Top 100 Quotes From Laura Bertram

Beka: Wait, let me guess. You want me to fly the Maru into the teeth of what amounts to an interstellar hurricane just so that I can shut down yet another Seamus Harper science experiment thereby saving all of our butts from certain doom.
Dylan: Emphasis on doom.
Beka: Copy that. Oh, do me a favor - tell Harper that when I get back, I will be fitting him with a self-kicking butt. Should save us a lot of trouble in the future. Maru out!
Trance: Is there something wrong with Harper's butt?

Mick: What about you, sweetness? Are you into older men? Or are you just into her?
Trance: Watch the tail.
Willie: You know, grape's my favorite flavour.
Trance: Beka, are they cannibals?

Trance: Beka, on the other hand...
Captain: She kind of likes to fly by the seat of her pants.
Trance: Yes, but I believe that's what makes her a good slipstream pilot. And it's also what makes you two such a good team. You complete each other.
Captain: Then it's a good thing we're on the same side.
Trance: More than you know.

Doyle: What tone? All I said was holographic artificial intelligence.
Andromeda: Tone meaning attitude, the underlying emotion of sarcasm.
Trance: There's work that needs to be done here, guys.
Andromeda: I control all functions on this starship. You may access me at points which I determine and mediate.
Doyle: On the other hand, I have a body and am free to walk around.
Andromeda: Then you are also free to leave and not come back.
Trance: Okay, I'm going to the SEC. You can call me when you're friends, okay? Okay.

Trance: Harper, be careful. He has two loaded guns. You only have a bad temper.

Professor: We're trying to develop biological weapons to defend ourselves against your kind, should you launch a full scale assault.
Trance: No offense, Professor, but your backwater rock is hardly worth the effort. And believe me, if my kind wanted to destroy you, it would take a lot less than a full scale assault.
Professor: Is that what he wanted to do, the one who came before you? To destroy us?
Trance: Like I told you before, I do not know who that was or what he wanted, but most likely he was just bored.
Professor: Bored?
Trance: When you have seen and you have done as much as we have, the universe starts feeling a little small and stagnant, so you learn to make your own fun.
Professor: Are you telling me that everything that we've been through, the wars, the famines, the deaths, were all diversions for a monster? May God forgive me.

Trance: He's coming to.
Beka: Good. What the hell did you do to my ship?
Captain: It's good to see you too.

Geryon: Wow. What are the odds?
Trance: Er, five hundred and twenty million to one?
Geryon: What else can you do?
Trance: That's it so far.
Geryon: Well, when I need a calculator, I'll call you.

Dylan: Go easy on that stuff, Trance. It is for the guests.
Trance: I was just...
Dylan: I was just kidding. Enjoy yourself.

[first lines]
Seamus: Trance, I'm telling you. That waitress really dug me. We shared this thing, this, uh, pure, special cosmic connection.
Trance: Wasn't that what you said about that stripper you met on Mendocino Drift? The one who had the elbow spikes and threatened to perforate you, stick a light in your rib-cage, and turn you into a planetarium?

Trance: This enough?
Adulasia: Definitely. Pleasure doing business with you.
Seamus: Hey, if you want pleasure, you're talking to the right guy.
Adulasia: Thanks, but I prefer my men alive.

Captain: You all right?
Trance: When a branch sacrifices itself, the rest of the tree only grows stronger.
Captain: But you still felt the loss.
Trance: Every one of me did. But we have saved you, and now the Commonwealth will grow stronger too.
Captain: One battle at a time. Meaning we have plenty of work left to do. So, pull yourselves together, and let's go.
Trance: That was pretty funny, actually.
Captain: Yeah, it was pretty good, wasn't it? Now, if only the rest of you thought that.

Geryon: I don't know what your game is, honey, but you aren't the first and you won't be the last groupie to catch his eye.
Trance: No, you're wrong. I was his first.

Gerentex: Well, you know, in this business, you're only as good as your latest scam. My strip-mining venture on Infinity Atoll, my RobotoCourtesan manufacturing plant, the religion I founded. All gone. Forgotten. Pfft. Uh, this is the part where you're supposed to say, "Oh, Gerentex, that's so sad."
Trance: Oh, that's so sad!
Seamus: Oh, you're breaking my freaking heart!

