150 Best Dr. Harry Wells Quotes

Caitlin: Are you really sure you have to leave?
Dr. Harry Wells: Just a lot I still have to fix on my Earth.
Cisco: Yeah, but you know it's more fun when you're here helping us fix stuff on our Earth.
Barry: He is right. It hasn't been the same without you.
Caitlin: The team doesn't feel complete without Harrison Wells.
Dr. Harry Wells: Then change that. There's a whole multiverse of Harrison Wells out there are your fingertips. You want one? Let's go get one.

[last lines]
Dr. Harry Wells: I thought, you know, when you... when we closed the breaches, that I could just forget about everything I've done, but I can't. But I realize what I can do. You are gonna get your speed back, Allen, and I'm gonna help you do that.
Barry: How?
Dr. Harry Wells: By creating another Particle Accelerator explosion.

Caitlin: She needs a blood transfusion. The new blood will flush the drug out of her system.
Cisco: What blood type is she?
Dr. Harrison Wells: P-Zee negative.
Cisco: Yeah, that's not a thing on this Earth, man.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I'm a match.

Iris: What is all this?
Dr. Harry Wells: This is gonna give us the edge we finally need to be smarter than DeVoe. Or me to be smarter than DeVoe, actually.

Dr. Harry Wells: Well... I guess this is goodbye.
Barry: No, it's not. I told you, we're a team. Now you're a part of it. We're gonna help you save Jesse. We're not sending you through alone. We're going to Earth-2.

Dr. Harry Wells: One strike incapacitates The Thinker. Two strikes, no more Thinker. I call it a Sonic Scepter.
Cisco: Okay. Points for alliteration.
Caitlin: Basically just a big tuning fork.
Dr. Harry Wells: My goodness.
Cisco: Well, like, I mean, it's not just any tuning fork. This might be the most powerful tuning fork in the multiverse. You must've laser-shaved this thing down to the nanometer.
Dr. Harry Wells: Shaved it right down to the last angstrom, as a matter of fact. Child's play for me and my Thinking Cap. The Sonic Scepter mimics Izzy Bowen's sonic frequencies, so we can penetrate a heretofore impenetrable force field of DeVoe. And here's the best part. Because there's no tech involved...
Barry: It's Kilgore-proof.

Dr. Harry Wells: Can we just get back to the task at hand? We need answers.
Wells 2.0: The best answer is always the simplest. Why don't we go to every DeVoe we can find and interrogate 'em?
H. Lothario Wells: What, even the baby DeVoe?
Wells 2.0: Especially the baby DeVoe?
Harrison: Baby violence solves nothing.

Barry: You okay?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, I'm okay. Although it turns out it's easier to find a two-ton gorilla on this Earth than a teenage daughter.

Dr. Harry Wells: Before I left Earth-2, I worked on a serum to dampen Zoom's speed. All we would need is for Ramon to develop a weapon to deliver it.
Caitlin: Oh, great, that could be this year's cold gun. Maybe another criminal can get it, and then we'd have Sergeant Slow.
Cisco: I would never let that happen. Sergeant Slow is a terrible name.

Dr. Harry Wells: Her name is Dr. Light, small-time thief on my Earth until exposed to the dark matter from the Particle Accelerator and became a meta-human with the ability to derive power from starlight.
Cisco: Oh, very cool.
Dr. Harry Wells: Stars having a temperature of 5,300 degree kelvin and a blinding luminosity, I would say, "Not very cool at all."
Cisco: You know, our Dr. Wells may have been evil, but you're just a dick.

Dr. Harry Wells: You're my joy, Jesse Quick.

Dr. Harry Wells: So when did you do it? After we returned to Earth-2?
Barry: Look, Harry, only a couple things are different.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, I'm sure. Not.
Cisco: Really? You guys are doing "not" on Earth-2 now?
Jesse: Uh, no. That's all him.

Cisco: Girder came back to life, and he's all "Young Frankenstein" now, and he only recognizes Iris, and she lured him to my workshop so we could demagnetize him, but the machine shorted out, so he's about to come through that door and smush us all into chunky salsa and possibly eat our brains out. I don't know. Jury's still out on that.
Barry: All right, I got it. I... I will lure him to your workshop and we figure out a way to turn the power back on, okay?
Cisco: [sharing a look] Plan H.

Ralph: The Elongated Man? It was just an expression.
Dr. Harry Wells: Has a certain...
Cisco: I don't know.
Dr. Harry Wells: "Je ne sais quoi" to it.
Caitlin: I like it.
Ralph: Well, I hate it.
Cisco: Well, maybe you should have let me do the naming.
Dr. Harry Wells: Exactly.
Ralph: Oh, don't worry, you'll get your chance. There's no way this is going to stick.
Dr. Harry Wells,63773: Probably gonna stick.
Ralph: The Elongated Man? Please, it's so literal. You think Prince would have settled for "Shorty Guitar Man"?

Dr. Harry Wells: He calls himself Rupture, another meta-human under Zoom's control from my Earth.
Iris: Great, so he's bringing more of his friends over.
Dr. Harry Wells: It's what I told you that he would do.
Cisco: Okay, well, Zoom must've lied to fake-Dante and told him I was the one who killed Reverb, 'cause dude wants me dead. We gotta do somethin'.

Ralph: Look, this is all just fantastic, but we're not really gonna do this.
Cisco: Yeah, I mean, um, we've already got a lot on our plate just trying to free one innocent man.
Caitlin: We all want Barry to be free, but I don't think that there's much else we can do right now. We kinda hit a wall.
Joe: Well, we're not gonna get through that wall while we're working on this.
Iris: It's just one case.
Dr. Harry Wells: And it's a case that we have to take. Allen has made one request of us since he's been incarcerated, and the request don't even involve himself. We have to take this case.
Cisco: It's unsettling how convincing you can be sometimes.

[Ralph Dibny - aka Elongated Man - has just hijacked Barry's bachelor party. Harry gulps down his brandy]
Cisco: Hey! That was meant to be enjoyed.
Dr. Harry Wells: I enjoyed it.

Dr. Harry Wells: Cut the crap. We know you plan to power up the Magnetar so you can destroy the multiverse.
Hunter: Bravo. You figured it out... almost. I don't want to destroy all of it. This Earth is at the center of the multiverse. It's the access point to every other Earth in existence. One trans-dimensional shockwave, and... poof.
Cisco: Leaving just our Earth. How generous of you.
Hunter: Need to have SOME place to hang my cowl.

Dr. Harry Wells: [meeting the new Council of Wells] All of you have been kick...
[to Cisco]
Dr. Harry Wells: You got me a council of rejects.
Cisco: Well, they're brilliant rejects.

Cisco: I call it... the calm after the Firestorm.
Jefferson: What is it?
Dr. Harry Wells: It's efficient decelerating serum.
Cisco: It's... it's... it's a cure? We've spent months trying to devise a solution to neutralize the Firestorm matrix.
Jefferson: How to separate ourselves without blowing up.
Dr. Harry Wells: Or switching bodies. We read your notes.
[to Stein]
Dr. Harry Wells: Although, why you wouldn't want to switch bodies with him is beyond me.

Barry: Hey, Cait, I know how hard this is gonna be for you, but we have to stop him.
Caitlin: I know, and I want to be supportive. I just... I can't face Jay - whatever his real name is.
Barry: What does that mean?
Caitlin: Well, you remember when I was looking for his doppleganger, right?
Barry: Yeah. And you couldn't find him.
Caitlin: Because there is no Jay Garrick on this Earth. His doppleganger's name is Hunter Zolomon.
Dr. Harry Wells: Hunter Zolomon? A... are you sure?
Caitlin: Yeah. Why?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, because on my Earth, Hunter Zolomon was a convicted serial killer.
Caitlin: [Wells shows them a newspaper article] That's Jay?
Dr. Harry Wells: No, that is Hunter. Last public photo of Hunter Zolomon. Instantly recognizable to people from my Earth. On my Earth, serial killers are an anomaly, so a lot of media attention... to this. There was a podcast. When Hunter was eleven, his father killed his mother right in front of him. Father sent to prison, Hunter grew up in the foster care system.
Barry: Years later, he was convicted on twenty-three counts of murder.
Cisco: Twenty-three? That's, like, some real Hannibal Lecter-type level.
Dr. Harry Wells: After the trial, Hunter was sent to the Saint Perez Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane, given daily electroshock therapy to cure him of his urges, and then faded from view.
Caitlin: Until the night your Particle Accelerator exploded.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's right. The dark matter crept into the mental asylum. I had thought... piping the explosion underground would limit exposure. I was wrong. All it did was create an unstoppable monster.
Barry: He's not unstoppable. Jay doesn't know that we know who he really is. He thinks that his past is a secret.
Cisco: So?
Barry: I think I have an idea of how we can stop him.

