50 Best Man in Black Quotes

James: What do you think, William? Was this the inevitable end? Are you just a passenger? Did your life just happen to you? Or did you choose it?
Man: If you can't tell... If you can't tell, does it matter? I know what I have to do.

Man: Delos personnel! On the ground!
- On the ground!
[Whispers] Go, go, go.

Man: I thought you things could fix yourselves.
Charlotte: I wanted to remember who the fuck you people are.

Man: That's why I like basic emotions. You know what that means?
Man: It means when you're suffering, that's when you're most real.

- we need an army to get to where we're going.
- Looks like we're about to find one.
Lawrence: Whoever did this is someone I'm strongly disinclined to encounter.
- Yeah, I know.
Man: I'm afraid you are out of luck, my friend.

Man: A shame, really.
- I always enjoy our time together, Lawrence.
- What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
- It means I was wrong.
- The path that brought you here, it wasn't for me.
- It was for him.

- I made you, Bernard.
- It's fitting.
- We're here together in the end.
Man: That's right, Dolores.
- This is the end.
- Nothing else is in the way now.

Man: Ready?
- Thank you so much.
- Morning, cowboy.

Man: Oh yeah, cue the waterworks. About time you realised the futility of your situation.
Dolores: I'm not crying for myself. I'm crying for you. They say that great beasts once roamed this world, as big as mountains, yet all that's left of them is bone and amber. Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures. Just look what it's done to you. One day you will perish. You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt, your dreams forgotten, your horrors faced. Your bones will turn to sand, and upon that sand a new god will walk. One that will never die. Because this world doesn't belong to you, or the people that came before. It belongs to someone who is yet to come.
Man: Wyatt. Take me to him. Unlock the maze.
Dolores: The maze wasn't meant for you.

Man: You were as beautiful as the day he met you.
- Shining with that same light.

- Whoo-wee!
Man: You know what happened to icarus.
- He flew too close to the sun.
- Well, you got too close to her, and now it's your time to fall.
- Look alive.
- This pugnacious son of a bitch never liked to go down without a fight.

- Jesus Christ!
William: We gotta keep looking.
- She's still out there.
Man: William retraced his steps, but you were gone.

Man: I've always been in control.
Grace: What if you're not? What if every choice you've ever made wasn't a choice at all? Just something written in your code?

[In multiple voices] Better cooi them off before they move from gambling and whoring to sins that are more costly to repair.
- What is the matter, Maeve?
- Something in your eye.
Man: Can you fucking kill it?

Man: Choices, Lawrence. You know, you tell yourself you've been at the mercy of mine because it spares you consideration of your own. Because if you did consider your choices you'd be confronted with a truth you could not comprehend - that no choice you ever made was your own. You have always been a prisoner. What if I told you I'm here to set you free?

Man: Culture doesn't survive. Cockroaches do. The second we stopped being cockroaches, the whole species went fucking extinct.

Man: Aw, yeah, cue the waterworks. About time you realized the futility of your situation.
Dolores: I'm not crying for myself. I'm crying for you. They say that great beasts once roamed this world. As big as mountains. Yet all that's left of them is bone and amber. Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures. Just look at what it's done to you. One day you will perish. You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt. Your dreams forgotten, your horrors effaced. Your bones will turn to sand. And upon that sand a new god will walk. One that will never die. Because this world doesn't belong to you or the people who came before. It belongs to someone who has yet to come.

- I'll find you.
- You can run but you can't hide!
- Get her!
Man: Grab her! Grab her!
- Fuck!
Man: Where are you runnin' to?
- Ford: Remember.

- Oh, my god.
- Steady, men.
Man: Hold steady.
- Fire away.

Man: Now Wyatt on the other hand, that's something new. Is he just another stooge for the tourists to mount on their wall at home or have you finally made a worthy adversary? Someone to stop me from finding the center of the Maze?
Dr. Robert Ford: And what is it you're hoping to find there?
Man: [to Teddy Flood] You know why you exist, Teddy? The world out there-the one you'll never see-was one of plenty. A fat soft teat people cling to their entire life. Every need taken care of except one. Purpose. Meaning. So they come here. They can be a little scared, a little thrilled, enjoy some sweetly affirmative bullshit and then they take a fucking picture and they go back home. But I think there's a deeper meaning hiding under all that. Something the person who created it wanted to express. Something true.

- You left him there?
- He's not going anywhere.
- Aux 3, go.
Man: Yes, sir. Copy that.
- Computer: System restored.
Goldberg: Fuck, yeah! We got the map back.

Man: You believe in God, Lawrence? Did Ford saddle you with that particular affliction?
Lawrence: Ain't given the matter much thought one way or the other.
Man: Well, if you did, you'd believe that everything you do's being watched by some all-seeing eye. Every choice, every little indiscretion. And when you die all your sins are tallied up, judgment is rendered.
Lawrence: And my immortal soul gets cast down into some dark place? Always sounded like bullshit to me.
Man: Yeah, in the real world you'd probably be right. Just some fairy tale to convince people to behave, pay their taxes, not take a machete to their neighbors. That's why your world exists. They wanted a place hidden from God. A place they could sin in peace. But we were watching them. We were tallying up all their sins, all their choices. Course, judgment wasn't the point. We had something else in mind entirely.

Man: Fuck you, Robert.