[repeated line]
Trance: Yee haw!

Harper: Oh! Oh! Miss Valentine?
Beka: Yes, Harper.
Harper: This isn't our first field trip. Purple company excluded, of course.
Beka: That is my point. I want you to treat every boarding just like your first one. I want you to double-check everything. Hell, triple check it. I'd hate for any of you to end up like VexPag.
Trance: Vexpag?
Rev: Your predecessor.
Trance: Oh! He's the guy who retired. Didn't you say he bought a farm?
Harper: *The* farm. He bought *the* farm.
Trance: Well, what's the difference?
Beka: Torn pressure suit and a bad emergency seal.
Trance: Oh, that is different.

Seamus: How is the bug?
Beka: The Than. Try to be polite to our guest.
Trance: She should be clicking and popping by the end of the week. Why do you ask?

Gerentex: Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Let's have old Gerentex take us into his confidence, and reveal his latest scheme for wealth and success, and then we'll betray him and keep it all for ourselves!
Trance: We would never do that.
Seamus: I would.
Trance: True.

Seamus: Try me. See if you can wrap your little rat brain around this. You kill her, I kill you. You lose. You kill her and you kill me, the ship blows up. You still lose. Either way, you lose.
Trance: Uh, excuse me? Can we please discuss the killing her part?

Beka: Rommie, I can't believe that you're actually saying that the reason you look like a walking heart attack is for our benefit.
Rommie: I'm not sure what you mean.
Trance: All Beka's trying to say is that she thinks you're pretty.
Beka: No, no, no. I think you went a little overboard on the, uh, pouty lips.

Tyr: Who have you been talking to?
Trance: The signals you intercepted were messages home. I was trying to reach my family.
Tyr: And you failed?
Trance: No. Worse. I succeeded. What they told me was not good. It's not good at all.

Captain: Can you control that?
Trance: No. Life is chaos. Chaos is life. Control is illusion.

[Trance's tail has been shot off and she's been given a bottle of whiskey as a painkiller]
Trance: I can't believe that it's gone. My tail, it's gone. I didn't get to say goodbye to it. It was so pretty. My poor tail.

[first lines]
[Trance, practicing fighting with Tyr]
Trance: Hi-Ho!
[kicks Tyr in the chest, bounces off and falls to the floor]
Tyr: What was that?
Trance: Well, you told me to choose a Ki-yai. A sharp exhalation to focus energy and intimidate the opponent.
Tyr: And you choose "Hi-Ho"?
Trance: Is that a bad one?
Tyr: You might wanna choose another, unless you intend to incapacitate your opponents with laughter.

Captain: Initiating Nova deployment sequence. Let's bring it.
Beka: Acting First Officer Beka Valentine. Nova deployment authorized. Zero Zero Strike Red Zero.
Trance: Acting Armsmaster Trance Gemini. Nova deployment authorized, uh, Retro Nine Blue Strike Five Nine Five.
Tyr: Fire Control Officer Tyr Anasazi. Arming Nova weapons one through forty. Execution code Nine Five Over Seven Blue Five. Arm.
Rev: Ready for your final order.
Captain: Captain Dylan Hunt, Commanding Officer. Nova deployment authorization Ten Break Alpha. Strike, strike, strike.

Tyr: No. No, of course not. Because, and let me see if I've got this down, our alliance with the Wayists, etcetera, etcetera, reuniting the Systems Commonwealth, and so on, and so forth, enhancing our reputation as peacemakers, ad nauseum. Am I close?
Dylan: Reasonably, yes.
Tyr: Don't you ever get tired of it? Trying over and over again to help people who couldn't care less about you, in the name of a cause that's been dead for three hundred years.
Trance: You take that back!

Pish: You're finished here.
Trance: You are finished as well.

Seamus: Boss, he's giving me that look again.
Trance: Rev, don't. Let me get you some steak sauce first.