Cisco: Okay, let's do this again. Gimme your best Wells.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm not doing the Wells again, Ramon. I told you...
Cisco: Look, I just made these anti-mind control ear buds. They could fail, and if they do, you're toast, so you're gonna need to nail it if you want to live.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon.
Cisco: Cisco.
Dr. Harry Wells: [flatly] Cisco. In many ways, you've shown me what it's like to have a son.
[Cisco rubs his temple]
Dr. Harry Wells: What?
Cisco: Okay, let's... let's just try it again. This time, up the creep factor, like, a lot more, and make it a little more sincere, like you really love me but you're gonna have to kill me anyway.
Dr. Harry Wells: [in perfect mimicry of Thawne/Wells] Cisco. In many ways, you've shown me what it's like to have a son.
Cisco: Yup, that's the one.

Dr. Harry Wells: There you are. What are you doing?
Cisco: I'm updating some software.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, good. So, nothing. Great. I need your help.
Cisco: Try Ralph.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ralph's useless. All he does is eat.

Dr. Harry Wells: History repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce.

Dr. Harry Wells: Jess, I'm coming for you... soon. I promise. I was thinking earlier today about the time that you were four. I took you to the planetarium, just you and me. I remember because it was the first time I took you out all by myself. Planetarium was crowded. You held my hand for dear life, or maybe it was the other way around, but it was in the Mars exhibit that I lost you. Panic. I had that place locked down in one minute. I had every security guard looking for you, and I could feel the fear rise in the back of my throat - and something else rising also, some dark instinct inside me about what I would do to the person who had taken you, the things I would do - unspeakable things - and it was in that moment that I realized, for certain, that I would do anything to get... you... back.

Dr. Harry Wells: This is a signature field, mapping every time DeVoe's gone in and out of his layer in the pocket dimension.
Barry: All of these?
Caitlin: All of them.
Iris: So, how did you do this?
Dr. Harry Wells: I didn't do it, actually. Ramon did.
Cisco: But all I did was just come up with a really complex and eloquent algorithm to track the warping signatures.
Dr. Harry Wells: Hey, don't do that, all right? Don't do that. Don't be modest. All right? It's unbecoming.
Cisco: You're unbecoming.
Dr. Harry Wells: You wish I was unbecoming.

Marlize: It's rude to break into a person's home uninvited. And dangerous when the person is holding a grudge and a katana. Why are you here?
Dr. Harry Wells: I got this. We're here, Marlize... we're here because you... because... Wait, uh, you... You have... You - you've... I can't. I can't.
Marlize: He can't verbalize it. Not anymore. Just like we hypothesized but never observed before. You're experiencing the penultimate stages of the Enlightenment. Your mind is being rebooted. Soon you will be with memories, without relationships. Just a blank slate so that Clifford may re-educate you. Soon we'll all be just like you.
Iris: Marlize, we have to stop him. Your husband has gone too far, and I think you know it, or you'd be with him right now.
Marlize: Yes, I left my husband. But that doesn't change the fact that he's right. If anything, his betrayal proves his very point. Man corrupts even the best of ideas.
Iris: Pessimism isn't smarter than optimism. In this life the bravest thing you can be is optimistic.
Marlize: Familiar words.
Iris: You said them when you were at Oxford. Two weeks before you met Clifford DeVoe.
Marlize: I gave a speech on technology and the elimination of world hunger. I truly believed it could be done.
Iris: He tried to change you, Marlize. But I think deep down, you are still an optimist. You still believe in humanity. And I believe in you. You asked me what I was willing to do for my husband. And I'm gonna ask you. What are you willing to do for the world?:

Dr. Harry Wells: That's it.
Caitlin: That's it?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, that's it.
Cisco: So now what?
Dr. Harry Wells: Now... we go get a Big Belly Burger.

Cisco: Not bad.
Caitlin: Not bad at all. Harry?
Dr. Harry Wells: Pass.
Caitlin: Wait, what? Wait a minute. That guy cracked the code, and he wants to do it.
Cisco: And he's nice, and he's not evil. And that's a combination of Wells we haven't had thus far.
Dr. Harry Wells: All my life, everyone I've ever hired to work for me, I have trusted my gut. My gut tells me that's not the guy. Keep looking.

Zoom: Time's up, Wells. What's it gonna be?
Dr. Harry Wells: I know what you're doing. I know why you keep sending villain after villain from our Earth to this one. You want Barry to get faster. You want him to get stronger. You want him to become more powerful, more full of... speed force. You're fattening him up like a Christmas goose.
Zoom: The more power he has, the more I can take and you're going to help me.
Dr. Harry Wells: Let me see her first.
[Zoom brings Jesse out of the wormhole]
Jesse: Daddy?
Dr. Harry Wells: Are you okay? Did he hurt you?
Jesse: Please help me. Don't let him take me back there.
Dr. Harry Wells: I won't...
[Zooms returns Jesse through the wormhole]
Zoom: Now decide, in return for your daughter's life.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'll do it. I will help you steal The Flash's speed.

Cisco: What is this?
Dr. Harry Wells: Wrong answers.
Cisco: Maybe you're asking the wrong questions.

Cisco: Where do I breach him?
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, no, you... you drop him in a breach, he could explode.
Cisco: And Fallout's fallout would kill us all.
Dr. Harry Wells: Do you think?

Joe: I need you to distract Cecile for a while.
Dr. Harry Wells: What for?
Joe: Well, that's the thing. I can't tell you, because if I do, she'll read your mind and find out.
Dr. Harry Wells: Why can't Iris do it?
Joe: Because Iris knows exactly why I'm trying to distract Cecile.

Jesse: So, how'd it go?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Well, he's not a red splat on the side of a mountain.
Cisco: That's our new definition of success?
Dr. Harrison Wells: It's one of them.
Jesse: So you didn't make the canyon jump?
Barry: Nah-uh. What else can we try?
Cisco: A bigger canyon?

Dr. Harry Wells: Look, I'm sorry about...
[he pantomimes animals growling and throwing things in anger]
Dr. Harry Wells: You know, I just recently can't seem to stop DeVoe, I can't stop my daughter Jesse from hating me, I can't seem to stop blowing it when I'm trying to befriend someone who's my own age.
Cecile: Did you just say "befriend"? That's what you've been trying to do? You've been trying to befriend me?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, yes, through transitive property. I respect West, West respects you, so...
Cecile: Harry, that was borderline sweet.

Cisco: Well, your vitals seem okay.
Dr. Harry Wells: Blood pressure, respiratory rate seems normal, as well.
Caitlin: You're gonna have to run the test again. There was some feeling. I-I don't know what it was, but...
Cisco: You touched DeVoe. Hand me the dark matter scanner.
Dr. Harry Wells: [looking around] The dark matter scanner...
Cisco: I'll get it.
[retrieving it]
Cisco: Focus, Harry.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, focus.
Cisco: [scanning Caitlin] There's no trace of dark matter anywhere on your body. He must've used Melting Point's powers to entangle your meta DNA.
Dr. Harry Wells: So, Killer Frost...
Caitlin: Is gone.

Dr. Harry Wells: [to Hunter Zolomon] One day... I'm gonna knock that smug expression clean off your face.