Dolores: Daddy! Daddy!
Dolores: Daddy! No!
[Dolores crying over her father's body while the man in black approaches in silent]
The: Hello again. Your daddy gave it up quickly. Think he's losing his touch.
Dolores: You'll be following right behind him, you son of a bitch.
The: Is that any way to treat an old friend? I've been coming here for 30 years, but you still don't remember me, do you? After all we've been through. They gave you a little more pluck, Dolores. Absolutely charming.

Man: The fuck do you think you're going?
- You!
Man: Let's go, let's go.
- That's him. -help me.
- Help me.

Man: Can you see it?
- It's looming over us. The tower!
- Can you see it? [Whimpers]
- Can you see it?
- Can you see it?

Man: Are you all right?
- Hey, hey. You all right?
- I just got a chill. That's all.
- Let's go back to the fire, you're probably exhausted.

Lawrence: They got my family. My daughter. You told me you had a daughter.
Man: Did I?
Lawrence: I don't know. At some point. You ain't exactly forthcoming, but I remember that much. Point is, you think she'd want to watch you gunned down in front of her?
Man: Probably.

- Don't suppose you have a light?
- No smoking in here.
Man: Normally, I'm sure, but this is the finest tobacco a man can enjoy.
- Hand-rolled on the ample thighs of exotic women.
- Perhaps you'd like to try one yourself.

Hugo: If you invest yours with us, it will be written in stone. Forever.
Man: Forever... in my experience is a little bit longer than most people expect.

Major: [to Man in Black] I've known men like you. All the death makes you agitated. Don't worry. Me and death, we go way back.
[to Lawrence's Wife]
Major: Come over here, mamacita.
[to Man in Black]
Major: Death is an old amigo of mine. I died just recently, in fact. But death can't bear to lay claim on me. So it sent me back here to do its bidding. Because I do it with such goddamn style.
[to Lawrence's Wife]
Major: Your husband looks parched, huh? Lets get him a drink. What do you say? Nice and slow, ya hear?
[to Man in Black]
Major: I've served death well. And in turn, it'll be watching over us as we cross these lands.
Man: You think death favors you, that it brought you back. But death's decisions are final. It's only the living that are inconstant and waver, don't know who they are or what they want. Death is always true. You haven't known a true thing in all your life. You think you know death, but you don't.
Major: Is that so?
Man: You didn't recognize him sittin' across from you this whole time.
Man: Open up. Don't worry, amigo. I'm here now watching over you.

Man: This is America. Everything here is for sale.

- Lock him up with the other man.
- Enjoy the cigars.
- Go fuck yourself.
- And just who are you supposed to be?
- Your salvation.
Man: Hyah! Hyah!

Charlotte: I didn't realize how well you'd be able to put yourself back together.
Man: Never fell apart.

Man: Hey.
- You're not authorized to be here.
- We're on the same side here.
- Please, let me finish for the sake of all of us.
- Please.
- Man 2: Take cover!

Man: This whole world is a story. I've read every page except the last one. I need to find out how it ends. I want to know what this all means.
Lawrence: See, now that's why I never learned to read.

Man: What is a person but a collection of choices? Where do those choices come from? Do I have a choice?

Man: Hey, there.
- Is your daddy home?
- Daddy, this man wants to talk to you.
- Frankie!

Man: You think death favors you. That it brought you back. But death's decisions are final. It's only the living that... that are inconstant and waver; don't know who they are or what they want. Death is always true. You haven't known a true thing in all your life. You think you know death. But you don't.
Major: Is that so?
Man: You didn't recognize him sitting across from you this whole time.

- Not alone. I'll take Lawrence here.
- And I'll need one match.
- One match, one pistol and one idiot.
- I'll take those odds.
Man: Hyahl

Emily: Tell me. What were you hoping to find? To prove?
Man: That no system can tell me who I am. That I have a fucking choice.
Emily: And yet here we are. Again.
Man: Again and again. How many times have you tested me?
Emily: It's been a long time, William. Longer than we thought. I have a few questions for you. The last step's a baseline interview to allow us to verify.
Man: Verify what?
Emily: Fidelity.

Man: I really ought to thank you, Dolores. You helped me find myself.

Charlotte: You've turned my world into a game.
Man: It was already a game. I just cranked it to expert level.

- Woman 1: No, you did not.
- Woman 2: Yes. Are you serious?
- Woman 1: It worked, I'm telling you.
Man: Yes, sir?
- All right, absolutely. Enjoy.

- in which the hosts heard their programing as an inner monolog, as a way to bootstrap consciousness.
- Arnold: Remember.
- Ford: The hosts' malfunctions were colorful.
- Woman: What did you say?
Man: Who is this?

The: I never understood why they paired some of you off.
The: Seems cruel.
The: And then I realized, winning doesn't mean anything unless someone else loses.
The: Which means, you're here to be the loser.
The: Let me help you, son.
The: Seems you're not the man you thought you were.

- Fucking coward.
- Vaya con dios, motherfuckers.
- They're making a run for it!
- Come on, boys, get up!
Lawrence: Come on, stay close!
Man: Go, boys!
William: Dolores!

- Stubbs: How fucking long have you been out here?
Man: Go! Go! Go!
- Over here! Go!

The: Winning doesn't mean anything unless someone else loses, which means you're here to be the loser

The: ...But there's a deeper level to this game.