The Best James 'Whitey' Bulger Quotes

Mrs. Cody: Jimmy! When did you get out of Alcatraz?
Whitey: Oh, uh, that's nearly ten years ago.

Deborah: This is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.
Whitey: Aw, Debbie, you're breaking my fuckin' heart.

[last lines]
Billy: [answering the phone] Jimmy?
Whitey: Hey, Billy Boy. Been reading the papers?
Billy: Not even a little.
Whitey: Smart man. I wouldn't if I was you. Um, listen. You're not gonna see me for a while. You know? So, uh... Just look after yourself, you know.
Billy: You sure you want to do it this way?
Whitey: Is there any other way? Take care, kid.

Whitey: [from trailer]
[at dinner]
Whitey: What did you marinate this steak in? Because it's out of this world! You're killing me with it!
John: Now, now, it's a family secret.
Whitey: Oh, come on! You got to tell me that! What's the secret? Come on, you can do it, come on, that is one of the best goddamn steaks I have ever had in my entire life. What's the family secret recipe?
John: It's ground garlic, with a bit of soy.
Whitey: That's it?
John: Yeah, that's it.
Whitey: [pause] I thought it was a family secret.
John: It's a recipe.
Whitey: No, no. You said to me this is a family secret, and you gave it up to me, boom just like that. You spill the secret family recipe today, maybe you spill a little something about me tomorrow, hm?
John: I was just saying that...
Whitey: You were just saying? "Just saying" gets people sent away. "Just saying" got me a nine-year stretch in Alcatraz, you understand? So, "just saying" can get you buried real quick.
[suddenly laughs]
Whitey: Look at his face!

Whitey: Just make him an offer for the company.
John: I tried. Won't sell.
Whitey: Would his widow sell?

Whitey: I gotta tell you something, Officer Flynn. It's a sad day when a native son takes up with his oppressor. There's a word for that back home, you know. Penalty's death.
Officer: You threatenin' me, Bulger?
Whitey: The last thing I would do if I was planning to harm you was was to warn you in advance, you dumb fuck.
Officer: You better watch yourself, Bulger.
Whitey: You better fuck yourself, Flynn.
Officer: Fuck you, you project rat.
[looks at Tommy]
Officer: And fuck you, you rummy.

Whitey: [after watching Martorano dip his dirty fingers in a bowl] Hey, you know something?
John: What?
Whitey: For 15 straight minutes, I been watching you putting your big fat fuckin' fingers into your disgusting mouth, which is filled with God knows what kind of fuckin' bacteria, and then you take the same big fat fuckin' filthy fingers and you stuff 'em back into the bowl that is there for public consumption. Now what the fuck are you thinkin',John?
John: Well, I wasn't thinking, Jimmy. I'm sorry.
Whitey: Just don't do it again.

Whitey: Take your shot, but make it your best. 'Cause I get up, I eat ya.

Whitey: ...I need you to listen very carefully to what I am saying because there are lessons throughout your whole life. And you gotta learn from these things, right? Here's the deal. You did not get in trouble because you punched this sneaky brat in the face, not at all. You got in trouble because you punched this sneaky little brat in the face in front of other people.
Lindsey: [Lindsey sighs] Jimmy, I really don't think that that's the right thing to be teaching your kid.
Whitey: No, that's absolutely what I should be tellin' him, babe. So the lesson you gotta learn is this, it's not what you do, it's when and where you do it. And who you do it to or with. Huh? You follow?
Douglas: Yes, I follow. Punch people when no one's looking.
Whitey: That's exactly right.
Lindsey: [Chuckles]
Whitey: If nobody sees it, it didn't happen.

John: I told him everything! The IRA, Cahill, the whole bit! I know I shouldn't have, Jimmy, but I had no choice!
Whitey: Fuck you. You always have a choice. You just happened to make the wrong fucking one.

Whitey: [after a man gets shot in the head] Lots of good your vest did you today, you fuckin' prick.

Lindsey: [crying] I'll pull the plug myself, I will.
Whitey: [looks up] What did you say?
[tears form in his eyes]
Whitey: What the fuck did you just say? My boy? You pull the plug on my boy?
Lindsey: I can't have him like this, Jimmy.
Whitey: How could you be so cold?
Lindsey: Don't say that to me.
Whitey: How could you be so cold?
Lindsey: Don't you dare fucking say that to me.
Whitey: I could never, never. You're pathetic.
Lindsey: You of all people in the fucking world cannot say that to me.
Whitey: Who the fuck are you?

Whitey: Morris... me and you gotta have a sit dowm about something... what the fuck did you marinate this steak in 'cause it's outta this world! You're killin' me with this.
John: Ah, ah, ah... that's a family secret!
Whitey: [Jokingly] I gotta knife here. Ah, c'mon, you can do it. What's the secret family recipe? C'mon, what's the secret?
John: It's ground garlic and a little bit of soy.
Whitey: That's it?
John: Yup.
Whitey: I thought you said it was a family secret.
John: It's a recipe.
Whitey: No... no. You said this was a family secret and you gave it to me *boom* just like fuckin' that. You spill the secret family recipe today, maybe you fuckin' spill a lil' somethin' about me tomorrow. Am I right in assuming that?
John: [Looking to Connolly] I...
Whitey: Don't look to John... he can't fuckin help you.
John: I was just sayin...
Whitey: Oh you were just sayin'? Just sayin' get people sent to Allenwood. Just sayin' got me a nine year stretch in Levinworth and Alcatraz, do you understand? So... just sayin' can get you buried real fuckin' quick.
[laughs Maniacally]
Whitey: Look at his fuckin' face! Hey! I'm just fuckin' with you. It's a fuckin' recipe! Couldn't give a shit! Tastes great, I'm fuckin' with you.
John: [laughing nervously] Yeah, well... you got me too. I'd like make a toast...
[raises his glass]
John: ... to success.
John: To sucess...
Whitey: [Clinging his cup against theirs] Just gettin' started.

Whitey: You need to control. Because you know the game surprises you. And you bite your ass not know when, you know?