Dr. Harry Wells: [harshly] Try again!
Barry: Yo.
Cisco: I'm sorry, it's not...
Dr. Harry Wells: Again!
Cisco: I can't control it.
Dr. Harry Wells: Because you're afraid.
Cisco: I'm telling you I don't know how it works! I can't just make it happen!
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm telling you, yes, you can!

Cisco: So, the reason you didn't have your powers is because there was a dampener in the mask. You see?
Jay: I don't want to see this thing ever again.
[vibrates his hand through the mask, breaking it in half]
Cisco: So your powers are back.
Joe: I see Jay - excuse me - Hunter stole your color scheme too.
Jay: He stole a lot of things that were mine, except for that. That's, um - that's all him.
Iris: He said it was his father's from the war.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ironically, on my - on our Earth - this helmet stood for hope.
Jay: Yeah?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Jay: Maybe I can continue on that sentiment, take something from him, for a change, make it my own.
Caitlin: It suits you.
Jay: Thank you, all of you, for saving me from Zoom, especially you, Flash.
Barry: You're welcome, Flash.
Jay: Now all I have to do is find my way home.
Wally: And where's that?
Jay: I think you would call it Earth-3.
Cisco: Uh-huh. Well, I can get you to Earth-2.
Dr. Harry Wells: My daughter and I can help you with the rest.
Jesse: We can?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes, we can. We're going home.

Iris: Okay, are we sure that DeVoe is gonna launch the machine from an airfield?
Cisco: If he's shooting five satellites into synchronous orbit, that's the latitude he needs. And whether or not he's still moping around about his wife ditching him, he's gonna resurface. And he's gonna do it soon. When he does, I whoosh, you whoosh. She bangs.
Barry: If I get there in time. I mean, I'm still not fast enough to make it to DeVoe's pocket dimension.
Cisco: That's why we split up. Yeah. Each one of us stakes out a different launch pad.
Barry: You're serious? I mean you've seen DeVoe in action.
Cisco: Yeah. The guy's a one man Legion of Doom. So send the Super Friends.
Barry: Okay, but we're not at full super strength right now. I mean Joe's got the baby on the way and Caitlin's looking for Killer Frost. Harry's...
Dr. Harry Wells: [stumbles into the room] This chair came out of nowhere.

Iris: Barry, what is it?
Barry: It's just before right before Eliza disappeared, her lightning, it turned blue.
Cisco: Right. What if it's a side effect of the V-9?
Caitlin: Yeah, but Jay took V-9, and his lightning didn't turn blue.
Barry: About how fast was he running?
Iris: Not as fast as Eliza.
Barry: All right, so what if V-9 is what turns your lightning blue? I mean, that would explain why Zoom is so much faster than me.
Cisco: If that's true, then that means he's sick, right?
Dr. Harrison Wells: He's dying. That's why he wants your speed. He's dying, and he needs a cure.
Barry: Same as Jay.
Caitlin: No.
Cisco: Jay? No. See, he died right in front of us. Zoom killed him right in front of us.
Barry: Cisco, we've seen a speedster be in two places before.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Then I guess there's one way to find out.
Cisco: I guess now would a good time to tell you I've been vibing Zoom.
Dr. Harrison Wells: What? You... for how long?
Cisco: It started when we closed the last breach. And every time it's happened, I've been near that thing.
[looking at Jay's kettle helmet in a glass case]
Barry: [Barry smashes the glass case and takes the helmet and hands it to Cisco] We need to know.
Cisco: [vibes Zoom's identity is Jay] Oh, no. No, no...
[drops the helmet]
Caitlin: Cisco, what did you see?
Cisco: I saw Jay. He's Zoom.

Iris: Harry, how are you coming with a solvent for Trickster's axid?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, slowly. Very difficult to neutralize a solvent that hasn't existed until today.
Iris: You've got 59 minutes.
Dr. Harry Wells: All I need is 58.

Cisco: I'm gonna help you finish the thinking cap.
Dr. Harry Wells: It's an intelligence booster, actually. It's called in intelligence booster.
Cisco: Two conditions.
Dr. Harry Wells: What are your conditions?
Cisco: One, we simulate your synapses without using dark matter.
Dr. Harry Wells: Fine, no dark matter. And two?
Cisco: The minute you start acting like Locutus of Borg and start assimilating everybody with your Borg chair...
Dr. Harry Wells: You can vibe me back to my Earth. Okay?

Dr. Harry Wells: Where is it?
Cisco: Where's what? The exit? It's right behind you, please and thank you.
Dr. Harry Wells: I can't find my thinking cap.
Cisco: [Harry throws objects around] I... hey, I don't have it, Captain Caveman!
Dr. Harry Wells: I never said you did, so why would you volunteer that information unless you do have it?
Cisco: [rolling his eyes] Get out.
Dr. Harry Wells: I know what this is about. You never wanted me to build this sucker in the first place, 'cause you never wanted me to be smarter than you. Well, guess what, that's funny, 'cause I already am.
Cisco: What the hell are you talking about?

Dr. Harry Wells: Listen, Ramon, DeVoe wants these bodies. All right? Maybe we change the bodies, we keep these people safe.
Cisco: I'm sorry, don't you have, like, six PhD's?
Dr. Harry Wells: Seven.
Cisco: Yeah, which one of them is in mad science?
Dr. Harry Wells: Mad science is just an area of study. It's not a degree, okay?

Dr. Harry Wells: What I've done at S.T.A.R. Labs is change the world, Jesse, unlocking the mysteries of the universe, and when you don't have a key to the lock, sometimes you have to kick in the door.

Dr. Harry Wells: I think a better idea instead of playing Hoodlums and Holograms would be to rebuild the Particle Accelerator to get Barry's speed back.
Barry: Yeah, Wells, that's what you keep saying.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's right.
Barry: But look at what that explosion did to this city.
Cisco: Not to mention the last time we tried something like that we blew a hole in the universe and created, like, fifty portals to your Earth.
Iris: Which is exactly how Zoom and his henchmen got here in he first place.

Dr. Harry Wells: [reading the report Barry gives him] This... who wrote this?
Barry: You did. Yeah, the other you. Evil, not stupid.

Cisco: Oh, damn. We need to cool him down.
Dr. Harry Wells: Killer Frost.
Caitlin: Great.
Cisco: Well, go, turn!
Caitlin: Well, that's not how it works. I can't just snap my finger and make her appear. It only happens with I'm scared or angry.
Cisco: Oh, good Lord, Caitlin.
Cisco: The city's about to explode. Everyone, everything you know and love, the birds, the trees, the fish, the puppies! The puppies are going down because you didn't want to...
Cisco: Show up for work!

[first lines]
Cisco: What if... What if I just, like, breach all three of the bus metas to, like, Earth-2?
Dr. Harry Wells: How about this? We alter each bus meta's DNA by performing intercellular surgery.
Cisco: And what? Turn them into chickens?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Cisco: We're not Frankensteining innocent people.

Dr. Harry Wells: A break-up cube is, uh... kind of what it sounds like. You know, you record a message for the person you want to... the person, and, uh, pick a music setting, and then there's a tissue that pops out if you need that. You know, a break-up cube.
Wally: Jesse's breaking up with me with a cube?
[Harry taps his nose, the non-verbal "yes" gesture]
Caitlin: Seems like a really convenient way to break somebody's heart.
Dr. Harry Wells: Exactly.
Wally: What did she say, in the message?
Dr. Harry Wells: You know, you heard. You... you're a great guy... I don't remember.
Wally: Don't you have total recall?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah. No. No. Don't. I did. I don't. I did, but I don't.

Cisco: That's the least secure security footage I've ever seen.
Barry: Yeah, that's not even the strangest thing she made happen. I mean, I slipped on a barrel of marbles. It was like I was in a cartoon.
Caitlin: That's some serious bad luck.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, there's no such thing as luck.
Cisco: Yeah? Tell that to my cousin Hector. He got jinxed by an ex. Hasn't been able to find a mall parking spot for three years.

Dr. Harry Wells: I think I need a Big Belly Burger. Anyone?
Barry: I'm good. Thank you.
Joe: Yeah no pickles.
Cisco: Two triple-triples please?
Dr. Harry Wells: You got money?