Captain: So, you experience a million possible futures in the time it takes me to blink my eyes, and each one of them looks, feels, sounds, smells, and tastes as real as the conversation we're having right here, right now?
Trance: In a word, yes.
Captain: Wow. All right, here's my question. If that's true, if each one of those futures is indistinguishable from each other and from reality on a quantum level... Trance, how do you know that any of this is real?
Trance: I don't.

Trance: Beka. Beka, are you all right? What did they do to you?
Beka: Nothing. I walked into a door.
Trance: Well then, please sit down.
[Beka sits]
Trance: Good girl. Stay.
[Trance goes and gets a bottle of alcoholic drink]
Beka: Oh, Trance, I'm not really in the mood for a cocktail right now.
Trance: Disinfectant. So did you tell the door what it wanted to know?

Captain: I've always done what I thought was right.
Trance: Then others disagree and feel betrayed.
Captain: Trance, just because someone feels betrayed doesn't prove me guilty any more than their disliking the colour gold makes you evil.
Andromeda: Captain, per your request, Rhade is secured and out of the way.
Captain: Thank you. Keep him there pending my further orders.
Andromeda: The military escort has arrived to take you planetside.
Captain: I don't suppose I should keep them waiting. They might get insulted.

Beka: Trance, I need you. Dylan needs you. Trance? Trance?
[grabs and squeezes her tail]
Beka: Trance!
Trance: Ah! Oh! The tail!
Beka: Oh, good. You're up.

Trance: [about planet Savion] According to this data, their society still uses digital clocks and combustion engines.
Captain: Their technology's archaic.

Trance: The High Guard wants to talk to the G-Stat-Comm alone.
Hayek: Is she near death?
Trance: Hayek, the High Guard moves in mysterious ways.

Trance: I don't think I'm coming back with you. I think that maybe you are going to have to let go this time.
Captain: Well, even if I should, I don't know if I can.
Trance: It'll be okay. Wish me luck.
Captain: Good luck, Trance. I'm still sticking around, though.

Trance: Life support officer Trance Gemini reporting for duty, sir!
Seamus: Suck up.

Beka: The legend talks about a whirling guardian of the sanctum.
Trance: Well, that is definitely whirling.
Beka: So this must be the sanctum.
Trance: So that's good.
Beka: Yeah.
Captain: Yeah, good. This is just fantastic.

Trance: Surrender, surrender. All his messages are the same. He sounds like an evil parrot.
Seamus: I can't believe I'm going to die at the hands of converging red blips.
Beka: Wait a second. I think you two might be on to something. Rommie, scan all of Cuchulain's messages for the background noise.
Rev: You don't think he...

Beka: A trail of breadcrumbs for us to follow, if you're willing.
Captain: [chuckles] Wait a minute. Uh, let me get this straight. You forced your way onto my ship, then you tried to steal my ship. And now, after I saved all your lives, you want *me* to help you retrieve your ship.
Trance: She's like that. Don't take it personally.

Seamus: Somebody has to wake Dylan.
Trance: I'm not waking Dylan.
Seamus: Andromeda?
Andromeda: Don't bother - I'm sure he's already awake.

Seamus: Just let me get a little closer.
Trance: There is something wrong with him.
Beka: You're just figuring that out now?

Trance: Okay. Okay, Trance, you can do this. You know you can. There is a perfect possible future where everything will turn out just fine. And the odds of creating that future are only 1,671,000 to 1, more or less.

Captain: That was it? They just described it to you?
Trance: A little bit, but, I think when they saw how much it upset me, they decided they had better not talk about it any more.
Captain: That was very considerate of them.
Trance: You're mad at them, aren't you? They should have been honest with you from the beginning.
Captain: I can't make alliances until I know exactly who I'm dealing with, or at least until I know I can trust them.
Trance: Aren't those the same thing?
Captain: Usually, but there are those few rare exceptions. Glad you're back.

Saguro: Genius! Who designed these modifications?
Trance: He did.
Saguro: This is your work. Hmm, we should make babies together.
Seamus: You two, out!
Andromeda: No.
Trance: Whatever.
Seamus: Why does it always take a fantastically beautiful but evil genius to recognize the genius in me?
Trance: Harper...
Seamus: Sorry.

