The Best Dr. Vanessa Ambres Quotes

Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Detective. DA. This is starting to border on harrassment. I have told you everything I know.
Cecile: [sensing the lie] That's not true.
Joe: We know that you've been funneling meds to Orlin Dwyer.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Well, if you knew that, then I'd be arrested and not sitting here.
Joe: Let me correct myself. We have a strong hunch, but I bet if we were to go through the video camera footage from the hospital, we'll find proof that you were assisting Dwyer.

Orlin: [bringing Grace to the hospital after the Enlightenment] Help me! Help me, please!
Dr. Ambres: Sir.
Orlin: Somebody!
[she sees the satellite shard protruding from his pectoral]
Orlin: Save her, please.

Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Just where do you think you're going? Into my patient's room is what it looks like.
Barry: [showing his ID] I'm sorry. I am Barry Allen. I'm with the CCPD. I was hoping to speak to you, actually. I'm looking for Grace Gibbons' parents. Specifically, her father.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I'm sorry, but the girl's parents are deceased.
Barry: [momentarily surprised] Are you sure about that?
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I can show you her charts.
[retrieving the chart]
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: See for yourself. She came in with a wave of new admissions. No legal guardian listed, no next of kin. The sad truth is, our staff is the only family this little girl has left.
Barry: Okay. Thank you for your help.

Orlin: How's Grace?
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Nothing's changed. She's stable. CCPD hasn't left, and they're not leaving any time soon.
Orlin: Well, I need to see her, Doc.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: That's not possible.
Orlin: Don't tell me what's possible.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: You're angry. Good. For all the pain your family has suffered at the hands of those metas, you should be. But right now, there isn't anything you can do for Grace, so put that anger towards something else.
[handing him a sheet of paper]
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I have a friend who feels the same way about meta-humans as we do, and he wants to help you finish what you've started.
[pause as he reads the list]
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Orlin. It's time to get back to work.

Cisco: Okay, one fresh serving of piping hot meta-human cure.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I'm just supposed to trust that thing works? Has it gone through any human testing?
Cisco: It's gone through giant shark testing. It's a long story.
Orlin: It's okay, Doc.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I wanted to tell you the truth about Grace. I just couldn't find the words.
Orlin: You were just trying to keep her safe. I'll always be thankful for that. See you on the other side.

Cecile: That guilt that you feel right now? There's a way to make up for it. All you have to do is help us find Orlin.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: What, so... so you can put him in jail? Kill him?
Joe: No, so we can cure him.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: It's not possible.
Joe: Maybe not with the medicine you've been giving him, but S.T.A.R. Labs has created a treatment that turns metas back into normal human beings.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I can't take you to him.
Cecile: Okay, okay, then help us set up a meet. Look, Dr. Ambres, it's clear. You've come to truly care for Dwyer. So we're asking you now... help us save his life.

Orlin: [after narrowly avoiding Barry at the hospital] Did he come back?
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: No. The records I falsified convinced him for now.
Orlin: So we're safe?
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Orlin, I think you need to stay away.
Orlin: Good idea. I won't visit 'till after the weekend.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: No, I think you need to stay away for good. It's getting too risky.
Orlin: You want me to give up Grace?

Dr. Vanessa Ambres: [surprised to see Orlin at the hospital] I told you, it's too risky. CCPD's already looking for you. What are you doing here?
Orlin: It's Thanksgiving, Doc. I'm here to be with my family.

Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I'm a doctor. I mean, why would I condone a vigilante murderer?
Joe: Because of what happened to Darius.
Cecile: [sensing Ambres' feelings] Darius. It hurts you to even think about it.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: My fiancé was killed by meta-humans during Zoom's rampage. So, yes, it hurts to think about him.
Joe: Hurt enough for you to help Dwyer kill other meta-humans? Correct me if I'm wrong, you took an oath to do no harm, right? Can you truthfully say you upheld that oath?