700 Best Andromeda Quotes

Dylan: That's a nice excuse. Humans have been using it since the dawn of time. "I had to kill my enemies. It's what God wanted."
Rev: Just because humans use it as an excuse does not negate the possibility.
Dylan: What kind of divine plan requires the deaths of tens of thousands of people?
Rev: 'Tiger, tiger burning bright/In the forests of the night/What immortal hand or eye/Could frame thy fearful symmetry?' Humans have been asking *this* question since the dawn of time. My people don't bother. We Magog know the Divine exists. We know it created the stars and the planets, the soft winds and the gentle rain. We also know He created nightmares... because He created us.

Captain: That was it? They just described it to you?
Trance: A little bit, but, I think when they saw how much it upset me, they decided they had better not talk about it any more.
Captain: That was very considerate of them.
Trance: You're mad at them, aren't you? They should have been honest with you from the beginning.
Captain: I can't make alliances until I know exactly who I'm dealing with, or at least until I know I can trust them.
Trance: Aren't those the same thing?
Captain: Usually, but there are those few rare exceptions. Glad you're back.

Tyr: I don't expect you to understand, but there are far greater concerns than the crew of the Andromeda.
Seamus: How typically selfless of you.
Tyr: Those bones mean more to the future stability of your Commonwealth than any of you can begin to realize.
Trance: I don't care about the bones.

Dylan: Go easy on that stuff, Trance. It is for the guests.
Trance: I was just...
Dylan: I was just kidding. Enjoy yourself.

Rev: From what I gather, his Kodiak pride was destroyed in a clan war. My guess is he's trying to prove his genetic worth, so he can join a new family.
Seamus: Great. Not just a Nietzschean, but a Nietzschean with a chip on his shoulder.
Rev: Another of the universe's little jokes... at our expense.

Tyr: For a man determined to cook history's greatest omelette, you're awfully squeamish about cracking your eggs.

Rev: While I admit the universe does have a sense of humor, I doubt very much this is a joke.

Beka: [Speaking about Shig and Lipp-Sett] Hard to believe they dressed themselves!

Beka: Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt.
Rommie: Ooooh. So that explains your wardrobe.
Beka: Don't even start with me, I've seen what's in YOUR closet.

Seamus: I can't believe it They're still in one piece.
Gerentex: Forget them! Just get us out of here!
Seamus: Yes, sir, Mister Fearless Leader, sir.

Elssbett: Captain Hunt, I must congratulate you. You started a war, you've ruined the plans of the Sabra. You're greatly hated, and also respected as someone we can do business with.

[first lines]
[Trance, practicing fighting with Tyr]
Trance: Hi-Ho!
[kicks Tyr in the chest, bounces off and falls to the floor]
Tyr: What was that?
Trance: Well, you told me to choose a Ki-yai. A sharp exhalation to focus energy and intimidate the opponent.
Tyr: And you choose "Hi-Ho"?
Trance: Is that a bad one?
Tyr: You might wanna choose another, unless you intend to incapacitate your opponents with laughter.

Tri: You haven't got much time. The Collectors are trying to take over the Commonwealth. You're their number one target. You've ruined everything for them. Show what you can do before it all falls down.
Captain: Finally, a politician brave enough to fight for what's right. Wait. Tell me why.
Tri: Why? You're my hero.

Capt. Khalid: Sarah, we've established orbit. You should come to Command.
Dr. Sara Riley: You didn't have to come down here to tell me that, Ismael. A comm link would've done the trick nicely.
Capt. Khalid: Ah, a comm link. I wish I'd thought of that before I set out on this long and arduous journey down the corridor.
Dr. Sara Riley: You are a cold, unfeeling beast of a man, Captain Khalid.

Trance: I don't think I'm coming back with you. I think that maybe you are going to have to let go this time.
Captain: Well, even if I should, I don't know if I can.
Trance: It'll be okay. Wish me luck.
Captain: Good luck, Trance. I'm still sticking around, though.

[last lines]
Captain: Captain Dylan Hunt, Commanding Officer. Nova containment authorized. Ten Break Alpha.
Andromeda: Sir? Are you sure you want to retain a Nova bomb on board ship?
Captain: No. But all the same, Ten Break Alpha.

General: Careful; we need him functional.
Seamus: No, go ahead. Keep it up. Ow! Yeah, that's it, because I ain't helping you. Nobody gets onto the Andromeda without an all-access pass and the boss's approval, and you're not getting either.
General: That's not the other choice, scientist. The other choice is, I fire a missile into the centre of the Seefra One landing port, full of incoming refugees. He may not care about you, but he'll care about the thousands of dead. Either way, Dylan Hunt will feel what it's like to have things taken away from him, like he's taken from me. So it doesn't matter what you choose, scientist.
Seamus: Freaking psycho.

Seamus: Yeah. Can you see me? Personal attendants clearing a path through throngs of adoring women throwing themselves at my feet. Make way, make way for Seamus Zelazny Harper, the universe's richest, most eligible bachelor.

Beka: So, uh, counting to three... kind of tells them when to shoot.

Harper: Deirdre. My Drift-rock darlin'. My Irish Creme. My destiny.

Rommie: No, I didn't. Because I'm a warship, and warships only know how to do one thing, and that's kill. We don't have hearts. We don't have empathy. We're killers. We're attack dogs. And I'm afraid! The Balance of Judgment went insane, the Pax Magellanic went insane, and I don't want that to happen to me.
Dylan: You're forgetting something. The Balance of Judgment had no captain, no crew. The Pax lost her captain. Why do you think warships have captains in the first place?... I'm your heart, Rommie... I always will be.

Harper: We shared this thing, this, um, cosmic connection.
Beka: You shared half a dozen whiskeys and a zero-gravity rhumba.

Seamus: Look, an AP fusion catalyst isn't exactly a precise weapon, you know? It's not going to work with the fleet scattered halfway across the nebula. Unless you can get 'em all to line up nicely to be incinerated.
Gaheris: I'll see what I can do.
Seamus: What? You're serious.
Gaheris: Just get the catalyst working. You do your job, I'll do mine.

Captain: Admiral Stark.
Admiral: How did you know?
Captain: Let me think. Sealed orders. No signature, no mission specifics. Now who else would it be?
Admiral: That's employing good, practical intuition. Nothing you picked up from that ivory tower war college on Tarn-Vedra.
Captain: No, ma'am. I picked that up from Sara.
Admiral: Sara? You better be taking good care of my niece, Commander.
Captain: Why do I get the feeling that after every date you receive a report in triplicate?
Admiral: Very astute.

Captain: Let's cut the crap. I know you want to follow us, and you want the Route of Ages, so why don't you just tell me what you know first?
Tyr: Only that you will fail. That I will prosper.
Captain: Obviously, this was pre-recorded.
Tyr: There's a first time for everything, Dylan.
Captain: And there's always a last time, too, Tyr.

Rox: Gotta warn you, though. Usually, I'm not such a sucker for a man with all that muscle.
Captain: Well, actually, I'm not as big as I used to be.

Tyr: It was all right.
Beka: All right? Tyr, whatever you're going through, fight through it.
Captain: Let's suit up and try one for real.
Beka: Are you kidding? We'll kill him.

Captain: I have an idea. Why don't we throw our own little wedding party? We've already invited the Jaguars and Dragons. Let's see who else wants to come.
Elssbett: What are you talking about? There's no one else out there.
Captain: Oh, isn't there? You know, if I were planning to blitzkrieg the Jaguars, I'd already have my fleet in position, you know. Somewhere safe but, you know, inside the system. Somewhere like, oh, I don't know, near a gas giant.
Elssbett: You're starting a war.
Captain: No. You are starting a war. I'm just rearranging the sides. Now, tell your pride you're going to die, and tell them their entire fleet will be destroyed if they don't help.
Elssbett: You're sure you're not part Nietszchean?
Captain: Heh, I'm starting to wonder.

Beka: Eat my dust, you bucket of bolts.

Dylan: Slipstream: it's not the best way to travel faster than light, it's just the only way.

Tyr: You made me laugh.
Seamus: No, I didn't.
Tyr: Yes, you did, just not out loud. And I hope you get the chance to do it again.
Seamus: Yeah, we'll double-cross that bridge when we get to it.

Harper: I'm no one's lunch!

Tyr: Harper. What's, going on?
Seamus: I don't know. I mean, um, my current theory is that somehow... um, an older version of Andromeda's personality profile might've been reactivated and may be taking over the ship.
Captain: And how did you figure that out?
Seamus: I think the key thing right now is to repair the problem? We can worry about minor details like assigning blame later.
Beka: Harper, I'm...
Captain: He's right. Worry about that later.

Trance: Harper, be careful. He has two loaded guns. You only have a bad temper.

Adulasia: Shh. I prefer my men strong and silent.
Trance: Well then you won't like Harper.

Seamus: I can't get over that feeling that all I have left now are memories.
Captain: Welcome to the club.

Gerentex: Et tu, Trance?

Harper: God hates me.
Trance: Don't take it personally.

Rommie: What do you mean you don't recognize me? I'm you!
Andromeda: You are a modified Type 3 maintenance android fashioned to look like my A.I. persona. You are decidedly not me.
Andromeda: It isn't responding to my instructions like the other androids.
Andromeda: Whoever modified it must have given it the ability to override my direct control.
Andromeda: I will disassemble it. Perhaps it will give me information about the saboteurs.
Rommie: Like hell I will!
[turns to leave]
Andromeda: This section has been sealed.
Rommie: Oh, really.
[opens door and steps through]
Andromeda: Stop! Where are you going?
Rommie: To find out what's wrong with me. Sometimes I can be a real *pain in the ass*!

Rommie: I'll dispatch a courier to Tri-Lorn immediately, but you are aware we suffered no damage to our GFG.
Captain: We did if I say we did. Strategic truth.
Rommie: Right. And the strategy is?
Captain: I need time to find Tyr and understand his scheme. Rhade is the key to that.
Rommie: Right. And the truth is?
Captain: I am beginning not to trust certain aspects of the Commonwealth, and I don't like that one bit.

Beka: I could say talks with the fish people are floundering... but that would be wrong.

[first lines]
Rommie: Trance says the relief supplies are ready for transport, and Tyr's security squads and the volunteers from the Drift are on board.
Captain: Good.
Beka: Good news and bad news from the Pythians. The good news is that the earthquakes from the comet strike have stopped. The bad news is that the entire planet is now shrouded in dust. Anyone who wasn't starving is now freezing to death.

Captain: I think it's time to tell me what's going on.
Celine: Time. Yes. It's about time. It's all about time.

Beka: Life signs?
Andromeda: Potentially one.
Beka: Potentially?
Andromeda: It is very weak.

Gerentex: Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Let's have old Gerentex take us into his confidence, and reveal his latest scheme for wealth and success, and then we'll betray him and keep it all for ourselves!
Trance: We would never do that.
Seamus: I would.
Trance: True.

Tyr: Consider this, either it's the end of it all, or you'll have a magnificent tale to tell your children.

Seamus: Somebody has to wake Dylan.
Trance: I'm not waking Dylan.
Seamus: Andromeda?
Andromeda: Don't bother - I'm sure he's already awake.

Tyr: I'm proud of you.
Captain: Why?
Tyr: You're thinking like a Nietzschean.
Captain: If I were thinking like a Nietzschean, I'd kill you.
Tyr: Why don't you?
Captain: Because my mission is to restore civilization. And if I can't persuade you, a member of my own crew, how can I win over the rest of the galaxy?
Tyr: Just when I thought you'd controlled your blind idealism, you say something like that. So, are you... endeavoring to trust me, then?
Captain: I trust Tyr... to be Tyr.

[repeated line]
Trance: Yee haw!

Tyr: Focus, Harper. Nothing's buried itself in our hull yet.
Seamus: Yet: three little letters, so much pain.

Dylan: Well, Harper always says that opposites attract.
Beka: That's just his excuse to meet women. Everyone's the opposite of Harper.
Dylan: That's true.

[Refractions of Dawn speaks in his language]
Dylan: I didn't... I didn't catch that last part.
Andromeda: [translating] My life. My soul. For the hive. For the hive.
Refractions: Or as you apes would put it... *Banzai!*

Captain: I am completely out of patience and time. I'm convinced taking him to Sinti for a coronation is a big mistake.
Rommie: Coronation? The man hasn't even been elected yet.
Captain: The universe has a sick sense of humour, Rommie. I mean, is this what I've invested my blood in? Rebuilding the Commonwealth so I can hand the reins over to someone like Sid? I'd rather just throw him to the Magog.
Rommie: You could probably get away with that.

Captain: I'll be fine. What about the others?
Beka: I'll check. Just hold still. You're, uh, you're dripping on my ship.

Seamus: It's not that easy, Trance. Three spiral galaxies, dozens of galactic clusters. There's gotta be hundreds of prison planets.
Andromeda: Three hundred and forty eight, to be exact.
Trance: Really... What about that one.
Beka: Why? Why that one?
Trance: Well, it's... pretty.
Tyr: It's pretty. Now there's a solid reason to risk our lives.
Seamus: You have a better idea?
Tyr: No.

Andromeda: It's a trap.

Andromeda: Dylan, I'm not reading any pulses or brainwaves from the plague victims, and their bodies register at room temperature.
Tyr: Well, that would make sense. They're corpses.
Andromeda: Yes, the trouble is they're walking around the ship trying to kill you.
Tyr: [Dylan looks at Tyr] You're surprised? That's what you get for incessantly trying to help!
Dylan: The ungrateful dead.

Tyr: I know but one person idiotic enough to try and rescue three dead men from a Magog hive.
Captain: That's me, Captain Idiot. Now, I don't know about the three of you, but... we have a ship to catch.

Seamus: All right, all right, fine. I know a place. No one'll find you, but not another word about the Scouse races.
Ocham: Scouse me.

Hohne: Mr. Harper?
Harper: It's freaking Grand Central Space Station around here. Chief Technical Advisor Hohne, fancy meeting you here.

Seamus: A map. A treasure map. Maybe your future just got brighter, Beka. Maybe my future just got brighter.
Captain: Daedalus Five, Rommie.
Andromeda: Daedalus five was destroyed by an asteroid three hundred years ago.
Seamus: I told you not to get your hopes up.

Captain: Battle stations.
Telemachus: Battle stations? We're being towed.
Captain: I know. It's just... habit. Damn it!

Kroton: [to his android clone army] Destroy what you hate. Hate is your reason to bring darkness.
Molly: That is not a healthy internal narrative.

Rommie: You know what I really want?
Tyr: An avatar unencumbered by cleavage?

Andromeda: Dylan is right. I don't have time for this.
Andromeda: I knew this humanoid body of Harper's would cause trouble.
Rommie: It's not Harper's body, it's mine!
Andromeda: You mean mine, don't you?
Rommie: No, I don't! I'm a person... despite the circuitry. My own person!
Andromeda: [to Andromeda Ascendant] Now it's quoting him.
Andromeda: This is not in my performance specs. I'm supposed to be a warship, not a lovesick schoolgirl.
Andromeda: The geometry is depressingly familiar.
Andromeda: A triangle. The unattainable captain on one side, the charismatic newcomer on the other.
Rommie: Stop talking about me as if I'm not here! Both of... you.
Andromeda: This is confusing.
Andromeda: Well, I for one don't want to have anything to do with this!

Beka: Harper, come on. We're friends. We have no secrets.
Seamus: Oh. Okay. What's your natural hair color?
Beka: I can't tell you. It's a secret.

Beka: Yeah, so how did we get into this mess? Who started it? It couldn't have been Tyr alone, or just the Nietzscheans.
Trance: The universe is just too big for it to have simply been them.
Seamus: All right, I, for one, don't want to talk about it anymore, okay? And I particularly don't want to talk about the lovable, absentee, not so young and restless Nietzschean you know who.

Mick: What about you, sweetness? Are you into older men? Or are you just into her?
Trance: Watch the tail.
Willie: You know, grape's my favorite flavour.
Trance: Beka, are they cannibals?

Tyr: So, be just a bit more careful who you're shaking hands with, Captain Hunt. Your fingers might come away bloody.

[first lines]
Seamus: Trance, I'm telling you. That waitress really dug me. We shared this thing, this, uh, pure, special cosmic connection.
Trance: Wasn't that what you said about that stripper you met on Mendocino Drift? The one who had the elbow spikes and threatened to perforate you, stick a light in your rib-cage, and turn you into a planetarium?

Dylan: I'd like to be alone for a while, if you don't mind.
Rev: I understand. I, myself, prefer solitude when doing mathematics.
Dylan: How'd you know?
Rev: Oh, it wasn't difficult. In fact, I suspect I could guess the equation. Let me see... one thousand ships, average crew size, one hundred. Simple multiplication.
Dylan: One hundred thousand people. How can I even consider it?

Captain: Don't you communicate with your AI?
Andromeda: I'm really sorry, Captain.
Captain: There's got to be a way back to my ship, unless it's too late. Say, what's with the Dylan Hunt monument?
Andromeda: Oh, the planet was dedicated to you after you died as a memorial for visitors from the three galaxies.
Captain: Oh, well, it appears I was very inspiring.
Andromeda: Well, you are Dylan Hunt. Obviously not the one who died many years ago, but a different and equally real Dylan Hunt.

Remiel: You will serve me of your own free will.
Rommie: I've learned a lot from watching my organics. The little lies they tell to paper over ugly truths, saying anything to avoid saying something that makes them feel vulnerable and exposed. I've learned something about AIs, too - we're every bit as guilty.

Andromeda: I wish you wouldn't do that. What if your anti-grav harness failed and I couldn't catch you in time?
Dylan: Oh, Andromeda, you wouldn't let that happen, because then you'd have to break in a new captain.

Trance: And what about you? Where do you belong?
Rommie: Here. Alone.
Trance: But it's not that simple. It never has been.
Rommie: I intend to make it simple.
Trance: How?
Rommie: Process of elimination. Those who betrayed me, I want revenge.
Trance: But who? How do you know who that is?
Rommie: I have a list.

Dylan: I'm trying to erase 300 years of chaos and corruption. I'm not going to win every time. But when we do win, it's gonna be big, big news. So if I were you, I'd stick around. It's going to be an amazing ride.

Rev: Hmm... The first officer of your ship.
Captain: More than that. My friend... He was supposed to be the best man at my wedding and then he betrayed me. Because I trusted him, the Nietzschean invasion got past my ship and the Commonwealth was destroyed. I lost my crew, my family, my friends... my fiancé. I lost the time and age I belonged to, Rev. Hell, I lost civilization itself.
Rev: And now you're wondering is it worth reaching out to Nietzscheans?
Captain: They're genetically engineered to be paranoid and selfish and treacherous. Am I right to be prejudiced?
Rev: As a Magog, my own genes predispose me to slaughter indiscriminately, eat my victims, lay eggs in the paralyzed bodies of sentient beings. I think if you were truly prejudiced, you would have shot me on sight.
Captain: It's not the same. You're a Wayist. You're the most peaceful person I know.
Rev: Ah, then in each species, no matter how horrible, there's room for improvement. You don't have to forget. You don't even have to forgive. But you must look for the good in the beings you encounter. Otherwise, your restored Commonwealth will be founded on distrust, and it will be over before it even begins.

Captain: Now we have to convince Calleb to hand over File D willingly.
Beka: And how are we going to do that?
Captain: Outsmart him?
Beka: I hate it when we have to outsmart Nietzscheans. It's even more exhausting than beating them up.
Captain: Yeah, but it's a lot less painful.

Andromeda: For a man who killed his captain and best friend without saying a word, you certainly seem reluctant to let him go.
Gaheris: I did what I had to do.
Andromeda: For what? For the Commonwealth? The glory of the Nietzschean people? Look around you, Commander. You killed him for nothing.

Captain: This is what you listen to. You're being manipulated into passivity. I can not give you purity, friends. I only bring reality.
Council: The Magog? You bring us despair.
Captain: The Magog bring despair; I bring hope.

Captain: You all right?
Trance: When a branch sacrifices itself, the rest of the tree only grows stronger.
Captain: But you still felt the loss.
Trance: Every one of me did. But we have saved you, and now the Commonwealth will grow stronger too.
Captain: One battle at a time. Meaning we have plenty of work left to do. So, pull yourselves together, and let's go.
Trance: That was pretty funny, actually.
Captain: Yeah, it was pretty good, wasn't it? Now, if only the rest of you thought that.

Pish: You're finished here.
Trance: You are finished as well.

Seamus: You seeing what I'm seeing?
Trance: A really excited human with a rash?
Seamus: [chuckles] No, the ship. The Andromeda Ascendant. Right where that furry little twitch said it would be.
Rev: You're speaking of our respected employer.
Seamus: Ha! Whooo! You know, I may actually be starting to like that guy.
Rev: Hmm. No prior claims.

