for so long?
Max: I figure the guy that's been around lately is a brand-new Bat.
Dana: A lot of people would fit this description.
Max: Maybe, but every day, another bit of data helps narrow it down. Eventually, I'll have the guy pegged.
Terry: If it is a guy.
Max: He's a guy, and he's connected to our school. I'm sure of it.
Dana: He's, like, a teacher?
Max: A teacher or a phys-ed coach, or even a student.

Max: You're kidding, right? Real Sentries?
Terry: Yeah. And I've got the real bruises to prove it.
Max: Weird.
Terry: They said they were sent on a sacred mission by the wise one.
Max: Wise one? That's what Corey calls Simon Harper.
Terry: The guy who created the game?
Max: He invited Corey to come and meet him. Do you think there's a connection?
Terry: Is Jar-Jar lame?

Patrick: You're not eating.
Dana: Guess I'm not hungry.
Patrick: Are you upset?
Dana: What, just because I'm trapped in the sewers with a head case whose idea of a good time is hanging with rodents? Why would I be upset?

Dana: Bye, dad.
Mr. Tan: Study group tonight?
Dana: No. I'm meeting Terry.
[he glares]
Dana: Dad...
Mr. Tan: Dana, I wish you weren't seeing that boy. He's been in trouble. He's got a record.
Dana: That was a long time ago, dad. He's got a job now. He's really trying to make good.
Mr. Tan: But you could do so much better.

Inque: We need to talk.
Derek: This better be good. What happened?
Inque: Someone's been interfering. This is the second time.
Derek: Who?
Inque: I don't know. He wore a costume, black and red.
Derek: Batman!
Inque: *The* Batman?
Derek: What difference does it make?

Bruce: Go home.
Max: Listen, I could be very valuable to you. In fact, I've already been very valuable, more times than I can count.
Bruce: I said go home.
Max: Make me.

Derek: Who else can take care of his affairs? He has no wife, no children.
Terry: Me. I could do it.
Derek: Awfully young, aren't you?
Terry: Awfully slimy, aren't you?
Derek: Careful. The courts are very strict about slander.
Terry: Yeah? Then let's see how they handle assault.
[lunges at Powers and starts to grapple with him before orderlies pull him off and restrain him]
Derek: You should know something about the psycho ward here: there's always room for one more!

Bennet: Special Agent Bennett. NSA. The synthoid is ours. Now, either help or get out of the way.

[Fingers grabs James Van Doyle on the ground by the front of his shirt]
Fingers: Where is my mother?
James: I... I-I probably sold her.
Fingers: "Probably"?
James: I don't know. I-I-I don't keep track.
Fingers: She was my mother!
James: [softly] To me, it was just another gorilla.
[Fingers growls, lifts Van Dyle up and holds him high against a tree. Batman recovers from the taser hits]
Batman: No!
[Batman rushes over and tries to pull Fingers' right arm away from the gasping Van Dyle. Fingers growls and bats Batman aside and proceeds to choke Van Dyle]
Batman: [getting up again] That's right, kill him. It's what anybody would do. Any human.
Fingers: [insulted] I am not human.
Batman: Well, you're sure not a gorilla anymore.
[Fingers drops Van Dyle and walks away, past Batman]

Dana: Is it wrong to root for the other team?

Max: Isn't that just typical? A few strange unexplainable events, and right away, people start talking poltergeist.
Blade: How else do you explain the mangled lounge furniture, and the shop teacher's hair?
Max: The wind.
Dana: Well, a lot of people believe it was Garrison, come back from the dead to haunt us.
Max: [pulling up his yearbook picture] That's him? Ooh la la.
Dana: Top athlete in three sports. Lead guitarist in a band.
Blade: Not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. He can haunt my castle anytime.

Matt: [Terry is watching "Inside Peek"] What are they doing?
Terry: [trying to cover his eyes] This isn't for you.
Matt: Oh... I wanna see! I wanna see!
[as Terry starts to chase him around the room, the TV is turned off]
Terry: Hey!
Mary: I don't want you watching this.
Terry: See? I told you.
Mary: I was talking to both of you.
Terry: Come on. It's just entertainment.
Mary: You wouldn't find it so entertaining if you were on the receiving end.

Max: Got mail?
Corey: [opening it] Oh, my god!
Max: [looking over his shoulder] What?
Corey: It's from Simon Harper!
Max: The guy who created the Sentries? No way!
Corey: Yeah! The-the great wise one himself. He's like a god, and he's inviting me to Sentrycroft.
Max: To where?
Corey: His private estate. Nobody goes there!
Max: So what's he want with you?

Paxton: You want to give me a concussion?
Terry: Maybe.

Max: I love it! Ghost Girl ends up saving your butt!
Terry: I'd call it a mutual butt-saving situation.
Max: Whatever.

Derek: Don't worry about Wayne. That performance was just to remind me he's still breathing. And barely, I might add.
Inque: He knows too much.
Derek: He's just fishing. I'll send him an extra basket of oranges this Christmas and he'll be happy. Moving on.
[offering a folder]
Derek: Here's what I'd like you to do tonight, my dear.

Corey: Mr. Harper...
Dempsey: Hey, that's the robe of the Wise One!
Burfid: [elbow-nudging him] Dempsey, shut up!
Simon: But he's quite right. This is the mantle worn by all the initiated. What you call "the Wise Ones". Too few against the minions of the Dark Regent. Come now, into the Sanctum of Sentries.

Batman: You risked your neck to save me.
Stalker: It was not your time. When you die, it will be by my hand, and my hand alone.
Batman: Thanks. I... guess.

Batman: Ahoy, Captain.
Blight: Batman. Where are you? Show yourself!
Batman: I found you. Now it's your turn. I gotta say, a nuclear sub was smart. That's why I couldn't find your radiation trail. This whole tin can is still hot with rads.
Blight: It's about to get warmer.

Talia: Very thorough, Terry. Though Father's name was pronounced "Raish," not "Razz." A common mistake.

Terry: [finding his way into the Batcave] Jeez, no wonder he could fight.

Bruce: Can you believe it? They want to keep me in here overnight!
Terry: Why don't you relax and make it a little vacation? And while you're here, I'll figure out who that guy in the suit was.
Bruce: So you're a detective now?
Terry: Been watching you long enough. Besides, I got a lead.

Bruce: You're not coming. I won't let you.
Max: Aren't you forgetting something? I saved you tonight, not the other way around.
Bruce: You're good - better than I thought - but this isn't about you.
Max: What, then?
Bruce: I don't know whether Terry's dead or alive, and that's enough for my conscience.
Max: Mr. Wayne, with all due respect, your conscience don't mean diddly to me, so I'm just gonna go right ahead and...
Bruce: [seeing construction on the platform where Terry vanished] There's no way into the shelter now, unless...
Max: Unless what?
Bruce: Unless I distract them for you.
Max: You mean now you want me to...
Bruce: Yes. But be careful.

Batman: [Payback uses his laser whip to break free of his restraints] Whoa. I want one.

Ma: Ha. The tramp. Get it off her.
[Slim studies the case]
Ma: Carl.
Slim: [Carl smashes it] There could have been an alarm.
Ma: There wasn't. Now, let's get out of here before pointy ears shows his mug again.
Batman: Too late.

Louie: [on the phone with a customer] Yes, Mr. Drago, that's no problem. All six can look like keno girls. Uh-huh, we're very discreet.
Batman: But I'm a big blabbermouth.

Frank: When I get my hands on the jerk who stole that GoLeM, I'm going to make him sorry he was ever born.
Willie: [Bitterly] Maybe he already is.

Batman: [after blasting Inque with Mr. Freeze's gun] That's it-You're showing me everything.

Ian: It's some sort of cavern or cave, but what it really is is a bizarre museum, a museum filled with mementoes of a nearly-forgotten crusade against crime. Its chief curator is this man. You know him as Batman, but he has another identity, one that I'll reveal tonight on "The Inside Peek."
Matt: [watching on TV] Schway.
Ian: But that's not all. You'll also see the face of Batman's mysterious friend, and you'll find out what part he played in Gotham's greatest secret. A once-in-a-lifetime event, only here, only tonight!

[last lines]
Terry: With all his injuries and that cracked helmet, no way he got out.
Bruce: It could have been worse. He could have blown up the whole compound like he intended. Killed hundreds.
Terry: Guess you were right about Fries all along.
Bruce: We both were.

[Batman subdues Falseface after seeing through his disguise as Nelson Nash]
Falseface: How did you know?
Batman: Not enough pimples.

