The Best House of Cards, Season 3, Episode 5 Quotes

- Don't let the administration off the hook.
- This is an opportunity to speak out.
- You don't have the career I've had by criticising your bosses publicly, no matter how strongly you feel.
- Talk to Arnie silva, the fema administrator.
- He's more disgusted by all of this than I am.

- will get up to $45,000 toward the yearly salary of each job that they create.
- Our goal is full employment within 12 months.
- Our hope is that success in Washington will convince congress to fund america works nationwide.
- Now I'll take a few questions.

- They need it in stone, Francis, that we'll contribute troops.
- An executive order.
- Congress won't be happy.
- Well, they're already not happy.
- I spat in one eye.
- I might as well spit in the other.
- Consider it done.

Doug: You need someone who's willing to do the things that people like her won't do.
Heather: You asked me for a job. You said you wanted to turn over a new leaf.
Doug: I have a certain skill-set, Miss Dunbar. For me, turning over a new leaf is using my skills for the right reasons. Like putting you in office.

- So, aside from the secretary of homeland security, who is no longer with us, does anyone else object to this plan?
- Good.
- Until a new secretary is confirmed, fema will report directly to me.
- Thank you all very much.

Francis: Whoever you are, whoever you think you are, believe that you're also a silent princess. Your name is Ida. Your journey is one through a forgotten landscape of twisting staircases and morphing castles, atop floating stones defiantly crossing an angry sea, within dimly-lit caverns cobwebbed with ruins MC Escher could only grasp at in a dream state.

- This came directly from Jerusalem?
- Yes, the foreign minister.
- Nothing came from Eliana?
- No, but I came to speak to her.
- I'll speak to her myself.
- Thank you, hasan.
- Thank you, ambassador.

- Week after next seems to be the best option.
- You have plans tonight?
- For the fireworks?
- Alan and I are taking his kids.
- Right. Makes sense.
- You were saying, about a week after next?

- Well, that's the idea, but we don't stop there.
- Commercials and billboards?
- On whose money?
- And even so, we need more than ad-buys. We need...
- We need the philosophy behind it.
- We need something of substance.
- We need something...

- Why didn't you say anything?
- It's the element of surprise.
- That's kind of the point, isn't it?
- It's in my glove compartment.
- I can go get it if you want.
- No, I want you to order the pizza.
- We can do the whole ring thing tomorrow.

Alexi: [to Claire] You have no business being Ambassador any more than I have being First Lady.
[walks to the door]
Alexi: That's a very nice dress, by the way.

- He is.
- And his children are wonderful.
- You should think about getting hitched.
- Should we talk timeline?
- For marriage?
- The campaign.

- I hate July 4th in DC.
- Plus, I wanted to see you in action.
- What did you think?
- I need her to leave.
- I'll meet you at the car.
- Heather...
- Cynthia.

- Maybe I could...
- My plane leaves at 7:00.
- I should probably get some sleep.
- You watch the news tomorrow.
- Should be fun.
- I will.
- Good night.

- "But we all need a ritual and this was hers.
- "Three short thrusts, wood on wood,
- "a hollow sound which accomplished nothing.
- "David would be home soon.
- 'It's too hot, ' he'd say.
- "She opened the window.
- "The music was so loud she couldn't ignore it."

- Hold off on the vote?
- Till we sit down.
- But we keep it in our back pocket.
- Michael corrigan?
- They're going to release him when we visit.
- You made a miracle happen.
- We did.

- So pass your law. I'll veto it.
- And when you overrule me in the senate, we'll let the third branch decide.
- Don't declare war on congress, mr president.
- Not on congress.
- I'm declaring war on atrophy.
- But these days, who could tell the difference?

Francis: No writer worth his salt can resist a good story, just as a politician can't resist making promises he can't keep.

- I've always been willing to talk.
- Not you and I.
- President to president.
- And we need
- Michael corrigan released also.
- I'll communicate your message to Moscow.
- Please. Hand me a towel, would you?
- What a gentleman.

- No sales pitch, just your honest curiosity.
- Besides, these kinds of books are always so boring, so safe.
- I want something different, something unique.
- Your voice.
- I don't even know if I believe in your programme.
- Come with me.
- I want to show you something.

- Mr Reynolds, nice to meet you.
- I'm praying for your husband.
- It's awful he's still stuck over there.
- Thank you, mr Reynolds.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for your support.
- Thank you for coming out.

- For me, turning over a new leaf is using my skills for the right reasons.
- Like putting you in office.
- $150,000. One point on the ad-buy.
- No points.
- But I'll do a $100,000 win bonus if we get the nomination.