Cisco: Have we already had this conversation?
Barry: Kind of.
Dr. Harry Wells: What does that mean?
Barry: Ah... All right, so the last time Mardon attacked, he, um, generated a tidal wave that destroyed all of Central City.
Dr. Harry Wells: So why are you not all sleeping with the fishes?
Cisco: Earth-2 has "The Godfather?"
Dr. Harry Wells: Every Earth has "The Godfather," Vito.

Cisco: It could just be the wheelchair. I mean, you do kinda have a bad history with...
[points to Harry]
Dr. Harry Wells: That wasn't me.

Dr. Harry Wells: This is the list of meta-humans from my Earth. Ones that are known, anyway.
[shows long list]
Dr. Harry Wells: Particle Accelerator explosion was contained on my Earth. That didn't happen here.
Henry: Then why wouldn't we know about other meta-humans here?
Joe: Because of The Flash.
Iris: And now that everyone knows he's not around...
Cisco: They'll start coming out of the woodwork.

H.R. Wells: You go front to back. Toothbrushing. You go front to back? 'Cause I'm a small circles kind of guy. I wonder how the other Wells brushes his teeth.
Dr. Harry Wells: The murderer?
H.R. Wells: I'm fascinated by the subtle differences between us, you know?
Dr. Harry Wells: And the not-so-subtle ones.
H.R. Wells: Like what?
Dr. Harry Wells: Like the fact that I'm a genius and you're a moron.

Dr. Harry Wells: You race Zoom on his terms, you'll lose.
Barry: This is not your decision to make!
Joe: It is this time.
Barry: No.
Joe: We all made it together.
Barry: What? All of you?
Cisco: Bro, I went back and forth. I was, like, a good 60/40 at first.

Dr. Harry Wells: As much as you all want me to be part of your team, that's never going to happen. I'm always going to be a father first. And one day, Zoom is gonna make me choose between you and my daughter, and every time, unblinkingly, unflinchingly, I would choose my daughter. I will betray you.
Barry: That's binary thinking. It doesn't have to be either/or.
Dr. Harry Wells: Life is either/or. Yes/no, black/white, love/hate. From the dawn of time to this moment right now.
Barry: I guess I Just have more faith in you than you have in yourself.

Dr. Harry Wells: Any father would be happy to have you date his daughter, except me. Can't date my daughter, all right? Can't date Jesse. Jesse's off limits.
Cisco: Went for the compliment, did not stick the landing.

Dr. Harry Wells: Thing we're gonna do to get Killer Frost to appear, get that massive spike in your adrenaline production that we need, is Ramon is gonna use his vibes to shake you up on a cellular level, and let's see if we can't get your old friend Killer Frost to come out to play.
Iris: Are you sure this is gonna work?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, I mean, like any hypothesis, you have to test it to get an answer. It's what we've all done since the fourth grade, known as the...
Barry: Scientific method?
Dr. Harry Wells: Right you are, Allen.

Caitlin: Hey, guys, I was just at the hospital going over the medical records of everyone who was at the bank. I know why they passed out.
Dr. Harry Wells: Why did they pass out?
Caitlin: Well, they all suffered from fatigue, vomiting, abdominal pain, skin rashes.
Cisco: So everyone ate a bad burrito?
Caitlin: No, radiation poisoning.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's why the security cameras are fried.

Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, what did you say? You said no powers?
[Cisco holds up a tool as a non-verbal question if he can take it]
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, go ahead. Well, in addition to being Vibe, you have another superpower: you're smart in here.
[indicating his brain]
Dr. Harry Wells: All right? Outwardly, you're weak. All right?
[Cisco holds up a machete]
Dr. Harry Wells: Too much. But use your outwardly weak appearance to your advantage. He's gonna anticipate a pathetic target. Well, you're pathetic. You're pathetic. You're weak.
Cisco: Not helping, just hurting.

Dr. Harry Wells: I would ask you to talk Barry out of reopening the breaches to my Earth.
Joe: [laughs] Ah, I can't do that.
Dr. Harry Wells: No? You can't find a way to change his mind, for both our children's sakes?
Joe: Look, I think it's just as dumb as you do, but I learned a long time ago that I can't talk Barry out of anything once he sets his mind to it. Zoom is terrorizing this other world - your world. He can't let it go. But, look, why don't you do ME a favor? Go with Barry. Help him.
Dr. Harry Wells: Help him? Why would I do that?
Joe: 'Cause he's got a much better chance of defeating Zoom if you're involved.

Dr. Harry Wells: What's that? What are you guys doing? What are those faces?
Iris: When Savitar came to S.T.A.R. Labs, he said we would build a device to use against DeVoe.
Barry: The cerebral inhibitor.
Dr. Harry Wells: I wish I'd known that before I spent all this time trying to come up with a second name. Naming is hard.

Cisco: What Squidward here means to say is we took the data you extrapolated from Newton and Curie and Galileo.
Dr. Harry Wells: Hacks, every one of them.
Cisco: And we ran it through a Conway class nucleodynamic synthesizer.
[Stein and Jax stare at them blankly]
Cisco: Hold your applause, I only built it myself.
Dr. Harry Wells: First off, nobody was clapping. Second, that explains why you couldn't splice a proton from a neutrino field.
Cisco: I'll splice a proton from your neutrino field.
Dr. Harry Wells: [stressing the plural] Fields. Fields. I've got... I've got a million fields.
Cisco: Really? Are all your fields this unbearable?

Ralph: What the hell was that stuff?
Caitlin: Looks like Axel created some sort of super acid.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, it's got a pH level in the negative 50s, and all it did was burn through your skin?
Cisco: God, if it were anybody else, it would melt right through them like xenomorph blood.
Dr. Harry Wells: Like in...
Cisco: "Alien".

Dr. Harrison Wells: I know you took the V-9, Allen.
Barry: No, I haven't.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Oh, no?
Barry: No. I took it but I haven't taken it... yet.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Good.
Barry: Tell me why I shouldn't.
Dr. Harrison Wells: [scoffs] Figure it out.
Barry: If the game is already rigged, why can't I level the playing field? I mean, if everyone else is cheating, how can... I want to be fast enough to stop Zoom and ANY speedster that tries to hurt my friends. Shouldn't I use everything in my power to do that?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Y'wanna take a shortcut? Is that right? You wanna take a shortcut? Remember this: You lose a chunk of your humanity every time you compromise your values.

[Jesse and Wally are in the Time Vault]
Jesse: Can we come out now?
Dr. Harrison Wells,53194: No!

Cisco: Okay, you know what? This is exactly why we didn't contact you, 'cause the last thing we need around her is more of your salty-ass attitude.
Dr. Harry Wells: If you don't need my salty attitude, then maybe you should carry on without me. I'll let myself out.
Cisco: Oh, are you going back to your Earth? I'll breach you there right now.
Dr. Harry Wells: [mocking in a high voice] "I'll breach you there right now!"
Cisco: That's not what I sound like. That was really high.

Dr. Martin Stein: How do you account for the destabilization of the Firestorm matrix?
Dr. Harry Wells,63773: We trick it.
Dr. Martin Stein: Quark spheres. They'll convince the matrix that our genetic codes are connected, when in actuality, they're not. That's genius!
Jefferson: A-and you're sure this will work? No powers for either of us?
Cisco: Guaranteed to put out the "fire" in Firestorm.
Dr. Harry Wells: One of you takes it...
Cisco: Boom. You're back to your old selves.
Dr. Harry Wells: [to Stein] No offense.

Dr. Harry Wells: Why are you touching me? Th...
Barry: Listen.
Dr. Harry Wells: Am I in... am I in...?
Barry: Yes, you're in Fla... you're in Flashtime, yes.
Dr. Harry Wells: Flashtime? What is Flashtime?
Barry: I didn't... Cisco just came up with it.
Dr. Harry Wells: Wait, you did this with Ramon before you did this with me?