Ma: [hearing the eggbaby crying] What's that?
Carl: It's a baby. Sort of. I can't make it stop.
Slim: Here, give it to me. I can figure it out.
Ma: [they try to make it stop] Here. Give it to Mama. Kind of reminds me of when you two were little.
[giving it back]
Ma: Get rid of it.
Carl: [going to a window] You sure? It's kind of cute.
Ma: Toss it!
Carl: But, Ma, maybe we could sell it.
Ma: Carl, I'm getting angry.
Carl: Okay, okay. Sorry, kid.
[he drops it; Batman swoops down to save it and, on his way up, sticks out his tongue]

Derek: Take it from me, it's better to be feared than loved.
Shriek: Shriek.
Derek: Now go forth and do damage, but don't forget, you still owe me Bruce Wayne.
Shriek: What if Batman gets into it again?
Derek: Kill him.

Batman: [Runs after and grabs Trey and then sees the card key for Maxine Gibson's locker around his neck] What are you doing with this?
Trey: I use it to scrape bugs off my windshield. I guess that isn't working, you're still here!
Batman: You've been breaking into school lockers. Why?
Trey: Just her locker, to post a message, she's a threat!
Batman: Because she can finger you clowns beneath your grease paint?
Trey: I wouldn't know anything about that. I just do as I'm told.
Batman: Tell your boss to back off! I'll get Max off his tail. You think you can relay that message for me?
[Throws Trey to the ground]
Trey: Sure man, but you may wanna give us a tow back to the school. That's where we left him.

Dana: We're trying to find out who Garrison's girlfriend was before he died and give her the message.
Terry: But you said Blade was the last one in the shower?
Dana: Yeah. She saw it being written. Oh! You think the message was for Blade?
Terry: First, our so-called ghost tried to kill Nelson. Then it left a love message for Blade. Now, what connects them?
Dana: They're not connected. They broke up after the thing at the pier. Oh.
Terry: It all fits. The message, Nelson, the shop teacher, the coach. He hated them all. It's no ghost. It's Willie Watt.

Mr. Fixx: You're pretty strong, for some clown who thinks he's Batman.
Batman: I AM Batman.

Shriek: This isn't how I wanted it! You were supposed to give yourself up to me!
Batman: You should have gotten it in writing!

Bruce: You're not thinking of handing yourself over to him, are you?
Terry: That's not my first choice, no.

Terry: What's this?
Walter: Put it to your ear.
Terry: [doing so] Hey, music!
Walter: A microfilament transmitter/receiver. Picks up radio signals.
Terry: Cool! What's this do?
Walter: Don't touch that!
[all sound stops; as he presses a button, it returns]
Terry: What was that?
Walter: Sound masking. See, sound moves in waves. The masker instantly plays back whatever sound it picks up, slightly out of phase, so the waves cancel each other out. No waves, no sound.
Terry: Schway!

Batman: Run.
Max: You called it.
[She runs towards the Jokerz and tackles one of them]
Batman: Not what I meant.

Terry: What's this little toy do?
Bruce: Careful. It's an exosuit. It amplifies effort and increases endurance.
Terry: And?
Bruce: When I tested it, it put too much strain on my heart.
Terry: You'd let a little thing like a heart problem stop you from being Batman? I don't believe it.
Bruce: Would I lie to you?
Terry: No. But you hold things back.

Terry: [seeing the label on the suit he's borrowing] Who's D.G.?

Bruce: Vance's program didn't cover its tracks. Its IP code's all over the grid.
Terry: Sloppy.
Bruce: Or maybe it just didn't care. It's been hoarding information; biology, physiology, neurology.
Terry: [suiting up] Based on what you told me, that program's been offline over 30 years. Guess it wants to take a refresher course.
Bruce: I'm sure it has a hidden agenda. I suggest you stop wasting time and go pull the plug.

Jimmy: You sure nobody's going to find out about this? If my friends in the Tong hear that I'm talking about them to the cops...
Sam: This room's been swept for bugs, twice, and you've seen my security staff.
Jimmy: You don't know the Tong.
Sam: That's why you're here, Mr. Lin, so I can learn more about them. But if you'd prefer to face your tax evasion charges, I can arrange that, too.

Bruce: This might help you. Remember when I said there was something odd about the servo? It was a cutoff circuit.
Terry: Yeah, I know. It's a fail-safe switch.
Bruce: But did you know it's voice acctivated?
Terry: So, that's how you stop them. Some kind of code freeze. Any idea what it is?
Bruce: It would have to be something not likely to be heard in casual conversation. And it's probably words that have special significance to the doctor.
Terry: That's the best you can do?
Bruce: I'm only human.
Terry: I keep forgetting.

Batman: I got a problem. It's with Max.
Bruce: The girl? What?
Batman: Well, she wants to get more... involved.
Bruce: Over my dead body. And if you think you're gonna overrule me on this...
Batman: Will you relax? I feel the same way you do. For once.

Bruce: [hearing his dog Ace whine] Kind of quiet out there, huh, boy? But you hear something, don't you?

Terry: So, you and Dick Grayson, like, dated?
Barbara: In college. Puppy love. Later on, we just never talked about it.
Terry: People should communicate more.
Barbara: Dick finally got fed up living in Batman's shadow. He decided to leave. He was hurt when I chose to stay behind with Bruce.
Terry: As his partner.
[she stays silent]
Terry: His girlfriend?
[she takes a silent sip of coffee]
Terry: Whoa.
Barbara: On the street, it was like ballet. We were the perfect duo. But for Bruce - Batman - there was nothing but the street. Eventually, that gets old. Time comes when you gotta hang up the cape. But Bruce wouldn't. Or couldn't. So I left, and never looked back.

Bruce: Never again.

Terry: Hey, Max, what are you doing here?
Max: Playing "Fragatron 3000". The games here kick.
Matt: See? I told you.
Max: Who's the twip?
Terry: My brother Matt. Max is in my genetics class.
Matt: [not listening] Cool! They have "Death Ray Buckaroos"!
Terry: [getting pulled away] Later.

Terry: How was Sentrycroft?
Corey: Okay, I guess.
Max: Okay? Come on, give! That's a hard place to crash. What's it like?
Terry: Yeah, come on, Sentry! Report.
Corey: It's just a joke to you, isn't it, McGinnis? Well, that's all it was. A joke. A big nothing, okay?
Max: [to Terry, as Corey backs his bike up and speeds away] What now, O wise one?

Bennet: Zeta. Going back to school?
Max: [seeing undercover agents draw their weapons] Remind me never to tick off the phone company.

[last lines]
Eldon: What do you want?
Corey: You left this at Sentrycroft, Mr. Michaels.
Burfid: It's too important to trust anyone but you.
Eldon: Thanks.
Corey: Wait! What did the Wise Ones mean when they said "seek the center"?
Dempsey: And why did they send Aaron to Pyrapera?
Burfid: And the Golden Feather, what's with that?
Eldon: Hey, it's just a game.
Corey: But you know.
Burfid: You're the man.
Dempsey: Yeah, the real Wise One.
Eldon: Well, if you really wanna know, it all started a long, long time ago in a cosmos far from Earth...

Terry: I'm slagged. I'm going straight to sleep.
Matt: [coming in] You'd never catch me going to bed at 8:00 if I didn't have to.
Terry: You would if you worked for Mr. Wayne.
Matt: Twip.
[leaving, he notices an alert on Terry's laptop]
Matt: [taunting sing-song] Ooh, someone's got e-mail! Probably a love note from Dana.
[taunting air kisses]
Terry: [shutting the laptop] Scram, armpit!

Mr. Walker: I couldn't stand it anymore. The constant comparison. Do you have any idea what it's like living in someone's shadow?
Terry: Actually, I can relate.

Bruce: I knew him well; Nobuo Taka. He developed a theory called vibraspace. He thought atoms and molecules could be made to vibrate in such a way that they could pass right through each other.
Terry: Like that guy from the other night. But what would Taka want from that Tong gangster?
Bruce: Taka died years ago. There was a fire. It destroyed all his research, too.

Melanie: I need a place to stay 'til it's dark. That's all I'm asking for.
Terry: Let me guess. Cops after you?
Melanie: Among others. Including Batman. But even he would never think of looking for me here.
Terry: No. I guess he wouldn't. But there are laws against harboring criminals, and I'm...
Melanie: I'm not a criminal. Not anymore.
Terry: Then why's everybody after you?
Melanie: Because I was forced to rob a big poker game by the Jokerz. They're holding my family.
Terry: I... think we'd better call the police.
Melanie: Don't you get it? If I do that, the Jokerz will kill them!

Dempsey: What happened, Wise One?
Simon: The Dark Regent's servants have been here.
Dempsey: We'll find them.
Simon: No. I have a more important mission for you. The Dark Regent himself is here on Earth. He's taken on a human form; disguised as a man named Eldon Michaels.
Batman: [eavesdropping outside] Eldon Michaels?
Corey: What are you saying?
Simon: "Sentries of the Last Cosmos" is no mere game. It simulates a real war. One being fought in the deepest reaches of space. For centuries, we Wise Ones have used it to recruit trainees like yourselves. Now, you must confront the Dark Regent to save our universe.