Seamus: You're doing Flash. I don't believe it. Flash? Beka, come on. You know what that stuff does to people. People kill over that stuff, their family and friends. Did you know that 82% of people on prison planets are Flash addicts?
Beka: Do you know what? They tell you that kind of stuff just to scare you.
Seamus: Sure, to scare you out of killing your neighbors.
Beka: Look, I'm not gonna pretend this crap is good for me. I know first-hand what Flash can... I'm using miniscule doses. For a limited time. It's medicine, and it's working. You saw, you heard what Dylan said.
Seamus: If it's such good medicine, why don't you tell Dylan?
Beka: Because Dylan is Dylan. Dylan wouldn't cheat on his FTA dues. Besides, it's none of his business what I put in my bloodstream.

Tyr: What would you like, Jaguar?
Charlemagne: The usual. Hundreds of grandchildren, utter domination of known space and the pleasure of hearing that all of my enemies have died in terrible, highly improbable accidents that cannot be connected to me. And you?
Tyr: [Laughs] The usual.

Captain: I'm tempted. I could do a lot with that much money.
Tyr: I'm sure. Still, somehow I doubt you're truly prepared to turn me over to the Drago-Kasov Pride.
Captain: Give me one reason why not. Your extracurricular activities have put my ship, my crew, and my mission in jeopardy. *You* are becoming a liability, Tyr.
Tyr: A liability. Am I so? Well, I also happen to be the best, I, I am the *only* soldier you have. I personally delivered Enkindu and Schopenhauer into your alliance. I have saved your ship, your crew, such as it is, and your mission on many an occasion. And while I may have earned the wrath of the Drago-Kasov Pride, they wanted to kill you long before they ever heard of me.
Captain: Oh, then I guess that makes it all right.
Tyr: If you would like me to leave, sir... you have but to ask.

Dr. Sara Riley: We have to reestablish contact. Spread the signal over the entire EM spectrum. Use the communication laser. Hell, send up smoke-signals if you have to.

Beka: Trance, I need you. Dylan needs you. Trance? Trance?
[grabs and squeezes her tail]
Beka: Trance!
Trance: Ah! Oh! The tail!
Beka: Oh, good. You're up.

Gabriel: I love you... and I know you love me... and we should be together.

Uncle: Money is not a disease. It's the cure.

Trance: In a few hours, we can add Seefra Two and Methus Two to the list.
Beka: Yes, well, it may all be part of some grand design, but it's still bloody tragic.
Trance: They did the job.
Andromeda: And they say inorganics lack emotion.
Doyle: Speak for yourself.
Andromeda: I wasn't.

Seamus: From the beginning, what are the ten radical isotopes? Whoa.
Doctor: From the beginning, the ten radical isotopes. Tukerium, negative five. Dongor, neg seventeen. Lu, neg thirty one... Kartex, neg seventy nine. Sharbar, neg one oh one. Muilamium, neg one two seven.
Seamus: Isotopes with negative atomic weight?

Captain: Come about Zero-Four-Niner and slow to three quarters.
Beka: Coming about Zero...
Captain: Now hard left, ninety degrees positive, all ahead full.
Beka: This must be the old nauseate-your-enemy ploy.
Captain: Keep it up. Random speed, heading, and attitude changes. I want Andromeda bucking like a drunken Vedran with a Nightsider on it's back.
Beka: Sounds like my last date.
Captain: You can tell us about that later.

Rommie: The enemy destroyer was eliminated, but Castalian casualties are still high. Five of their ships are down. The planet was bombarded. Estimated civilian casualties: five million.
Beka: That's a lot of sushi.
Dylan: It's not funny, Beka.
Beka: Looked pretty darned funny from here.
Dylan: Look, if you're all finished insulting our allies, might I remind you that the point of these training exercises is to improve their morale, not destroy it.
Seamus: Look, Dylan, if you think Aquaman and the Silver Surfer here are going to help you stop the Magog, you may as well start basting yourself with steak sauce now and avoid the rush.

Chancellor: Fine, then we can broadcast as soon as you have checked our records and the apology is made.
Captain: Apology?
President: I need a formal apology from Tyr Anasazi. Protocol, you know. So tiresome.

Captain: Trance, who are you? What are you?
Trance: [transforms into a sun] I am the avatar of a sun, a star. All things come from the same thing, all from me. You are elements of the sun. As I make you, I am able to destroy you. As I destroy you, I am able to create.
Captain: You had me at avatar.
Trance: Awareness is where we travel, no path. I am all gravity, and exist in all universes between them. What destroys you in this universe will deliver you to the next. Are you ready to sacrifice everything?
Captain: Sacrifice pales against that which we will gain.
Trance: You *will* put your faith in me to destroy you?
Captain: [long pause] And remake me, yes.
Trance: Then behold the expanding universe.

Seamus: Hey, believe it or not, I actually read that thing. The crap I went through to get that, and it's total gibberish. Steer by the glow of the, uh, Cyclop's eye? It's half mystical mumbo-jumbo, half putrid poetry, and half bad math.
Rommie: That's three halves.
Seamus: Like I said, bad math.

[first lines]
Rommie: Captain on deck!
Beka: I'll alert the media.
Trance: It means we're supposed to stand at pretention.
Captain: At ease, Trance. I think it's a little late in the game to restore the military protocols.

Seamus: Okay. Let me get this straight. A Commonwealth Nietzschean arrests The Nietzschean of all Nietzscheans, who escapes. The Commonwealth tells us not to go after The Nietzschean but to arrest the Commonwealth Nietzschean who arrested The Nietzschean in the first place. Makes a lot of sense.

Andromeda: Wait, I'm detecting a Nietzschean task force. Four light minutes away and closing.
Seamus: Ten capital ships, forty fighters? Oh, great. Can I get fries with that?

Seamus: We saw her first. Open salvage. Finder's keepers.
Gaheris: Salvage. The Commonwealth sent you.
Seamus: Commonwealth? Wait a minute. You're with the original crew, right? You got stuck in time, didn't you? Oh, man, I got news for you, pal. There is no Commonwealth. There hasn't been a Commonwealth for over three hundred years.
Gaheris: Then this is a Nietzschean empire.
Seamus: Nietzschean empire? Please, stop, you're killing' me.
[Rhade hits him again]
Seamus: Ah, Stop it! You're killing' me.

Captain: What happened to the rest of the crew?
Lieutenant: Warrick took them all planetside. He left me alone. I hate being alone. I missed my human friends, my favourites. So I went into the DNA files and fabricated them. Did you ever meet Dutch?

Trance: I have another squadron rapidly approaching.
Beka: Thanks for the good news.
Trance: That was a necessary negative assessment.
Beka: Well, let's try to accentuate the positive, shall we?
Trance: They will soon destroy the Andromeda?
Beka: Okay, thanks for trying.

Trance: Okay. Okay, Trance, you can do this. You know you can. There is a perfect possible future where everything will turn out just fine. And the odds of creating that future are only 1,671,000 to 1, more or less.

Andromeda: Hangar deck fifteen. Stowaways in the cargo.
Captain: Do we need bells and whistles for that? Thank you. How did they get past our security?
Andromeda: I'm detecting the deactivation of an electromagnetic cloaking device.
Captain: Nice toy. Mr. Harper, I want one of those.
Seamus: Looks like we just got one.

Beka: You were right.
Captain: I'm the skipper, I'm always right.
[Beka gives him a look]
Captain: Except when I'm... wrong.
Beka: How can you tell the difference?
Captain: Usually, I wait for my first officer to give ma a swift kick in the head.
Beka: Oh. I might be able to help you there.

Seamus: Hey, if you guys are gonna kill each other, go ahead and be my guest, but don't get any blood on my gear, okay?

Lieutenant: Well, let's see. I grew a rose garden. I memorized the Commonwealth Chronicles. Oh, and Earth opera.
Captain: Ah. I'm afraid I'm not very well-versed in ancient music.
Lieutenant: It's all right. It's Der fliegende Holländer. It's about a sea captain condemned to roam the seas eternally, without purpose. This is the overture. You can almost hear the waves swelling and... falling. You might say it's become my theme song. To roam the seas eternally... without purpose.

Captain: There's nothing I can do. Beka's on her way to you.
Seamus: Great. Great. Thanks for nothing, pal. See you in the next life.
Andromeda: Harper terminated.
Captain: Bad choice of words.

Harper: Trance, have you been in the engine room lately?
Trance: No, it's disgusting back there.
Harper: Thank you.

Trance: Beka, on the other hand...
Captain: She kind of likes to fly by the seat of her pants.
Trance: Yes, but I believe that's what makes her a good slipstream pilot. And it's also what makes you two such a good team. You complete each other.
Captain: Then it's a good thing we're on the same side.
Trance: More than you know.

Captain: It's a chance to do something important... something meaningful... And it's more than that... It's an adventure.

[Trance's tail has been shot off and she's been given a bottle of whiskey as a painkiller]
Trance: I can't believe that it's gone. My tail, it's gone. I didn't get to say goodbye to it. It was so pretty. My poor tail.

[Harper gives Dylan a detailed explanation of a myth]
Dylan: Mythology... it's all Greek to me.

Seamus: A smaller chunk of power is used to accelerate more hydrogen in a dozen magnetoplasma dynamic drives, which impart a thrust. A thrust of half a million Newtons or so. So, when you're pushing a kilogram with half a million Newtons of thrust, it's a good idea to keep one hand on your valuables, because you never know when you just might run straight into some two-faced lying jerk.
Pish: Take him away.
Seamus: Boys, I'm not coming in with you, no matter what you try to say or do. I ride with Dylan to the end!

Seamus: Speaking of short lives.
Beka: You don't think I'll live long enough to pay my tab?
Seamus: I mean, don't take it personally. Tell you what: on the way out is fine.

Ryan: No, you misunderstand me. I'm not afraid for myself. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you. Like I couldn't protect them.
Captain: You mean, your High Guard crew.
Ryan: The CO Of my Lancer regiment was a Nietzschean. Major Iskander Kassad. He was brutal, sharp. His troops revered him like a god. And in exchange, he slaughtered them. He slaughtered them while I watched. He'd sabotaged me. I couldn't intervene. And it wasn't just the violence that staggered me, it was my own helplessness. I thought I was invincible, and then I found out nobody's invincible, Captain.

Rommie: I killed him, Dylan. I loved him, and I killed him.
Dylan: You had no choice.
Rommie: No, I didn't. Because I'm a warship. And warships only know how to do one thing, and that's kill. We don't have hearts. We don't have empathy. We're killers. We're attack dogs. And I'm afraid. The Balance of Judgement went insane, the Pax Magellanic went insane, and I don't want that to happen to me.
Dylan: You're forgetting something. The Balance of Judgement had no captain, no crew. The Pax lost her captain. Why do you think warships have captains in the first place. I'm your heart, Rommie. I always will be.

Tyr: Mine hit first.
Captain: Yours was fatter.

Seamus: Boss, he's giving me that look again.
Trance: Rev, don't. Let me get you some steak sauce first.

[last lines]
Rev: I believe anything that can love... has a soul. Have you ever felt love?
Rommie: I've learned... that it's dangerous to love. It can drive you crazy.
Rev: Then, perhaps... that's what tears are for.

[Harper, frustrated trying to make repairs, bangs his fist on the wall]
Captain: [entering] You're supposed to fix my ship, not beat her to death.
Seamus: Sorry. Sometimes, uh, high tech problems demand low tech solutions.

Dr. Sara Riley: You can't change the future by living in the past. Although it certainly would be nice to have you around.
Captain: I wish that were enough.
Dr. Sara Riley: If it were, you wouldn't be the man I fell in love with... You came back for me. You risked everything.
Captain: But I failed.
Dr. Sara Riley: No. No... No, you saved me. You always do. We had our time together. This isn't your time anymore.

Trance: She can't tell you.
Beka: Why? Why can't I tell him?
Trance: Because if you tell him, Tyr will die.
Tyr: Then by all means leave me in suspense.

Captain: So, you experience a million possible futures in the time it takes me to blink my eyes, and each one of them looks, feels, sounds, smells, and tastes as real as the conversation we're having right here, right now?
Trance: In a word, yes.
Captain: Wow. All right, here's my question. If that's true, if each one of those futures is indistinguishable from each other and from reality on a quantum level... Trance, how do you know that any of this is real?
Trance: I don't.

Rommie: Hector must have been a fine replacement.
Dylan: Hector? Oh, yeah, well, he was more than fine, he was - he was great. I mean he...
[Dylan notices Rommie looking a bit offended]
Dylan: ...Ah, but he could never be, you know, what - what you are.
Rommie: And that is?
Dylan: The air that I breathe.
Rommie: Literally.

Captain: I'm afraid there isn't much upside.
Beka: Okay, who are you and what have you done with the real Dylan Hunt? Do you remember Mister Help Thy Neighbour, Captain Idealism? That guy would have jumped at this.
Captain: Yes, well that guy didn't know the Magog were coming. See, now we have to temper our idealism with pragmatism. Prioritize.
Seamus: He kind of has a point there, Beka.
Captain: Thank you, Mr. Harper.
Beka: Okay, look, I-I see what you're saying, but those freighter pilots? I used to be one of them, hauling rocks from one end of the galaxy to another, just trying to make a living. They don't deserve to be shot at, and they certainly don't deserve to die.
Seamus: All right, Rommie, are you recording this? Because this is like Freaky Friday or something. It's like somebody reversed the polarity on your brain waves.
Captain: All right, all right, we'll go, and we'll see what we can do.

Beka: Where did you get all the candles?
Tyr: I rendered them from the fat of my enemies.

Elssbett: It's too bad you're a human.
Captain: Hmm... Well, I kinda like who I am.
Elssbett: So do I. Very well, then, kludge. Set a course for the Jaguar homeworld. My new husband awaits.
Captain: Aye, aye, Captain.

Captain: [after kissing Trance] It's been nice knowing you, Trance Gemini.

Beka: He's good. Quick on the uptake, smart, completely fearless. He reminds me of...
Seamus: You... He reminds you of you.
Beka: Then I know I can't trust him.

[last lines]
Beka: So, Tyr. Are you ever going to tell me what we're transporting, here?
Tyr: Something that belongs to me. Something that's belonged to me all along.

Beka: Ride that wave.
Tyr: Riding the reaction's edge...
Beka: Where their sensors can't see us.
Tyr: You could have told me.
Beka: What, and ruin the surprise?
Tyr: You're picking up some very unamusing habits from Dylan, you do know that?

[Harper just discovered that his infestation with Magog larvae is not a dream]
Seamus: [to Tyr] If you're gonna give me anymore of that, "Where there's life, there's hope," crap... Thanks. 'Cause I really need to hear that about now.

Beka: Well, all cliches of human females aside, I've never been late for a date - even a bad one... Which, come to think of it, is practically all of them.
Telemachus: I've heard...

Beka: Positive Mental Attitude my Perky Mortal Ass.

Lawyer: The Great Compass has decided to spare you for now. In light of his mercy, do you have anything to say to us?
Captain: I think we're all a little tired of my name, rank, and serial number.

Beka: Is that what it was? A game?
Leydon: Wasn't it?
Beka: Yeah. Sure.
Leydon: Smile. Well done.
Beka: Leydon? Maybe we'll play again some time.
Leydon: Yeah, maybe.

Ngomi: Philip Kim? I got to tell you, you're in deep, way deep. So, you on the Mobius payroll, sweetheart? Or are you more of a free agent?
Rommie: Free agent? I don't know what you think this is, but if my husband every found out...
Ngomi: Tell me another one.
Rommie: If you insist.

William: Tell me, am I a realist, or just another hopeless dreamer?
Tyr: Aren't true Nietzschean both?

Captain: Don't be smart!
Seamus: It's hard not to, when you're a prodigy.

Dylan: Then we've only got one shot. Rafe better come through for us. What do you think? Can we depend on him?
Beka: He's a Valentine.
Dylan: So you see my problem?

Captain: That's a last resort, Doyle, but you've given me an idea.
Doyle: Oh Dylan, I'm flattered, but we don't have time for this.
Captain: Not that kind of idea. But don't think I haven't thought about it.

Yvaine: I can't live my life like a Nietzschean. Besides, think, Breyon. What if he is one of them? If I left him there and he died, then what would have happened? The Dragans would have killed you, me, and half the people on this inlet.
Breyon: I'm so sick of this. I'm sick of feeding them, I'm sick of kissing their feet. I wish they'd all just disappear.
Yvaine: The rocks might as well try to wish away the ocean.
Breyon: Well, I'm not a rock. I'm a human being.
Yvaine: That's the problem. We're only humans.

General: I want you to experience the same pain you inflicted on me and my people. And the loss.
Telemachus: By killing Harper?
General: He's important to you, I know. A friend and a valuable resource. I'm going to enjoy this.
Captain: Yeah, well, enjoy whatever sadistic pleasure it brings you, Burma, because I don't have time to care. Hunt out.
Telemachus: We're bluffing, right?
Captain: Yeah, we're bluffing.
Telemachus: I wonder if Harper knows we're bluffing.
Captain: One problem at a time, Rhade. We have to find Trance.

Doyle: Harper, we can't just leave him.
Seamus: Very philanthropic, but existential trumps humanism. Sorry, pal. Welcome to Seefra.

Beka: You know, when you told me you were planning to get fifty worlds to sign your Commonwealth charter, I didn't think you'd even get one. And here you are, more than a tenth of the way there.
Captain: In a year of trying. It's just a drop in the ocean compared to the one million original members.
Beka: Why is it that whenever I start to feel optimistic, you become a pessimist?
Captain: It's a little known law of thermodynamics: the conservation of optimism - there's only so much to go around.

Andromeda: Dylan's not here.
Beka: Yeah, I... you know, I liked it a lot better when you were about a million times smarter than me.
Andromeda: So did I.

Captain: I can't believe you found me.
Trance: It's inevitable that one of us would. We divided ourselves up so that we could occupy every possible present you could ever be in.
Captain: By we, you mean you.
Trance: I'll admit that I'm spread rather thin at the moment.

Molly: Oh God, we're alive.
Captain: You're welcome.

Rev: Fire control sensors on-line. Captain, I... I hope you do not expect me to fire the ship's weapons.
Captain: This isn't the time, Rev.
Rev: Nevertheless, I will man the sensors, but I will not fire the weapons.
Beka: I could've told you that.

Seamus: I'll have you in there before you can say...
Captain: Thank you, Mr. Harper.
Seamus: ..."Thank you, Mr. Harper."

Captain: I love putting a theory into practice.

Andromeda: File D has a homing signal. The Magog have picked it up, and they're following it.
Beka: Dylan, they're targeting the drone.
Captain: What, they're going to detonate it?
Andromeda: It's a suicide mission.
Captain: You know, Magog are the polar opposite of Nietzscheans.

Seamus: Fine. A game of chicken. Let's bring it.
[bounty hunter veers off]
Seamus: Entering slipstream. Woohoo! Damn, I'm god!
Gerentex: Hello? Does anyone remember whose idea it was?
Seamus: Shut up, rat. Just tell me where to go.
Gerentex: I have several suggestions.

Andromeda: You know, Dylan, it's only a matter of time before these creatures find another way to focus the energy in the generator.
Captain: Exactly. That's why we're going to blow this thing up.
Tyr: We get to go home first, right?

Dylan: Rommie, do you believe in fate?
Andromeda: The idea that the universe is a vast preprogrammed machine does have it appeal.

Trance: Y'know, since we've got a little bit of time here, we might as well find a good way to spend it. I know! I've got this really great game. It's called "Harper tells Trance everything, so she can save his miserable little life." Would you like to play?
Harper: I hate you.
Trance: You're just saying that.

Andromeda: So many dead that the corpses are routinely used as a source of fuel. But I'm sure one hero with a forcelance can defy the percentages.
Captain: Et tu, Rommie?
Seamus: Or he'll nicely heat a two bedroom Flash house.
Captain: Okay, okay, thank you both for your optimistic and unwavering support.

Höhne: Oh dear, this is all my fault. I never imagined the tesseract machines side effects would be so disruptive.
Seamus: I just wish I knew what we did wrong.
Rekeeb: Not did. Will do. These events are emanating from the future.
Seamus: Argh!
Höhne: Oh dear.
Seamus: I wish you'd stop saying that.

Rommie: Harper, why don't you find yourself a nice girlfriend?
Seamus: I tried building one, but she doesn't want me!

Captain: Hey, hey, Rhade. We're not here to kill Harper.
Telemachus: Are you sure?