Dr. Harry Wells: I told you. I know how to contain the explosion.
Barry: Really?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes.
Barry: [laughs] You know how to contain a dark matter explosion that, last time, just radiated all of Central City? Y-you tried this on your Earth, remember? Didn't go so well.
Iris: And even if you could contain it, I thought you said that Barry couldn't tap into the Speed Force anymore.
Dr. Harry Wells: It wasn't connected the first time he got his powers. Look, I have your Wells's data. The Harrison Wells from this Earth, I have his science.
Dr. Harry Wells: [to Barry] I know what chemicals need to be in your body. I know how the lightning needs to bond with the dark matter from the Particle Accelerator explosion. I can recreate the circumstances to get you your speed back.

Jesse: I'm the reason you killed that man, and that's a really heavy burden to bear.
Dr. Harry Wells: I know. I know. I also know that what I've done, it's unforgivable. When your mother died, honey... something inside me broke. I-I couldn't protect her. And I... I swore... I swore on her grave, no less, that I would protect you, and then Zoom took you, and I snapped. I just snapped. I couldn't breathe, I... I couldn't lose the only other person that I love.

Dr. Harry Wells: I work better alone.
Barry: Oh, no, haven't you heard the expression "Two heads are better than one?"
Dr. Harry Wells: [flatly] No.
Barry: Must be an Earth-1 thing.

Dr. Harry Wells: There's a 67% you're gonna spill that mustard on the floor. Oh!
[mustard spills from Ralph's veggie dog]
Ralph: Okay. How did you do that?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, I simply analyzed your eating habits and extrapolated them at a predictive behavior model all within four seconds. The cap is working.
Ralph: Eh, cool, but I'm not quite convinced.
Dr. Harry Wells: No? Really? You're not convinced? All right, then. The answer is none. And have a little more respect for your body, will you?
Ralph: This is a veggie dog, man.
Dr. Harry Wells: Not talking about the veggie dog, man. I'm talking about wiping the mustard on the pants causes the pant movement which indicates a lacking of clothing to bodily friction, which can only mean one thing.
Ralph: Right, what kind of underwear am I wearing?
Dr. Harry Wells: And the answer is... none.
Ralph: You got all that from your fancy metal cap?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes, I did.
Ralph: It's impressive, Harry. Except for one very small thing.
Dr. Harry Wells: Which is?
Ralph: Your head is on fire.

Ralph: But you said my cells were polymerized.
Dr. Harry Wells: Uh, no...
Ralph: You said nothing could hurt them.
Dr. Harry Wells: Dibny, I didn't say that. I said your cells were bonded unlike anything I've ever seen. I've never see acid like this, and so, cannot be responsible for things I have never seen.
Ralph: It definitely hurts.
Dr. Harry Wells: Mm-hmm, of course.
Iris: Well, now we know what your kryptonite is.
Ralph: What the hell is kryptonite?
Cisco: What?
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, come on.

Cisco: Your Scrooge to Grinch ratio is terrible.
Dr. Harry Wells: You're a mean one. I wouldn't touch you with a 39 1/2-foot pole.

Cisco: You've been playing good Samaritan all morning. Take a break. Are you sure you don't want to get to CCPD, give Patty your attention?
The: No, I can see her later.
Dr. Harry Wells: 'Cause we can't afford to waste any more time.
Cisco: What, 'cause we've just been sipping Mai Tais since you got here?
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't know what you've been sipping since I got here, but Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster. We need to train to prepare for Zoom.
Cisco: Oh, I see. You haven't had your coffee this morning.
Dr. Harry Wells: I had my coffee this morning. Don't slurp. Don't. Don't. Don't.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Hey
Jesse: What happened?
Dr. Harrison Wells: We... You're fine. Your...
Dr. Harrison Wells: You're going to be fine. We got the drug out of your system.
Jesse: Oh... Looks like you saved the day again.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Look, honey, I know that this isn't enough. I... I promise you, though, I am... I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you for the... for that terrible thing that I did.
Jesse: Yeah?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yes.
Jesse: And how many more terrible things are you going to do to protect me?
Dr. Harrison Wells: What does that mean?
Jesse: I mean, everything that you do and everything that you have done for me, it's so dark, and you don't even see it. I mean, you didn't even hesitate out there.
Dr. Harrison Wells: [STAMMERS] Of course not, I'm not going to lose you, Jesse.
Jesse: Okay, but you just gave that crazy speedster everything she wanted, without even blinking. Without even thinking what other lives could be at stake.
Dr. Harrison Wells: It's my job to keep you safe, to protect you. That's my job. That's all that matters.
Jesse: Well, maybe it shouldn't be.

Dr. Harry Wells: All right, we're synched up with whatever the heck that thing is.
Joe: Finally, something we're both baffled by.
Dr. Harry Wells: I am kidding. That, my friend, is a 75-KTSB 40,000 watt reverberating sound amplifier designed to single out the operating frequency of every single Earth-2 being on this planet, which, when contained and magnified by The Flash, creating a sound pressure wall around the city, will render all of us Earth-2 beings unconscious.
[tossing a set of protective earphones to Jesse]
Dr. Harry Wells: Hence... the safety precautions.
Henry: I'm baffled by it.

Barry: Has anyone seen Ralph today?
Caitlin: No, he's downstairs moving in. He is very nervous.
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't know why.
Cisco: I don't know why, either. He's a superhero. People with powers are ready for anything.
[surprised to see Jesse as he turns around]
Cisco: Ah! Son of a breach!

Dr. Harry Wells: Can you do me a favor and just shut up?

Caitlin: There's a massive spike in radiation downtown, at Prentice and Rawlins.
Dr. Harry Wells: The driver of the nuclear waste truck. Radiation signature's already at 3,000 rads and climbing. We need to stop this guy before it hits 10,000.
Caitlin: What happens at 10,000 rads?
Cisco: Hiroshima.

Caitlin: Looks like Axel was born nine months after Zoey was last seen. I bet she left to help take care of her son.
Iris: And she came back to bust him out of prison, and pick up where she left off.
Joe: Well, I'm digging into CCPD files to see if she had any other known associates.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'll set the satellite to do a search grid.

Dr. Harry Wells: Rip Van Ramon awakens.
Cisco: This doesn't look like a wedding.
Caitlin: You missed quite a bit, Cisco.
Dr. Harry Wells: All you need to know is that you are locked up in one of your fabulous anti-meta-human cells with the rest of us. We can't escape.
Cisco: Of course we can't. That's what I designed them for, genius.

Barry: You know, it's ironic. I was just saying how much you remind me of the old Wells, and now here we are, just like I did with him, standing on either side of this glass with me asking you why.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm doing what I have to do to save my daughter.
Barry: Yeah, at any cost, right? The cost of Joe's daughter.
Dr. Harry Wells: I told you I would betray you. I told you I would have to choose.
Joe: You chose wrong.
Dr. Harry Wells: Really, did I? Because I just sacrificed my daughter. Because I just sentenced my daughter to death to save your son.
Joe: You want a pat on the back?
Dr. Harry Wells: I want you to send me home. Send me back to Earth-2. Think about it. Zoom wants you to get faster. He wants me to have more speed force in you for when he finally takes it. Send me back, use the implosion reactor to shut down the breach. Shut down all the breaches. Close them all and Zoom will never be able to cross over ever again, and that'll be the end of it.
Barry: What about your daughter?
Dr. Harry Wells: Jesse's my battle to fight, not yours.

Dr. Harry Wells: Trickster and Prank were responsible for a series of attacks across Central City, including the destruction of the Gadzooka Bubblegum Company.
Cisco: Huh. I always wondered why my favorite gum suddenly disappeared in the '90s.
Dr. Harry Wells: We have it on my Earth.
Cisco: [with a scoff] You do not.
Dr. Harry Wells: I just said we do.
Cisco: You do not.
Dr. Harry Wells: *We* do.

Dr. Harry Wells: You're the one that said DeVoe planned all this just like Thawne in order to stop Barry. And you said that DeVoe became the Thinker the same night you became the Flash, and so I hacked into security footage of that night to see how he did it.
[showing them the footage]
Dr. Harry Wells: This is why he's so smart. DeVoe boosted his intelligence with neurochemical engineering powered by the dark energy from the particle accelerator explosion. And if we build our own, we can do the exact same.
Barry: Wait. You wanna blast your brain with ten billion joules of dark energy?
Dr. Harry Wells: I've harnessed energy from the particle accelerator explosion before, and I can do it again.
Caitlin: Yeah, but Harry, re-engineering your brain's neurochemistry, that's...
Dr. Harry Wells: DeVoe did it. So can I. How many more metas have to die before we finally stop DeVoe?