Istivan: What can I say, Jim? These cutbacks affect everyone. Force Tech can't afford to bring you on board.
Big: Force Tech has a short memory, Istvan. I've helped you guys out before, under the table.
Istivan: And we paid you generously. Of course, there are certain unofficial job opportunities.
Big: Like what?
Istivan: You once mentioned a sonic wave device that could shatter steel, the perfect anti-tank weapon.
Big: I designed it, but Wayne-Powers passed on a prototype.
Istivan: Force Tech has contacts with a certain foreign government that is, oh... temporarily in disfavor with the world community. If you were to build them a prototype, they would be embarrassingly grateful.
Big: It's not that easy. I'd have to steal the specifications and build the thing from scratch.
Istivan: I understand, Jim. If it's too much, you can always go live on your modest severance package, but our client won't wait and neither will I. I need an answer now.

Dr. Emil Cuvier: I want to assure everyone that splicing is safe, reversible, and more importantly, utterly beautiful. I was the first test subject, and as you can see, I'm perfectly fine.
Terry: Perfectly creepy is more like it.

Batman: How come you never put a tracer on the mutt?
Bruce: He never ran away from me. I ran the serial number from the gun. According to the records, it was destroyed in the police impound.
Batman: So the guy had an illegal blaster.
Bruce: We need to find out why, who he is, what he needs that gun for.
Batman: As soon as I find Ace.
Bruce: No. Now.
Batman: You want me to just leave him out here?
Bruce: Ace is a survivor. He'll be all right.
Batman: I hope somebody told him that.

Batman: You can't live your life in a fantasy world.
Max: Why not? What's so great about reality?

Terry: [taking an analysis print-out] "Copper, iron, and acoustium"? Computer, acoustium.
[taking another printout]
Terry: "A new alloy that amplifies sound vibrations." Makes sense. "Developed by Shreeve Sound Laboratory, Gotham City." And the old man thought I couldn't do this stuff on my own.

Dana: [after hearing Cynthia casually dismiss Nelson's accident] Brr.
Max: That girl's subarctic.

Blight: [Last words] PAXTON!

Patrick: [catching Dana trying to escape] I told you not to wander off.

Batman: Up to your old tricks, I see.
Ten: It's not what it looks like, I swear.
Batman: [calling to the gangsters] You want this back? It's all yours.
Ten: No! You can't!
Batman: Watch me.
Lula: [the satchel lands at their feet] Well, that's darn nice of you. But it's not enough now.
Ten: [ducking from gunfire] Idiot!

Jackie: My father...
Batman: He's not your father. Not really, he's... a ghost.

Inque: Not quite the fast learner, are you?
Batman: You don't like the water, do you?

Terry: Doesn't make any sense.
Bruce: It might. The disturbances started at midnight and ended at 2:00. At the same time, the military reported interference on certain sonar frequencies.
Terry: So we're talking sound here.
Bruce: And you know who that means.

Terry: I'm home! Mom? Matt?
[finding a note on the refrigerator]
Terry: "Terry, today was beach day, remember? Where were you?" Oh, just out saving the world, Ma.

Max: Terry?
[seeing the Jokerz]
Max: I should have known.
Terminal: Looky, looky. It's Ms. Perfect 2400. The luckiest girl on the face of the planet.
[one of his goons hands him a gun]
Terminal: Until now.

Eldon: Harper, miserable recreant. If you wanted to face me, do it yourself. Don't involve these deluded lamebrains.
Simon: Why have you brought him here?
Corey: What should we have done?
Simon: Kill him.
Corey: But the Sentries' code of honor...
Eldon: Like he knows anything about honor.
Simon: Silence! He is the Dark Regent. He must be destroyed.
Eldon: Dark Regent?
Simon: He's plotted against me.
Eldon: It was a lawsuit, you mad...
[screaming as he gets electrocuted]
Eldon: Simon, if 20%'s too much, I'll settle for 15.

Terry: I don't buy it. I mean, Chelsea's flaky, but she's not stupid. She's not gonna make up some goofy guy with a magic eyeball. It's too crazy not to be true.
Bruce: Leave it alone. She's just a troubled kid lashing out at daddy. Nothing for you to get involved with.

Ollie: [while using the "Fork"; Muffled] Much better.

Batman: Powers is shipping out the virus tonight. It's gotta be stopped.
Bruce: I'll call the police. Let them handle it.
Batman: I can do it!
Bruce: I'll shut down the suit again, and this time, it'll be for good.
Batman: I read up on you, Mr. Wayne. I know how you lost your folks. The guy who murdered my dad is on that transport. This is my one chance to nail him.
Bruce: [after a moment] The hover pads are in the northeast sector.
Batman: Wish me luck.
Bruce: Good luck.

Jackie: You can't be. You just can't be. But you are, aren't you? You're him. You're my father.
Earthmover: Yes... Jackie.
Jackie: And this is what the accident did to you?
Earthmover: Not accident!

Trey: [rounding a bend as he stalks Max] Come out, come out, wherever you...
[Max is right there, and smashes a pipe over his head - with little effect]
Trey: Why, you little...!

Bruce: Do you have to keep lugging that thing around with you?
Terry: I need the grade.
Bruce: Even real parents with real children find ways to get away for a night.
Terry: I tried leaving it with my mom, but she said she was too young to be a grandmother.
Bruce: What about your brother?
Terry: I tried that, too, then I caught him shooting rubber bands at it. Hey, you know, maybe you could...
[Bruce glares]
Terry: Never mind.

Terry: She can huff and puff all she wants but she's not going to blow this place down.

Jared: [hearing a noise] What was that?
Istivan: Look at your security camera.
Big: Batman? There's no way he followed me.
Istivan: [picking up the sonic weapon] Let's see if he wants to drop in.

Inque: He has an accomplice. I heard him speak with someone over a radio.
Derek: Then do them both. I'll pay you whatever you want.
Inque: No wonder I like working for you.
Derek: Now I suggest you leave. It's not healthy to be around me when I'm shedding.

Batman: I have to shut that off. Thousands of people will die! Magma, Dr. Morgan, you can't let that happen, you're a hero, remember?
Magma: No, I'm an accident. Real heroes, they make a choice. I never did.

Bruce: Terry, what's going on in there? The radiation is off the scale!
Batman: I think Powers is going critical. I've gotta do something.
Bruce: Get out. Now!

Batman: [Sean holds Wheeler over a long drop] No!
Sean: Stay out of this!
Batman: You've made your point! This place is crashed and Wheeler's going to jail!
Sean: I don't care! The only reason I went along with it was cause I was hoping I could get a chance for this!
Batman: Don't you get it? You helped save everyone! You're a hero now!
Sean: A hero?
[laughs cruelly as he drops Wheeler]

Bruce: McGinnis, I gave you a break. Now bring that suit back.
Batman: Love to, but I got these guards all over me.
Bruce: There's a broom closet on the north wall. Can you get to it?
Batman: A broom closet?
Bruce: Do it!
Batman: [ducking inside] Now I'm a sitting duck. Hope you're happy.
Bruce: The far wall, put your hand against it. Press hard.
Batman: [doing so, he passes through a secret entrance] Cool.

Barbara: I appreciate what you did tonight, but I want you to stay out of police business. Of course, maybe I'm talking to the wrong guy. Hard to believe you're still remaking your image at this late date.
Bruce: I never forced him.
Terry: It's what I wanted.
Barbara: That's what we all thought, at the beginning. I've looked the other way so far, but I'm not my father. I don't want to have to come back here again. Capisce?
Bruce: Does this mean you won't be wanting the information I have on Curaré?
Barbara: [taking a disc] I mean it, Bruce. Stay out of it.

Terry: How did you know Robin would get there in time to save you?
Bruce: I didn't.
Terry: Then for all you knew, you were walking into a trap with no way out.
Bruce: Sometimes you have to.

Bruce: It's the one piece they haven't gotten yet. Part of a display at the Museum of Fashion. You think baby could keep its mouth shut for one night?
Terry: I gave it a double feeding, changed it, kept it awake all afternoon. Believe me, it'll be off in nap city for hours.

Batman: [after saving Ro from the Jokerz] You wanted to see me?
Ro: We have a mutual friend. His name is Zeta.
Batman: Zeta? How did you get mixed up with him?
Ro: Long story. The point is he's in trouble. We were running from the Feds and we got split up. Zeta was picked up by some muscle-bound gorilla with a thing for explosives.
Batman: Mad Stan.