Trance: Dylan, have you ever thought that perhaps you traded the better angels of your nature for the mission you felt you had to do?
Captain: No, Trance, I haven't. But I am about ready to trade my better nature for an angel who thinks 'CAN do'!

Trance: Tell me about him.
Flux: Sir was an FTA Enforcement wing pilot, and his lover, Duran, was a Rester terrorist.
Trance: So they fell in love and they abandoned their respective causes?
Flux: Actually, they betrayed both sides and murdered their former associates. Killing people's the glue that keeps them together, and if they get the Engine of Creation, they intend to reshape the universe to serve their infinite whims and perversions.
Trance: Then why are you helping them?
Flux: Well, it tugs on my conscience every now and then, but I am after all, a dedicated manservant.
Trance: You want to know what I think?
Flux: Oh yes, very much.

Captain: I can't believe you found me.
Trance: It's inevitable that one of us would. We divided ourselves up so that we could occupy every possible present you could ever be in.
Captain: By we, you mean you.
Trance: I'll admit that I'm spread rather thin at the moment.

Trance: Well, don't you think it's best that we destroy it? Just so it doesn't hurt anyone else.
Harper: Trance, as much as I would love to, if you erase history, you just... erase its lessons.

Trance: Are you ready?
Captain: Hey, I was born ready.
Trance: And I was born in a supernova.

Trance: Dylan, we're on the same team. We always have been. I need you more than you need me. I trust you.
Captain: It's the other way around, Trance. I need to know I can trust you.
Trance: If you don't trust me, then you can send me away.
Captain: Send you away... It's all about the fight. The light against the dark, good against evil. Some people hide from it. Some run away.
Trance: Some live with it in fear. Some find solace in knowing they've done everything they can.
Captain: Some stay and fight. I fight to win.

Trance: Y'know, since we've got a little bit of time here, we might as well find a good way to spend it. I know! I've got this really great game. It's called "Harper tells Trance everything, so she can save his miserable little life." Would you like to play?
Harper: I hate you.
Trance: You're just saying that.

Trance: Many claim that evil is ugly, but it's more often disguised in beauty. That is why we are tempted by it. The greatest evil can be a lie spoken from a sincere face, whereas the greatest good can be masked by fear and hate.

Beka: Tyr will die? Aren't we being a little dramatic?
Trance: It's only dramatic until somebody does die.

Trance: And they even have a guild devoted entirely to the art of abdomen dancing.
[she dances]
Dylan: Trance, that's Iridano sign language, and I think you just made a rather naughty suggestion to Harper.
Trance: Oh, well, fair is fair. Harper made a rather naughty suggestion to nearly half the women there at the reception. Without success, I might add.

Trance: I have another squadron rapidly approaching.
Beka: Thanks for the good news.
Trance: That was a necessary negative assessment.
Beka: Well, let's try to accentuate the positive, shall we?
Trance: They will soon destroy the Andromeda?
Beka: Okay, thanks for trying.

Trance: I am so sick of this, you two, with your violence and your threats and your shooting stuff! Neither of you gets it, do you? There isn't enough love in the universe as it is, and you're both just helping to kill off what's left. So shape up! Because if you don't show each other a little peace, love, and understanding, I am going to kill you both.
Seamus: Trance, you don't mean that.
Trance: I do. You know why? 'Cause I could get away with it because I'm cute.
Gerentex: You wouldn't.
Trance: Oh! Dylan, it was so horrible. They just... they killed each other right in front of me. And I tried to stop them, really I tried, but I couldn't.
Gerentex: By the sacred light, she's right. I can just see that High Guard fossil now, hugging her and saying, "Trance, it'll be okay," while, while we lay here dead.

Rev: We can only retrieve one ship at a time. Which one? Right or left?
Captain: Right.
Trance: Left! Um, it's just a choice. You know. Fifty-fifty?

Trance: Captain Hunt, the sensor drones are fully deployed and the missile launch has just been completed. We're five by five with HTE.
Captain: Why, thank you, Trance.
Beka: Five by five?
Trance: Military talk.
Beka: Yeah, carry on, Ensign Gemini.

