The Best Ethan Quotes

Ethan: [after escaping from a collapsed tunnel] Yo, that was insane! Hey Peach, loosen up; have some fun.
Peaches: Fun! You call that fun? I'm outta here.
Steffie: Come on, I mean do you really want to go back to hanging out with a weird molehog for a week than getting along with us?
Ethan: I mean, it's bad enough that your family's half possum...
Peaches: Bad enough? There's nothing bad about being part of my family. I *like* hanging by my tail and if you geniuses are normal, the species is going to end up extinct!
Steffie: Ah, yeah. Well, *your* species is going to be extinct first!
Dumb: Haha, *burn*!
Ethan: We're the same species, geniuses.
Dumb: What... double burn!