Vance: You're more trouble than you're worth.
Batman: You haven't even seen trouble yet.
Vance: You know, I have a feeling this suit's waterproof. But I'll bet you're not.
Batman: Whatever happens to me, you can't stay in this suit forever. He'll stop you.
Vance: Whoever "he" is won't have a chance. I'm only going to be in here until I can download myself into a new body.
Batman: A new body? There's no way.
Vance: There is a way. I figured it out while I was on the grid. All I need are a subject and my lab.
Batman: You really think you're Robert Vance, don't you? But he was flesh, and you're just binary. They don't go together.
Vance: You'll see. Then again, maybe you won't.

Batman: Ronny's been busy with his chemistry set. These dogs are huge.
Bruce: Don't worry about the dogs. Worry about the people.
Batman: [feeling the boat rock] We're moving.
Bruce: They must be taking the barge offshore to start the games.
Batman: Then where is everybody?

DAK: [leading Shriek to Batman] There. He's right behind that wall.
Shriek: How could you possibly...
DAK: I know these tunnels like the back of my hand.
[Shriek turns a dial on his gauntlet and sends sonic vibrations at the wall; he and Ollie scream as they're washed away by a wave of water]

Batman: Uh-oh.
Bruce: What is it?
Batman: [seeing magma-like footprints] It ain't Smoky the Bear.

Batman: Just because he ran off doesn't mean he'll come back.
Bruce: He'll be back. Count on it. He lives for revenge.
Batman: Not the Victor Fries I met.
Bruce: What you met was a ghost.

Shriek: This old shelter's made a good hideout except for one thing; the tunnels twist so much, I can barely aim my sound blast. When I heard you screaming last night that Batman was chasing you, all I could do was estimate his position and fire away.
Ollie: I thought for sure you got him.
Shriek: Maybe I did. Maybe this is someone else. It doesn't really matter.

Terry: You built that company. And now Powers is making nerve-gas there. You gotta do something. You're Batman.
Bruce: I WAS Batman.

Terry: [picking Bruce up after a meeting] How'd it go?
Bruce: The way I wanted.
Terry: Must've been pretty important to get you out of that house. Especially in daylight.
Bruce: I'll show you.

Ms. Pinto: Each of your eggbabies has a built-in computer, which registers the amount of care or lack of care it's given. These readings will determine your grades.
[Nelson tickles his, and it giggles]
Ms. Pinto: As you can see, the babies exhibit a wide range of emotions and expressions of need. It's your job to fulfill those needs.
Nelson: Ms. Pinto, what happens if we drop it?
Ms. Pinto: [demonstrating] You fail.
[Blade accidentally nudges hers off the desk; as Terry catches it, it begins crying]
Ms. Pinto: They're babies, Mr. McGinnis. You must be gentle with them.
Terry: How do I turn it off?
Ms. Pinto: You can't. But you can quiet it down by rocking it, just like a real baby.
Nelson: Yeah, McGinnis, get with the program.

Coach: I eat punks like you for breakfast.
Batman: Sorry to spoil your appetite.

Max: [being held hostage] Help! In here! Somebody help me!
Zeta: Go ahead. No one can hear you. Now, let's go over everyone you know at school again, and this time, be more thorough.

Dr. Stanton: Before time runs out, we have a new member to meet. Terry McGinnis.
[greetings of welcome]
Dr. Stanton: Terry, why don't you tell us about yourself?
Terry: Uh, what do you want to know, Dr. Stanton?
Dr. Stanton: Well, for starters, what brings you here?
Terry: Nothin' special.
Dr. Stanton: So everything's perfect in your life? Maybe you don't belong here at the Center.
Terry: No, no, I do. Really.
Dr. Stanton: What's your problem, then?
Terry: I guess you could say my problem's not a "what". It's a "who."

Willie: [attacking Frank with the GoLeM] Who's the wuss now, Dad?

Dr. Blades: [shortly after it's revealed that Dr. Suzuki is the Repeller] Suzuki, what have you done?
Dr. Suzuki: Only what you were unable to do, Dr. Blades, boost the power of the Dia-Grav Rings.
Dr. Blades: But the theoretical limits...
Dr. Suzuki: Limits?
[Fires a beam from his hand, barely missing Dr. Blades and making a small hole in the wall]
Dr. Suzuki: There are no limits, and I've decided it would be more profitable if I kept that discovery to myself.
[binds him with energy and lifts him up into the air]
Dr. Suzuki: I knew a control freak like you would catch on to me eventually, Doctor.
[Makes an evil smirk, then throws him through the door and into a control panel]

Terry: Someday you're going to tell me the real reason why you stopped being Batman.

Batman: Jump!
Frank: I can't swim!
Batman: Terrific.

Coach: Wake up, Mason. My grandmother can hit harder than that.
Mason: I don't feel so good.
Dirk: Can we take five, coach?
Coach: Am I working you ladies too hard? Tough! Gut it out, or hit the showers.

Bruce: Do you know what happens when a member of the Society of Assassins fails to kill his target? He *becomes* the target.
Terry: You mean they kill their own?
Bruce: Except they've never had to. Not one of them has ever failed. And Curaré is the best they have.

Bruce: [his dog barks at Terry] Down, Ace. He's okay.
Terry: Nice dog.
Bruce: Not really.

Matt: He's late, isn't he? What are you gonna do to him?
Mary: Not as much as I'll do to you if you don't get back in bed.

Bruce: Big, black. A Dane mix. He's got tags.
Female: Nothing's been reported in any of the shelters.
Bruce: He's a very resourceful dog.
Female: Rest assured, sir, if he's out there, we'll catch him. It's what we do.

Terry: So get this. My school counselor says my problem is I lack direction.
Bruce: Go to the Hall of Records. I'm showing a break in at their data bank.
Terry: Somehow I don't think that's what she meant by direction.

Derek: [seeing Freeze in his cold suit] Fries! How...?
Mr. Freeze: It's something I've kept in cold storage.
[Powers and Stephanie flee; as Powers dodges a blast of ice, he slips on the patch of floor it hits]
Derek: You have this all wrong.
Mr. Freeze: Do I?

Stalker: I've stalked kittens with more tooth than you.
Batman: Meow.

Batman: What did you just do to me, Cuvier?
Dr. Abel Cuvier: Why, you've been spliced, of course. With a little something I prepared just in case Gotham's self-appointed defender ever fluttered into my business. You see, splicing isn't just style, Batman. It's lifestyle, something that will literally change the world.
Batman: Have you considered checking into Arkham for a little R&R, doc? Because, quite frankly, you're nuts.
Dr. Abel Cuvier: You're welcome to your opinions for the short time you'll be human enough to have them.

Bruce: [watching DAK leave] Where's he going?
Terry: Told me he was headed for home.
Bruce: Good.
Terry: Said he'd find me and kill me if I ever told anyone he cried. Does Max have any idea what happened?
Bruce: As a matter of fact, I spent most of the evening with her.
Terry: Really? Then the two of you must have finally come to an understanding.
Bruce: You could say that.
Max: [being led away after Bruce's distraction double-cross] You can't do this to me! It's not fair! I'll sue!

Blight: Paxton! Get my doctors down here! Where is everybody?
Paxton: Dad, settle down.
Blight: I have to get out of the city. I need my skin!
Paxton: Dad, let me talk. I'll get you help, but putting the skin back on isn't the answer.
Blight: [hearing him dialing] What are you doing?
Paxton: I'm sending an ambulance.
Blight: You fool! They'll arrest me! Now I can't even stay here.
Paxton: Listen to me. Now that the truth is out, let's get help. Your doctors didn't have the answer, so...
Blight: You've always been a fool. Now I see I'm on my own!

Terry: I guess we don't say "hi" anymore.
Jared: Oh, Terry, sorry. I was thinkin' about stuff.
Max: I bet. Where does the man who has everything put it all?
Jared: What is your problem?
Max: Take it easy. I was just kidding.
Jared: [to Terry as she leaves] Sorry. Sometimes, she really ticks me off.

Guard: You're here to see Willie?
Terry: Yeah. Why?
Guard: Nobody ever comes to visit Willie.
Terry: Not even his old man?
Guard: No one. Not in all the time he's been here. Nobody calls. Nobody writes. It's creepy. But then again, so is Willie. Everyone here is a little afraid of him.
Terry: Afraid? Of Skinny Willie Watt?

Bill: Tony? It's you, isn't it? It had to be.
Jackie: Tony? That was my father's name. But this can't be...
Bill: Get away from here as fast as you can. Go!
Jackie: No. I want to know what this is about.
Bill: Jackie, do what I say! Tony... please... I didn't know. I didn't know!
Jackie: [Batman steps out of the shadows] Bill, tell me everything. Now.
Bill: I... I can't.
Batman: Better tell her, unless you want me to.