Seamus: How do they mate? How do they date? I mean, come on, love is just a bunch of exaggerations and lies, all dolled up in pseudo-poetic language, uttered preferably while intoxicated, and all for the singular, universal purpose of... uh, you know.
Trance: Harper, you're a born romantic.
Seamus: Sometimes there are flowers.

Seamus: You seeing what I'm seeing?
Trance: A really excited human with a rash?
Seamus: [chuckles] No, the ship. The Andromeda Ascendant. Right where that furry little twitch said it would be.
Rev: You're speaking of our respected employer.
Seamus: Ha! Whooo! You know, I may actually be starting to like that guy.
Rev: Hmm. No prior claims.

[last lines]
Seamus: You know what you've done, don't you? You've kissed off our entire tundra flower monopoly, our best commodity.
Trance: No, I haven't. I gave Gerentex a beautiful thing to call his own. Beautiful things can make sad people happy, and bad people good. When you think about it, beautiful things can change the universe.

Professor: But your shipmates... do they know what you really are?
Trance: They know as much as they need to know. That I am their friend.
Professor: But if you tell them what happened down here...
Trance: I won't, and neither will you.
Professor: So what happens to us? Are we going to be your little toys, too?
Trance: No, I'm not that bored. The universe is a mess. I've got plenty of things to keep me busy.

Trance: Dylan, there is a war coming, one that is going to make this battle look like child's play.
Captain: The Magog Worldship.
Trance: My people have come to the conclusion that the Commonwealth cannot stop the Magog, but they feel that the Pyrians can.
Captain: You've got to be kidding me. Damn it, Trance, We aren't just pieces in your private game of Go. Now you level with me or quit wasting my time.

Trance: Hello, Miss Alpha Nietzschean Lady. I picked these for you.
Elssbett: Thank you, cute purple monkey. Is your pet house-trained?

Trance: But this is different. You said to Beka that Rommie was more like an extension of yourself.
Andromeda: Like my left hand.
Trance: Well, I don't know about you, but if I lost my left hand, I wouldn't be very happy.
Andromeda: No. No, you wouldn't.

Captain: You picked wrong.
Trance: Yeah, I did. But, that's the thing about guessing. Ninety percent of the time, it's fifty-fifty.

Beka: Trance, you will never guess who I just met.
Trance: A scary futuristic version of yourself? She went that way!

Captain: Trance, who are you? What are you?
Trance: [transforms into a sun] I am the avatar of a sun, a star. All things come from the same thing, all from me. You are elements of the sun. As I make you, I am able to destroy you. As I destroy you, I am able to create.
Captain: You had me at avatar.
Trance: Awareness is where we travel, no path. I am all gravity, and exist in all universes between them. What destroys you in this universe will deliver you to the next. Are you ready to sacrifice everything?
Captain: Sacrifice pales against that which we will gain.
Trance: You *will* put your faith in me to destroy you?
Captain: [long pause] And remake me, yes.
Trance: Then behold the expanding universe.

Captain: I think you just hit it right on the head.
Trance: No. Actually, tails.

Seamus: So, road to Grunswick, I'm on foot, guy comes along in a cart, offers me a ride.
Beka: Sembler?
Seamus: No. I say, sure, why not? I've got a bone spur on my foot. It's kind of gross. You want to see?
Trance: Oh, no.

Trance: I think our friend is ready to join her fleet.
Rev: The Than Hegemony also expresses its gratitude to the Commonwealth for ridding its sector of Nietzschean criminals. They respect us as a force for peace in the galaxy.
Trance: You got what you wanted.
Captain: Not really, but it's a start.

Captain: You said I had beautiful hand.
Trance: Well, it just reminded me of the universal constant of change.
Captain: Well, maybe I didn't explain the concept of gambling clearly enough.

Trance: What does a Nietzschean mother hope for her son when she names him Gengis Stalin?
Andromeda: He's said to be a delightful conversationalist.

Trance: Okay, Beka please , just try and slow down, all right? Inhale and exhale. Inhale, exhale...
Beka: Don't treat me like a child! I am not a child! You are! Or are you? How old are you, Trance? I don't even know. I don't know anything about you. Where you from? Who're you workin' for? Why're you purple?

