Top 30 Quotes From Jon Cor

The: You'll pay!
Paulo: Yeah? What are you gonna do? Unsexy break dance me to death?

Sentinel: It's a paralysis ray. No speed for a couple seconds, Allen.
Reverse: Why are you doing this?
Batwoman: So I can do this.
[she leaps in attack, and they take him down together]
Sentinel: That was for Ray and for Nate.
Batwoman: And that was for Sara.
Allegra: And this...
[blasting him with her powers]
Allegra: for Cisco.
[Barry zoops away, taking Iris with him]
Mark: [coming in with Frost moments later] So sorry, Allegra. But we did put a tie on the door.
Frost: What did we miss?

Mark: There's a new meta in town. He's got a thing for experimental tech. Keeps it all at the old Wieringo complex off Route 119. If he's the guy, you're gonna find him there.
Frost: What's that gonna cost me?
Mark: How about a second visit? Just ask for Mark.

Mark: Grief is a necessary part of life, and you are very much alive.

Goldface: Hang on, didn't you knock over my operation in 2016?
Mark: Operation? Please, the place looked like a farmers market.
Barry: Can we settle this later?
Jaco: Yeah. You listen to the man, all right? This is a serious mission. We're gonna save lives today.
Goldface: Aren't you the fool that opened up an active volcano underneath Central City?
Mark: Oh, yeah, right after he killed my favorite bartender.
Jaco: I was cleared of those charges. You're not the smartest guy in the room.
Hartley: Exactly. I am. So if I could have everyone's attention, the plan...
Jaco: Your bar plays terrible music! Disco is dead, dude.

[Chester and Allegra are seen kissing]
Cecile: Ooh, I am glad that Jenna is upstairs asleep.
Mark: Yeah.
Barry: When did this happen?
Iris: I think a better question is: what took so long?

Mark: That was fast.
Frost: So, Mark... give me one good reason why I shouldn't live up to my name.
Mark: Well, because Caitlin wouldn't like it.

Barry: I know how to honor Frost's memory. But right now, it seems impossible.
Mark: What's impossible for the Flash?

Mark: To think, you have so much strength, so much power, but so little imagination. I guess that just means I'm a better meta than you.
Frost: Actually, Chillblaine...
[stabs the ice dagger through herself and Chillblaine]
Frost: You're not a meta at all. There's one thing your bracelets can't copy. Ice healing.

Khione: Did you know that in Utah, there are these rock formations where gorgeous wildflowers grow inside certain canyon walls?
Mark: What does that have to do with Frost?
Khione: These canyons were eroded over centuries of time by a river that's no longer there. And it left behind this beautiful life so we could all enjoy these beautiful blossoms. Mark, there is more of Frost left behind in you than there ever was in me. I know she's gone, but those memories, they're still there, and they are a beautiful part of what's inside of you. And if you let them, they'll just keep blossoming. Just like those wildflowers.

Mark: You boys really know how to throw a "welcome home" party.
Thug: Yeah, well, the only rats welcomed here are the ones in the kitchen.

Chester P. Runk: So what's so amazing?
Mark: Sorry, I must have fallen asleep on monitor duty. It won't happen again.
Khione: Were you dreaming?
Mark: No. I mean, yes. Why? Maybe.
Khione: Were you professing your love to someone in your sleep?
Mark: No. No, who does that? I'm almost embarrassed.
Khione: By your secret crush and the love you feel for them?
Mark: By my not-so-secret love of bourbon, which is why I fell asleep on monitor duty.
Chester P. Runk: Okay, party person.

Mark: Man, you kids on Team Flash do some crazy stuff.

Cecile: Wow. I just hit by a huge wave of terror.
[Speed Force Nora appears]
Khione: Nora? What's wrong?
Speed: The Negative Speed Force. It's cloaked Barry with its own dark energy.
Chester P. Runk: The cobalt radiation. We found it in the loft when Barry disappeared.
Speed: And not it's causing him to bounce across time. A briefly sensed him through the radiation. I'm not sure how long it will take him to get there, but he's heading toward 2049.
Khione: First he was taken to the past, then forced to the present...
Mark: And now he's going to the future.
Speed: And so is the crystal. It'll chose another victim and attack Barry...
[fades in and out]
Speed: I can't help him anymore. Only you can.
Cecile: How?
Speed: You have to find a way. If Barry dies and the Speed Force is extinguished, then this timeline and everything in it will be erased forever.