Seamus: Maybe I won't own an entire planet inhabited solely by women. It's unnecessary and too much responsibility. Besides, they'll be all over me anyway with that treasure.
Beka: If it's gems, I say we keep the best and sell the rest.
Seamus: Now, that's thinking. What a kick, huh? Hidden treasure, power sucking moons, hungry Magog. It's like bedtime stories my Nana told me.

[first lines]
Breyon: I was talking to Oren the other day.
Yvaine: Back from the city so soon?
Breyon: Just to visit. But you should have seen him. He had all new clothes on and his own strider.
Yvaine: Good for Oren.

Trance: Dylan, have you ever thought that perhaps you traded the better angels of your nature for the mission you felt you had to do?
Captain: No, Trance, I haven't. But I am about ready to trade my better nature for an angel who thinks 'CAN do'!

Captain: But when the shooting starts, you're gonna have to trust me.
Beka: I'm not big on trust.
Captain: Then it's time to learn.

Seamus: You want some? I could pour it into a spectral analyzer or something.
Andromeda: Thanks, but I prefer the logic chips.
Seamus: I can fix that.

Trance: I am so sick of this, you two, with your violence and your threats and your shooting stuff! Neither of you gets it, do you? There isn't enough love in the universe as it is, and you're both just helping to kill off what's left. So shape up! Because if you don't show each other a little peace, love, and understanding, I am going to kill you both.
Seamus: Trance, you don't mean that.
Trance: I do. You know why? 'Cause I could get away with it because I'm cute.
Gerentex: You wouldn't.
Trance: Oh! Dylan, it was so horrible. They just... they killed each other right in front of me. And I tried to stop them, really I tried, but I couldn't.
Gerentex: By the sacred light, she's right. I can just see that High Guard fossil now, hugging her and saying, "Trance, it'll be okay," while, while we lay here dead.

Rommie: What's suspect about the order? She's an Admiral, she wants a Nova bomb, and you have one.
Captain: It is not that simple.
Rommie: This isn't about the Nova bomb, and it isn't about Uxulta's legitimacy. This is about you.
Captain: Excuse me?
Rommie: The Vedrans came back and they didn't inform you. Now they want something from you and they won't tell you why. They're leaving you out of the loop, and you think you deserve better. You're angry, you're hurt, and that's okay, because you're human. However, you are still High Guard. These orders are legal, and you must obey.

Maia: How can you hear that?
Rommie: Oh, I'm an android. I'm full of surprises.

[After the robots have killed the assailants]
Prince: What did you do?
Dylan: The same thing everybody else seems to be doing around here, just making plans. Looks like mine worked.

Beka: Trance?
Trance: [as the future Trance] Beka... I forgot how beautiful you were.
Beka: Er, thanks.

Rommie: If I don't follow Dylan's orders to kill the Cetus and save the planet, I might as well be dead. Because I failed in my mission.
Harper: All right, you're under the influence of stomach acid, you're not thinking straight. This isn't about following orders or ahh, completing the mission is it? It's about Dylan. Because you think he's dead and you don't think you can live without him, right?
Rommie: I'm programmed to carry out orders.
Harper: Yeah, well, that's where we're different, you see I have a choice and I choose not to allow some stupid broken-hearted suicide especially when you're taking me with ya!

Captain: Oh, come on. That is crap. You brought these charges against me.
Tri: I'm sorry, Captain. You are a survivor. I'm not, and I need to survive. I must outlive and outlast. You knew that when we first met. I am no more a politician now than I was then. No more, and let me be clear, no less, and this is politics. Politics that bring a logic to all of this.
Captain: There is no logic. The only reason this is happening is because the Collectors want me out of the way. They want complete control of the Commonwealth, and you're too afraid to stop them.
Tri: We can't have a civil war, Captain.
Captain: Okay, but this is not the way to prevent one.
Tri: I'm trying to look at things differently. The only way to beat a temptation is to give into it. What is the saying? Different courses for different horses?
Captain: Tri-Jema, that is neither the saying nor the solution.

The: Tyr Anasazi: Kodiak Pride, out of Victoria by Barbarossa; orphaned by the Drago-Kazov attack of 10065, sold into slavery, escaped 10077; apprenticed to the famous assassin Tuco Sentenza; briefly married to Freya Rajput of the Orca Pride, and father to young Tamerlane, whose whereabouts at the moment, nobody's quite sure of. Did I miss anything?
Tyr: I don't know. Did you?
The: I hear you're a competent soldier. Will he be coming with us?
Captain: No, taking Tyr on a raid against the Genite bioweapons facility creates an unnecessary risk. God knows what the Genites have keyed to the Nietzschean DNA. I'd prefer to keep Tyr in one piece.
The: Pity. Another time, then.
Tyr: I'll try to contain my disappointment.

Andromeda: The chance of a specific human DNA combination reoccurring is approximately one in three times ten to the fifteenth power.
Tyr: Telemachus Rhade isn't just any human. He's the product of sixteen centuries of selective breeding.
Dylan: Homo sapiens invictus have the same number of chromosomes as unmodified Homo sapiens.
Tyr: Yes, but a smaller sampling. No Nietzschean carries the gene for astigmatism, acromegaly, arterial sclerosis. You combine that with extensive safeguards against mutation and what you've got is...
Dylan: And the odds are still in the trillions.
Tyr: It's a big universe.
Dylan: Yeah, and a bigger coincidence. You know, I don't trust coincidences, especially ones named Rhade.
Tyr: You should know by now that you can never trust any Nietzschean... except me.

[last lines]
Beka: So far, Andromeda's 0-for-2 against that thing.
Dylan: Well, we can't do it alone. There's only one way to defeat something like that. A unified front. The entire known worlds working together.
Rev: A renewed Commonwealth.
Dylan: A renewed Commonwealth. Before, it was a dream. Now, it's a necessity.

Dylan: Pessimism is not a survival trait.

Trance: I found the rattle. If someone can pass me a hammer, I think I can fix it.
Beka: No!
Captain: Thank you. Just note it and we'll take care of it when we set down.
Trance: Noting it...

Captain: Besides, he's right. These men shouldn't have died. We made a mistake.
Gaheris: If we'd made a mistake, we'd be the ones lying on the floor.

[last lines]
Beka: So from now on, every morning I'll wake up thinking about Flash. And every night I'll go to bed thinking about Flash. Is that it?... What do you know, I'm my father after all.
Captain: In the High Guard, we pledged to hold the line against the night. That's what the Commonwealth meant. And on this ship... the Commonwealth still exists. On this ship... we hold the line against the darkness in all of us.
Beka: I know... Dylan, I know. I'm gonna have to fight it every day for the rest of my life.
Captain: And I'll be with you... every step of the way.

Trance: Andromeda, turn us towards the World Ship.
Andromeda: Please advise on strategy.
Trance: We're going to bring Light to the Darkness.

Doyle: Okay, look, you keep playing with your little Flexi thing. I'm going to get us in here.

Captain: That stays.
Seamus: What'd I do?
Rommie: Personal effects of the crew.

Kroton: The Commonwealth is helpless without you, Captain Hunt. That is why we brought you here to die.
Captain: Oh no, no, no, no. You're not supposed to tell me the ending. Now you've spoiled everything.

Captain: Couldn't we just settle this with a nice game of Go?

[last lines]
Tyr: I'm given to understand that your genetic material has become the foundation for an entire race of warrior priests?
Rev: Umm.
Tyr: I'm intrigued. And... perhaps, a bit... jealous.
Rev: I can understand why a Nietzschean would say that.
Tyr: What would a Wayist say?
Rev: We saved paradise... by introducing the serpent.

Doyle: What tone? All I said was holographic artificial intelligence.
Andromeda: Tone meaning attitude, the underlying emotion of sarcasm.
Trance: There's work that needs to be done here, guys.
Andromeda: I control all functions on this starship. You may access me at points which I determine and mediate.
Doyle: On the other hand, I have a body and am free to walk around.
Andromeda: Then you are also free to leave and not come back.
Trance: Okay, I'm going to the SEC. You can call me when you're friends, okay? Okay.

Trance: Many claim that evil is ugly, but it's more often disguised in beauty. That is why we are tempted by it. The greatest evil can be a lie spoken from a sincere face, whereas the greatest good can be masked by fear and hate.

Captain: Open the pod bay doors.
Beka: I just want you to know that I have the greatest enthusiasm for this mission.

Captain: Trance, he's right. I am a hypocrite. Everything I have and everything I am came out of what happened here. By accepting the Andromeda, I sanctioned it.
Trance: Dylan, you may have got the Andromeda from something that you're ashamed of, but, look at what you're doing with it. You've saved lives, planets. You're using the Andromeda to make sense of a senseless universe.
Venetri: Another fool believer. Why don't you enlighten her, Dylan, hmm? Why don't you show her what the gun is all about. Why don't you do what you came to do. Kill me!

Seamus: So, road to Grunswick, I'm on foot, guy comes along in a cart, offers me a ride.
Beka: Sembler?
Seamus: No. I say, sure, why not? I've got a bone spur on my foot. It's kind of gross. You want to see?
Trance: Oh, no.

Captain: Trust me.
Seamus: Oh, we trust you. You feel guilty for leaving the Orca homeless. You want to turn foes into friends. You're a nice guy, but Tyr?
Beka: Tyr only helps those who help Tyr, and suddenly now he needs to save a Pride who swore to kill him?
Captain: The only person Tyr wants to save is his wife.
Seamus: What?
Andromeda: Approaching the slipstream portal.
Seamus: Who the hell would marry Tyr?
Captain: Beka?
Beka: Slipping.

Captain: Would you excuse us, please?
HG: Of course, I come in peace.
Captain: Yes, so do we. Excuse us.

Eureka: Alert. Alert. Magog swarm ship approaching. PDL's are offline.
Rommie: Somebody here call for a ride?
Tyr: Rescued by a swarm ship.
Rev: You see? Not only is there a Divine, He has a twisted sense of humor.

Rommie: Shut up and remember how much you love me.

Beka: Hey, did you do it? Is it going to work?
Seamus: Is my name Seamus Zelazny Harper?
Beka: God, I hope not.

Andromeda: Dylan. I've just been in contact with Vice-Admiral Kosugi, the Commander of the Sabra-Jaguar detachment.
Captain: Yeah?
Andromeda: He got the same report we did about the Pyrian movements throughout the known worlds, but he's withdrawing his ships to defend Venceremos.
Captain: And what exactly is he defending against? Oh, Nietzscheans. You know, surprise, surprise. Running away. All right, get this Admiral Kosugi on a comm line for me.
Andromeda: I already told him that you wouldn't approve. Then he quoted me some obscure paragraph of the mutual defence pact.
Captain: All right, you know, just get him anyway, and I'll tell him where he can put his mutual defence pact.

Seamus: I'm telling ya, the guy is huge. He's like... some kind of Greek god or something.
Beka: Still, there's only one of him.
Seamus: Yeah, but nobody said anything about *taking* this ship away from anybody, especially somebody so big. It's supposed to be abandoned.
Beka: Yeah, but if it wasn't for us, he'd still be stuck in that black hole. I think he owes us.

Dylan: The Magog.
Rommie: On the run, for now. I deployed Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum.
Dylan: How are the lads?
Rommie: Efficent, as usual. They drove off the first wave of the Magog assault ships.

[first lines]
Höhne: Captain...
Captain: Hang on a second. Rommie, how you holding up?
Rommie: As well as can be expected. Believe me, having your brain connected to a black hole is... not fun.

Rommie: There's nothing wrong with me.
Doyle: That's the nature of your system error. You can't tell what's right and what's wrong.
Rommie: I know what's right. Death is right. That's what I want, and you just made my list.
Captain: Well, did you check it twice? Because I know who's been naughty and I know who's been nice.
Rommie: You are at the top of my list.
Captain: So then you're not going alphabetically?

Seamus: Well, the sunlight engines are still fine. We could always try the trip in normal space. I mean, it may take a while, but if we start out now...
Captain: If we start right now, we'll make it to the first known world in time to meet Beka's great-great-great-grandchild.
Seamus: Just how far out are we?
Captain: Trying to shake the Ogami took us clear off the star charts. We're not exactly in the middle of nowhere, but you can see it from here.

Harper: For our Happy Hour this evening, we're offering the Space Rift Royale. 5 parts gin, 3 parts vermouth, 2 olives, crushed ice, shaken not stirred and voila!

Molly: One hour? But that's not...
Captain: All the time you have.
Molly: And make it a Templar Industries Alpha stroke niner model, not one of those after-market jobbies.
Captain: The lady knows her parts.

Tyr: Consider this: if I wanted Dylan dead, or anyone else for what matter, he'd be a corpse already. If we find him alive, then I must be innocent, and you'll owe me an apology.
Rommie: And if we find him alive, I'll give you one. But if we find him otherwise, I'll give you something else entirely. Do we understand each other?
Tyr: My lady, I imagine in all your years no one has ever accused you of being obscure.

Rommie: As you might expect for Marduk's capital city, Baal is heavily defended. The intel forwarded to us by the Exterior Ministers places the reactor here. However, I would recommend that on approach, just four clicks north of Baal, you activate your sensors to confirm the location of any residual voltarium emissions.
Tyr: You haven't the slightest idea where the refinery is located, do you?
Rommie: Not really, no.

Jessa: Give me a day, and I'll have your robot girlfriend up and running.
Captain: I'll explain the many ways in which you are wrong while we work.

[first lines]
Andromeda: Battle stations. Battle stations. All crew, man your battle stations.

Captain: Trying to figure out how we made it through a portal that wasn't there will give Harper something to do.
Trance: Yes, we wouldn't want to deprive him of that.
Captain: It'll keep the boy out of trouble.
Trance: It's funny that you're the one talking about keeping out of trouble.
Captain: All right, I'll make you a deal, Trance: I'll handle all the troubles in this universe; you take the others.
Trance: Deal.
Captain: Deal.

Captain: I wouldn't go into acting if I were you.
Telemachus: What?

[season two opening narration]
Unknown: He is the last guardian of a fallen civilization; a hero from another time. Faced with a universe in chaos, Dylan Hunt recruits an unlikely crew and sets out to reunite the galaxies. On the starship Andromeda, hope lives again.

Andromeda: The Resolution is powering up weapons.
Dylan: Defensive measures! Activate PDL's.
Andromeda: All defensive systems are off-line.
Dylan: [frustrated] Well, then, throw sticks at them!

Harper: I want my Rommie!

Satrina: They're cute when they're little.
Harper: Wait a minute, that's only six of them.
Satrina: You can count. I like that in a man.

Captain: You said I had beautiful hand.
Trance: Well, it just reminded me of the universal constant of change.
Captain: Well, maybe I didn't explain the concept of gambling clearly enough.

Beka: Tyr, ya don't have to come. I know how hard it is for you to beat that Nietzschean self-preservation gene.
Tyr: You know, that " Nietzschean self-preservation gene," as you call it, can't be passed down unless a breeding partner makes herself available. Proving one's worth as a husband and father requires taking risks.
Beka: So all these dangerous, macho things you do - it's to impress the chicks?

Beka: That's impossible. Tell me that's impossible!
Andromeda: I don't know. I just... don't know.
Trance: It's not impossible, it's just really unfair.

Azazel: Captain Hunt, as per the terms of the treaty with the first Systems Commonwealth, we wish to open negotiations over the status of all disputed worlds. We await your reply.
Tyr: Who'd have thought that blowing up one planet would bring the big, bad Pyrians to the bargaining table?
Captain: We sent them a message. We'd rather die on our feet than live on our knees. Now the Pyrians know that we are not going to back down from anybody. And I do mean anybody.

Trance: Captain Hunt, the sensor drones are fully deployed and the missile launch has just been completed. We're five by five with HTE.
Captain: Why, thank you, Trance.
Beka: Five by five?
Trance: Military talk.
Beka: Yeah, carry on, Ensign Gemini.

Rev: Many of the Divine's gifts are like that. They're always there, but we don't appreciate them... until we need them.

Tyr: Love is merely a trick that DNA plays to replicate itself.
Andromeda: I don't have DNA.
Tyr: My point exactly! Are the two of you planning to procreate? Will there be a nursery full of little grav-sleds and data disks... hmm?
Andromeda: Cynic.
Seamus: [to Tyr] Well said. You should consider a career as a, uh, therapist.
Tyr: My first professional recommendation: focus on your work! And stop worrying about your life-sized love doll.

Gaiton: That spike-haired chip-head of yours called me a rat.
Captain: Well, he's a charmer. I guess he expected a little more gratitude for saving your life.
Gaiton: Yes, well, thanks for nothing. You could save my children's lives and I'd still hate the kludge.
Captain: Even so, I'd still save your children. I'd leave you behind, though.
Gaiton: Are you Nietzschean?
Tyr: Are you an idiot? Or do you really expect me to believe that you don't know the answer to that question?

Seamus: I'd love to chat, Dylan, but I got to run.
Captain: I'm looking for a stranger. Long black coat.
Seamus: Sort of a tall, short guy, bald with black hair? He went that way.

Charlemagne: Your timing is improbable.
Tyr: You're welcome.

Seamus: It's just like the Bev-o-tron. I press a button, and out comes a cool drink of love.
Beka: She's a person, Harper, not a Sparky-cola.

Seamus: I've got a stupid question. Why don't we just bomb the whole ship stem to stern, kill them all at once?
Andromeda: Bomb the ship.
Seamus: Not explosion bomb. Bug bomb. Insecticide.
Andromeda: Ah. Metallovores are vulnerable to only one kind of airborne poison.
Tyr: Corrosive gases.
Seamus: Oh, that would wipe us out.
Captain: A bait station.
Seamus: Yes! I could make them out of Rommie's skin.
Andromeda: Excuse me?
Captain: Make as many as you can as fast as you can, Harper... Why are you still standing here?

Doyle: Are you watching this, Harper? It didn't do that when we touched it.
Seamus: Yes, mistress.
Captain: I'm not even going to ask.

Trance: Hey, exactly where on the body is the moneymaker located?

Brother: I saved their souls, their innocence.
Captain: Saved them from what? When the slavers come, they're gonna grab every able-bodied man, woman, and child they can find, and kill anyone who gets in their way.
Brother: Our faith will protect us.
Captain: Oh, really? Well, then why the hell did you call for help, if you believed that your faith could protect you from a Gauss rifle?

Fletcher: Give us the Engine.
Captain: Does it look like we have it?
Duran: You lie to us, she's dead.
Trance: Again.

Beka: Your destiny, Right. Never mind she couldn't speak a word of Common, and you don't speak Celtic or, whatever that dead language is.
Harper: Oh yeah? Try me. Uh... Bra ist un caparu. Love is our language.
Beka: Actually, love is your sandwich, but thanks for playing.

Seamus: Yeah baby, you'd better believe it. A man makes his own density.
Höhne: Destiny.
Seamus: Yeah, that too.

Trance: Are you ready?
Captain: Hey, I was born ready.
Trance: And I was born in a supernova.

Beka: The legend talks about a whirling guardian of the sanctum.
Trance: Well, that is definitely whirling.
Beka: So this must be the sanctum.
Trance: So that's good.
Beka: Yeah.
Captain: Yeah, good. This is just fantastic.

Geryon: Wow. What are the odds?
Trance: Er, five hundred and twenty million to one?
Geryon: What else can you do?
Trance: That's it so far.
Geryon: Well, when I need a calculator, I'll call you.

[Harper and Tyr struggling to free themselves from Magog restraints]
Seamus: This isn't working.
Tyr: Keep trying.
Seamus: Hey, do me a favor, will ya? Talk to me about something. Take my mind off things.
Seamus: You want a story? All right... When I was 16, after I'd lost my family, I was captured by slavers and sold to the diamond mines on Zokotl. One day while I was working in the mines, I noticed that the main support for my section had rotted through. I pointed it out to the overseers, but instead of fixing the problem, they cut my rations and doubled my work shifts. A week later, the ceiling collapsed, burying me alive 200 meters underground.
Seamus: [sarcastically] Thanks. Cheered me right up.
Tyr: It should've. Because I lived. I clawed my way out over the bodies of the dead. I escaped into the desert. I lived on seep-water and sand rats for an entire season. And then, one night, after I'd healed, I visited the overseers... and *thanked* them for their conscientious attention to worker safety. So don't you tell me that I'm going to die here today. Because the sun has not yet risen on the day when Tyr Anasazi, out of Victoria by Barbarossa, will face death graciously. I will kick and claw and bite and scratch and spit my last breath in its face, and as long as you are with me, you will do the same, is that clear?
[after a pause]
Tyr: *Is that clear*?

Captain: You'll tell me the truth when you think I need to hear it. Until then, in Dylan Hunt we trust.