Professor: You were telling me about your world.
Trance: Oh, which one?
Professor: Well, the one you were born on.
Trance: Oh, no, I wasn't born on any world. I was born in space.
Professor: But, I thought... all right, Well, let's talk about, er, let's talk about the world you were raised on, then.
Trance: But there are so many.

Trance: You know, since we've got a little bit of time here, we might as well find a good way to spend it. I know. I've got this really great game. It's called "Harper Tells Trance Everything So She Can Save His Miserable Life." Would you like to play?
Harper: I hate you.
Trance: You're just saying that.

Dylan: [to Trance, in combat] Any words of wisdom?
Trance: Um, always be nice to your parents.
Dylan: Sound advice.

[first lines]
Seamus: [singing] From a billion Sovereign planets / Scattered through the endless night / Bound by blood and High Guard honor / Hold the line until the light / Hold the line against the night!

Seamus: Sorry, Beka, it didn't work.
Beka: What do you mean, it didn't work? It worked before. I saw it.
Seamus: Yes, but... The teleport won't function properly if we don't know Dylan's exact location. Believe me, I tried. We played hide-and-go-teleport with one of Trance's fish in Hydroponics.
Beka: And?
Trance: Tuna tartare.

Beka: That's impossible. Tell me that's impossible!
Andromeda: I don't know. I just... don't know.
Trance: It's not impossible, it's just really unfair.

Beka: I always thought when I went, I would go out with a bang, not quiet like this. This is what it must be like in the sweet hereafter. Or else a party.
Trance: So you're saying there's life and then there's death, which is true, because first you're this, and then you're that, but really, it's all one thing. A sun gives life and light, and then it collapses and it takes light into itself.
Beka: First a star, then a black hole.
Trance: Different forms of the same thing.
Beka: So no party?
Trance: This is the party.
Beka: Whoop de doo.

Seamus: It's not that easy, Trance. Three spiral galaxies, dozens of galactic clusters. There's gotta be hundreds of prison planets.
Andromeda: Three hundred and forty eight, to be exact.
Trance: Really... What about that one.
Beka: Why? Why that one?
Trance: Well, it's... pretty.
Tyr: It's pretty. Now there's a solid reason to risk our lives.
Seamus: You have a better idea?
Tyr: No.

Captain: [reading] "I looked for you. I found out where you were. I travelled to where you were and, I got you out." That's your entire report?
Trance: You wanted something more?

Trance: Within seconds, the universe is going to be different.
Captain: C'mon Trance, it's glass half full-time.

Trance: And they even have a guild devoted entirely to the art of abdomen dancing.
Dylan: Trance, that's Iridano sign language, and I think you just made a rather naughty suggestion to Harper.
Trance: Oh, well, fair is fair. Harper made a rather naughty suggestion to nearly half the women there at the reception. Without success, I might add.

Trance: Harper? How much do you remember from the last time that stuff was in your brain?
Harper: This isn't about Satrina, is it? You want to know if there are things in that Library about mysterious purple babes with pointy tails?
Trance: I don't have a tail.
Harper: Not anymore.
Trance: Harper, please. If there is anything in that Library about me, I have to know it.
Harper: I'll tell you what I remember. I remember this temple with gold etchings, statues, silk wall hangings, even. And all of this on a backwater world that I don't think even exists anymore. Or, maybe the world does exist, but I don't think the civilization exists anymore. Anyway, the point is, there were all these people worshipping a naked purple goddess, and you might say they were a little entranced.
Trance: That could mean anything. Maybe they like purple. Or, maybe, your memory is even hazier than you thought.
Harper: Yeah, but that doesn't explain why you reacted the way you did when I sang one of their hymns. Remember this little ditty?
Trance: Shush. Harper, you are my best friend, and because you are my friend, I really need you to listen to me: do not look at the Archive.
Harper: You know Trance, I liked it better when I thought you were harmless.
Trance: Yeah, me too.

