The Best First Minister Dreylock Quotes

First: Kelowna will accept nothing less than equal representation.
Eremal: Really? Kelowna is solely responsible for this problem.
First: Need I remind you that the stargate is in our possession?
Tarthus: For the moment.
First: Is that a threat?
Tarthus: It's an assurance that when it comes to the survival of our people, we will do whatever is necessary.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: What, so now you want to go to war? My friends are trying to save your world, and you want to destroy it?
Colonel: Oh, save your breath, Daniel!
[to the Langarans]
Colonel: You folks are done.
First: I don't understand.
Colonel: Well, you see, we actually like the Madronans. They're nice people. And we've decided there's no way we'd subject them to the likes of you. Deal's off. You're toast.
Tarthus: General?
Major: Colonel O'Neill's right. You can stay until we hear back from Jonas and Major Carter.
Colonel: That's what you get for dicking around.