Captain: Promise me... no matter what happens, you'll continue the mission.
Beka: Yeah, see, that's why you have to survive. I'm not really qualified to restart the Commonwealth.
Captain: Neither am I. But that hasn't stopped me.
Beka: Dylan... I may like your idea, but I really don't know if it's possible. For anyone. The odds...
Captain: To hell with the odds. All that matters in life, is that we try... Promise you'll try.
Beka: Promise.

Captain: Beka? We figured out what Wezlow wanted you to find. It was some kind of bell.
Beka: If that's supposed to ring a bell, it doesn't. Sorry.

Freya: Everything deep loves masks.

Beka: Sheesh, some people's kids. Remind me never to have my own.
Captain: I never knew you wanted any.
Beka: I don't. Just in case I ever get soft and weepy, slap me... hard.

Seamus: See you later, you big freak. Speaking of which, I haven't been this happy since Tyr left.

Flavin: What you find inside it, Beka, may surprise you more than you know. Same goes for you: your greatest surprise lies inside. Are you ready for that journey?
Captain: I'm listening.
Flavin: We must undertake a three part journey, dear one: to the past, to the present, and to the future.
Captain: I'd go anywhere if you just made some sense.

Rommie: Harper, we can't keep trading punches with them all day.
Seamus: So manoeuvre or something. Er, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

Seamus: Trance, is it my imagination or is it beginning to go really hot in here?
Trance: Temperature readings are stable, and the bucky cables are still radiating heat perfectly. It's all in your mind.
Seamus: Oh. Good. Insanity, I can deal with.

Tyr: I thought you said the prison colony would be here.
Seamus: I did! The coordinates lead right here!
Tyr: I can usually spot a planets They're large. I have good eyes.

Captain: You brought this on your own men, not me.
Ursari: Spare me the hero act. You're not fighting me for some noble cause here. Hell, there aren't any noble causes left to fight for. The truth is, you do it for the same reason I do it. It's the only thing you're good at.
Captain: Maybe so. But I'm damn good.

Seamus: Okay, so we're paranoid. So sue us. We needed a Plan B. *You* always have a Plan B.
Captain: Yes, but my Plan B's work.

Kae: Look, around here, there's only three roles you can play. You can be a wolf, you can be a sheep, or you can be a corpse.

Rommie: Beka, it's a state dinner. That means formal. Pick something.
Beka: What if they start shooting? How am I supposed to run in a dress?
Rommie: Good heavens, what kind of dinner parties have you been to?

Dutch: You're so damn stubborn. I hate stubborn lads.

Beka: [at a formal dinner; whispering to Harper] Somebody shoot me.

Beka: Well, somehow, I don't think Tyr took all of our guns for Nietzschean show-and-tell.
Captain: With Tyr, you never know. Still, he's been gone a long time. I'm gonna go find him.
Beka: And if he's betraying us?
Captain: Then I'll be the first to know.

Seamus: Yes, sir. Bravely running away, sir.

Tyr: Could it be our invisible friends? I thought we'd taken care them.
Captain: Well, obviously, they needed better care.
Tyr: Obviously.
Captain: Tell you what: I'll take the high road; you take the low road.

Doyle: I do remember you are very good at bluffing. I, however, can tell if you're lying.
Captain: Well, then you know, this is no bluff.
Rommie: True, you are calm, but still, I call your bluff.
Doyle: Rommie, you are the avatar of this ship, but no more than that. You still must answer to Dylan's command.
Rommie: If that is so, if I am THE avatar, as you say, then that would make you... superfluous.

Beka: What a mess.
Rommie: I'd take that personally if it weren't true.
Beka: On the bright side, with all the pounding you've been through in the last few weeks, it's a wonder you're working at all.
Rommie: And here I was, starting to feel proud of the way my systems were functioning. For the first time since you rescued me from the black hole, I'm almost fully combat-ready.

Seamus: I'm in hyperdrive, boss. Have you in there faster than you can say...
Captain: Thank you, Mr. Harper.
Seamus: Thank you, Mr. Harper!

Tyr: That's the amount we agreed on.
Beetle: Yes, well, finding what you wanted was harder than I thought. We need a new deail. Make me an offer.
Tyr: I offer not to pull you heart out through you eye socket and nail it to your forehead.
Beetle: That's very reasonable.

Able: You must be the engineer.
Seamus: Why? Because I'm the short guy with the sense of humour? The wry wit, huh? Because I'm so freaking amiable with the careless demeanour? Is that it?
Able: Well, er, that and the tools.

Tyr: Reverend Behemial! You dead?
Rev: [regaining consciousness] Tyr Anasazi of the Kodiak Pride. Clearly, I am not in heaven.

Seamus: Introducing Harper Nanobot 1-0-7. I like to call this model the Ms. Pac-Man. Wowawowawowa. It's an obscure reference to an ancient video game.

Gerentex: There are two kinds of people in this universe, Mister Harper. The kind with loaded guns, and the kind who open doors. You open doors.

Trance: Okay, Beka please , just try and slow down, all right? Inhale and exhale. Inhale, exhale...
Beka: Don't treat me like a child! I am not a child! You are! Or are you? How old are you, Trance? I don't even know. I don't know anything about you. Where you from? Who're you workin' for? Why're you purple?

[Rommie hacked into a computer system, opening a door]
Dylan: That's my girl.
Rommie: I prefer 'warship.'
Dylan: I prefer 'girl.'
[Rommie shoots the attackers shooting at them]
Dylan: Okay, 'warship.'

Beka: Rommie, I can't believe that you're actually saying that the reason you look like a walking heart attack is for our benefit.
Rommie: I'm not sure what you mean.
Trance: All Beka's trying to say is that she thinks you're pretty.
Beka: No, no, no. I think you went a little overboard on the, uh, pouty lips.

Seamus: So there's a price on your head. Oh, good. Maybe I'll get my money back after all.
Gerentex: If I were you, I'd spend less time trying to plot *my* downfall and more time trying to guess what I'm going to do with the two of you.
Trance: Oh, I love playing guessing games.
Gerentex: [chuckles] Call me a traditionalist, but when I kill someone, I really do prefer it when they stay dead. Now, be quiet, the two of you. I'm trying to think.
Seamus: Don't strain yourself.

Ozzie: What do you want with Brendan?
Seamus: Like I said, I'm his cousin, Seamus.
Ozzie: Funny. Brendan never mentioned a cousin, especially not a collaborator in nice, shiny new clothes.
Seamus: I'm not a collaborator. We're not with the Dragans. In fact, we're actually here to try and help save you from the Dragans.
Ozzie: Yeah, and I'm the second coming of Haile Selassie. Why don't you tell your girlfriend to drop the lance and maybe we'll talk.

Rev: As Harper would say, that would suck.
Captain: You know, Rev, there are some words that should never trip across the tongue of a Magog, and suck is one of them.
Rev: Well, I'll make a note of that.

Ryan: Sir, you can't get the fleet into formation to depart in three hours.
Captain: But we can set one hell of an ambush.
Ryan: You intend to fight.
Captain: I intend to win.

Captain: I'm going to make that ship out there think that you're me, trying to escape. And then, while they're busy reducing you to your constituent atoms, I'll swing around from behind and blow them out of the sky. Now, I might get them before they get you, and I might not, but you've made your choice, so that's not really my problem. My obligation is to protect the lives of the people on this ship, and that's what I intend to do. Which is why Harper stays here. And you'll take him over my dead body...
Beka: You're bluffing. You can't make the Maru look like the Andromeda.
[Dylan holds up a device]
Seamus: Oops... Sorry, Beka.
Captain: I never walk into a situation without a plan for getting out in one piece. So make the call, Beka. Do you want to walk with me and live, or walk out on me and die?

Tyr: I don't recognize that comm protocol.
Andromeda: Neither do I, which is strange enough, but what is stranger still is that that signal is being sent from inside the Andromeda.
Tyr: Where inside the Andromeda?
Andromeda: I don't know. Whoever sent it covered their tracks well, and it's being broadcast omnidirectionally, so it's impossible to determine who it's being sent to, or why.
Tyr: An unauthorised transmission under battle conditions? The why is immaterial. I have a few thoughts concerning the who.

Tyr: This is a farce. The captain's plan is killing us. I can feel my DNA being shredded molecule by molecule.
Beka: Well, look on the bright side. Maybe some stray cosmic ray will zap just the right gene and give your children some killer mutation that will make all the other Nietzscheans weep with envy.

Harper: Now, for those of you haven't heard Harper's plan, here's the nutshell. Rerouting antimatter... to the main thrusters which will, when we power them up, send Cetus to heartburn hell and us in to chunky hurl heaven. It might get a little messy, but at least we'll all live.
Beka: I'll save us and raise you one. If we eject the Slipstream drive, we'll kill the Cetus, right?
Harper: What is with the death wish? Yeah, sure, if you want to die surfing an exploding vomit wave.
Beka: Hey, I've surfed the reaction of an exploding star before. I think I can ride out a little Cetus vomit.

Captain: Stick to the deal.
Head: Or?
Captain: I'll destroy the bones.
Head: You're bluffing.
Captain: Those bones mean squat to me, lady.

[last lines]
Andromeda: Code Red. Officers down. Officers down in command. Repeat. We have Code Red. Code Red. Code Red. Officers down. Code Red. Officers down. Repeat. We have Code Red.
Andromeda: Can anyone hear me? Anyone? Anyone?

Trance: You know, since we've got a little bit of time here, we might as well find a good way to spend it. I know. I've got this really great game. It's called "Harper Tells Trance Everything So She Can Save His Miserable Life." Would you like to play?
Harper: I hate you.
Trance: You're just saying that.

Captain: To the victor goes the spoils. That's if you're serious about returning the Commonwealth to its true values.
Beka: I've risked my life for it a thousand times over.
Captain: Good. Once we're airborne, we'll have full tactical advantage, and then we'll be the ones calling the shots.
Beka: I'm almost willing to believe you are the real Dylan Hunt. Just one thing: I'm not saluting you, and I'm not calling you Captain.
Captain: Why should it be any different here?

Andromeda: The fleet is turning toward the Achilles and powering up their engines.
Tyr: They are unarmed, are they not?
Mila: That depends on your point of view. We still have ourselves.
Captain: True, but attacking us is a little self-defeating, don't you think?
Ryan: Since when did AI Stand for artificial insanity?

Tyr: Nietzschean family relations are, uh... complicated.

Captain: You've always been welcome to leave, Tyr, but the remains stay here, under my protection.
Tyr: As long as my property is safe, I'm content to leave it where it is, for now. But you hear me: someday I'll want to retrieve it.
Captain: And when someday comes around, I might even let you. It all depends.
Tyr: On?
Captain: The shape of the universe.

Pravarti: I was hoping we could resolve this before things got nasty.
Beka: Things got nasty when you tried to blow an unarmed ship out of the sky.
Pravarti: Well then, I guess we'll see who's the better mechanic. Good luck to you, honestly.
Beka: "Honestly."

Trance: This enough?
Adulasia: Definitely. Pleasure doing business with you.
Seamus: Hey, if you want pleasure, you're talking to the right guy.
Adulasia: Thanks, but I prefer my men alive.

Andromeda: I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Captain: I didn't authorize any bad news.
Beka: I'll file a reprimand.

Beka: That's the last time I go to the mat for you guys. "Dependency is weakness, weakness is death." You know what, Tyr? You know what? I got two words for you, un, Anabolic, uh, Steroids! Oh, yeah, I forgot.
Beka: You're Mister Pure and Natural, aren't you? Yeah, you're, uh, too good for human women, that's for sure.
Andromeda: Beka, is there anything you need?
Beka: Yeah, uh, a door key.
Andromeda: I was thinking more along the lines of a light supper.

Beka: Great, now even the fish people are after us.

Beka: Can I say it? Let's bring it.
Dylan: No, a little louder, more intense.

Seamus: Saved by the bell.

Dylan: Then let's get out of here. I don't wanna pick up any more Wayist saboteurs.
Rev: Dylan, those were not real Wayists. That was not the real Singh Khalsa. We don't...
Dylan: Rev, I know we all have agendas. But while we're on the same ship, we have to be on the same team. Next time you wanna send off a homing pigeon, warn me first.
Rev: You knew all along, didn't you?

Rommie: That's ceremonial china from the Than ambassador.
Seamus: Really? Sounds like a spool of superconductor wire to me.
Rev: Perhaps you should not watch this.
Rommie: If I don't keep my eyes open, he'll probably sell them.

Tyr: Where is he?
Seamus: I'm sorry, Captain Hunt has stepped away from his desk. Please leave a message after the tone from the funny little guy. Beep!
Tyr: [grabs Harper] Are you amused? We have at best eight hours before that storm reduces us to component parts, and Dylan has disappeared.
Seamus: I don't know. Ask Rev Bem, maybe he knows.
Tyr: He's missing too!
Seamus: Try decaf.

Harper: Miracle, shmiracle. All I know is if my main squeeze, assuming I ever get one, wanted to save me from a black hole? Doomed or not, I wouldn't stand in her way.
Beka: Maybe. But we know Sarah's plan didn't work. If it did, we wouldn't be here right now. What happened in the past happened. Dylan wasn't saved. His ship was still here 300 years later when we rescued him. And nothing Sarah's planning can change that.
Harper: All that work, and he's still not gonna get to first base... Wait a second. Maybe he can. Call me the love god, baby! Give me an hour, and then tell Dylan to meet me in the hangar deck.

Harper: Okay, I would just like to say for the record... *we rule*.

Captain: Ow. My shoulder.
Beka: Did they, uh...
Captain: No. No, just claws, but... but it feels deep.
Beka: It looks like they got you in the hip, too. And the back.
Captain: They got me good. I tell you what. I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be fine. You go to Command, and I'll just... I'll just hang out here with my Magog buddies.
Beka: It's worse than I thought. You're delusional. Now, come on. We gotta go. Up you get.

Andromeda: Harper, you wanted to know when Doyle's signal reappeared. It has, on Seefra Five.
Beka: Seefra Five? I don't think so...
Seamus: Thank you, Andromeda.
[to Beka]
Seamus: I want her to feel included.

Captain: Sara, you know this isn't gonna work.
Dr. Sara Riley: Any reasoning behind that, or are you just gonna rest on unbridled optimism?

Seamus: Okay, enjoy your date with data. Don't forget to use a conduit.
Captain: Ha.

Geryon: Are you sure we can't work out a deal? We could have such a good time spending that money.
Captain: Sure, but would we have to spend it together?

[Watching two aliens fall to their deaths after being thrown off a bridge]
Tyr: Mine hit first.
Dylan: Yours was fatter.

Tyr: All right, well, I believe this is the place where I'd say we should forget about Rommie, and move on Harper can always build another android.
Seamus: What? Are you saying we should just forget about Rommie move on and Harper can build another android?
Tyr: Yes
Seamus: Forget it Tyr. No way. Rommie's the greatest thing I've ever done even if she did almost break my hand. She's alive Tyr. Come on she's got a life. She's got as much right to life as you do.
Tyr: All right. On the other hand I would embrace the opportunity to... uh...
Captain: To what Tyr?
Tyr: Well, I'd like to crush these creatures into cosmic dust. I'd like to utterly and unequivocably slaughter them. I-I-I-I want to kill them all.

Doctor: Seamus.
Seamus: Not now... Er, hey, hey! Anyone who claims to be a scientist, listen up. You're not. That's right, you heard me. You're not scientists. You know what we got here? A room full of great minds and weak hearts. A bunch of intergalactic cowards. Where would science be if the great minds before us had been afraid? If Heisenberg had been afraid? Or if Simmonds had been afraid? Hohne? Afraid to ask questions, afraid to face facts, afraid to work together, even under risky conditions? I'll tell you where. We'd still be in caves worshipping those mysterious lights in the night sky. No, they weren't afraid. They were scientists. Now, what about the Magog? Does anybody care? Because I do.

Trance: The High Guard wants to talk to the G-Stat-Comm alone.
Hayek: Is she near death?
Trance: Hayek, the High Guard moves in mysterious ways.

Captain: Now what?
Tyr: Kalderans.
Captain: Major, hold off the Kalderans. Tyr, find that machine shop. I'm headed for Command. Go!
Kylie: In Dylan Hunt we trust.

Andromeda: Internal defences ineffectual.
Tyr: It isn't so easy to kill dead people, is it?
Dylan: No.

Satrina: My boss is very impressed with you.
Harper: Your boss? Mr. Tall, Dark, and Scary? The living lava lamp?

[a naked Andromeda walks onto the bridge]
Hayek: Who are you?
Andromeda: I am Andromeda. The ship made flesh.
Hayek: You're just another liar, like all of them. Kill her!
Andromeda: I don't think so.
[all the invaders fall to the deck]
Seamus: Oh! Artificial gravity field. Don't it just suck?
Andromeda: Dylan may not be a god... but on this ship... *I am*!

Tyr: Would you like me to kill them for you?
Captain: Yes. Wait! I'm just kidding. I've got a better idea. Next time I offer to broker peace talks between a Chichin gangster and a Than warlord, just kill me.
Tyr: All right.
Captain: Kidding, again.

Trance: I'll volunteer. I'll be the third.
Seamus: Trance, no offence, but I think we all remember what happened the last time you tried to pilot the slipstream. You took us back three hundred years in time, into the middle of a humongous space battle, where we, er, fixed the course of history.
Trance: Lucky for us.
Seamus: That's not the point.

Abelard: No. No. No!
Captain: It was just a story, Abelard. It always was.
Abelard: One stinking leap of faith in an entire lifetime of cynicism and hate. There's no justice. You'd think that if I was willing to take a chance one time in my life, that somewhere, somebody, some benevolent deity would cut me some slack!

Captain: Yeah, this show has gone to the dogs.

Rev: Beka and Rafe are a lot alike, don't you think?
Dylan: [chuckles] I think all humans look alike to you.
Tyr: They look like lunch.

Beka: You always say that about orbital habitats. You'd rather walk on dirt, I suppose?
Seamus: I prefer the term soil. Rich, moist. Visualize, Beka: the green hills of Earth, purple mountains majesty, and waving fields of grain.
Beka: Rain, mud, unfiltered air, Magog raids. Thanks, I'll take a nice artificial gravity field.
Seamus: We have nothing in common. Why do I worship you?
Beka: Uncharacteristic bout of good taste.

Beka: I don't mean to be negative, but there are an awful lot of them.
Tyr: Consider this: it's either the end of it all, or you'll have a magnificent tale to tell your children.
Beka: I've got plenty of stories, thanks. Speaking of kids, we should talk about that.

Tyr: [Tyr's just regained his memory] You're wrong. I am Tyr ... Anasazi of Kodiak Pride! Out of Victoria by Barborosa! And I ... will never .. surrender!

Telemachus: They've kept us alive: merciful and incompetent.
Beka: Really? Is now the time for insults?
Captain: Well, I always wanted you two to bow down before me.

Seamus: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and they laughed at him right up until they slit his throat, and after.
Brendan: That's true, but in the end, he laughed back. We both heard it, Seamus. He fought. He finally fought! And after that, nothing else mattered.
Seamus: Yeah, especially not to him.
Brendan: Seamus, you got to let it go.
Seamus: I don't have to let squat go! You don't know what you're talking about. You don't even know what happened. You want to know what really happened? They didn't come for my mother. They came for me, okay? They both died because of me.
Brendan: I'm sorry, Seamus. Don't you see? This just proves what I'm talking about. Your mother and your father did not die for nothing. They sacrificed themselves to save you, their only son. And it worked. They won.

Alien: Are you okay? Are you awake?
Captain: Well, I certainly hope so, or this would be one sucky dream!

Seamus: That's a pile of ships.
Andromeda: Two thousand one hundred and three to be exact.
Seamus: Like I said, we're about to be neck deep in a big pile of ships.

Captain: I mean, the man just handed us a field guide to the Genites. Leadership, organisation, locations. It's all too convenient. I just don't trust things that are too convenient.
Andromeda: Hmm?
Captain: That one is mine.
Andromeda: Ah. You know, whether he's telling the truth or not, he's right about one thing.
Captain: What's that?
Andromeda: We can't afford to do nothing about the Genites.
Captain: Even then, the real question remains.
Andromeda: The trust question?
Captain: Trust. Admiral Stark always said: if your mother says she loves you, verify it. Maybe we should take her advice.

Gerentex: Well, you know, in this business, you're only as good as your latest scam. My strip-mining venture on Infinity Atoll, my RobotoCourtesan manufacturing plant, the religion I founded. All gone. Forgotten. Pfft. Uh, this is the part where you're supposed to say, "Oh, Gerentex, that's so sad."
Trance: Oh, that's so sad!
Seamus: Oh, you're breaking my freaking heart!