Trance: Harper, I have been looking all over for you.
Seamus: Liar. You never have to look for anything, Trance. You always find what you're looking for pretty much right away.
Trance: Okay, so I wasn't looking for you, but as your acting physician I figure that it's time you got some rest.
Seamus: Uh, uh, uh, uh, you never went to medical school, Trance, so you are not a regular doctor. Huh.
Trance: Lucky for you I'm not a regular doctor, because if I were you'd have been dead months ago.

[last lines]
Trance: Once, you asked if there might be a place for you around here, among the pretty things. Well, HG, your heart was a pretty thing. You were just a baby. You only had one single precious day of life. And even in that one day, you managed to become a hero. Goodnight, little hero.

Captain: What do you think, Trance?
Trance: I think your guess is as good as mine.
Captain: Whenever she says that, I never believe it.

[first lines]
Seamus: I, Seamus Zelazney Harper, the... Exalted Love Machine... of the planet Earth do hereby ordain that when 50 planets have agreed to join the Systems Commonwealth...
Trance: What are you reading?
Seamus: It's, uh, Dylan's fill-in-the-blanks constitution.

Fletcher: Give us the Engine.
Captain: Does it look like we have it?
Duran: You lie to us, she's dead.
Trance: Again.

Harper: Trance, have you been in the engine room lately?
Trance: No, it's disgusting back there.
Harper: Thank you.

Trance: Dylan, I have a question for you. Would you leave the Seefra system now if you could?
Captain: That's not an option. You know that.
Trance: Because you must fulfill your destiny?
Captain: Because there are millions of lives to save.
Trance: Spoken like a hero.
Captain: Spoken like someone who cares. I expect you feel the same.
Trance: Perhaps.
Captain: Perhaps. Trance, I'm worried about you.
Trance: Oh, there's no need to worry. When all this is done, you'll be fine.

Beka: Any sign of the Maru?
Andromeda: A few hull fragments and missile vapour. Not enough to imply she was destroyed.
Beka: Okay, so the Maru arrived early, tangled with some unidentified bad guys, which begs the question...
Trance: Where's Dylan? Where's our crew?
Beka: Where's my ship?

Trance: Andromeda, turn us towards the World Ship.
Andromeda: Please advise on strategy.
Trance: We're going to bring Light to the Darkness.

[first lines]
Tyr: Now you must let your instincts guide you. Slipstream piloting isn't a skill, it's an art. You have to feel your way to your destination.
Trance: I don't know. It seems kinda complicated.

Trance: She doesn't like flowers. Who doesn't like flowers?

Captain: Trance?
Trance: Here. I want you to drink this very slowly. It's water.
Captain: How?
Trance: "How?" Well, when two hydrogen atoms love each other very much, they bond with an oxygen atom...
Captain: No. How did you find me?
Trance: Oh. That was easy. I had... this.
Captain: You found me with a button?
Trance: Yeah. Didn't Beka tell you what I used to do before I joined the crew?
Captain: I take it you weren't always an environmental systems officer.
Trance: No. I had all sorts of jobs. The one I was really good at, was, uh, finding things.
Captain: "Finding things"?
Trance: Yeah. You know, first I would... find things and, then I would take them, and give them to people who wanted it.
Captain: You were a thief.
Trance: No. Thieves have bad intentions. I never did.
Captain: Oh.
Trance: But, I am going to steal you now. So, let's get out of here.

Trance: And a human, which means that patching him up is as easy as cake.
Dylan: Easy as pie.
Trance: Are you sure about that? I think that making pie is a lot harder than cake.

Tyr: Shouldn't you be headed to Med deck?
Trance: Everything I need is on the Maru.
Tyr: Would you tell me your symptoms?
Trance: Dizziness. Confusion. Nausea.
Tyr: Nausea? Trance, you don't have a stomach. In fact, I don't believe I've ever seen you consume more than an alcoholic beverage.
Trance: I'm jittery. I feel cold and prickly all over. I can't think straight.
Tyr: Is there anything else?
Trance: You can't force me to tell you anything. I don't think it would be wise for you to try now.
Tyr: I'm quite sure you're right. However, I will try, should it ever come to that. Are we understood?
Trance: I'd like to go to my room now, be with my plants.