The Best Henry Tibbs Quotes

Henry: What's your weapon of choice?
Patrick: A loaded one.

Kimball: [about Tibbs's concealed weapons license] These aren't easy to come by. You have to demonstrate a need.
Henry: I'm a Texas man. That's my need. Met a local sheriff who sympathized. Hook 'em horns.

Patrick: You don't want to pull that trigger. You think you do... you think it'll turn off that vacancy sign in your soul. But the truth is: taking a life just makes things a lot more complicated. Believe me.
Henry: I don't expect to live past today.
Patrick: But you can. You haven't hurt anyone yet. You put that gun away and we'll get you the help you need.
Henry: I think it's too late for me - and everyone here.

Henry: Okay, I'll go. Next time you see Linda give her something from me.
[Henry pulls out a bouquet]
Henry: Tell her to choke on these.