Dylan: On the count of three?
Tyr: No, let's just shoot them.

VX: What is this abomination?
Captain: The poor, the wretched, the huddled masses yearning to be free. And for you, the end of the line. HG.

Trance: [about planet Savion] According to this data, their society still uses digital clocks and combustion engines.
Captain: Their technology's archaic.

Seamus: All right. You wanna know what I think?
Beka: Oh, good. Now for another chapter in The World According to Seamus Harper.
Seamus: Hey, my favourite book. Chapter 12, Paragraph 8, Verse 3. The universe hates you. Deal with it.
Beka: That's comforting.
Seamus: ll right. Remember when we heisted those grav speeders on Infinity Atoll, took 'em for a spin?
Beka: Yeah, sure.
Seamus: Well, the thing that I remember most about those eggbeaters was, I'd be whipping along, and every once in a while I'd hit a swarm of bugs. Poor little bastards just minding their own business, not doing anything wrong, and a little bit of bad timing on their part, and splat, all over the windshield.
Beka: Tragic.
Seamus: Damn straight. The thing is, as far as the universe is concerned, we're all bugs, just hopping along, loving life, until one day fate decides to introduce each and every single one of us to our very own, personalised windscreen. So yeah, maybe Dylan is crazy. Maybe he doesn't have a chance in *hell* of rebuilding the Commonwealth. And maybe one day something will come along and splat him too. But we're all gonna get splat eventually.
Beka: Yeah, but you forgot one thing. Dylan is not flying around minding his own business. He's looking for windscreens.
Seamus: Right. But with us on his side, he might just be the only bug alive tough enough to blast right through.

HG: I've never traveled in this manner before. I've never done anything before.
Beka: Yeah, well, uh, we've got three jumps and some sub-light haulings, so I'd say, a, um, couple of hours, at least.
HG: A couple of hours. You organics live with such imprecision. It must be very exhilarating.
Beka: Yeah, it's non-stop excitement.

Seamus: Do I still have to call you "Doctor Professor"?
Doctor: You can call me anything you like.
Seamus: How about I call you for a weekend in a zero-G love pod?... Was that my outside voice?

[first lines]
Seamus: I'll say this for the old Commonwealth. When it comes to, uh, formal dinnerware, you guys rule.

Seamus: Long live the true Commonwealth.

Rommie: Why didn't you stay down?
Philip: [weakly] You think I'm going to listen to a... to a...
Rommie: An A.I.?
Philip: Woman.

Captain: Munro was one hell of an Admiral.
Uxulta: Yes, and he trusted his Vedran superiors though it cost him his own life and the lives of thousands under his command. Trust me, Captain. I'm not asking you or your crew to march into a hopeless battle. I'm asking you to let me die to complete my mission.
Captain: Admiral...
Uxulta: It's a sacrifice I've been called upon to make. I promise you, Captain Hunt, there's far more at stake here than a fleet of advancing Pyrians, or the pained desire of one lost son to cling fast to a piece of home.

The: For three hundred years, Captain, we've wandered the known worlds, battling Nietzscheans, Genites, and anybody else with a problem that gets in our crosshairs; in short, Captain, fighting the battles that others can't.
Captain: That's funny. That's usually my line.
The: Yes. Great minds, Captain Hunt. Great minds.
Captain: Great minds... right. The question is, how much do they really think alike? Because I know where I've been the last three years. Because I've been out there, fighting the battles others can't. Where have you been? Watching from the sidelines, and now that all the hard work is done, you decide to announce yourselves?
The: We did a lot more than just watch.

Telemachus: Beka, you've got to finish with style.
Beka: Style's not my style.

Rommie: [Before being carried off by the attackers from another universe] Oh crap.

Captain: Andromeda. Andromeda? It's Dylan, your captain. Not much about this is looking good.
Telemachus: It's never good when you have to sneak onto your own ship, Captain.

Captain: If the Commonwealth we've built is worth anything, we have to trust it to do what's right. We have to have faith in somebody other than us.
Beka: And if that faith is misplaced?
Captain: Well, then we have bigger problems than your Uncle Sid.

Beka: Dylan, really, why do you think I'm here? I mean, you won't let me use Andromeda for running cargo. I'm not allowed to mine. God knows you're not paying me. I like your whole idea of the Commonwealth, but do you really think that's the only thing that's keeping me around?
Captain: I prefer to.
Beka: Come on, Dylan. Your entire crew has an ulterior motive. Rev Bem wants to use your Commonwealth to spread his faith. Harper is in lust with your ship. Tyr's always plotting something, and God only knows what, uh, the purple one's up to. Does it really surprise you to find out that I'm no different?

Captain: Hi, Rommie. How am I doing?
Rommie: Not so good.
Captain: Thanks.

Dylan: Rev, have any of your prayers been answered?
Rev: Many, just not today.

[last lines]
Tyr: Harper's finished installing that AP valve. We can leave now.
Captain: Good. Andromeda.
Andromeda: Aye, Captain?
Captain: All ahead full.

Harper: Don't let the Cetus eat us.

Captain: I am running out of pilots.

Captain: I should have killed him, but I couldn't. And he should have killed me, but he couldn't. I knew he couldn't. Looking in his eyes, I knew.
Beka: Maybe you have something he wants.
Captain: Or maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he really is Admiral Stark.

Telemachus: I'll feel better when I bury my bone blades in the Patriarch's neck.
Captain: Careful - don't let anger cloud your judgement, but, in this case, it's good to have goals.

Calvino: It's left, left, and the first hard right.
[swinging some chicken]

Beka: Look, why don't you go outside and play while mommy and daddy talk, okay?
Seamus: Fine, fine! If you think you can steal a hundred Nietzschean surface to air missiles and not get stopped, don't let me interrupt.
Beka: Surface-to-air missiles?
Seamus: Yeah, what? What did you think was in those crates?
Beka: Computers. I was told we were carrying computers.
Seamus: Okey dokie, I guess I'd better be going now.

Andromeda: We are not the droids you're looking for.
Doyle: What is that?
Andromeda: I don't know, but it didn't work.

Beka: And they're really annoying.
Captain: I like them.
Beka: Yeah, but you like everyone. Even people who try to kill you. Especially people who try to kill you... *Dylan*.
Captain: [distracted] Hmm.
Beka: Hi. I'm Beka Valentine, your first officer?
Captain: Sorry. I just... wanna get Höhne's blessing for the new Commonwealth charter, then go away from here.
Beka: The black hole.
Captain: I never wanna see it again. That thing didn't just swallow my ship, it swallowed my life.

Captain: [as he hits Drago's chest] YOU...
Drago: [disembodied voice] You win!
Captain: ARE... DONE!
[Drago revives Dylan pulls him up]
Captain: From here to back where you came from it is *over* for the Nietcheans! Your loss will be your eternal defect! And it will be with you, in your memory
[pulls him closer]
Captain: FOREVER! I have made you and your race genetically enhanced LOSERS!

Beka: Oh, she didn't salute. Shouldn't she salute?
Captain: Well, I'm thinking that maybe she went to the Beka Valentine School of Military Discipline.

Seamus: Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked.

Beka: Who would be stupid enough to raid a Calderan ship? Calderans are vicious, brutal, no sense of humor.

Captain: There's no time for that. See, I called this conference because we need an exchange of ideas, and you've had firsthand exposure to this situation. We're on the clock here, Harper.
Seamus: I thought we were on a ship.

Trance: Dylan, I have a question for you. Would you leave the Seefra system now if you could?
Captain: That's not an option. You know that.
Trance: Because you must fulfill your destiny?
Captain: Because there are millions of lives to save.
Trance: Spoken like a hero.
Captain: Spoken like someone who cares. I expect you feel the same.
Trance: Perhaps.
Captain: Perhaps. Trance, I'm worried about you.
Trance: Oh, there's no need to worry. When all this is done, you'll be fine.

Captain: Beka, course laid in for Coolidge?
Beka: You bet you.
Cuatemoc: Coolidge? Impossible. You'll be torn to shreds. Trying to run through there is suicide.
Captain: You didn't talk to Cuchulain about me before you had him executed, did you? No? Well that's too bad. I wonder who's next in line.

Elssbett: If you've finished saying goodbye to your lover, I'm ready to leave.
Captain: [chuckles] She is not my...
Beka: Oh
Beka: , why hide it?
[kisses Hunt, to Elssbett]
Beka: Just remember. He's pretty to look at, lovely to hold, but if you break him, we consider him sold.
[to Dylan]
Beka: Take care, sweetie.

Captain: It's a new day, Dylan, and she's free. She's out of the loop, or else we all would have forgotten.
Telemachus: Or so we hope.
Beka: Come on, buck up. The last thing you need in your life right now is another beautiful, brainy blonde.
Captain: Yeah, that's the last thing I need.

Beka: I'm glad you came.
Secretary: Huh, I wouldn't miss it; that is, if you actually are Beka Valentine.
Beka: All right, I deserved that.
Secretary: After deceiving me and making me look like a complete idiot for supporting a new Commonwealth? You're damn right.

Beka: We're at the drop point.
Captain: Looks like your stop.
The: I'd wish you luck, but...
Captain: Yes, I know, you don't believe in it.
[to self]
Captain: Neither do I.

Harper: So, is this the part where you explain to me your diabolical plan?
Jeger: No. It's the part where I open your skull and extract your database by force.
Harper: Oh. Uh, will it hurt?
Jeger: I hope so.

Andromeda: Irish Gaelic. Earth based. An adaptive form. You're making seductive overtures to me in a dead language?
Harper: Hey, it's not dead the way I speak it baby. Il dit mon coeur.
Andromeda: And French. Harper, what has gotten into you?
Andromeda: Ru Olyev Olyev Sfinki.
Andromeda: And now, Perseid. Harper, I had no idea you were such a cunning linguist.

The: Look, I'll guide you to the edge of the system. Then you can drop me off, after you're done with me.
Captain: Eventually, you're going to have to tell your loyal subjects the truth.
The: I'm going to have to think about that. Do we have a deal?
Captain: Hmm, I'm going to have to think about that.

Rommie: I used to have 800 Lancers stationed on me.
Dylan: I can just think of the eavesdropping potential.
Rommie: I don't eavesdrop, I monitor... for security purposes.

Rev: The Andromeda Galaxy. If the universe is a manifestation of the Divine, could not the slipstream be the very mind of God?
Captain: Well, if that's the case, I'm afraid God had a seizure and forgot all about Tarn-Vedra.
Beka: And here comes God's little brain surgeon.
Rev: Beka! Some humility, please.
Beka: Yeah, I tried that once. I didn't like it.
Captain: Like they say: in the slipstream, confidence is everything.

Harper: Trust in the Harper. The Harper is good.

Captain: Then maybe you should enlighten us.
Harper: Enlighten you? Uh, the Divine is good, don't do Flash, and if you're nice to people, they probably still won't be nice to you. Now run along, kids, Daddy's working.

Jonah: I mean, with your ship and my network, we would crush the competition and achieve a complete monopoly. And that's not even considering the expansion that slipstream would have to offer.
Beka: Wow, that's quite the trip, if power's your thing.
Jonah: And if it's money, and all the comforts that money can buy? It's a round trip. You would never want for anything for the rest of your life. Shall our toast begin the journey?

Flavin: He came through smooth, like you.
Telemachus: And you. Who is he?
Flavin: Someone who needs help, like you.
Telemachus: And you.
Flavin: No, I'm happy as a clam, not like you.
Telemachus: Thomas wants him dead.
Flavin: Is that a problem for you? Haven't you already sunk as low as you can?

Tyr: It's nearly impossible to defend against an assassin who's willing to die for his cause.
Dylan: Agreed. There's only one way to deal with terrorists... locate their base of operations, and destroy them.
Tyr: I love that answer, Captain Hunt.

Beka: Besides which, the Maru is not just a ship. It's my livelihood. It's the hospital where I was born. I opened Christmas presents in the airlock when I was a kid. And after the Salvage Guild's debutante ball, it's where I lost my...
Tyr: Can we concentrate on training, please?

[first lines]
[Beka exercising with weights]
Tyr: No touching.
[Beka lifts the weights and they clang together]
Tyr: Beka, how many times do I need to remind you about your form? Now, don't clang the weights.
Beka: Sorry.

Telemachus: I protect you because you make me laugh. Come on. Who is he?
Flavin: He is a walking seminar on the bright side of life.
Telemachus: I only know moonlight.
Flavin: All right. Full moon, then.

Tyr: You find betraying our people - all our people - funny?
Gaheris: Our people? Our people were meant to be living gods. Warrior poets who roamed the stars bringing civilisation. Not cowards and bullies who prey on the weak and kill each other for sport. I never imagined they'd prove themselves so inferior. I didn't betray our people. They betrayed themselves. You know this better than anyone.

Tyr: Well. We might let God sort them out, but someone told me he was dead
Captain: That Nietzsche. What a comedian

Beka: Interesting weather we're having.
Captain: Oh yeah, it's a lot of fun.

Rommie: Our problem is with our other allies: Castalia, Moebius, Sintii... They're not exactly superpowers. I'm Dylan's only real military asset.
Beka: One he can't afford to lose.
Rommie: Mmmhmm.
Beka: Unfortunately, Dylan gave Charlemagne and the Jaguars his word, and that's the one thing he's got that's even less expendable than you.

Professor: You were telling me about your world.
Trance: Oh, which one?
Professor: Well, the one you were born on.
Trance: Oh, no, I wasn't born on any world. I was born in space.
Professor: But, I thought... all right, Well, let's talk about, er, let's talk about the world you were raised on, then.
Trance: But there are so many.

Citizen: You are only as good as the universe allows you to be.
Captain: I only have to be better than you.

Tyr: [after regaining his memory] You're wrong.
Tyr: I am Tyr Anasazi of Kodiak Pride! Out of Victoria by Barborosa! And I... will never... surrender!

[first lines]
Seamus: [reading] "I know I'm supposed to meet you at Yoso Drift..." Here it comes. She met a guy. "But that was before I found out the mandelbrots are spawning on Onithone."
Beka: Ah, Trance and her pets.
Seamus: [reading] "It only happens once a century, so I thought you might understand."
Beka: Once a century? Wow, they get less action than you, Harper.

[commenting on the incoming Magog worldship]
Rommie: Before you didn't know about it. Now you're facing it head-on.
Beka: That is such a warship thing to say.

Tyr: You're quiet.
Rommie: When I'm in the mood for idle conversation I'll let you know. In the meantime, fly.
Tyr: I think someone's taking her captain's disappearance harder than she'd like to admit.
Rommie: That doesn't sound like flying.

Captain Fehdman Metis: [sings] 'With cutlass and gun, With cutlass and gun, O we fought for hours three; Blow high! Blow low! And so sailed we. The ship it was their coffin And their grave it was the sea A-sailing down along The coast of High Barbary'

Rommie: It ate my drones!

Beka: Careful, Harper. That is one of Trance's plants.
Harper: I know.
Beka: She loves them.
Harper: I know.
Beka: She gives them names.
Harper: Trust in the Harper. The Harper is good. It goes in here...
[press a button to activate the transporter]
Harper: ... and it comes out there.
[the plant appears to transport but then explodes]
Beka: I believe she called that one... Walter.

Seamus: Okay. All right. I know when I'm not wanted. I usually don't listen, but, uh, I know.

Harper: I missed the inspirational speech, but at least I didn't miss the dancing!

Captain: That doesn't look good.
Rommie: I am the Andromeda Ascendant, and I am come to seek my revenge.
Captain: That doesn't sound good either.

Trance: She doesn't like flowers. Who doesn't like flowers?

Nadya: Attention, unknown lifeforms: we don't want any trouble, so do us all a favor and don't make any. Stand by to receive our contact team.
Seamus: Well, all right then, Mr. No Guns, what's the plan?
Captain: Let them in, and now we do what unknown lifeforms are supposed to do in situations like this: tell them, "We come in peace; take us to your leader."

Seamus: Did you hear? Doctor Professor Kor-Kavo's going to be there. She's got the finest frontal lobes in the tri-galaxies. She would look hot as fusion in a bikini!
Captain: Yeah, picture that bikini with a Magog stuffed in it.
Seamus: [wincing] Hey! Mental Cruelty!

Captain: If I'd deployed one Nova bomb, just one, I could have stopped the Long Night before it began... I didn't. I was standing at the edge of the abyss... and I blinked. And now people like Tiama and Arun... pay the price for my hesitation. I won't make that mistake twice.
Rev: You committed an act of mercy. You erred on the side of hope. And that is why you will win. There are no stronger weapons than mercy and hope.
Captain: Yeah, maybe so. But I would still prefer a platoon of Lancers.

Ryan: Sir, I'm an AI. We were built to obey orders, not to give them.
Captain: Yes, yes, yes, and humans were built to spear antelope and live in caves. But sooner or later, we all outgrow what we were built to do.

Trance: Harper? How much do you remember from the last time that stuff was in your brain?
Harper: This isn't about Satrina, is it? You want to know if there are things in that Library about mysterious purple babes with pointy tails?
Trance: I don't have a tail.
Harper: Not anymore.
Trance: Harper, please. If there is anything in that Library about me, I have to know it.
Harper: I'll tell you what I remember. I remember this temple with gold etchings, statues, silk wall hangings, even. And all of this on a backwater world that I don't think even exists anymore. Or, maybe the world does exist, but I don't think the civilization exists anymore. Anyway, the point is, there were all these people worshipping a naked purple goddess, and you might say they were a little entranced.
Trance: That could mean anything. Maybe they like purple. Or, maybe, your memory is even hazier than you thought.
Harper: Yeah, but that doesn't explain why you reacted the way you did when I sang one of their hymns. Remember this little ditty?
Trance: Shush. Harper, you are my best friend, and because you are my friend, I really need you to listen to me: do not look at the Archive.
Harper: You know Trance, I liked it better when I thought you were harmless.
Trance: Yeah, me too.

Rommie: Dylan, you're not a very popular person down here.
Captain: Yeah, I know. I feel like a politician.

Beka: I always thought when I went, I would go out with a bang, not quiet like this. This is what it must be like in the sweet hereafter. Or else a party.
Trance: So you're saying there's life and then there's death, which is true, because first you're this, and then you're that, but really, it's all one thing. A sun gives life and light, and then it collapses and it takes light into itself.
Beka: First a star, then a black hole.
Trance: Different forms of the same thing.
Beka: So no party?
Trance: This is the party.
Beka: Whoop de doo.

Beka: Trance, you will never guess who I just met.
Trance: A scary futuristic version of yourself? She went that way!

Seamus: Tyr, we can't just leave her here. She's saved our asses too many times to count.
Tyr: So did the Gauss rifle I left behind on Enga's Redoubt, but you don't see me mounting a rescue mission to retrieve it.
Seamus: He's un-freaking believable.

Beka: It didn't look like she needed much help from anyone.
Captain: That's not an assumption I'm willing to make. If the Vedrans are still out there, we need to know.
Beka: We, huh?

Trance: What if they're not decoys?
Beka: When we get to the Pearly Gates, make sure everyone lines up behind Rev. You've got spin control.
Rev: I'll see what I can do.

Trance: Well, don't you think it's best that we destroy it? Just so it doesn't hurt anyone else.
Harper: Trance, as much as I would love to, if you erase history, you just... erase its lessons.

Captain: Don't beat yourself up.
Telemachus: A Nietzschean never beats himself up - we're self-absorbed, not masochistic.

Captain: Well, that was, uh, inflammatory.
Colonel: There are 20 billion very angry people in the Castalian Republic. If Chandos hadn't assured them of his firm intentions, they'd come up here and tear your ship apart with their bare hands.
Captain: [sarcastically] Something else to look forward to.

Rommie: I'm detecting 13 battle cruisers and 11 Geruda class fighters.
Captain: Nietzscheans.
Rommie: Drago-Kazov.
Seamus: Whoa, that's my dream. That was my dream! Back when we agreed to escort this lousy Commonwealth convoy deep into the DMZ, we were ambushed by Nietzscheans.
Beka: Hey, dreamweaver! Before you go all Trance on us, this is not an ambush. That's Nietzschean-on-Nietzschean action.

Seamus: It's no more dangerous than any other place that's had two murders and a kidnapping in 24 hours!

Gaheris: How many attempts?
Venetri: A dozen. Look, I know I should've helped them, but Ferrin was... Look, I will lead you through. I promise. Okay?
Gaheris: I thought you were dating our sponsor's niece?
Captain: Huh, maybe that's why she sent me.