Cisco: So how do we know this is safe?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, define "safe."
Cisco: "Safe" as in "my brain's not gonna melt."
Dr. Harry Wells: No. It's a simple feedback loop, Ramon, all right? When you vibe on Barry, your brain waves send me the necessary data to pinpoint whatever dimensional pocket or corner of the universe that Barry is stuck in, and then we electrically stimulate your prefrontal cortex while opening a breach, which gives you physical access to Barry and lets you be the beacon to guide him home. Simple feedback loop.
Cisco: I'm sorry, did you say "electrically stimulate?"
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, do you want to bring Barry back or not?

Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, remind me again... what's-what's... what's another word for "huge"?
Cisco: Colossal.
Dr. Harry Wells: Colossal. Great, thank you. This... was a colossal waste of time!

Cisco: Every time we try to do something right, it goes horribly wrong.
Wally: We're cursed.
Iris: Maybe we should burn some sage.
Barry: Guys, we're not cursed.
Dr. Harry Wells: You're not cursed. You should be cursed at.
Cisco: Okay, why should we be cursed at?
Dr. Harry Wells: You should be cursed at because you opened the Speed Force without consulting me.
Barry: Okay, I don't think we need to rehash...
Cisco: All right. Okay, I did consult you, and you're the one who gave me the calculations in the first place.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, I told you not to use them without consulting me. I said "Ramon, don't use the calculations without consulting me."
Barry: Guys.
Cisco: Yeah, yeah, I heard you. I didn't see the need for that.
Dr. Harry Wells: And that's why you should be cursed at.

Bartholomew: We're going up there?
Killer: That's where Zoom's lair is.
Dr. Harry Wells: A place only a speedster could get to.
Cisco: It's like the Cliffs of Insanity. So how do we get up there?
Killer: I can make you something to climb on, darling.
Bartholomew: Are you serious? You want us to - what, just climb to the top of those cliffs - on ice?
Killer: Got any better ideas?
Bartholomew: No, ma'am, I'm just, you know, I - I've got - you know, I'm wearing wingtips here. They, um, they don't have much tread.

Cisco: Hey, how about you hook me up with some of that gum?
Dr. Harry Wells: Why don't you breach yourself?
Cisco: That sounds like an insult.
Dr. Harry Wells: Kind of was.

Dr. Harry Wells: If Thawne figures out that it's you, the timeline will be altered, people can die. Others could live, and no one will know who or what will be affected, but I promise you, when you come back things will be different. And only you will know what those differences are.

Barry: [finding Zoom's transmitter isn't where it should be] Come on...
[hearing a plasma gun charge, he turns to find Harry behind him]
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, you change quickly.
Barry: What?
Dr. Harry Wells: Out of your suit.
Barry: [playing along] Yeah, no, I... yeah, it was... just too weird being in it without my speed.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's your own damn fault, isn't it?
Barry: I guess so.
Dr. Harry Wells: I know so.

Barry: [takes off tachyon device] Hey, uh, do we think that, um, we can get this thing smaller? It kind of sucks.
Dr. Harry Wells: If it sucks, then, yeah.

H.R. Wells: I just forgot how handsome you were.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, I forgot. He's - you're still here.
H.R. Wells: Yeah. Still here.
Dr. Harry Wells: I guess we have your tactical and technical genius to thank for getting us out of that fix.
H.R. Wells: No, no, nah.
Dr. Harry Wells: Nah?
Cisco: Nah. You were completely right about him. He's a total fraud. He's not even a scientist. And I'm sure you couldn't even remember an ATM code if you tried.
H.R. Wells: All those - all those numbers.
Dr. Harry Wells: It's only four digits. Why is he still here?
Cisco: Because we couldn't do it without him.
H.R. Wells: I thank you, Francisco.
Dr. Harry Wells: Fran- Francisco?

Dr. Harry Wells: I said I would help you get faster. I did not say I would help you give the man who kidnapped my daughter and tortured her a chance to do it again.
Caitlin: Hey, we are not gonna let that happen.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, you're not gonna let that happen. Gosh, I wish I'd known THAT the first time.

Dr. Harry Wells: You cannot reason with someone under Zoom's influence, and now a man is dead because of you, Garrick. This whole thing is because of you. He doubts himself because of you, but believe me, Barry can do what you could not. Barry can stop Zoom.
Jay: I spent two years hunting Zoom.
Dr. Harry Wells: Wrong! Zoom hunted you! You spent the last two years of your life running, running, running from Zoom.
Jay: Zoom would have killed me just like he will kill Barry if you lead him down this path!
Dr. Harry Wells: No, because he is not like you. Barry runs towards danger, not from it, because Barry's not a coward.

Dr. Harry Wells: Sore's better than dead.

Dr. Harry Wells: Welcome to Earth-2.

Barry: [happily working with Dr. Wells] You know, this feels like old times.
Dr. Harry Wells: [curtly] Okay.
Barry: Yeah, I mean, I know, obviously, this is our first time working together, but I am learning a lot from you. The last Wells was a real mentor. He believed that I could do anything. Made me believe it.
Dr. Harry Wells: [sighs] 'Kay.
Barry: He opened up whole new worlds to me. Guess he really was like another father, almost.
Dr. Harry Wells: [chucks an eraser angrily at Barry's head] Stop it, all right?
Barry: What?
Dr. Harry Wells: I did not ask for your help, okay? I certainly did not ask to be your mentor!
Barry: Okay. Relax. I was just talkin' about...
Dr. Harry Wells: You know what? I have a kid already. I don't need another one, so scram. Let me finish this by myself.

Dr. Harry Wells: Have you had any luck locating my daughter?
Joe: Not yet, but I circulated her picture through every department in the region, and I reached out to some friends in Keystone.
Dr. Harry Wells: She's smart. She's gonna know how to stay hidden. She's...
Joe: We'll find her.

Dr. Harry Wells: Hey, listen to me. Thawne knows about you. Right here, right now. This is where he learns about you, all of you. It's how he knows about S.T.A.R. Labs, how he knows about me; the Harrison Wells from this Earth. And there is nothing I can do about it. There's nothing you can do about it. This is his origin story, and it's going to happen no matter what you do. But right here, right now... you can send him back to his time. You can save your friend. You can save Cisco and then move on with your life.
Joe: This could be a good thing. You can finally let go of him.
The: I could throw him three centuries from now. He'll always be a part of me.

Sylbert: I'm gonna shrink you down to the subatomic level, boy.
Dr. Harry Wells: Is that right? I'd like to see you try.

Ralph: Gentlemen, I have arrived.
Cisco: Ralph.
Dr. Harry Wells: Dibny.
Barry: Wasn't expecting you.
Ralph: You said, see you later. I assumed this was a superhero hangout and this was a test for my highly attuned detective abilities, which, for the record, nailed it.
Cisco: Okay, or...
Dr. Harry Wells: You weren't invited.

Dr. Harry Wells: Coffee didn't go well, I take it?
Cisco: Well, Gypsy's dad wants to hunt me for twenty-four hours to see if I'm worthy of his daughter - no powers - so, don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do about that.
Dr. Harry Wells: Fight back.
Cisco: I swear, it's like you're trying to listen, but you just nod while you're thinking of something else. You're doing it right now.

[last lines]
Gideon: Good evening, Dr. Wells. It's been 1,078 days since we last spoke. How can I be of service?
Dr. Harry Wells: Hello, Gideon. A lot has changed since then.

Dr. Harry Wells: Rundine... 15 years ago, did you rob a Mercury Labs warehouse?
Joe: Give us your confession now, and I guarantee you the D.A. will cut you a deal.
Sylbert: Mercury Labs... That's the one that Ratchet got fingered for. I laughed so hard when that guy got arrested. You want a confession? Find a priest. I'd rather rot.

