The Best Jennifer Holt Quotes

[first lines]
Adam: [walking out of an airplane] Jennifer, have the contracts on the Transpact deal typed and on my desk in the morning.
Jennifer: Yes, sir.
Adam: Mr. Mannix.
Joe: That's right.
Adam: Good of you to come. This is Jennifer Holt, my secretary. Mr. Mannix.
Jennifer: Hello. How do you do?
Joe: How do you do?
Jennifer: You certainly don't look like what I thought a private eye would look like.
Joe: Well, if that's meant as a compliment, thank you.
Jennifer: You're welcome.
Joe: You said it was important, Mr. Langer.
Adam: You've come highly recommend. Are you as good as my sources say you are?
Joe: Now you don't really expect an unprejudiced opinion?
Adam: I just want to be sure I'm hiring the right man.
Joe: You already decided that, or I wouldn't be here.
Adam: You're not handicapped with false modesty.
Joe: No. Are you?
Adam: Modest people aren't worth $5 million at age 35.
Joe: You're worth more than $5 million.
Adam: I'm more than 35. Jennifer.
Jennifer: Yes, sir.
Adam: I'll see you at the office in the morning.
Jennifer: Yes, sir. Goodbye.
Joe: Goodbye. What did you have in mind, Mr. Langer?
Adam: I want a political figure investigated.
Joe: Why?
Adam: For reasons of my own. I want you to dog up every rotten thing you can find out about him, anything that could be used as a smear.
Joe: Sorry, Mr. Langer. I don't do that sort of thing. And somehow, I didn't figure it to be your style.
Adam: You're right. It isn't. But I'm making an exception in this case. I hope you will, too.
Joe: It depends on the reason.
Adam: I want you to dog deep, deep enough to destroy him of you can.
Joe: Who is this man?
Adam: Me.