Rommie: But there's no reason for them to lie about their point of origin.
Andromeda: All the more reason to be suspicious.
Dylan: Talking to yourself is the first sign of mental collapse.
Rommie,42387: Only for wet-ware.
Dylan: So, what are you two talking about?
Rommie: The Om Shanti. I've tested and re-tested their slipstream drive. There's no good reason for her not to fly. Plus, I found some navigational inconsistencies.
Dylan: Curiouser and curiouser.

Trance: And a human, which means that patching him up is as easy as cake.
Dylan: Easy as pie.
Trance: Are you sure about that? I think that making pie is a lot harder than cake.

Trance: Hello, Miss Alpha Nietzschean Lady. I picked these for you.
Elssbett: Thank you, cute purple monkey. Is your pet house-trained?

Seamus: I got a better idea. How about you round up all those warships out there, head to Earth, and blast the Dragan garrison to pieces?
Captain: I intend to, after I've drawn the Dragan fleet out of position, and as soon as you and Rommie make sure that all their armored units are out in the streets where they're vulnerable.
Seamus: Great. "Start the revolution without me." Anything else I can do for you? Transmute the elements? Reverse entropy? Make you a sandwich?

Rommie: It ate my drones!

Captain: Tyr.
Rommie: It's Tyr's slipfighter.
Andromeda: It is empty. There is no sign of life.
Seamus: What a surprise, huh? Tyr abandoned yet another ship. So where the hell could he have gone?
Captain: It doesn't matter. We did more than we needed to save him.
Rommie: He'll survive.
Seamus: Yeah, I prefer to assume the worst.
Beka: Tyr's made it through some pretty tough scrapes before.
Seamus: Like I said, the worst. With our luck, he probably made it through this one, too.

Philip: How did you know they were coming?
Rommie: Friends in low places.

Beka: Um, where'd you get all the candles?
Tyr: I rendered them from the fat of my enemies.

Tyr: I have faith in nothing but this: when the universe collapses and dies, there will be three survivors - Tyr Anasazi, the cockroaches, and Dylan Hunt trying to save the cockroaches.

Captain: The two are mutually exclusive and you're forced to choose between them.
Beka: I've made my choice.
Captain: Good, because we've got a battle ahead of us, and you have got to help.
Beka: Aye aye, Captain Hunt.
[Hunt surprised]
Beka: Yeah, I said it.

[After the robots have landed and started shooting up the assailants]
Prince: You're killing them... You're just like Tyr.
Rommie: No. I'm better.

Uxulta: I'll tell you something else. I don't think you need to know, but you should know. You deserve to know. Tarn Vedra's quite aware of you and your efforts to restore the Commonwealth. We're proud of you, Captain, very proud, and we want very much for you to carry on.

Captain: It looks like I'll need a new speech.
Trance: Like what?
Captain: Well, how about this: Ladies and gentlemen of the planet Savion, there might be something to your myth but don't worry, the most powerful starship in the universe it out there somewhere, protecting you.
Trance: Oh, that's great. Now all you have to do is convince yourself.

Telemachus: Of course, without any weapons working, we're dead anyway.
Seamus: Another Nietzschean glass is half empty comment, huh?
Telemachus: I thought you said you weren't going to make any more Nietzschean jokes.
Seamus: That was last week.

Warden: The majority of prisoners benefit from the smooth and efficient operation of the system. You are disrupting it. Why can't I make you understand that?
Jessa: Poor communication skills?

Captain: [reading] "I looked for you. I found out where you were. I travelled to where you were and, I got you out." That's your entire report?
Trance: You wanted something more?

Captain: Prepare to fire on... me.
Beka: Firing. You know, someone is going to great and obvious lengths to make a point.
Captain: Oh, I get the point. And I get the message. Someone wants us to go in a different direction.

[first lines]
Andromeda: Bots down. Deck 15. Deck 12. Deck 11.
Captain: Can it get any better?

Dylan: Everything is theoretical until you try it.

Dylan: There are 10,000 insane surfers out there?
Beka: And ours is one of the craziest.

Beka: This is going to be ugly, but you know what they say: any slip you can walk away from is a good one.

Seamus: This might take a while, Dylan. Don't win that fight too fast.
Captain: I'll make a point of it. So what's taking you so long?
Seamus: The problem is this stuff is so old, it predates you.
Captain: Oh, that's very funny.

Gerentex: You know, now that the moment is upon me, I must admit to feeling a tad misty. Once I find Tarn-Vedra, all the painful struggle, the years of yearning will finally be behind me. I'll buy a lake. Or maybe a small sea. Start a harem of fecund Nightsider females who'll fill the water with furry tadpoles, and watch as the strongest of our young devour the weak in the ancient dance of life.
Trance: Oh. That is so beautiful.
Gerentex: Isn't it? You know, all I've really wanted was a home and a family of my own. To change myself for the better.
Seamus: You wanna change your life for the better? Put a bullet in your head.
Trance: Oh, Seamus Zelazney Harper, you take that back this instant.

[first lines]
Andromeda: Code red. Code red. Code red. Code red. Code red. Officers down in Command.
Beka: [regaining consciousness] Heard you the first time.

Rommie: The Xinti government is very pleased with us. They're going to sign the Charter. The first world to agree to a restored Commonwealth.

Beka: [referring to the Maru] Hey, Rhade, don't ding it up!
Telemachus: How could you tell?
Beka: [stroking the Maru] He didn't mean that.

Dylan: Missile tubes 1 through 5.
Rommie: Are you sure that's necessary?
Dylan: It's chasing us and that's rude. We'll teach it some manners.

Hayek: But you... you're the High Guard. Yet everything you say spits on our sacred scripture. If you're really our Messiah, you'll beat this Magog to death yourself.
Captain: I am the High Guard... and I am your Messiah... But my ways are not your ways, and if what I say differs from sacred scripture, then what *I* say is the truth! And I say, cut him down!

Andromeda: I don't think he knows. Since last night, he's started and abandoned dozens of projects and upgrades. Although, I must say, the ones he's performed on moi, c'est tres magnifique.
Captain: ou're speaking French now?
Andromeda: Oui. Per his request.

HG: This is where the parts come together. With your hands?
Seamus: Exactly. My hands.
HG: You are like a slow directing intelligence unit.
Seamus: Okay. I'll take that as a compliment.

[first lines]
Rommie: [trying on clothes] I don't know, Trance. I just don't really think it's me.
Trance: Don't you want to look good?
Rommie: Well, only in so far as it aids my official functions.
Beka: So your other outfits are, uh, supposed to be functional?
Rommie: Well, they're all approved variations of High Guard officer's uniforms.
Beka: Female officer's uniforms. Very female.

Trance: Harper, I have been looking all over for you.
Seamus: Liar. You never have to look for anything, Trance. You always find what you're looking for pretty much right away.
Trance: Okay, so I wasn't looking for you, but as your acting physician I figure that it's time you got some rest.
Seamus: Uh, uh, uh, uh, you never went to medical school, Trance, so you are not a regular doctor. Huh.
Trance: Lucky for you I'm not a regular doctor, because if I were you'd have been dead months ago.

Refractions: What about you?
Dylan: I have an idea.
Refractions: You always do. You're gonna need a good pilot.
Dylan: I've ordered you to abandon ship.
Refractions: Let the record show that First Lieutenant Refractions of Dawn respectfully refuses to comply. If we live through this, you can court martial me.
Dylan: You are one stubborn bug.
Refractions: What's the human expression? Guilty as charged.

Captain: If we pull this off, the Than Hegemony will owe us a huge debt, and if we don't try, they'll destroy Pierpoint drift.
Rommie: Pierpont Drift is a den of thieves. I say let the Than blow them up.
Captain: Well, that is why *you* are not conducting the negotiations.

Captain: Well, you see there? Everybody wins. That's what the Commonwealth always strives for.
Mayor: And what do I win?
Tyr: No one's blown you out of the sky.

Beka: Authorization code "shut up and do what I tell you."
Maru: Authorization confirmed.

[last lines]
Tyr: Whether I like it or not, I need you... sir. And I shall be so bold as to say you need me, as well. So... shall we have a game?
Captain: [places a Go piece on the board] Your move.

Harper: I knew you were gonna stab me in the back!
Satrina: No, Harper. I pretty much stabbed you right in the front.

Beka: I'm terrified to ask, but Harper, what were you doing?
Seamus: Push-ups.
Dylan/Beka/Trance/Rommie: No push-ups!
Seamus: Enough with the micromanagement!

Tyr: So... We've been chasing the wind.
Beka: What now?
Tyr: Shall we follow my nose?
Captain: [Points up] As long as it follows that star.

Harper: The Witchhead Nebula was *the* site of the climactic battle of the Nietzschean rebellion.
Tyr: Nietzschean Tactical Offensive.
Harper: Whatever.

Rommie: Harper. The amount of garbage he creates and consumes boggles the mind. Take this disgusting substance, for example. Sparky Cola. It has no nutritional value, rots the teeth, and slowly dissolves the digestive tract. And yet he imbibes at least three thousand millilitres of it every single day.

Beka: Oh, man. A year ago, I was running spare parts from Canopy to San-Ska-Re, and now... I'm sitting in the middle of the apocalypse.
Andromeda: Well, on the bright side, the Worldship is heading toward the known worlds, anyway. Before, you just didn't know about it. At least this way you can face it head-on.
Beka: That was such a warship thing to say.

Seamus: Okay, what are the readings on the, er, the up and down thing?
Beka: The vertical?
Seamus: Right.
Beka: Spiking at plus or minus five.
Seamus: Okay, so, er, magnetic interference... we need more magnetic interference!
Beka: We have plenty of interference, Harper. That's kind of the problem.
Seamus: Right, of course. Insulation? We need insulation.
Beka: Did you sleep enough?
Seamus: Yeah! Yeah, why?
Beka: I don't know, you're just not your usual quick and quippy self.
Seamus: Oh, I'm just trying to concentrate, you know? Oh, what are the readings on the vertical?

Beka: It stopped. Looks like someone deactivated the defense system.
Captain: [on comm] Eureka Maru, you are clear to land.
Tyr: Dylan.
Beka: You know, I'm starting to like that guy.

Captain: If you don't break off your attack, we will return fire. There's a good chance that your system could go up in flames.
Head: The Prolon order of Monks are ready to die in their quest.
Captain: Er, well, that's, er, very suicidal of you. However, I don't believe the rest of the inhabitants in your system want you deciding their fate.

Beka: You were instructed to make contact by who?
Trance: Ahem. By whom.
HG: I am an emissary from the Consensus of Parts. I come in peace. Take me to your leader.
Captain: Yeah, yeah, we got it the first time.

Trance: He's coming to.
Beka: Good. What the hell did you do to my ship?
Captain: It's good to see you too.

Seamus: What? I thought bug people were our friend.
Dylan: So did I.
Tyr: Which is why I place great stocking in paranoia.

Captain: All right, then let's mobilize. Tyr, Rev, fix the engines. Cannibalize parts if you have to. Beka, you and I will take...
Beka: Yeah. My first job is to repair your forehead.
Captain: I'll be fine.
Beka: Yeah, okay, tough guy.

Gerentex: Aren't you... dead?
Trance: I got better.

Captain: How do we get people to stop believing in a myth they've believed in for centuries?
Trance: By getting them to believe in that other myth.
Captain: What's that?
Trance: The one about the High Guard Captain flying around the universe, making allies, restoring the Commonwealth.
Captain: I don't think they'll ever believe in that one.

Doyle: Too bad you didn't show up a minute sooner. Oh, that's right. You did.
Trance: You were both doing very well, I thought, considering.

Gerentex: You know, this may sound petty to you, but if I can't have the Andromeda, no one can.

Saguro: Genius! Who designed these modifications?
Trance: He did.
Saguro: This is your work. Hmm, we should make babies together.
Seamus: You two, out!
Andromeda: No.
Trance: Whatever.
Seamus: Why does it always take a fantastically beautiful but evil genius to recognize the genius in me?
Trance: Harper...
Seamus: Sorry.

Zara: Ask yourself this question, Lach. How far will your venomous deceit take you before you die? And that will be soon.
Lach: I will live long enough to see your miserable end.
Captain: All right, all right, all right. Okay, I told you: fight and you get the naughty card.
Lach: Infidel!
Zara: Nonbeliever!
Beka: This is going well.

Andromeda: The communication is jammed.
Beka: Well, try something else.
Andromeda: Efforting.
Beka: Efforting?

Captain: You know, there's just one problem. The Engine of Creation is a myth. It's like the Holy Grail of ancient Earth, or the Wyverni hordes of Gehenna-Mortis.
Beka: Or a restored Commonwealth.
Captain: Ha, ha. No, that's not funny.

Seamus: That's their Hail To The Chief? It's sounds more like a tuna with a toothache.
Rommie: It works better underwater. Protocol. Remember, the Castalian dignitaries have musical cues for everything. Music for entering a room, for leaving a room, for proposing a toast. And while they're on this ship, we have to respect their traditions. The Castalian Republic is progressive, peaceful, and stable. If they sign the Commonwealth Charter, they provide us with instant credibility.
Beka: And we provide them with the services of the toughest warship in the known universe.
Rommie: Flatter me all you want. You still have to wear the dress.

Doyle: You want to hurt him, you have to hurt me first.
Rommie: Fine.

Beka: So why is it that whenever anyone goes on a suicide mission, they take my ship?
Captain: [sighs] Because it has seat-belts.

Captain: We lost them about a kilometre away.
Tyr: If they don't follow your tree markings back here.
Captain: Well, I ran out of bread crumbs.

Rev: We can only retrieve one ship at a time. Which one? Right or left?
Captain: Right.
Trance: Left! Um, it's just a choice. You know. Fifty-fifty?

Seamus: Somebody pinch me and tell me I'm not theta streaming. We - ow! - it's a figure of speech, Rommie.

Telemachus: After you, O' Great One.
Beka: Knock that off.
Telemachus: What am I supposed to call you?

Andromeda: His route is anomalous and inconsistent. The records are intact, but they lack any logic... he dropped out of nowhere.
Captain: Careful not to get too technical, Andromeda. I might not be able to follow it.

Captain: Rommie, would you mind?
Rommie: Human brains in a box.
Captain: Well, that's certainly... gross.
Rommie: And puzzling. Not exactly your standard carry-on item.

Captain: I know my father. He wasn't a true Vedran any more than I have four legs.
Flavin: Heard of evolution, have you?

Seamus: Hah, phone home with that, Mata Hari.

Trance: Dylan, we're on the same team. We always have been. I need you more than you need me. I trust you.
Captain: It's the other way around, Trance. I need to know I can trust you.
Trance: If you don't trust me, then you can send me away.
Captain: Send you away... It's all about the fight. The light against the dark, good against evil. Some people hide from it. Some run away.
Trance: Some live with it in fear. Some find solace in knowing they've done everything they can.
Captain: Some stay and fight. I fight to win.

[last lines]
Beka: [referring to her brother] You are really something, Valentine.

Trance: Within seconds, the universe is going to be different.
Captain: C'mon Trance, it's glass half full-time.

Andromeda: Intruder, identify yourself. What are you doing in my mind?
Seamus: Rommie, it's me! Harper!
Andromeda: What is your authorization code?
Seamus: Uh... uh, Whiskey Charlie Delta Blues? I-I don't know.

Trance: His choices led him to this destiny.
Beka: Or I got a little carried away.
Trance: A little.

Flavin: Dylan Hunt, there are three kinds of people in the universe: those who can count, and those who can't.

Patrius: Stop! Nobody move! Nobody move. You are mine. You will do as I say. Do as I say, or everyone dies. My patience has been rewarded, all done through the heroic efforts of Dylan Hunt. What a lucky break you are, Captain. A big, joyful thank you to you and the Commonwealth, which, if things go right, might someday worship me. Bow down or die.
Siara: I won't bow down to you.
Patrius: You have no choice.
Captain: [sotto] Pays to think ahead. Three hundred years and, I hope, still ticking.
Patrius: If I can't have your power, no one will.
Captain: Spoken like a true lunatic.

Gabriel: Well, please tell your Pygmalion he has my gratitude and my admiration. But I don't think even he could wire in an off switch for grief. It's funny. There are those that say that AI's feel no sorrow, no pain. Sometimes I wish they were right... I still see their faces.
Rommie: There was a time when this corridor would have been full of people. My crew. My family. All gone. But life goes on.. even artificial life.
Gabriel: Well, that's easy for you to say. You are a warship.
Rommie: Uh, if that's how you feel...
Gabriel: No, no, I'm sorry. That-that... That didn't come out the way I meant it.

Harper: Oh! Oh! Miss Valentine?
Beka: Yes, Harper.
Harper: This isn't our first field trip. Purple company excluded, of course.
Beka: That is my point. I want you to treat every boarding just like your first one. I want you to double-check everything. Hell, triple check it. I'd hate for any of you to end up like VexPag.
Trance: Vexpag?
Rev: Your predecessor.
Trance: Oh! He's the guy who retired. Didn't you say he bought a farm?
Harper: *The* farm. He bought *the* farm.
Trance: Well, what's the difference?
Beka: Torn pressure suit and a bad emergency seal.
Trance: Oh, that is different.

Captain: You picked wrong.
Trance: Yeah, I did. But, that's the thing about guessing. Ninety percent of the time, it's fifty-fifty.

Seamus: Trust in the Harper. The Harper is good.

Uncle: Tell me about Ignatius. I'm-I'm really sorry that I missed his funeral.
Beka: You didn't miss much. Eject cargo pod, yes, no?

Tyr: I would say "let God sort them out," but someone told me He was dead.

Rafe: For a fossilized High Guard Officer, your Dylan Hunt is one devious human being.
Beka: I knew you'd like him.

Seamus: Wow! You got logic chips coming up the quintaflop. What are you, some kind of robot brain scientist rocket surgeon thing?
Gabriel: No. I was a... teacher. My whole department was on the Ekatrina, running from one more wave of book burnings.
Seamus: Look, I just fix stuff, okay? This whole empathy thing it's, uh, not exactly... my strong point, all right?

Tyr: Who have you been talking to?
Trance: The signals you intercepted were messages home. I was trying to reach my family.
Tyr: And you failed?
Trance: No. Worse. I succeeded. What they told me was not good. It's not good at all.

Trance: You know, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Although, I don't know why you'd want to catch flies. They're actually quite dirty little things.

Jessa: Implanted subvocal mike. Cool... Look, tell her to hang back and left.
Captain: Whoa, what are you doing?
Jessa: I'm not gonna hurt your girlfriend.
Captain: She's not my girlfriend.

Seamus: Okay, I know I've been in a loop, which means I've been out of the loop, but is this a time to be playing with dolls? I mean, really, boss, you look silly.

[last lines]
Harper: Man, who'd have thought that being a librarian could be so tough. Well, looks like I'm gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way.

Seamus: Sorry, Beka, it didn't work.
Beka: What do you mean, it didn't work? It worked before. I saw it.
Seamus: Yes, but... The teleport won't function properly if we don't know Dylan's exact location. Believe me, I tried. We played hide-and-go-teleport with one of Trance's fish in Hydroponics.
Beka: And?
Trance: Tuna tartare.

Tyr: Now can we blow them up?

[first lines]
Seamus: [singing] From a billion Sovereign planets / Scattered through the endless night / Bound by blood and High Guard honor / Hold the line until the light / Hold the line against the night!

Captain: I've always done what I thought was right.
Trance: Then others disagree and feel betrayed.
Captain: Trance, just because someone feels betrayed doesn't prove me guilty any more than their disliking the colour gold makes you evil.
Andromeda: Captain, per your request, Rhade is secured and out of the way.
Captain: Thank you. Keep him there pending my further orders.
Andromeda: The military escort has arrived to take you planetside.
Captain: I don't suppose I should keep them waiting. They might get insulted.

Captain: It's time for the three Vs... Visualize, verify and then get very, very pissed off!

Seamus: Uh, Dylan, you're not gonna believe this!
Beka: Oh, no. You're not gonna confess again, are you?
Seamus: I'll resent that tomorrow, but for now, excuse me. Check this out.

Captain: The Vedran sun, Trance's sun, coming to join Tarn Vedra once and for all. Well, Mister Harper, there are a lot of people on those eight planets.
Seamus: And Trance is the star attraction.

Captain Fehdman Metis: Three hundred years, trapped near the event horizon of a black hole. That's astounding, like something out of a science fiction novel.
Captain: Well, it was a quick read. One minute I was engaged with ten thousand enemy ships, next minute, three centuries went by.
Captain Fehdman Metis: And having discovered that your civilization had fallen apart, you tried to put Humpty Dumpty together again without the king's horses and none of his men.
Captain: Something like that, yes.

Seamus: Trans-Galactic's uber big kahuna. Put him in a fish tank with piranhas, pray for the piranhas.