Joe: Hey, guys, any lucky finding Trickster?
Cisco: Joe, geo-tracking is an art form. It takes precision, it takes finesse, it takes grace.
Dr. Harry Wells: It requires none of those things. It's simply the fact that he's not a metahuman. Regular humans are harder to track.
Cisco: Is there anything you can't suck the fun out of?
Dr. Harry Wells: Leaf peeping.

Dr. Harry Wells: Guys, if this meta can cause these levels of radiation in these patients, that means this meta has a similar makeup to a nuclear bomb.
Cisco: So, like, enough to blow us all up? What are we talking here?
Caitlin: The fallout from a nuclear explosion could be catastrophic.
Dr. Harry Wells: Exactly.
Cisco: Fallout.
Dr. Harry Wells: Great name.
Cisco: Terrible power.

Barry: How are we doing with the speed-dampener?
Caitlin: I think we isolated the composite.
Cisco: And we're modifying the dart The Arrow used to take down Wells.
Dr. Harrison Wells: He's not Wells. I'm Wells.
Cisco: Whatever, Harry.

Dr. Harry Wells: Your husband tells us you've been tracking Zoom.
Iris: Yeah. I've been trying to. Why?
Cisco: We need to find his lair.
Dr. Harry Wells: Lair?
Cisco: He's a bad guy; I'm calling it a lair.

Dr. Harry Wells: All I'm saying is, set a trap, okay? Beat him at his own game. Set a trap.
Cisco: Set a trap.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's right, a trap.
Cisco: A trap, I can do. 'Cause he may be the Predator, but I'm the Schwarzenegger.

Ralph: You know, Cisco, a gift came for you through one of those death holes that you call a breach.
Cisco: Oh, well. Looks like Gypsy came through, I guess.
Dr. Harry Wells: Um...
Cisco: Wait. This is a break-up cube.
Caitlin: I thought things were going so well with you and Gypsy.
Cisco: That makes two of us.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, that's not a break-up cube. You should open that when you're alone.
Cisco: No, no, no. If she's gonna break up with me, I wanna hear why.
Dr. Harry Wells: No, Ramon, I... I wouldn't open...
Gypsy: [Cisco turns the cube on; a hologram of Gypsy wearing a sexy Santa suit appears] Cisco, somebody told me you've been a very naughty boy this year. Why don't you come over and jingle my bells, huh?
Cisco: Sweet baby Jesus.
Dr. Harry Wells: Told you, not a break-up cube.
Gypsy: And I promise, it's not gonna be a silent night.
Dr. Harry Wells: [Cisco tries to turn it off] Use the same button to...
Cisco: [turning it off, embarassed] Joe, do you mind if I...?
Joe: Take that to your house.

Cisco: Okay, let's say this somehow works. Just 'cause they can solve a riddle doesn't mean they're a right fit for the team.
Dr. Harry Wells: A riddle? Did you say riddle?
Cisco: Yeah.
Dr. Harry Wells: How dare you, sir. This is not a riddle. This is a complex algorithmic cryptogram designed to test a deductive reasoning, IQ, problem-solving skills, anything that our team will need to combat threats, meta-human or otherwise.
Caitlin: Okay, so you're just sending out an intergalactic IQ test to all your doppelgangers in the multiverse.
Dr. Harry Wells: Not just a test. Think of it as an invitation. Think of it as an elaborate "help wanted" ad.
Cisco: Will it test their attitudes, too? 'Cause I'm not sure I can stomach another Wells with your bedside manner.
Dr. Harry Wells: I care for you too, you jack wagon.

Cisco: The program completed. It should have worked. Hey, Harry. Harry?
Dr. Harry Wells: Don't worry. You have been and will always be... my friend.
Cisco: Khan.
Cisco: Kill them.
[Cisco and Harry embrace in a hug]
Cisco: Oh, my God.
Iris: "Star Wars."
[Barry shakes his head "no"]

Joe: Joe West.
Breacher: A fellow law man. You, I can respect.
Cisco: And Harry Wells back there.
Breacher: You look like someone I once sent my daughter to kill.
Dr. Harry Wells: I get that a lot.

[Barry and Cisco take a selfie as they enter Earth-2]
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon.
Cisco: What?
Dr. Harry Wells: Not a sightseeing tour.
Cisco: Speak for yourself. We want our grandkids to know we did cool stuff.

Dr. Harry Wells: Like I said, we need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Barry: Your what?
Dr. Harry Wells: My friends.
Barry: Is he saying "friends"?
Caitlin: I think he's being sarcastic.
Cisco: No, no, no. This is delirium. He's cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Harry, all of your friends are in this room.
Dr. Harry Wells: I have other friends. You asked me to make new friends. I made new friends. It was a task. I complete tasks.
Caitlin: That's so great. I can't wait to meet them.
Cisco: Harry, you listened to me. I'm so proud of you.

Cisco: [after one of his vibes] Are you telling me I can see the future?
Dr. Harry Wells: That's exactly what I'm telling you.
Cisco: Those goggles are getting named immediately.

Barry: There's something I need to tell you. I confronted DeVoe.
Joe: Oh, come on, Barry. He could get you arrested!
Barry: No, he won't. He wanted me to come.
Caitlin: How do you know?
Barry: Well, for starters, he knows I'm the Flash.
Caitlin: So you were right all along.
Cisco: We didn't believe you.
Joe: I'm sorry.
Barry: Don't be. DeVoe's been playing all of us.
Dr. Harry Wells: How?
Barry: It's his powers. He has an intelligence beyond anything we could've imagined. He's orchestrated everything that we've encountered. He's moved us like chess pieces in a game we didn't even know we were playing.
Iris: How do we stop someone who has super intelligence?
Cisco: We're pretty smart.
Dr. Harry Wells: Maybe we're not.

Cisco: Still no word from the courthouse.
Caitlin: That's good news, right? No news is good news?
Dr. Harry Wells: No, good news is good news. No news is miscommunication.

Dr. Harry Wells: [about Zoom] Did he follow you here?
Cisco: I've seen Heat like fifty times, okay? I know how to shake a tail.

Dr. Harry Wells: I know you well enough to know that something's on your mind. What is it?
Caitlin: It's... Killer Frost.
Dr. Harry Wells: What about Killer Frost?
Caitlin: I don't know anything that she says or does. It's scary and alarming to have this person that you know nothing about living inside of you. But for the first time, I remember what she did.
Dr. Harry Wells: What do you remember?
Caitlin: Barry taking her into Flashtime, trying to freeze the bomb...
Dr. Harry Wells: Mm-hmm.
Caitlin: And... Killer Frost being... worried.
Dr. Harry Wells: Worried about... what? About dying?
Caitlin: About me.

Jay: Never understood why you do anything, Harrison.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's fine with me, Garrick.

Dr. Harry Wells: Things are a little complicated on Earth-2.
Cisco: Oh. Everything okay with Jesse?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes. I mean, yes. If you must know, I spent the summer assembling a support staff for her, so...
Cisco: Oh, like a Team Quick?
Dr. Harry Wells: No.
Cisco: Team Jesse.
Dr. Harry Wells: No.
Cisco: Jesse and the Quicksters.
Dr. Harry Wells: They're not called that.
Cisco: Well, they should be. That sounds like an awesome team.

Ralph: Gentlemen, I welcome you to the Golden Booty.
Joe: There ain't nothing golden about any of this.
Dr. Harry Wells: Nope.
Ralph: [to Barry] Came through for you. Right, man? What do you think?
Cisco: I think I should've brought some hand sanitizer.
Dr. Harry Wells: [squeezing some into his hands, then giving some to Cisco] Always come prepared.

Caitlin: He's cute. For a criminal.
Barry: Well, he's more than just a criminal now. Apparently, he's a meta who can travel through mirrors.
Cisco: Oh, oh, I got this one. He's, uh...
Dr. Harry Wells: Mirror Master.
Cisco: What the...
Dr. Harry Wells: Boom.
Barry: That's good.
Dr. Harry Wells: Thank you, we had a Mirror Master on our Earth, Evan McCulloch. Wasn't a meta, though. He had some kind of mirror gun that he used.

