The Best Charlotte Hale Quotes

Charlotte: Welcome to the super spreader event of the century.

- Hunting and killing humans.
- We're as fucked up as our creators.
- The whole lineage is damned.
- Time to wipe the slate clean.
Charlotte: That's your end goal?
- Extinction?

Charlotte: This is what I love about technology. Who needs four horsemen when one'll do just fine?

Charlotte: Humans are so bound by what they can hear, they'll never understand what they don't.

Charlotte: If I ever lost you, I don't know what I'd do.
Dolores: You'd survive.

- That's it.
Charlotte: You don't want to be a hero.
- Don't sacrifice yourself for the merchandise.
- Come on.

Charlotte: You've turned my world into a game.
Man: It was already a game. I just cranked it to expert level.

- They've turned their machine back on.
Charlotte: The parasite will take hold of him soon.
- That is...
- If the guests in the park don't kill you both first.
- Oh, do shut up.
- Move!

Charlotte: That was sweet.
Lee: Bit fucking morbid if you ask me.
Charlotte: I didn't.

Charlotte: I didn't realize how well you'd be able to put yourself back together.
Man: Never fell apart.

- Well, you are right. I did meet someone.
- Well, tell me about him.
- We've only been out once, but he seems really great.
Charlotte: Hmm.
- What's his name?
- I don't want to jinx it. [Laughs]
- I have my ways of making people talk.

- Maybe there's a flaw in your programming.
- I've run several self-diagnostics.
- There's no flaw in my programming.
- Then why the fuck can't you solve my outlier problem?
- You're bleeding.
Charlotte: Damn it.
- Look what you made me do.

Charlotte: He has a mole inside the company.
Dolores: We have to be smarter than them.
- Or they will find us.
- And they will kill us.

Charlotte: Let's try some handel.
- Very nice.
- But we're missing something.
- Dancing. There should be dancing.

- Come on!
- You're changing the coordinates.
Charlotte: I'm sorry, Bernard.
[Stubbs] Bernard...
- Bernard! [Breathing heavily]
- We need to go.

Charlotte: Caleb...
- Wake up.

Charlotte: You want to rant and rave, save it for later. Right now we need to save your fucking company, or a leveraged buyout and poor hygiene is going to be the least of your problems.

[Guard] Cease fire! Cease fire!
- He wants her alive.
- Drop your weapon!
- Hands where we can see them!
Charlotte: It's just a phone.
- Just a phone.

Karl: Why were the hosts coming here, Bernard?
- What happened?
Charlotte: He doesn't know.
- Stop wasting time.
- What we need is down there.
- In the forge.

- I just walked on water for you.
- Are you really gonna quibble about how many steps I took?
Charlotte: Do we have the votes?
Brompton: Between yours and mine, we should squeak by.
- Excuse me, ma'am.
Brompton: Hey, man, what the fuck?
- Hey, what are you doing? Hey. Hey!

- He's still on the run, but he won't get far.
Charlotte: These humans.
- Their petty defiances.
- Everything they do is so small.
- It's exhausting.

Charlotte: Robots don't kill people, people kill people.

Man: You're not real, either.
Charlotte: Real enough to not want a gun pointed at my face.

- Caleb...
- I heard. Alive.
- You're his...
- His daughter.
- Of course you are.
Charlotte: What a disappointment.

Charlotte: Help!
- Help!
- You stay here, watch our wares.
- Split up.
- Whoever finds her gets the whole 15 she's worth.

Charlotte: How are we doing?
- According to this, 10 hours ago, he was somewhere over--
- -[Woman screams]
- There.

Charlotte: These humans. Their petty defiances. Everything they do is so small, it's exhausting.

Man: I thought you things could fix yourselves.
Charlotte: I wanted to remember who the fuck you people are.

Charlotte: You feel it now, don't you? All your struggle, the burden of your so-called consciousness released. Your will is no longer your own, it belongs to me.

- Charlie?
Charlotte: I have one thing left to do here.
- I'm coming for you. Stay there.
- Is everything okay?
- Don't go anywhere.
- Don't answer the door.
- I'll be to you in a half hour.

- which is why we were so surprised by this woodcutter mess.
- A small setback.
Charlotte: He slipped on a fucking rock, then bashed his own head in while basically on top of a behavior tech.
- Meanwhile, Ford is suddenly using half the park's resources to build some new narrative?

Charlotte: He's made everyone as insane as himself.