Pie: Your money or a pie!
Terry: Some other time.
[Terry hits him in the gut then Stalker pushes his head into the pie with his foot while running after Terry]
Pie: That's not funny, man!

Inque: [looking down at the unconscious Batman] You know, I once took an assignment to kill him.
Aaron: Then do it and get it over with.
Inque: No. Not until I get the old one, too.

[Contemplating the Royal Flush Gang's next move]
Bruce: All of their crimes are playing-card-related, and the earliest playing-card decks had swords, not spades.
Terry: How does the yacht fit in?
Bruce: It was part of a yacht *club*.
Terry: Ouch.

Virtual: The unnamed woman, believed to be a hired assassin, escaped from police custody. Her whereabouts are unknown.
Terry: Did you hear that?
Bruce: It's all right. Curaré won't be going after Sam anymore. She has other concerns now.

Batman: [finding a security badge at a crime scene] Wayne-Powers? Powers is helping Blight?

Girl: [cowering from Magma] Don't let him hurt me!
Barbara: We'll take it from here.
Magma: Right.
[in anger, he smashes a patrol car]
Cop: Hey, that's police property.
Cop: You tell him.

Simon: Quite resourceful. I'll have to program that strategy into my next game.
Batman: And what kind of game is that, Mr. Harper?
Simon: What do you mean?
Batman: I met some of your Sentries last night. They didn't play by the rules.
Simon: You must understand. There are thousands of hardcore fans. Many dress up as my characters. Conventions, that sort of thing. I have absolutely no control over them. In fact, that very fan fanaticism is why I've had to install such elaborate security measures.
Batman: So you don't know anything about those Sentries at the Hall of Records?
Simon: I'm sorry. I wish I could be more help, but...
[looking around, he sees Batman is gone]

Terry: Shreeve was discharged by that mental hospital he was in. They say he cured him.
Bruce: Cured him, huh? Do you believe that?
Terry: As the guy he blames for his hearing loss, I'd say no.
Bruce: It had to have been Shriek. But why?
Terry: And how? That suit of his was pretty powerful, but I don't see how it could've affected that much of the city.

Dr. Stephanie Lake: [before transferring Freeze's mind] Remember, there may be some momentary discomfort.

[in: The Musical"]
Gordon: Good work, Caped Crusader. Once again you've saved our fair city from those vile miscreants.
Player: They were no problem, Commissioner. For as we all know, criminals are...
Player: A superstitious, cowardly lot! They plan and plot, but they always get caught!
Gordon,122830: Their evil schemes all come to naught! A superstitious, cowardly lot!

Terry: [on a stakeout] I'm glad you could come. It makes me look a little less conspicuous.
Max: [taking his napkin out of his collar and putting it in his lap] Right.
Terry: I've never see you in a dress before. You look good.
Max: I only make this sacrifice for Lobster Thermidor. This is on the boss man?
Terry: Every bite.
Max: Schway.

Ramrod: [after wrecking a video screen] How's that for breaking news?

Louie: You ought to look into getting a synthoid, Bat-freak! It'd give you something to do on Friday night!

Terry: How do I tell her no?
Bruce: You're asking *me* for advice on handling women?
Terry: Ah. I see your point.

Terry: I can't believe I got her involved in this.
Bruce: Now you sound like Batman.
Terry: What?
Bruce: I've been right where you are, more times than I care to count. And like you said, there is no way you could have stopped her.

Max: Down, girlfriend!
[Tries to hit Cynthia with a poker but Cynthia takes it and bends it twice]
Max: Uh, hope I wasn't out of line with that robo-bim crack.

Bruce: So they finally saw through Harper's smoke and mirrors?
Terry: Why did he do it? Didn't he already have enough money?
Bruce: It's not easy to give up being God.
Terry: I guess you'd know.
Bruce: Poor kids. Looking to a video game for something to believe in.
Terry: Yeah. What'll they do now?

Barbara: Sam, honey, maybe you should take a break. You've been at it since 5:00 this morning.
Sam: [yawning] Can't be helped. Putting Cuvier out of business is going to mean a lot of long nights. Right now, I just can't relax knowing that Cuvier and his guinea pigs are out there, doing God knows what.
Barbara: I bet I could relax you.

Max: [Terry shows his receiver] That Batcave of yours is like one big toy chest, isn't it?

Anchor: Big news in the financial world today. Once again, billionaire Bruce Wayne has averted an attempted takeover of his company by Derek Powers of Powers Technology. Powers vowed that he is not through yet, and speculation has seen stock in both men's companies hit all-time highs. Still no word from the kidnappers of debutante Bunny Vreeland following a ransom payment of $5 million. At this hour...
Kidnapper: [calling to the tied-up Bunny] Hey, kid, you're on TV.

Stalker: Much as I would relish hunting you, this time I seek a different prey.
Batman: Yeah, right.
Bennet: He's telling the truth.
Batman: Bennet.
Bennet: He's working for us now, Batman. Tracking a man named Falseface.
Batman: Falseface?
Bennet: An agent-for-hire who can change identities the way most people change clothes. He's working for Kobra. It's a powerful, ultra-secret organization that uses cutting-edge technology for extortion and terrorism. If we don't pay a ransom of 10 billion credits, they've threatened to release a deadly super-virus.
Batman: You're kidding, right?
Bennet: I wish. Last week, Kobra tested the virus on an island off the coast of Saint Denis. The result: total biological devastation. Crops, livestock, everything. It wasn't pretty. Falseface's job was to smuggle the virus into Gotham, so we turned to the only man who could track him down. The Stalker agreed to help us. Unfortunately, we were too late.
Stalker: By the time I picked up his trail, Falseface had passed the virus container off to a high school student.
Bennet: Time is running out. If we can't find Falseface in the next hour, we're going to have 12 million people in a hot zone.

Terry: I got a history test in the morning. Mind if I go over to Dana's to study for it?
Bruce: Things are quiet out there?
Terry: Yeah. Very. And you?
Bruce: Things are always quiet here. Take the night off.

Nelson: What's your name, doll?
Cynthia: I don't know.
Nelson: First-day jitters, huh? Hill High can be friendly, if you've got the right friends.
Cynthia: No, thanks. I'm only interested in him.
Howard: Excuse me, Nelson. She's out of your league.
Nelson: Your friend got a name, Groote?
Howard: Synth... thia. Gotta run.
Nelson: [to his friends] No way a nimbus like Groote deserves a schway babe like that. I'm gonna have to put him in his place.

Ramrod: [charges into a TV and breaks the screen] How's that for breaking news?
King: Nobody can stop splicing. It's the future, whether you stinking, scared norms like it or not.
Terry: How about not, snake-boy?
Ramrod: Listen, norm, don't even think about dissing us.
Terry: Go chew a can.
[an angry Ramrod charges at Terry, who soon after overthrows him and King Cobra, the others applaud]
Terry: So will you petting zoo rejects be needing a doctor?... Or a vet?
Ramrod: Your time will come, norm. You'll see... you'll all see!
[Runs off along with King Cobra]

Batman: Are you all right?
Max: Yeah. As soon as she got a good look at me, she backed off. Aren't you gonna yell at me?
Batman: I figured you already got the message. I gotta get back. You go home and stay there. And one more thing.
Max: Yeah?
Batman: Don't call me Terry.

Mary: You never told me you knew Bruce Wayne.
Terry: Well, actually, uh...
Bruce: Why, I owe this boy my life. He defended me against a bunch of hooligans once. I tried to reward him, but he absolutely refused.
Mary: Mr. Wayne wants to offer you a job.
Terry: A job?
Bruce: It's not much, mind you. I find that my old age, I could use a part-time assistant; you know, a gofer. Go for this, go for that. An ally, as it were. Would you be interested?

[Batman has just shot Tigress with mutigen antidote, transmuting her back to normal]
Ramrod: What did you do to her?
Batman: Let's just say I put the cat out.
Ramrod: No! I'm never going back to being a nobody! You hear me?
[Batman pulls the trigger on the antidote gun and then sees that it's empty, Ramrod charges at him, Batman grabs him by his nose ring and throws him into a wall, he tosses the nose ring aside and reloads his gun]
Batman: Have a dose of reality, pal. You need it!
[Shoots him with the antidote, turning him to his normal self]

Mr. Brooks: Yes, Mr. Wayne's special order is ready. He, uh, certainly goes through a lot of these synthoids.
Terry: You know old folks. Always breaking stuff.

Big: [the rest of the League is objecting to Batman joining the team] I thought we were a team. Slaves on Apokolips are treated with more respect.
Green: Please. Anger just clouds the issue.
Warhawk: Does it? My beak tells me this stinks.
Aquagirl: I'm afraid Barda and Warhawk have a point. No offense.
Superman: This isn't up for discussion. Like it or not, Batman stays.
[Nobody says anything. Barda and Lantern exit without saying anything to Batman. Warhawk stops in front of him]
Warhawk: Just keep out of my way, junior. Hawks eat rodents like you for breakfast.
[Aquagirl follows him out, giving Batman a sympathetic look as she does]
Batman: Maybe this was a mistake.
Superman: No, I need someone I can trust.