Tyr: Shouldn't you be headed to Med deck?
Trance: Everything I need is on the Maru.
Tyr: Would you tell me your symptoms?
Trance: Dizziness. Confusion. Nausea.
Tyr: Nausea? Trance, you don't have a stomach. In fact, I don't believe I've ever seen you consume more than an alcoholic beverage.
Trance: I'm jittery. I feel cold and prickly all over. I can't think straight.
Tyr: Is there anything else?
Trance: You can't force me to tell you anything. I don't think it would be wise for you to try now.
Tyr: I'm quite sure you're right. However, I will try, should it ever come to that. Are we understood?
Trance: I'd like to go to my room now, be with my plants.

Gabriel: Bad move, Mr. Harper.
Harper: Go ahead, snap my neck like a chicken!

Dylan: [to Trance, in combat] Any words of wisdom?
Trance: Um, always be nice to your parents.
Dylan: Sound advice.

Trance: Surrender, surrender. All his messages are the same. He sounds like an evil parrot.
Seamus: I can't believe I'm going to die at the hands of converging red blips.
Beka: Wait a second. I think you two might be on to something. Rommie, scan all of Cuchulain's messages for the background noise.
Rev: You don't think he...

Captain: Trance?
Trance: Here. I want you to drink this very slowly. It's water.
Captain: How?
Trance: "How?" Well, when two hydrogen atoms love each other very much, they bond with an oxygen atom...
Captain: No. How did you find me?
Trance: Oh. That was easy. I had... this.
Captain: You found me with a button?
Trance: Yeah. Didn't Beka tell you what I used to do before I joined the crew?
Captain: I take it you weren't always an environmental systems officer.
Trance: No. I had all sorts of jobs. The one I was really good at, was, uh, finding things.
Captain: "Finding things"?
Trance: Yeah. You know, first I would... find things and, then I would take them, and give them to people who wanted it.
Captain: You were a thief.
Trance: No. Thieves have bad intentions. I never did.
Captain: Oh.
Trance: But, I am going to steal you now. So, let's get out of here.

Beka: You know, if you don't want me to go, why don't you just say so?
Captain: I don't want you to go.
Beka: Damn. I didn't think you'd just say so.

Seamus: Do you think he really is a gravity bender?
Telemachus: It does seem too easy.
Seamus: Since when do Nietzschens have a problem with easy? Take Beka for example.

Dylan: The visitors reacted differently to your body.
Trance: Yes.
Dylan: Trance, are you dead or alive?
Trance: Yes.

Drago: You can't kill me.
[Tries to attack Dylan. Dylan fends off the attack]
Drago: Or rather should I say, you *won't*. I forbid it! You have to let me go and you know it!
Captain: Yeah, but I'm just going to live in denial for a while.
[headbutts Drago]
Drago: Despite what's happening to Rhade?
Captain: BECAUSE of what's happening to RHADE!

[last lines]
Rommie: I was wrong.
Captain: Hm?
Rommie: I... didn't think Beka could be trusted to complete the mission.
Captain: She came through, though, in the end.
Rommie: Still, you took a big risk, trusting her.
Captain: Well, that's the thing. I'm not a computer. I can't do a spectrographic analysis with my eyes. Sometimes I have to take risks to be able to tell the real hearts from the fake ones.

Captain: What year is this?
Andromeda: Commonwealth year ten zero ninety one.
Captain: Ten zero ninety one, that's, that's now.
Andromeda: Well, it's over a hundred years since the last time I checked.
Captain: But for me, no time has passed at all... again. Harper!

Seamus: If your plan resembles anything like run like hell I can name that tune in three notes or less.

Tyr: I have faith in nothing but this - when the universe collapses and dies, there will be three survivors - Tyr Anasazi, the cockroaches, and Dylan Hunt, trying to save the cockroaches.

Beka: So, apparently my wish is Andromeda's command. I could make her sing I'm A Little Teapot if I wanted to.
Tyr: Did you?
Beka: More to the point, I ordered her to blind her internal sensors to Cargo Bay 11, and then forget all about it. Who knew A.I. command protocols could be so useful?
Tyr: Bay 11. I'll tell our friends to move their souvenirs.
Beka: Great. You know we're going straight to hell for this.

Telemachus: Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, sometimes you can pit your will against a hostile universe, and the universe wins. Eventually, you should understand that.
Captain: Rhade, how could I possibly understand that? It's never happened.
Telemachus: Well, what about the time...

Gerentex: Prep for launch! Now!
Seamus: But Beka and Rev...
Gerentex: Will just have to take care of themselves, won't they? Unless you want to end up like your little purple friend.

Leydon: Oh, don't tell me.
Beka: I'm afraid of heights.
Leydon: You can't be afraid of heights. You're a pilot. You live in heights.
Beka: I live in space. You fall in space, you keep falling. There's nothing to splat on.

Beka: And then, in walked Merlin, only he looked exactly like Andromeda.
Captain: Oh, lucky him.
Beka: Andromeda the ship, not the persona.
Captain: Ah.
Beka: But wearing a big, pointy hat.

[last lines]
Beka: I don't like threats.
Gerentex: Neither do I. Which is why I brought him along.
[door opens and Tyr walks in]
Tyr: I'll take it from here.

Elssbett: And what's your alternative? You and your crew die trying to protect me, and I die anyway?
Captain: You are such a pessimist. But you know, it's not your fault. You're only Nietzschean.

Beka: So, what you're saying is that you randomly chose a bunch of, uh, human female features. You mixed them all up and, uh... this was the first face that you came up with?
Rommie: I may have experimented with a few options.
Beka: Define "a few".
Rommie: One hundred and seventy thousand, eight hundred and ninety four.
Beka: I knew it!

The: Now, we will attack. The only question is whether we do it now, or we do it too late. The choice is yours.

Dylan: So, your, uh, brother's a... Brother.
Beka: If Rafe Valentine's a monk, I'm a Vestal virgin.

Trance: Life support officer Trance Gemini reporting for duty, sir!
Seamus: Suck up.

[last lines]
Beka: We're not saluting you, and we're not calling you Captain.
Captain: Dylan. Dylan will be fine.

Virgil: Good afternoon, denizens of Seefra. Or goodnight, depending on the rotation of your location.

Captain: All right. Get in, grab the kid, and get out. I'll keep Malea distracted as long as I can.
Trance: Dylan, be careful.
Captain: What, me be careful? Trance, I'm only the decoy. You three are the main attraction.
Trance: Really? I always wanted to be a star.

Beka: You're all heart, Hsigo. What'd Ortiz ever do to you?
Hsigo: The worst thing someone can do. She gave me hope. Seven years of my life I gave her, in the Alliance Self-Defence forces. We fought the Kalderans to the very end. But what'd it get me? Dead friends, a busted face, and a nothing job on a dead planet. You know the worst part? I didn't even know what she looked like. Our great leader, and I didn't even recognise her when I was right next to her.
Beka: I understand you better than you think. No one made you fight for Ortiz or the Alliance. That was your call. Yes, she might have given you hope, but if you didn't want it so bad, you wouldn't have fought so hard. You shouldn't blame Ortiz for what happened to you. You should thank her.

Telemachus: Some actually value wealth of knowledge over material wealth, Harper.
Seamus: And some already have all the knowledge we need. We value silence over stupid opinions.
Telemachus: So why are you still talking?
Captain: Are you two finished?

[first lines]
Tyr: Now you must let your instincts guide you. Slipstream piloting isn't a skill, it's an art. You have to feel your way to your destination.
Trance: I don't know. It seems kinda complicated.

Captain: They're scattered all over the nebula.
Harper: Exactly. Which means a catalyst is not gonna work. Unless you can get them all to politely line up to be incinerated.
Captain: I'll see what I can do.
Harper: What?
Captain: You get the catalyst working. I'll handle the Nietzscheans.

Trance: I remember, Dylan. Everything.
Captain: Well, that's good. That's the best news I've heard in a long time.
Trance: You were warned about me.
Captain: Yes, I was: Tarn Vedran sun. Your sun. We'll stop it in time. We'll find a way.
Trance: Yes, I'm sure we will. But that's not what I mean, not what I mean at all.

[last lines]
Dylan: The Commonwealth needs you, Andromeda. The crew needs you. I need you... So, permission to... chop yourself into pieces is officially denied.
Rommie: Understood... Does it get any better? Does the pain go away?
Dylan: I don't think it's supposed to. It's part of what it means to be alive.

[last lines]
Rommie: Dylan, about Sara...
Captain: You figured out what happened to the Starry Wisdom?
Rommie: No, not yet. But I do know this... Sara may not have been able to pull us from the black hole, but whatever she did changed our orbit enough for the Eureka Maru to finish the job 300 years later... If she hadn't come along...
Captain: We'd still be stuck inside the event horizon.
Rommie: She saved you after all.
Captain: Isn't that what people who love each other do?

Pravarti: I've enjoyed talking to you, Beka. I won't insult you by asking for your surrender. If you want, I can relay any last messages you have for your friends or family. Is there anything that you'd like to say to them?
Beka: Yes.
["Fire Control On Line"]
Beka: I'm sorry.

Tyr: My people have a legend about the Battle of Witchhead. They say the Nietzschean forces arrived here with overwhelming numbers. Their victory seemed assured. But then, in the critical hour, the Angel of Death appeared, summoning forth the fires of Hell. The Nietzschean fleet was struck down, crippled, their glorious victory turned to ashes.
Beka: You knew all along?
Tyr: I've never seen an Angel before.

Captain: [being interrogated] Dylan Hunt, Commonwealth Captain, H-E-5-Zero-9-5-C-2-1-9-2-2.

Seamus: We got you! Oh, did we get him. Look at his face. Okay, you see that? *That* is why you don't tell him a week ahead of time.
Captain: Who put you up to this?
Rommie: Harper overrode my emergency protocols. He said it was necessary for the gag.

Seamus: The ship. She's alive.
Gerentex: What?
Seamus: And she is ticked off.

Tyr: I could have you shot as well, and I just might, if you don't mind your manners.
Seamus: This conversation goes any longer, and I'll demand it.
Tyr: It'd be a waste of ammunition.
Seamus: Now you care!

[first lines]
Captain: You're late. I've already lapped decks 3 through 8 without you.
Tyr: You'll be pleased with my excuse. I believe I've found a way to increase the peace.
Captain: No offense, but you make an unlikely dove.

[Rommie and Doyal encounter enemies on Andromeda]
Rommie: [waves hand] We are not the droids you are looking for.
Doyle: [enemies close in, some start firing] What is that?
Rommie: I don't know, but it didn't work!

Molly: And now on to plan B?
Captain: Well, we're farther along in the alphabet, but yeah.
Molly: We've got to shut down that auto-defence system.
Captain: Well, maybe I'll ask it to turn itself off.
Molly: I will grant you your charm can be very persuasive, but how are you going to do that?
Captain: I'll make the defence system think that someone else is at the control panel.

Dylan: Yeah, I know what you mean. I felt the same way when I took Beginning Astrophysics.
Trance: You're kidding.
Dylan: Yes, I am.
Trance: Oh.

[repeated line]
Dylan: It's never easy.

Trance: Beka. Beka, are you all right? What did they do to you?
Beka: Nothing. I walked into a door.
Trance: Well then, please sit down.
[Beka sits]
Trance: Good girl. Stay.
[Trance goes and gets a bottle of alcoholic drink]
Beka: Oh, Trance, I'm not really in the mood for a cocktail right now.
Trance: Disinfectant. So did you tell the door what it wanted to know?

Andromeda: I'm not saying the Patriarch is right, but think of it this way. Even if he has the memories and personality of Admiral Stark, he's not the person you remember. Dylan, you woke up one day and civilisation was gone. Admiral Stark watched it fall. She stood in the ashes blaming herself. Hating the Nietzscheans. Just... hating. Tragedy changes people, even the good ones.

Tyr: You really can't expect Elssbett to change her attitude. She's lived her entire life among Nietzscheans, and she's only known non-Nietzscheans as slaves.
Captain: Well, you've had the benefit of a more... diverese exposure. Maybe you could share your experiences with her, that non-Nietzscheans aren't inferior.
Tyr: You'd like me to lie to her?

[first lines]
Andromeda: Warning. AP valve malfunction in the reactor chamber. Repeat. AP valve malfunction in the reactor chamber.

Captain: Yeah, well, Rhade, there are bigger risks in store if we don't get to the bottom of a certain Trance-formation.
Telemachus: Transformation... Humour to die by.

Captain: What do you think, Trance?
Trance: I think your guess is as good as mine.
Captain: Whenever she says that, I never believe it.

Doyle: I am living a new life, for the first time; mine to find my own experiences, make memories. I wouldn't trade that for all the stars in the universe.
Seamus: That's a lot of stars.
Doyle: I have a lot of life.
Captain: And friends to share it with.
Doyle: To friends.
Captain: And to stars in the universe.

Beka: Next time I tell you about a derelict High Guard ship... tell me to go away.
Captain: You were just trying to help. And I guess I was just trying to recapture the past.
Beka: Yeah, well, you had it good back then. Mission briefs highlighted in three colours, smiles and spit-shines, saluting. If I'd grown up with that, I'd probably want it back, too.

Molly: Oh, my hero!
Captain: Yeah, I get that a lot.

Secretary: I'm sorry I can't help you.
Beka: Okay, maybe I should speak to the Councillor directly.
Secretary: Do you have an appointment?
Tyr: We don't make appointments.
Secretary: Councillor Min doesn't talk to anyone without an appointment.
Beka: I am standing at the helm of a High Guard battleship orbiting your planet. Two words from me and a barrage of kinetic warheads will blast you, Councilor Min, and three generations of Erasians back to the Stone Age.
Secretary: I think you still need an appointment.

Master: How do I travel between planets? And where do I put the crystals?
Captain: That would be where the sun never shines, pal.
Master: That's rude.

[last lines]
Seamus: You know what you've done, don't you? You've kissed off our entire tundra flower monopoly, our best commodity.
Trance: No, I haven't. I gave Gerentex a beautiful thing to call his own. Beautiful things can make sad people happy, and bad people good. When you think about it, beautiful things can change the universe.

[last lines]
Olma: On the one hand, he won. He outsmarted us all, including Gudereian. He is a worthy father. On the other hand, he betrayed us. He abandoned you. And killing us would be less painful than what we must now endure. He is an unworthy husband. The decision is yours.

Dylan: Gaheris, what have you done?
Gaheris: I'm proud of you. You should be.

Clarion: Chichin scum! Give me one good reason not to call down my task force right now!
Mayor: I'll give you three. Free. Trade. Alliance! Mess with me, I'll be using your exoskeleton as a hat rack!

Seamus: Come on, boss, we haven't even gotten to her ID yet. Whoa. You're not going to believe this, but guess how old she is?
Captain: She's three hundred and fourteen years old.

Seamus: Seefra to Dylan? Seefra to Dylan. Come in, Dylan. I never asked for any of you to come back, you know. Maybe I did a little at first, but I got by. I got by. I made me a beauty, fabricated some freaks... I did what I had to do to stay alive in this sinkhole. Stinkhole. Three years. But I was going to find my own way out. No Andromeda, no Rommie, no promises. I didn't ask for any of you. I didn't need any of you, and even if I did, I never expected an answer.
[to the carbon block]
Seamus: You: you lied to me. You made me believe they'd be safe. What's that? You want a little drinky? Okay.

Flux: Well, like I said, someone has to retrieve the Engine. We all know what happens next.
Trance: Some of us better than others.
Flux: Come with me. Your brothers and sisters would love to know what's become of you.
Trance: No, my place is here with my friends.
Flux: Your place is with us. Don't forget whose side you're on.
Trance: Never have. Never will.
Flux: You can't defy us forever, Trance.
Trance: No, but I can dream, can't I? Even if it's just for a little while?

Dylan: Rommie could falsify data like this easily. Hell, if I wanted to, I could make it look like you were behind the whole thing.
Telemachus: And then you'd get everything you wanted, wouldn't you? The isolationists would be disgraced. There'd be a new election. Terazed would join the new Commonwealth.
Dylan: And you'd go to prison.
Telemachus: As cost-benefit ratios go, it's got a lot to recommend it.
Dylan: Betray an innocent man, gain the world, and lose... lose what, Mr. Rhade?

Captain: Hello. Tyr, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but it just could be the music that attracts the enemy.

Gabriel: What else did you do?
Harper: Oh, well, it's kind of funny actually. In all the, er, rush to build you, I sort of forgot to make you anatomically correct.

Trance: But this is different. You said to Beka that Rommie was more like an extension of yourself.
Andromeda: Like my left hand.
Trance: Well, I don't know about you, but if I lost my left hand, I wouldn't be very happy.
Andromeda: No. No, you wouldn't.

Telemachus: So, this place we're going - sturdy, hardy, tests survival skills. I think I'm going to like it.
Beka: Clamp down on the Nietzschean observations, will you?

Argent: She's android, isn't she, but thinks she's human. She was leaking superconductor fluid, but said she saw blood. How does a machine come to think it's flesh and blood?
Seamus: Three reasons: none of your business, none of your business, and none of your business. And don't you dare talk to her about it.
Argent: I guess it's not her business, either.
Seamus: So you're not as dumb as you look.

[On the Maru, seeing Andromeda approach and laying down cover fire]
Rommie: Oh, Andromeda, am I glad to see me.

Tyr: Your willingness to defy the universal odds is a disease that apparently we have all contracted.

Seamus: It came to me in my dreams. I guess genius never sleeps. What looks like the Harper sleeping is really greatness at work. True, I almost finished breakfast by the time I realized the note I'd left myself reading - "Remember Celine" - was not referring to what I'd hoped. However, the important thing is...
Captain: The upshot, Mr. Harper?
Seamus: Slipstream.

Seamus: How do they mate? How do they date? I mean, come on, love is just a bunch of exaggerations and lies, all dolled up in pseudo-poetic language, uttered preferably while intoxicated, and all for the singular, universal purpose of... uh, you know.
Trance: Harper, you're a born romantic.
Seamus: Sometimes there are flowers.

Achilles: Did you feel all three hundred years pass you by, or was it just a tick of the clock?
Andromeda: It was a moment, the longest moment of my life. When I finally escaped, my Captain and I were alone. But that's over now, and it can be for you, too. We're here to help you escape.
Achilles: Why? The Commonwealth is gone.
Andromeda: We're building a new one, and we need you to help us protect it.
Achilles: So we ships would be the core of a new High Guard... it is a beautiful dream, Andromeda.

Seamus: These slipstream drives are a lot easier to break than they are to fix.
Dylan: My chief engineer called it "job security."

Rev: To call a thing a miracle is just another way of saying it's highly imporbable.

Captain: I think you just hit it right on the head.
Trance: No. Actually, tails.

Seamus: What's the matter? You couldn't handle the guy?
Captain: Don't be smart.
Seamus: It's hard not to when you're a prodigy.

Captain: Is that for luck?
Molly: Well, you can never have enough luck.

Beka: Yeah, well, these kids are very in touch with their inner savage.

Dylan: I have become Death... Destroyer of Worlds.

Pravarti: I don't think I was cut out for the family life, anyway. Staying at home with two co-wives and a dozen rugrats while some wannabe Alpha postures and preens? Shoot me now.
Beka: Can't. Fire control's offline.

Tyr: He had to choose: save his fleet and his entire Alliance, or sacrifice them both to liberate a single slave world.
Seamus: But Dylan always keeps his promises.
Tyr: Dylan has made a great many promises, and he only has one ship. Now, try and get the people out of the streets. There'll be another time.
Seamus: Another time? I'm just supposed to stop a revolution? There are people bleeding and dying in the streets because they actually think they may have a chance to win for a change. How am I supposed to tell them they're wrong?

Kiyami: Tyr Anasazi! We know you're out there. Give up. Maybe we'll let you live. Get him!
Captain: Anything you wanna tell me?
Tyr: No. Not particularly.

Gaheris: History will judge me a traitor for what I'm about to do. But if he fails. If Dylan fails, imagine how they'll judge him.
Trance: With silence.

Rommie: Dylan won't rest until he's back with his ship, and you'll pay the consequences if you stand in the way of a solution. You can take that as a warning.
Captain Fehdman Metis: A warning.
Rommie: Dylan is a remarkable man. He has a way of knowing what he has and what he doesn't have, and how to make the most of it, but he's not a superman. The last time the universe passed him by, civilization fell.
Captain Fehdman Metis: And he's afraid that it will happen again.
Rommie: Only this time, it will be worse, because this time, he'll know what's happening around him, without him.

Captain: You're more than my AI. You're my advisor, you're my friend, you're the air that I breathe.
Rommie: Literally.