Mark: All right, I know that you're angry, 'cause I know all about you and you know nothing about me. So go ahead. Ask away.
Frost: How did you know?
Mark: Oh, that you and Caitlin were related? I'm an observant guy; sue me. In studying you, I also traced your movements. Every fight, every battle.
Frost: Stalk much?
Mark: Honestly, finding out that you and Caitlin seem to come and go interchangeably was... well, let's call it more of a happy accident. Did come in handy, though.
Frost: So you could frame us? That's why you sent me to that empty warehouse, which wasn't really empty, was it?
Mark: Very good. See, I already had the chip. I just needed one final thing: a neurogenic scan of you to perfectly replicate your powers.
Frost: Neurogenic? That's quite a fancy word for a thief.
Mark: Uh, yeah, maybe because I'm not a thief. I simply took back what was mine.
Frost: The microchip? You built it. So you worked at Ivo Labs.
Mark: I'm a cryo-geneticist. The best.
Frost: Oh. Let me guess, your former employers didn't agree?
Mark: Well, they said that the... experiments I was conducting were... inhuman. So they got a warrant to put me in a cozy Iron Heights cell for the rest of my life. Unlike you, I've been smart enough to avoid capture. I'd rather die than end up in some warm prison.

Barry: How long were you in there?
Mark: I was hoping you could tell me. Hey, do you mind telling the contractors to knock off all the hammering or whatever that is?
Barry: [referring to the monitor screen] Uh, that's... not construction.
Mark: Oh, great. Guess I overdid it with the bourbon... And the tequila... and the Vodka.

Hellfrost: This has to work.
Mark: Hey, master cryo-geneticist over here, not just a pretty face. Trust me.
Hellfrost: That's cause I'm not just Frost. I'm Hellfrost.

Allegra: Nope. I can't believe that Eddie Thawne is the avatar of the Negative Speed Force.
Cecile: Yes. That's the reason the crystal has been attacking us across time.
Khione: It was charging with power.
Mark: Sounds to me we could use the Flash right about now.
The: [over comms] Guys, can you hear me?
Cecile: Barry! Oh, thank God you got out of there. I'm on my way to the hospital.
The: Any sign of damage to the timeline?
Chester P. Runk: No temporal fractal yet, boss.
The: It's already started in 2049. If it spreads here...
Khione: It'll threaten our entire existence.

The: Chillblaine... what are you still doing with these guys?
Mark: My job.
The: No. You're gonna build the Red Death's cosmic treadmill for him?
Fiddler: Him? Somebody needs to catch up.
The: That machine can tap into forces beyond anyone's control. If she uses it, it could damage the whole timeline, destroy countless lives.
Red: [whooshes in] What a pity that would be.

Mark: You, Caitlin, and whoever else is part of your S.T.A.R. Labs posse think you get to just sit up here in your ivory tower judging who's good and who's bad. But guess what? Life isn't binary. It's everything in between. Now, you don't trust me? That's fine. But you cannot decide who someone's gonna be today based on what they did yesterday. And you should know that better than anybody else... Killer Frost.

Damien: Frosty, Chill-lame. Yeah, I'm a little bit busy. But you do realize my abilities give me the power to draw and quarter with a gesture, right?
Chillblaine: [he tries to use his powers, but nothing happens] Mm, not for the next 24 hours, you don't.
Frost: Our friend John gave us a badass protection spell.
Damien: Constantine, I hate that guy.
Chillblaine: Yeah, well, too bad. Looks like we get to kick this guy's ass all night.
Frost: Won't even take that long.
Damien: Really? Let's see how that goes.

Mark: When I was nine, I went ice skating up on Central Lake. It was Christmas, so the ice... should have been thick enough, but I fell through. I was submerged, body and soul, for over 15 minutes. And at first, the cold was terrifying, but then after twenty seconds or so, you know, it got warm... hot, even. And then I died.
Frost: And the paramedics saved you, and now you're obsessed with refrigerators, I get it.
Mark: No, you don't. The ice, it holds the power of life and death. A power all too clearly wasted on you, Killer Frost. Oh, I've watched you for years, admiring your abilities, wondering what I could do with them. All I needed was for Ivo to move my microchip out of deep freeze, so that I could steal it back again, and then combine it with that pesky scan of you. And now... I'm as powerful as you are.
Frost: Bring it on, Mark, if that even is your real name.
Mark: Oh, Mark Blaine. Yeah, that was my name. But you can call me...
[conjuring metallic gauntlets]
Mark: ...Chillblaine.

