The Best Johnny Vayle Quotes

[first lines]
Eve: Welcome home, darling.
Johnny: Okay, what is it? Why did you want me to set down out here?
Eve: It was Luchek's idea. Federal agents are waiting for you in L.A. They want those records.
Johnny: What does he want me to do?
Eve: Turn them over to me, and then you land in L.A. clean.
Johnny: No... No chance. This stuff is dynamite. And Luchek should know better than to involve you.
Eve: But I'm your wife. He has no other choice. Trust me, darling. Luchek said...
Johnny: Forget what Luchek said. I collected this stuff, and I'll make the decisions about it. And I'm not so sure how much I *can* trust you, darling. You're too beautiful.