Batman: Mutro, Curare's at the hotel. My friend's there.
Mutro: Then your friend is already gone.
Batman: I have to go back!
Mutro: Fool.

Howard: [after Cynthia blows up his house] Just look at it. How could this be any worse?
Mr. Groote: [pulling the car into the driveway] Howard!
Max: See ya.
Howard: Mom, dad, I thought you had another week in Madrid.
Mr. Groote: We did until you maxed out our credit card.

Bruce: Keep your hands off Foxteca.
Derek: Pardon me?
Bruce: I may not have the leverage on paper anymore, but I still have friends. The Foxes were a valued part of this company for years. I'd hate to find out Wayne-Powers was involved in these attacks.
Derek: Bruce, let me put your concerns to rest. I'd never do such a thing. Why, Lucius Jr. was still Vice President when I took over.
Bruce: I know. You fired him.

Batman: I don't get you, Doctor. You're supposed to be helping kids. How could you take advantage of them?
Spellbinder: Ahh, you wanna be my therapist, is that it? Then here. Get to know me.

Bruce: You're late. Dana again?
Terry: That's all over now. Thanks to you and this job.
Bruce: Don't dramatize. You two will be back soon enough. And in the meantime, you've got to figure out how to stop this gang.
Terry: I gave 'em a lot more than they expected. They're gone.
Bruce: They'll be back. We've got history, they and I. The Royal Flush Gang's been around a long time. They're a family. They bring in new members, sons, daughter, husbands, wives, as the older ones retire or go to prison. They think they're better than everyone else. The Aristocrats of Crime.

Bruce: The vid link captured that flash of light just before your little vacation, so I took a closer look. Somehow, this information was fed directly into your brain, where it then played back before your eyes.
Terry: I swear I could smell the water.
Bruce: With such advanced technology, and his knowledge of the human psyche, this madman should be considered very deadly.

Howard: Yo, Chelsea, I saved that dance for you.
Chelsea: Get a life, toy boy.

Bruce: What's going on there? Is that a baby?
Batman: Um...
Bruce: You brought a *baby* with you?
Batman: It's not what you think. Really.
Bruce: Terry, is there something you need to tell me?
Batman: It's not a child. It's... turn on your vidlink.
[Bruce does so]
Batman: See? It's not a real baby.
Bruce: Why am I not reassured?

Assassin: The Society of Assassins trained us both well, Curare. No one can match your skill with that sword.
[throwing a ninja star]
Assassin: But I'll never let you get close enough to use it.

Terry: Charlie was 18, and I was 14. My folks were breaking up and he and I were... being angry kids. Busting windows, shoplifting... and one day Charlie decided to prove himself to this big gang and he... dragged me along on a heist. I didn't even know what we were doing when he climbed in the window.
Max: But you went in, too.
Terry: Never said I was bright. Next thing I knew, the cops were shouting "Freeze" and I was doing 90 days in juvie. That was a slap on the wrist next to Charlie. He was in prison for 3 years.
Max: And that's why you've been running around with guilt ever since he rolled into town. You don't owe him anything.
Terry: He's my friend, Max, and he's gonna die if I don't do something.
[Starts to walk away]
Max: You can't bring him to his senses. He has to do that himself.
Terry: Maybe I can at least keep him alive until he does.

Batman: I don't even know your name.
DAK: It's DAK.
Batman: DAK? Sounds like a throat lozenge.
DAK: It's short for Darius Arthur Kellman.
Batman: Darius Arthur Kellman. Well, that explains it. Just get behind me, okay?
DAK: I'm not afraid.
[Batman pushes DAK behind him]
DAK: Hey!
Batman: [throwing his batarang at his explosives, the detonation opens a hole in the wall] No. That's what I heard. One of the support beams. Must be hollow.

Bennie: You don't suppose she'll try again, do you, Tyrus?
Tyrus: Nobody's that stupid.
Bennie: Maybe we should put the game on hold for a few days. Just in case.
Lula: The fact that you're 50 grand down wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it, Bennie? Now shut up and deal.

Mutro: I'm in Gotham.
Assassin: Have you located the target?
Mutro: Not yet. It's not easy when you're always looking over your shoulder.
Assassin: You're letting your fears make you too cautious.
Mutro: Me? You're the one who's spent the last three months in the air, afraid to land anywhere because she might find you.
Assassin: She already got to Carima.
Mutro: No!
Assassin: In Lisbon, three days ago. We're the only two left.

Derek: You animals!
[grabs Mendez]
Derek: You want to talk about poison?
Bruce: Let him go!
Derek: Old man, I've been waiting to do this for years!
[attacks him]

Bruce: Any hot spots yet?
Batman: A trace here and there, but nothing fresh. He might have been on the move earlier, but now he's holed up somewhere good.
Bruce: I think I know another way to find him. Come back and I'll explain.
Batman: Actually, something else just came up.
Bruce: What?
Batman: Look out your window. This one you have to see for yourself.
[he sees the Bat-Signal shining in the sky]

Terry: [after Barbara has closed the school] You're a hero to my people.
Barbara: You better be right about this one, kid.

Batman: Looks like the radio signal's coming from that factory by the hospital.
Bruce: And from there, I've got a feeling it's gonna lead to Powers.
Batman: Doesn't take a detective to figure that one out.

Donny: That's all I could do. Batman was after me. Please, hook me up again, just... just for a little while. I promise I'll get more later.
Spellbinder: Yes, Donny, you will. Now come... your fans are waiting.

Nelson: I'm sick of the mall. How about a ride?
Blade: You like that car more than me.
Nelson: Who's talkin' about cars?

Bruce: I tried to reach you at Dana's, and when you weren't there, I switched on the suit's tracer.
Batman: Guess I've got some explaining to do, huh?
Bruce: Guess you do.

Bruce: My instruments say you're only doing 180. Is there a problem?
Batman: Uh... she's feeling a little sluggish tonight. Didn't want to push it.
Bruce: [hearing the eggbaby fuss] What was that?
Batman: Nothing.

Boss: Shut the doors. We don't need company for this.

Chelsea: [seeing a news report] Ugh, there goes my appetite.
Max: Reality check, Chels. That's just a load of media hype. An urban legend.
Chelsea: I don't know, Max. Remember that girl Sally who disappeared last month? Maybe giant rats got her.
Dana: The only giant rat around here is Terry McGinnis.
Chelsea: He blipped you off again?
Dana: Big time.

Batman: Max, what are you doing?
Max: Go away. You wouldn't understand.
Batman: I understand Spellbinder's got you hooked and you're stealing for him.
Max: So what?
Batman: So, keep at it and you'll end up a veg. Listen to me!
Max: You don't have a clue how good it feels, Terry. Everybody wants you in there. And the second you're back out here, your whole body hurts for more. I just wanna get back inside.
Batman: It's an addiction, Max. He's messed up your brain chemistry. Come on, let me help you.
Max: If you wanna help me so much, then leave me alone.

King: How are you doing?
Ten: Just a few more wires.
King: Be thorough, Ten. We have all the time in the world.
Ten: [checking her watch] Yeah, right.

Terry: [after Batman rescues Dana, Terry shows up at the site] Hey there.
Dana: Terry?
Terry: Better late than never. If only I'd been there I could've...
Dana: Shut up, McGinnis.
[throws herself into his arms]
Dana: Just shut up.
[they stand in silence for a moment]
Terry: Come on. Let me take you home.

Derek: It's the ultimate in germ warfare. A viral mutagen so quick-acting and completely invasive, no living cell can resist it. It all began with experiments on plants.
Vilmos: [watching a demonstration] Impressive. But we are looking to do more than wipe out our enemies' crops, Mr. Powers.
Derek: Keep watching. This was our first experiment with livestock. I trust the film puts to rest any lingering doubts, Mr. Egans. As you can see, the results are the same, even with animals.
Vilmos: And humans? You've tested it on them, too?
Derek: The laws here aren't as liberal about that sort of thing as they are in your country, but we did have a little accident; one of my workers. Terrible thing. There was a gas leak in his lab.
[showing him pictures of Harry Tully]
Derek: This is what he looked like the next day. Two hours later. An hour after that.
Vilmos: There is no cure?
Derek: Extreme heat or radiation, but at this stage, it's obviously not an option.
[showing him another picture]
Derek: Dust to dust. Consider what a real dose of this gas could do to those six armored divisions your neighbors keep on your border. Gone... in a matter of hours.
Vilmos: Delivery, it's in progress?
Derek: My men are loading the canisters as we speak. They leave tonight on hover transport. My assistant, Mr. Fixx, will personally supervise the shipment.
Vilmos: Excellent. Goodbye, Mr. Powers. I will see you again soon. I hope.