Khione: What if I don't have any powers?
Mark: Uh, except you do. I know it because it's the only reason I'm alive. And Khione, I read Gideon's medical analysis of my condition during the coma. I shouldn't even be here. And that beating I took, my inside were a mess. My vitals were-were crashing.
Chester P. Runk: It's true. Mark is lucky to be alive.
Mark: So you see? I was a goner, but then you kissed me.
Chester P. Runk: Say what?
Mark: And my biometrics regulated, I woke up. It-it was a miracle. But not the cosmic karma kind. It was you, Khione. And so that means you must have some of meta-abilities.
Khione: I just don't feel like I do.
Chester P. Runk: Actually, uh, you having meta-powers is the only scientific explanation for what happened, which is why I think it's worth investigating.

Mark: Well, you guys want to rob a tech facility or something? Might quiet the voices.
Chester P. Runk: This man needs Vibeaccinos. Lots of them. I can run to Jitters.
Allegra: And leave me here with Chillbooze? No way.
Chester P. Runk: You know, you can't just shoot down my ideas without offering another.
Allegra: Fine. Let's get some food in him. Do they serve fries here or something?
Chester P. Runk: They must. Ketchup bottle. See? Mustard bottle. Ooh, look. No hummus bottle. Case closed.
Allegra: It's a condiment.
Chester P. Runk: It's a dip.
Allegra: You're a dip.
Chester P. Runk: Well, call me hummus then.
Allegra: Ugh, you are impossible.
Chester P. Runk: I can't believe you.
Mark: [yells] Hey!
Chester P. Runk,63776: What?
Mark: You two are really killing my party's vibes. All right? Besides, you're not even fighting. You're just doin' what friends do, baby. Helping each other to see the world in your own unique way. It's what Frost did for me. She shared her real self with me. Only I was too dumb to share me with her, and now it is too late. But I'm glad I got see things her way.

Mark: It's time for you to give me what I want.
Fiddler: Mm...
Mark: All right, fine. Guess I'll take this little puppy over to the Flash, then.
Red: That would be a mistake.
Mark: Then give me what you said you would, a way to bring Frost back.
Red: After my mission is complete.
Mark: That wasn't the deal.
Red: It is now.
Mark: How am I supposed to trust you, huh? I mean, we don't even know who you are underneath that mask.
Red: I will tell you who I am.
[takes off the cowl revealing a woman]
Red: I am vengeance.

Chester P. Runk: Kione's genetic code is missing 55 of 56 common biometric signatures.
Khione: Oh, I don't know what that means.
Mark: It means you're not a meta like Frost.
Chester P. Runk: But you're not human like Caitlin, either.
Khione: Wow. Then... what am I?

Mark: It is okay if you're into me.
Frost: For the last time, I am not into you.
Mark: Then why don't you stop staring at my six-pack?

Mark: Despite being hit by enough electricity to kill an entire circus full of elephants, Runk here doesn't have a scratch on him. And I think I know why. Buddy, your blood is generating Hawking radiation at a molecular level.
Chester P. Runk: But that's the some kind of energy that you find inside of black holes.
Mark: So I think that back in the day, when your consciousness bonded with that black hole, some of the cosmic energy bonded right back with you.
Chester P. Runk: Okay are you saying that I have black hole powers? Like I'm a meta?
Chester P. Runk: Technically, your genes do contain a Consciousness-Honed Universally Neutralized Kerr anomaly.
Chester P. Runk: Hold on. I'm a C-H-U-N-K? I'm a CHUNK, baby! I'm a CHUNK! Oh, dazzling Dwanye McDuffie. Wait, does this mean I'm gonna be a superhero now?

Frost: Something was taken from Ivo Labs this morning. Do you know anything about that?
Mark: No, but I do know a bit about... science.
[mixing a drink]
Mark: If you take a hydrometer to a bottle of Plymouth gin, you'll find that it has a specific gravity, 0.94, which means a liqueur like, say, creme de noyaux here, will sink right... to the bottom. Ergo, the secret to the smoothest cocktail... is density.
Frost: [taking a sip] That is... not bad.
Mark: The famous Killer Frost likes my work. I'll call the Citizen.
Frost: It's just Frost now.
Mark: Oh.
Frost: Turn that up.
Kristen: [on TV at a press conference] So in light of the violence at Ivo Labs this morning, the Central City Police Department is offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the meta criminal known as Killer Frost. If you have any knowledge on the whereabouts of Killer Frost, immediately call the Meta-Human Task Force tip line.
Frost: [seeing the barflies surrounding her] Crap.

Mark: Frost, are you okay? Frost? Who the hell are you?
Caitlin: A friend. I think.