The Best Elaine Beuliss Quotes

Elaine: I talk to Ron and I told him everything will be okay about his money. Then the police came and I told them about me and Ron.
Dr. Ernst: About the affair? About Ron's anger?
Elaine: Yes. But I don't know if they believed me about that, and I don't know if Ron believed me about the money. I-I meant everything that I said, I mea... -
[Elaine's voice trembles]
Elaine: why doesn't anyone take me seriously? What is it about me?
Dr. Ernst: Are you sure they didn't believe you, Elaine? You know, sometimes your self-esteem issues get in the way of your objectivity.
Elaine: [Elaine starts to cry a little] I don't know... They just, they all seemed so skeptical and they kept asking all these questions. Is it the way I talk? The plastic surgery? Why do I always end up feeling like such a fraud?
Dr. Ernst: Hmm, I don't know, Elaine... But I think this is something we really need to work on. Hmm?
[Dr. Ernst gives her a concerned look and smiles]
Dr. Ernst: ... yea.
[Elaine smiles back, takes a tissue and wipes a tear]