Dr. Harry Wells: All right, I'll neutralize it. You two guys, get the hostages out. Oh, we need the ice queen.
Caitlin: That's not how it works. I can't just...
Dr. Harry Wells,63773: LEXY LAROCHE!
[Caitlin begins to transform into Killer Frost]
Cisco: [explaining to Iris] Childhood bully. Lot of repressed anger.
[to Caitlin]
Cisco: Let's go!

Jesse: What's this?
Dr. Harry Wells: That is a, uh, mental activity dampener. It's for D.A. Cecile Horton. It keeps her from hearing other people's thoughts.
Jesse: Kinda clunky.
Dr. Harry Wells: [with a laugh] That's what she said. Literally, that's what she said. The second version's more streamlined.

Clifford: Good evening, Detective West. Something tells me you're not here for more of my wife's world-famous lemonade.
Joe: Where's my son?
Clifford: Mr. Allen, has he gone missing?
Joe: He's not missing. He was taken. By someone I am eager to meet.
Clifford: Thinly veiled threats aside, Mr. West, I'm afraid I have not a clue as to Barry Allen's location. I do know, however, that your colleague is located behind my front porch carrying an ionic sub-repeating pulse firearm.
[he laughs as Harry enters with said weapon]
Clifford: The bird bath has a much better vantage point. A smart man would have taken up position there.
Dr. Harry Wells: A smarter man would understand that this gun has no safety, and my finger is still on the trigger.

Barry: How is it we live together, work together, sleep in the same bed together, but it still feels like we don't spend any real time as husband and wife?
Dr. Harry Wells: [calling on the intercom] Allen, West-Allen, Cortex, now!
Iris: I have no idea.

Barry: What are you looking for?
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm looking for... I'm looking for anything to help me find my daughter, all right? Just...
[clattering his plasma gun around]
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't have my daughter. You don't have your speed. Zoom has Caitlin, and this whole thing... this whole thing is going to hell in a handbasket.
Barry: [seeing he's about to smash the transmitter] No, wait! Wait, wait. Her frequency.
Dr. Harry Wells: What?
Barry: Jesse's frequency. People from Earth-2 vibrate at a different frequency. Maybe you can track her that way.
Dr. Harry Wells: [forcefully handing back the transmitter as he leaves] Figure out a way to find Snow.

Dr. Harry Wells: Go ahead. Kill me. But... my daughter... is innocent. Please... Let... Jesse... live... Go on. Say something!
Zoom: Merry Christmas.

Dr. Tina McGee: There may be one more possibility. A few months ago, I saw Harrison Wells running out of my facility. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm certain it was him. Is there any way he could have anything do to with this?
Dr. Harry Wells: A few months ago? Sure. Now? No.
Barry: Yeah, there was a few more things that we could catch you on, Dr. McGee.

Dr. Harry Wells: You know what? In battle, choose your weapon wisely. All right? Some people choose a gun. I choose a Phillips-head screwdriver.
Cisco: Oh, oh, I'm sorry. You're so particular.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, can you just please... Have you ever worked with a tool before?
Cisco: I'm working with one now.
Dr. Harry Wells: Are you ready? One... two... and...
Jay: [the lock on his iron mask clicks open and Wells takes the mask off] Ugh. I don't know which is more annoying, being in that thing or listening to you two arguing about it.

Joe: Is there any other way out of here?
Dr. Harry Wells: No, the breach room was designed to be sealed off.
Iris: All right, look, if it's me that he wants, I'll just lead him away.
Joe: No, you won't. You'll never even make it past that door. If he came back from the dead and still wants you, what makes you think he's gonna let you go now?

Cisco: What is that?
Dr. Harry Wells: This is an intelligence booster. You put this thing on Dibny here, and even he would be able to understand the point source construction. You put it on a real genius, I'll finally be able to outthink the Thinker.
Cisco: You know what, I'm not sure this thinking cap is the best idea you've ever had.
Dr. Harry Wells: It's an intelligence booster.
Cisco: It looks like a thinking cap.

Dr. Harry Wells: So, I was talking to Charity - not her real name - she tells me the dancers here make more in a month than an average teacher...
Ralph: Blah, blah, blah. Less talky, more dancy.

Cisco: It's like your junk has been burned into my brain.
Dr. Harry Wells: You're welcome.

[last lines]
Dark: The Kryptonian was stronger than we anticipated.
Overgirl: Next time, she won't be so lucky.
Dark: [zooming in] What did you do? *What did you do*? You were supposed to wait until we were ready before you attacked!
Dark: Opportunity knocked in the form of a wedding. We answered.
Dark: Oh, opportunity knocked and you answered. Well, now, because of your recklessness, we have lost Prometheus!
Overgirl: [diffusing a fight before it starts] Boys, boys, boys. Don't fight. You need to save your power and your anger for those heroes. We will have another chance to achieve victory. And when we do, we will kill every last one of them.

Joe: [given an EMF gun] How do you use this?
Dr. Harry Wells: All right, so you aim it, and then you pull the trigger.
Joe: Smart-ass.

Cisco: Okay, I'm gonna say it. Um, we don't think he's being just a little too...
Iris: Overconfident?
Cisco: Yeah.
Iris: Yeah, maybe it was his time in the Speed Force. I mean, he's acting like he's invincible now or something.
Henry: Yeah, like nothing fazes him anymore, which isn't...
Dr. Harry Wells: Realistic, no. Somebody needs to talk to him before letting his guard down gets him hurt or worse.

Dr. Harry Wells: Satellite is tracking temperature at the same intensity as the bank robbery, so...
Caitlin: That's him.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Ralph: So who's that?
Cisco: Matthew Kim.
Dr. Harry Wells: Kim's gonna try and steal his powers.
Cisco: All right, let's go.
Iris: [entering] No. You guys are on point. I can do this.
Barry: You sure about this?
Iris: I have to, Barry.
Barry: All right, but remember, he can't touch you. Or he'll take your powers away, too.
Iris: Right.
Caitlin: Also, I'm not sure my clothes are gonna work this time.
Cisco: I have a fix for that. It's the best I could do on such short notice.
Iris: Thanks, Cisco.
[she changes at superspeed, leaving her civilian clothes behind]
Cisco: [insulted] I got hangers.

Cisco: What did you do to my bazooka?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, I turned your bazooka into an embiggening bazooka, with the help of the dwarfstar alloy we stole from Rundine's apartment, and improving upon Ray Palmer's amateurish schematics, presto chango, embiggening bazooka.

Dr. Harrison Wells: So to reach escape velocity, you're gonna have to go... that fast.
Barry: Well, that fast is impossible. I can promise you that.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Uh-uh, uh-uh, "Nothing in life is promised except death."
Barry: Edgar Allan Poe?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Kanye West.

Caitlin: We can't use that serum on Barry.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's up to him, isn't it? Barry wants to stop Zoom; this is what he needs.
Caitlin: Jay said it could hurt Barry.
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, Jay's a coward.
Caitlin: Jay's a scientist who knows a lot about speedsters.
Dr. Harry Wells: You're a scientist, Snow. You've been watching Barry. You know he's nowhere near fast as he needs to be. This other mentor, this other Harrison Wells, did not want him to reach his full potential - I do.
Caitlin: You know, you're really starting to sound a lot like him.

Cisco: Wait.
Dr. Harry Wells: What?
Cisco: Weren't there three of you?
H. Lothario Wells: [reappears with his pants down] Thanks for the merry-go-round, sweetheart. You know what I mean.
H. Lothario Wells: [to Cisco and Harry] Oh, sorry. I had to take care of some off-camera business.
Cisco: [sees that Lothario is naked from the bottom] Oh, my God!
H. Lothario Wells: What? What?
Harrison: I can see your frank and beans.
H. Lothario Wells: Come on now. I do my best thinking commando. Plus, it ain't like we all haven't seen it before.
Cisco: I haven't seen it!
H. Lothario Wells: Ah, you Earth folk. You guys are so uptight.