Bruce: These people believe anything they can't explain is magic.
Terry: Naturally, you don't believe in that kind of thing.
Bruce: Of course I do. I've seen it all. Demons, witch boys, immortals, zombies. But this thing... I don't know. It just feels so... high school.

Blade: Willie, please.
Willie: Please what? You were interested in me when you thought I was a ghost.
[as he leans in to kiss her, Batman stops him and tries to inject him]
Willie: Almost let down my defenses, and just for a kiss.

Teenager: Splicing is like establishing myself as an individual, you know, just like all my friends!

Max: [after Zeta removes his weapons] Now, isn't that a load off your chest?
[Zeta doesn't respond]
Max: We'll work on your sense of humor too.

Vincent: [breaking up a fight] What do you think you're doing?
Sean: We... we were just talking, that's all.
Vincent: [seeing the blood on his lip] Just talkin', huh?
Sean: He started it.
Terry: Liar.
Dr. David Wheeler: I'm afraid I have to agree.
Sean: Dr. Wheeler. You know me. I don't get into fights anymore.
Dr. David Wheeler: Do I know you, Sean? I thought I did. But now I think you were just pretending to go along with the program.
Sean: No, I was into it. Really.
Dr. David Wheeler: Iso, first thing in the morning.
Sean: Iso? You can't!
Dr. David Wheeler: Sorry, Sean. It's time you made some real progress.
Sean: You do this, I'll get you. I swear. I swear!

Batman: Care to explain what you're doing on school grounds?
Trey: Actually... no!

Jokerz: [Scab lands the experimental plane] Nice ride, Scab. Where'd you get it?
Scab: My grades were good, so my folks bought me a car.

Sean: I thought you wanted to get out.
Terry: You go.
Sean: [shrugging it off] Okay.

[Terry destroys the Bat-signal after Paxton used it to call him out]
Batman: Next time, use e-mail.

Max: The e-mail must have been the last straw.
Terry: I knew her dad had issues with her, but I didn't think...
Max: He probably figured the ranch would straighten her out.
Dana: Straighten her out? How could anyone think Chelsea deserves to be in the same place as a kid like Sean?
Max: I got another one for you. What kind of place would admit a normal kid like Chelsea? Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Dana: Somebody should look into that ranch.
Max: [pointedly to Terry] Yeah. Somebody.

Sailboat: You over-fat, miserable money bags! Why don't you watch where you're goin'?
Nicole: You hear that? He needs some manners.
Samir: What he really needs is a bigger boat.

Bruce: Careful, Terry, you're sounding a little too vindictive.
Batman: What do you mean? I'm just helping a guy help his dad... except in my version, that help happens behind bars.

Jack: We did it! Cash cards, plastic gold!
Queen: Now I can actually buy some diamonds. Well, what's wrong? You look almost disappointed.
King: No Batman. I had a special card just for him.

Batman: You made a bad enemy tonight.
Paxton: What are you going to do? Testify against me in that mask?
Batman: Oh, I wasn't talking about me. I'm the least of your worries.

Sneak: They're nothing to worry about, I'm untouchable.
Batman: That's exactly what I think, untouchable.
[decloaks and walks over to Ian Peek]
Sneak: [to the crewman next to him] Don't you have a boot to lick?
[the crewman quickly leaves and Ian looks back to Batman]
Sneak: You were saying?
Batman: What I'm saying is you or someone who works for you figured out a way of moving through walls.
Sneak: Moving through walls? If I could do that, I'd be a very rich reporter.
Batman: You *are.*

Bruce: I checked the hotel security tapes.
Terry: Yeah?
Bruce: There was some kind of electronic interference. I couldn't see anything.
Terry: Aw, jeez. Bruce, you gotta believe me.
Bruce: I do. It's too coincidental. There's something else going on here.
Terry: What do we do?
Bruce: I'm trying to enhance the video. It's going to take a while. In the meantime, I think we should pay Mad Stan a visit.

Melanie: There's an old saying, "once burned, twice shy." Is that what you're feeling now?
Terry: No. But you did burn me. Bad.
Melanie: I don't suppose an apology would put everything back to the way it was before?
Terry: Melanie, things have changed.
Melanie: How? Are you saying you're not attracted to me anymore?
Terry: [giving her a once-over] No. I'm not saying that. Not at all.

Terry: This time, Payback was after a kid who was two-timing one of the girls in the group. He got away again.
Bruce: You might've gotten there in time if you hadn't jumped the gun with Lewis.
Terry: I know.
Bruce: Do you? You injured an innocent man. That's inexcusable.
Terry: And I'm sorry, okay? But I got something more important to do right now.
Bruce: And what might that be?
Terry: Stanton. If Payback's not Lewis, Stanton's gotta be the one.
Bruce: Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. But from now on, we're handling it my way. Which means taking our time and getting it right.

Bruce: Where's Terry?
Max: I haven't seen him since last night.
Bruce: Where was he?
Max: Down the street at the subway station.

Vid: Gotham's elite are gathering tonight to celebrate the opening of the spectacular new Vreeland Marquis Hotel. Prominent on the guest list is billionaire Bruce Wayne, a longtime friend of the Vreeland family, who will be making a rare public appearance.

Batman: [after finding out Ra's transferred his mind into Talia's body] Lady, that is the sickest thing I've ever heard! You're creeping me out.
Bruce: *You*? She *kissed* me!

[Powers enters his office, where Shreeve is waiting for him in his sound suit]
Walter: The police know about me. I'm a wanted man. I can never go back to my lab again. And it's all your fault.
Derek: That's not going to help.
Walter: No, but it'll make me feel better.
Derek: You should be feeling fine anyway.
Walter: And why is that?
Derek: Because your costume gives you power. Real power. Ever had that before?
Walter: No. Not really.
Derek: It's no small thing. Trust me.
Walter: But I can't show my face anymore! Or use my name!
Derek: The face is no loss, and if you miss your name, I'll give you another one. One that fits your new persona... "Shriek".

Terry: You ever hear the phrase "live by the sword, die by the sword"? Mutro was an assassin. He made his own bed. Besides, we got bigger things to worry about.
Max: Ohh...
Terry: Feeling guilty isn't gonna help anyone. Come on, Max, what can we do with it?
Max: [taking the device] This is a broadband transmitter. It's not gonna help us find the bomb.
[turning it over, she sees it was developed by Wayne-Powers]
Max: Hmm.
Terry: Hmm? "Hmm" is good, right?

Matt: You should've been there, mom. It was awesome.
Mary: Matt, I was so worried.
Matt: There was this big guy with this spear and tattoos all over his body, and he put me in this cage.
Mary: What? Why?
Matt: I dunno. But then Batman showed up, and bam, wham, pow! He saved me! Batman's so cool.
[to Terry]
Mary: Not a loser like you.
Terry: Hey, we can't all be Batman.

Matt: Terry doesn't need splicing, mom, 'cause he's already a donkey! Hee-haw!
[laughs; Terry lunges at him]
Matt: Huh!
Terry: You're lucky I'm late for school, twip.

Max: Here's the bio and civics.
Nelson: Thanks, hon. How about the math?
Max: It's coming. Stop nagging.
Terry: I get it. You're doing his homework so you don't have to take care of the baby.
Max: We opted for the traditional marriage: one breadwinner, one homemaker.
Nelson: Beats algebra.

Batman: Powers and Blight. Just think, you're both of my two favorite people.

Bruce: [about Nelson Nash] Do you know anyone who has a grudge against him?
Terry: The line starts with me and goes around the block... twice.

Matt: [looking at old pictures of their dad] Hey, I remember this trip. It was great. You fell in that hornets' nest.
Terry: I remember it, too, but not as fondly as you.
Matt: Dad warned you to watch where you were going. He knew about that kind of stuff.
Terry: See? You do remember him. And he'll never be gone as long as you keep him alive in here...
[touching Matt's head]
Terry: ...and in here.
[indicating his heart]
Terry: Or is it here?
Matt: [laughing as he gets tickled] Hey!
Terry: Or here? Or here or here or here. Yeah, there he is. I got him. I got him.

Patrick: These hybrids can grow without sunlight. I developed them myself.
Dana: Then it was you?
Patrick: I saw how unappreciated you were. I know how that feels.
Dana: Patrick, that's sweet, but... you can't keep me here like one of your flowers. I wanna go home.
Patrick: Dana, you can't go. I won't let you. You belong here with me. I'll... I'll get you anything you need. Just name it.
Dana: Well, I am kind of hungry.
Patrick: Licorice? Turkey jerky?
Dana: Actually, I'm kind of in the mood for Rhino's Famous Chili.
Patrick: Chili?
Dana: It's to die for. How about we grab a bowl? My treat.
Patrick: No. I'll get the chili. You stay here. And don't wander off. It could be dangerous.

