The Best Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly Quotes

Calvin: [to Stephen] Stephen, when you get through showing them to their rooms, go fetch Hildi. Get her cleaned up and smellin' real nice and send her over to Dr. Schultz's room.
Stephen: [laughing] Actually, Monsieur Candie sir, there's something I ain't told you about yet.
Calvin: What?
Stephen: Uh, Hildi 'in the hot box.
Calvin: Well what's she doin' there?
Stephen: What you think she doin' there, in the hot box? She been punished!
Calvin: Well what did she do?
Stephen: She run off again.
Calvin: Jesus Christ, Stephen! How many people run away while I was gone?
Stephen: Two.
Calvin: Well when did she go?
Stephen: Last night. They brung her back this morning.
Calvin: How long she been in the box?
Stephen: How long you think she been in there? All damn day! And the little bitch got ten more days to be in there.
Calvin: Take her out.
Stephen: Take her out? Why?
Calvin: Because I said so, that's why! Dr. Schultz is my guest. Hildi is my nigger. Southern hospitality dictates I make her available to him.
Stephen: But Monsieur Candie, she run off.
Calvin: Christ, Stephen! What is the point of having a nigger that speaks German if you can't wheel 'em out when you have a German guest? Now I realize it is an inconvenience. Still, you take her ass out!
Stephen: Yes sir.
Dr. King Schultz: Lori Lee! Will you and Cora be responsible for getting her cleaned up and presentable for Dr.Schultz, here?
Lara: Of course, darling.
Calvin: Now, gentlemen, I do apologize; but, I am weary from our travels beyond words. It is time for me to rest my tired eyes.
[kisses Lori Lee on the lips]
Stephen: [to the Overseers] Ya'll done heard the man! Get her ass up outta there! Go! Come here. Get her over there and get her cleaned up and bring her back over here to, uh, Doctor -
[to Schultz]
Stephen: What did you say your name was? Shoots?
Dr. King Schultz: Shultz.