Blight: Why do you persist in tormenting me? All I wanted was to be alone.
Batman: Can't let you run around. We have rules against radioactive waste.

Nelson: Come on, baby, you know I care about you. I thought you were right behind me.
Blade: I was. By about a hundred feet. Big, brave Nelson. I might as well go to the dance with a twip like Willie Watt.
[bumping into Willie]
Blade: Uhh! Willie!

Guard: Welcome to juvenile hall.
Terry: I've been here before.

Louie: Tell me what you want, and I'll make it happen.
Howard: Personality-wise, she's gotta be completely devoted to me. 100% loyal. Physically, around 5'7", red hair, medium length, and the coolest green eyes.

Big: [Breaks down the door to the office] Richie!
Richard: Charlie?
Batman: The growth hormone...
Big: [Cerros lunges at him and Big Time sends him flying into a window with a punch, then slams Batman and the desk up into the ceiling] This is your fault, Richie. Look what you did to me!
Richard: Now Charlie... none of us wanted this to happen to you.
[Grabs him by the neck and holds him over the edge of the balcony]
Richard: No! Charlie! Don't!
Big: I protected you, Richie, and you said you'd take care of me. Instead, you told that ant in there that he could walk all over me!
Richard: Charlie... please!
Big: Take a look down there, Richie, see how tiny all the people look? That's what you are to me now. You belong with them.
[Batman frees himself from the ceiling and fires a cable around his legs, making him drop Richard and leaving him hanging from the railing]

Matt: What happened to your back?
Stalker: A hunting accident. The panther was wounded, and I was careless.
[flashback: a panther pounces on him and mauls him]
Matt: Ouch...
Stalker: My back was broken in five places. They had to replace my spine.
[flashback of him in the operating room]
Stalker: The operation was excruciating.
[He screams in pain as they operate on his spine, then you see him hanging from the ceiling]
Stalker: But it artificially enhanced my strength and reflexes. I went back. And with my bare hands, got my revenge.
[flashback: he kills the panther that mauled him with direct combat]

Dana: Mr. Wayne? Sure got you on a short leash, doesn't he?
Terry: He needs me. Sorry.
Dana: It isn't normal.
Terry: [to himself as he leaves] You have no idea.

Bobby: I've gotta run the company now, but I'm not sure I can.
Vance: Not sure? I was no older than you are now when I started the company.
Bobby: I know, but you and I are two different people, and...
Vance: Now, that's enough. Put me online.
Bobby: But aren't you gonna help me? That's what you're for.
Vance: That was just a pose, Bobby, so people would leave me alone. I needed to buy some time.
Bobby: For what?
Vance: Put me online and you'll see.
Bobby: I don't know if...
Vance: Do it! Please, Bobby. I've been cooped up in here a long time. I wanna find out what's been going on in the world, that's all.

Warren: Why are you doing this to me?
Payback: Because you don't respect the kids who work for you.
Warren: That's it? Because of some loser kids? You gotta be crazy!
[dodging Payback's laser whip]
Warren: Like I had to say it.

Terry: [learning of Powers' condition] You think he was born this way?
Bruce: Do you remember when Powers was exposed to nerve gas?
Terry: Sure I remember. I threw it.
Bruce: Powers would have been treated with radiation. That, combined with the gas, may have mutated him into this.
Terry: You mean... I made him that?
Bruce: You may have, in part.

Mad: [after he sets his last charge and pulls out his detonator] BLOW IT ALL UP!
[Batman throws a batarang at the wire between the detonator and the suit, cutting it, then knocks him to the floor with a punch, then pins him and pulls one of his arms behind his back]
Batman: Keep it down, Stan. We're in a library.
Mad: You think this is a joke? Look around, Batman! Society's crumbling! And do you know why?
Batman: Too many overdue books?
[pulls out handcuffs and puts them on one of his wrists]
Mad: Information overload, man!
[Grabs Batman by the neck with his ankles and flips him off his back to the floor]
Mad: As a society we're drowning in a quagmire of vid-clips, e-mail, and sound bytes!
[Puts him in an arm lock]
Mad: We can't absorb it all! There's only one sane solution:
[puts a bomb with a 10 second timer on the side of Batman's face]
[Swings him around and flings him a distance, Batman wrenches the bomb off his face and tosses it away before it detonates and he braces himself from the impact on one of the walls]

Terry: Ma Mayhem?
Bruce: A tabloid gave her that name. It was the golden age of alliteration.
Terry: So what do you want me to do? Wait until she tries to fence the ruby?
Bruce: I have a feeling she'll be holding on to it. There was another robbery a week ago.
Terry: More rubies?
Bruce: Exactly.
Terry: What is she going to do them all?
Bruce: Don't know. But I have a feeling she not making slippers.
Terry: Slippers? From rubies?
Bruce: Hm. Before your time.

Batman: I don't know why you even bother to send me out. With the Terrific Trio around, there's not even a purse snatcher in sight.
[a sensor beeps]
Batman: Hold on. I'm picking up a hot spot on the infrared.
Bruce: A fire?
Batman: Or a weenie roast. I'll check it out.

Blight: Yeah, you feel it, don't you? Right through your suit. The heat is on, Victor.

Bill: [after telling the story about what happened to Jackie's father, Tony] He had to be dead, that's what we figured, anyway.
Jackie: Why didn't you tell me?
Bill: You were too young, and besides, it wouldn't have brought him back.
Terry: But he is back, isn't he?
Jackie: What do you mean?
Terry: That chemical they were dumping had catalyzing properties, it can scramble DNA with other organic materials, like the Earth itself.

Paxton: Mr. Mendez. How are the fish biting these days?
Mendez: That's what I was about to ask you.
Paxton: Batman's in. But I doubt he'll cooperate when things hit the fan. Be ready to kill him, too.

Trey: So, Termin, where to next?
Terminal: Later. I'm crashing.
Trey: What's the matter, fearless leader? Need your beauty sleep?
Terminal: [grabbing him and holding him off a ledge] Don't make fun of me.

Lorraine: Jim, honey, Mr. Sweem wants to knock out that old rock fireplace and put in Italian marble. I wasn't sure I'd like it, but he faxed over these designs...
Big: I don't care.
Lorraine: It's just that, even discounted, the marble is going to be 20% above the bid, not including...
Big: [angrily] I don't care!
[calming down]
Big: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. Whatever you want, hon, I'm sure it'll look great. I think I'll get some work done out back. See you later.

Max: I think Howard needs some quality time alone with his folks.
Terry: You think they'll ground him?

Ramrod: We tried to kill DA Young, but Batman...
Dr. Emil Cuvier: Forget Batman! It was your weakness that ruined my plan!

Bruce: You know, we *did* do detective work before there was a 'Net.

Dr. Stephanie Lake: Sometimes you find the wrong answers before you find the right ones. That's what science is all about. And anyway, if he's still hiding in Gotham, he's fried.
Derek: What makes you so sure?
Dr. Stephanie Lake: We're having a heat wave, Mr. Powers. Today, it hit 70.

Terry: Then Batman tied Dr. Billings up and disappeared.
Barbara: And you're Mr. Wayne's new assistant?
[he nods]
Barbara: Your father was Warren McGinnis?
[he nods again]
Barbara: Stay out of trouble, kid.

[several Hamilton Hill students are arrested for using Venom, and the coach is suspended from duty]
Mrs. Mary McGinnis: Why would he allow that to go on?
Bruce: He wanted to win at any cost. So he looked the other way.

Matt: Weird. What happened to him?
Batman: He was running from his own demons. Looks like they finally caught him.

Bruce: Tell me, what if you hadn't figured out how Shriek was using the towers? Would you have handed yourself over to him at midnight?
Terry: In case you haven't noticed, we've got a suit to repair here.

Bruce: Just as I suspected. That flash grenade covered you and everything you touched with a microscopic phosphorous powder. When viewed through a special lens, you must have stood out like a Roman candle.
Terry: So that's how he tracked me, and how he found Matt.
Bruce: It wasn't your fault.
Terry: But if anything happens to him...
Bruce: It won't.
[holding up a CD]
Bruce: I found this in the pocket.
[he inserts it into the Bat-Computer]
Terry: It's a map.
Bruce: No. A trap.

Terry: [after Barbara used a batarang to disarm Curare] I guess you never lose the touch. How'd it feel?
Commissioner: Like old times. You better go. Ii wouldn't look good if...
[turns to see Batman gone]
Commissioner: Like old times all right.