Captain: You'd better tell me how you know all of that.
Celine: That, and the fact your ship was trapped on the edge of a black hole, frozen in time for three hundred years because your First Officer, your best friend, betrayed you? The only way I could. You told me.
Captain: Okay, I'm listening.
Celine: You told me everything, last time in your room, before we got... distracted.
Captain: Huh, huh, that's not possible.

Geryon: I don't know what your game is, honey, but you aren't the first and you won't be the last groupie to catch his eye.
Trance: No, you're wrong. I was his first.

Rev: Providence chooses its instruments. Not the other way around. Fate brought you to that battle. Destiny demanded your actions. Perhaps you were merely a tool of Divine Will.

Gerentex: You know, hurtful stereotypes like that give people like me a bad name.
Trance: No! People like you give people like you a bad name.

Trance: He's dying.
Captain: Damn. It should've been hours before anyone started feeling the effects.
Beka: If he was a good little citizen of the Commonwealth, I'm sure he'd be fine. Harper was raised in a refugee camp. He's got a dodgy immune system at the best of times. He sure can't stand up to this radiation bath you've got us soaking in.
Captain: How long before his condition becomes irreversible?
Trance: Four hours, maybe less.
Seamus: Ooo, shiny.

Tyr: That's your reconstruction of the crime?
Captain: As of now.
Tyr: I think that's the most pathetic and ill-planned excuse for an assassination I've ever seen. And I speak as one who has had some... slight experience in these matters.

Beka: Trance? Trance!
Andromeda: She has no life signs, Beka.
Beka: You say that like it matters.

Rommie: Nice flying, Tyr. If I ate food, you'd be wearing it.
Tyr: Lovely image. And they say AIs have no poetry in their souls.
Rommie: Nope, no poetry, but we're hell on wheels with a dirty limerick. Wanna hear one? There once was a man from Nan...
[machine beeps, revealing a system full of High Guard ships]
Tyr: What do you see?
Rommie: Poetry.

Seamus: Now, that pain you're about to feel will be the tesseracter disassembling you atom by atom. I know what you're thinking - why is it that bad things always happen to bad people? Well, they don't. I happen. Specifically, I hack in, and you are locked out, maestro.

Rommie: Harper, when are you going to realize that your "luck", as you call it, will never change? Although, you're becoming quite a connoisseur of women walkin' away from ya...

Drago: [trying to keep Dylan from attacking] You'll lose everything!
Captain: [slight chuckle] I already have.

Beka: If you do this and you kill me...
Seamus: We will always think fondly of you.
Beka: This is so humiliating on so many levels.

Rommie: I guess it's true what they say: No matter how powerful you are, there's always someone bigger and stronger than you. I just never thought it applied to me.
Dylan: You scared?
Rommie: Terrified.
Dylan: Me too.

Trance: Tell me about him.
Flux: Sir was an FTA Enforcement wing pilot, and his lover, Duran, was a Rester terrorist.
Trance: So they fell in love and they abandoned their respective causes?
Flux: Actually, they betrayed both sides and murdered their former associates. Killing people's the glue that keeps them together, and if they get the Engine of Creation, they intend to reshape the universe to serve their infinite whims and perversions.
Trance: Then why are you helping them?
Flux: Well, it tugs on my conscience every now and then, but I am after all, a dedicated manservant.
Trance: You want to know what I think?
Flux: Oh yes, very much.

Captain: What happened?
Beka: You missed Tyr's cavalry act.
Tyr: They were playing Wagner. It's the most fun I've had in about six months.

Saphia: Oh, all of this, for me - I'm not worth it.
Captain: Your friends seem to think you are. Maybe it's time you proved them right.
Beka: Dylan, we're just about ready to go. Well, it's been real, it's been fun, but I can't say I...
Captain: Beka.
Beka: Right, I'll prep the Maru.

Colonel: Assassinating Sebastian Lee doesn't make sense. So what if the Nietzschean chose an eccentric way... to shoot the president. Assassins have been known to be eccentric.
Seamus: Not Tyr. Uh, overbearing, self-righteous, vain, vicious, brutal, *way* too serious, and a little big, yeah. But eccentric? No.

Andromeda: Dylan, you're too weak to be here.
Captain: Rommie, you are no longer my friend. All right, prepare, prepare for, the library, my, my father's. You know, the Magog Worldship is coming.
Andromeda: Captain, I'm afraid I'm going to have to relieve you of command.
Captain: Well, that's no relief at all.

Dylan: You'll have to forgive Andromeda, she's a stickler for protocol. You see, you weren't on our guest list.
Charlemagne: My aide de camp's fault, no doubt. I'll make sure he's properly shot. Still, I would hate to let a minor diplomatic faux pas ruin this once in a lifetime opportunity.
Dylan: Which is?
Charlemagne: This Commonwealth of yours. Sign me up.

Beka: He was making a joke. You got to know about jokes. You are one.

Captain: Think more than a few moves ahead, Tyr, and remember the long game. Re-establish the Commonwealth, and we re-establish open inquiry, accountability, and justice.
Tyr: Justice. For Nietzscheans?
Captain: For everyone. Or there's no point.

Satrina: You know, I'm beginning to think your heart isn't in this.
Harper: Technically, my heart is in my chest, and I'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much.

Beka: Hmm. Just once I'd like to rescue an ugly woman.
Seamus: And ruin my chances of being smitten by or smoting a beautiful woman? Leave me alone. I can't love straight when I'm in think.
Captain: Whatever that means.

[last lines]
Trance: Once, you asked if there might be a place for you around here, among the pretty things. Well, HG, your heart was a pretty thing. You were just a baby. You only had one single precious day of life. And even in that one day, you managed to become a hero. Goodnight, little hero.

Rommie: Another squad of riflers.
Captain: Don't they have any respect for tradition. Whatever happened to just *clawing* people to death?

Seamus: Gravity sucks. All right. You've got a broken ship, you need a mechanic. You've got a broken ship near a black hole, you need a quantum engineer. Rescuing Dylan from a black hole, again. Trance, I'll need your help.

Beka: A trail of breadcrumbs for us to follow, if you're willing.
Captain: [chuckles] Wait a minute. Uh, let me get this straight. You forced your way onto my ship, then you tried to steal my ship. And now, after I saved all your lives, you want *me* to help you retrieve your ship.
Trance: She's like that. Don't take it personally.

Rommie: Harper, be careful. You won't fix anything with a broken neck.
Seamus: Ah, like it really matters when we're twenty thousand leagues under the sea and about to be squished into chunky salsa. On the bright side, at least if I'm going down, I know thirteen little baby Magog who are going down with me.
Rommie: That's it, Harper. Stay positive.

Beka: I'm sorry. This is just weird. Your ship's avatar is eloping.
Dylan: Oh, here's the happy groom now. I feel like I should've prepared a toast.
Beka: I think I got one. Here's to Gabriel. Be nice to Rommie, or I'll rip your head off.
Gabriel: If I let her down, I will rip it off myself.

Dr. Sara Riley: Admiral Stark warned me about you.
Captain: Really? And what did she say?
Dr. Sara Riley: That if I ever met you, I'd end up either falling in love with you, or killing you.
Captain: Ah. I have that effect.

Trance: Dylan, there is a war coming, one that is going to make this battle look like child's play.
Captain: The Magog Worldship.
Trance: My people have come to the conclusion that the Commonwealth cannot stop the Magog, but they feel that the Pyrians can.
Captain: You've got to be kidding me. Damn it, Trance, We aren't just pieces in your private game of Go. Now you level with me or quit wasting my time.

Höhne: We're all painfully aware of your AI's limitations, Captain. That's why we only plan to maintain the quantum interface for another 48 hours or so. Well within your ship's safety limitations.
Rommie: Well. I can't argue with his math.

Captain: Ugh, maggots... We are never, ever going back to Virgil Nine!

Dylan: My old engineer called it job security.
Harper: Smart woman. I've been reading her manuals.

Captain: Mythology. It's all Greek to me.

Tyr: If we do nothing we die. If we go, at least we have a chance. So get moving, or I'll kill you myself.
Seamus: I love your, too.

Seamus: Just let me get a little closer.
Trance: There is something wrong with him.
Beka: You're just figuring that out now?

Seamus: How is the bug?
Beka: The Than. Try to be polite to our guest.
Trance: She should be clicking and popping by the end of the week. Why do you ask?

Captain: Thanks, but no thanks. Having a Nietzschean along may cause problems with any potential allies.
Tyr: Captain Hunt! In the past few months, you've been placing yourself in a number of very risky situations. It's not a healthy trend.
Captain: Thank you, Tyr. I didn't know that you cared.

Captain: Initiating Nova deployment sequence. Let's bring it.
Beka: Acting First Officer Beka Valentine. Nova deployment authorized. Zero Zero Strike Red Zero.
Trance: Acting Armsmaster Trance Gemini. Nova deployment authorized, uh, Retro Nine Blue Strike Five Nine Five.
Tyr: Fire Control Officer Tyr Anasazi. Arming Nova weapons one through forty. Execution code Nine Five Over Seven Blue Five. Arm.
Rev: Ready for your final order.
Captain: Captain Dylan Hunt, Commanding Officer. Nova deployment authorization Ten Break Alpha. Strike, strike, strike.

Liandra: I have begged you, Dylan. I have tried to protect you, but you just won't let me.
Captain: Protect me from what?
Liandra: They don't want you. The Commonwealth that needs you so much, they're trying to get rid of you.
Captain: Why in the name of the Empress would the High Guard want to get rid of me?
Liandra: Because you mess up, and they're tired of cleaning up after you.

Dylan: There's only one way to fight a superior opponent.
Fleet: Well, that I wouldn't know, I've never fought a superior opponent.
Dylan: Asymmetric warfare. It's an area denial strategy.
Beka: We're gonna carpet-bomb space?

[first lines]
Beka: Andromeda, this is the Eureka Maru en route from Drift Colony Segas 4. Our belly's full, and our ETA to bay is 20 minutes.

Seamus: How's my Rommie? Please give me good news.
Captain: Let's put it this way. If you don't hear back from me, start hiding.
Seamus: Great. I'll keep a channel open.
Captain: Do that. Hunt out.
Seamus: Activate door locks.

Captain: You're right, Mr. Harper. We need action, and plenty of it. Speaking of action...
Beka: I was hoping you could join me later this evening for some nice Korret bird steaks - after you've quashed the tri-galaxy rebellion, of course. Hmm, shiny, let's say at about six?
Captain: Well, actually, it's more like twelve, but I'll be there at five.

Seamus: Yeah, boss, no officers quarters around here. You can take old Vexpag's bunk.
Captain: Vexpag?
Seamus: Yeah, another former crewmate. He's dead too.
Captain: Dead?
Seamus: Don't worry, it wasn't catching.

Rommie: In the Commonwealth, artificial intelligences had all the rights and privileges of any other citizen. I was an equal.
Beka: Yeah, well, that was then, this is now. Some places, they worship androids, and some places, they melt them down.
Rommie: Gabriel prefers synthetic life form.
Beka: Gabriel prefers? Yeah, I think I get it. Rommie has a crush on the new guy.
Rommie: It's not like that. Gabriel is a unique opportunity. The first chance I've had to interface with one of my own...
Beka: Interface? Hmm. I've never heard it put quite that way before.

[watching a solar storm approaching the ship]
Rev: Magnificent.
Tyr: I wish you would stop looking for beauty in things that want to kill us.

Beka: What do you know? I'm all better.

Seamus: Okay, how did you get in there?
Captain: Just living in the present.
Seamus: Okay, don't start talking like Trance.

Captain: Rommie.
Andromeda: Do I have to?

Captain: It was never about me. The truth is, I'll never know why Gaheris did what he did. But I'd like to think that he had the best intentions.
Seamus: Yeah? Well, good intentions... hell... you draw the map. He got what he deserved.
Captain: It's not for you or me to judge. All I know is, every man is the hero of his own story. Even Gaheris Rhade.

Pish: We have two choices: make a deal and survive the cataclysm, or stop it altogether.
Tyr: Destroy the Abyss - a worthy challenge for the heir of Drago Museveni. I've united Prides from three galaxies. I have an army even the Abyss should fear.
Pish: Well, we can only hope you live up to your idea of yourself. I learned long ago: get out of the office. The servants pack different things. Everything within these walls survived the fall. This was what was left. Our library was here, hidden caves underneath all these flowers. The Collectors survived, Tyr, because they controlled information, the most secret of secrets.
Tyr: Yes, that and murder, blackmail, extortion.
Pish: And so much more. The other day I ate a Than. Delicious. Did you ever do that? No, I didn't think so. You see, Tyr, Collectors are respected, should be, but some are more realistic than others. So, then, yes, two choices: to live or live well.

[first lines]
Seamus: I, Seamus Zelazney Harper, the... Exalted Love Machine... of the planet Earth do hereby ordain that when 50 planets have agreed to join the Systems Commonwealth...
Trance: What are you reading?
Seamus: It's, uh, Dylan's fill-in-the-blanks constitution.

Seamus: Someone has to get to that panel and open it so we can point this emitter at the tubes inside.
Captain: Rommie.
Rommie: Not a problem.
Seamus: Ha, have I ever told you how much I...
Rommie: Psst, you're in a lot of trouble right now.

Tyr: I should leave. Head out on my own.
Yvaine: And go where? You need a guide.
Tyr: Hey! Why are you doing this?
Yvaine: Maybe the madness finally got me, too.

Tyr: During the uprising, it was a common Nietzschean tactic to capture High Guard officers and use them as human shields against their own ships.
Captain: And you think that's Guderian's intention?
Tyr: I'm certain of it.

Dylan: [Dylan speaks to Doyle] It appears you're in a unique position.
Seamus: I'd like to get Doyle in a unique position.
Dylan: [everyone glares at Harper] Harper...

Doyle: Harper is resourceful. He may have made one out of broken glass by now, for all we know. And I hate that you know my every move on this ship.
Andromeda: Get used to it.
Doyle: I don't need a lecture about getting used to things. Trust me.
Andromeda: I was merely suggesting a coping strategy.
Doyle: I will cope when I find Harper.
Andromeda: About that: if you were planning on going down to Seefra One, forget about it. I have a drop pod waiting to take me.
Doyle: Oh no, that's the pod I ordered!
Andromeda: Like I said, get used to it.

Captain: Can you control that?
Trance: No. Life is chaos. Chaos is life. Control is illusion.

Captain: Mr. Harper, you were willing to take a bullet for me.
Seamus: Well, what else was I supposed to do?

Telemachus: I admire your instinctive insight into smuggling, Beka.
Beka: That'd be experience, Rhade, Not all of us are goody-goody academy pinheads.

Tyr: No. No, of course not. Because, and let me see if I've got this down, our alliance with the Wayists, etcetera, etcetera, reuniting the Systems Commonwealth, and so on, and so forth, enhancing our reputation as peacemakers, ad nauseum. Am I close?
Dylan: Reasonably, yes.
Tyr: Don't you ever get tired of it? Trying over and over again to help people who couldn't care less about you, in the name of a cause that's been dead for three hundred years.
Trance: You take that back!

Dylan: It's a little known law of thermodynamics: The Conservation of Optimism: There's only so much to go around.

Captain: Even in the days of the Commonwealth, Inaris was considered a backwater world. These people were unpredictable. After three centuries of struggle, I'm just not sure they can be trusted.
Trance: So why don't you just let me go and I'll find out. What?
Captain: Nothing, nothing. It's, er, it's just you as a spy.
Trance: They'll never know what hit them.

[last lines]
Rev: Are you familiar with Aeschylus?
Captain: Ancient Earth, right? Greek tragedy?
Rev: Very good. I was thinking specifically of the Orestean Trilogy. The house of Atreus was cursed by the gods, condemned to murder one another throughout history.
Captain: Orestes' mother killed his father. He was forced to kill her in revenge.
Rev: Forced to kill, much as Andromeda was forced to kill. Do you remember how the curse was finally ended?
Captain: Apollo invented the jury trial. The jury found Orestes innocent.
Rev: Indeed. The cycle was broken when public justice replaced private vengeance, just as you are trying to do. Hmm?
Captain: There's only one problem with your analogy, Rev. Apollo was a god. I'm just a man.
Rev: Mmm...

Uncle: Flash. It's the ultimate edge. You'll love it. Five milligrams today, five milligrams tomorrow, and the next day, you will be selling your first born for just one milligram more.

Trance: Goodbye Andromeda. Goodbye to your comforts... Your joys... Your sheltering arms. Goodbye Maru... Rhade... Harper... Beka... Rommie... Goodbye... Dylan...
Rommie: Terminating conversation.
Trance: Andromeda? Andromeda!
Unknown: Have you come home from your journey? Have you come home from your path? Dream, dear one... dream.

Seamus: Who the hell are you?
Dylan: No. It's 'who the hell are you?' and what are you doing on my ship?

Seamus: Who-who is this guy? Why is he after us?
Doyle: The Andromeda is worth nothing? To anyone but us who know its operations.

Trance: And they even have a guild devoted entirely to the art of abdomen dancing.
[she dances]
Dylan: Trance, that's Iridano sign language, and I think you just made a rather naughty suggestion to Harper.
Trance: Oh, well, fair is fair. Harper made a rather naughty suggestion to nearly half the women there at the reception. Without success, I might add.

Trance: And they even have a guild devoted entirely to the art of abdomen dancing.
Dylan: Trance, that's Iridano sign language, and I think you just made a rather naughty suggestion to Harper.
Trance: Oh, well, fair is fair. Harper made a rather naughty suggestion to nearly half the women there at the reception. Without success, I might add.

Rommie: Rhade's vitals are strong. The slipfighter's are not.

Seamus: I am a *god*! Whooo!

Dylan: You know what your problem is, Rhade? You talk too much.

Tiama: Brother Thaddeus was a good man... but he wasn't perfect. It never occurred to him that maybe we were the only ones who had the right to decide our fates.

Tyr: [to Harper] When your parents combined their DNA, the odds they would create a person with your precise genetic pattern were 10,000,000 to 1. Factor in the chance of your parents growing to adulthood, meeting, and actually bothering to procreate, in the first place, and your very existence has all the likelihood of drawing three straight Imperial Courts in an honest game of Vedran whist! You've already overcome those odds once. Who's to say you can't do it again?

Seamus: Try me. See if you can wrap your little rat brain around this. You kill her, I kill you. You lose. You kill her and you kill me, the ship blows up. You still lose. Either way, you lose.
Trance: Uh, excuse me? Can we please discuss the killing her part?

Professor: We're trying to develop biological weapons to defend ourselves against your kind, should you launch a full scale assault.
Trance: No offense, Professor, but your backwater rock is hardly worth the effort. And believe me, if my kind wanted to destroy you, it would take a lot less than a full scale assault.
Professor: Is that what he wanted to do, the one who came before you? To destroy us?
Trance: Like I told you before, I do not know who that was or what he wanted, but most likely he was just bored.
Professor: Bored?
Trance: When you have seen and you have done as much as we have, the universe starts feeling a little small and stagnant, so you learn to make your own fun.
Professor: Are you telling me that everything that we've been through, the wars, the famines, the deaths, were all diversions for a monster? May God forgive me.

Gerentex: Don't stand there staring like he's the Vedran Empress! Get us out of here! He'll kill us all!

Harper: Cry me a river and drown in it!

Tyr: How are you?
Andromeda: Oh, I'm hanging in there.
Dylan: That's not funny.
Dylan: I'm just trying to break the tension, Dylan.
Dylan: I'm not tense.
Andromeda: Well, you look it.
Tyr: What are they doing here?
Andromeda: They're trying to use me to focus their power source. Their generator's not online yet. Ahem. I'd like to get down now.
Dylan: We're working on it.

Seamus: That would disable our sensors. We'd be blinder than a Nightsider in sunshine.
Tyr: Unavoidable, I'm afraid.
Seamus: Don't tell me you're considering this! We may as well poke out our own eyes with knitting needles, or just ram our heads...
Captain: Thank you for your input, Mr. Harper.

Seamus: Engineer, heal thyself.

Andromeda: What happened to the good old days when ships just broadsided one another?
Beka: The steam engine was invented?

[first lines]
Captain: Shots from behind this line...
[shoots basketball and makes the shot]
Captain: ... are worth three. Any questions?
Tyr: One. All these rules... whats the point?
Captain: Rules force you to out-think your opponent, instead of out-muscle him. Now isn't that a useful lesson for life-or-death situations?
Tyr: Certainly. And when the Magog unleash their dreaded bouncing-ball attack, we'll make them rue the day.

Beka: So, now might be the time for one of those blunt but truthful Nietzschean comments.

Seamus: I just came here to apologize. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Please, please don't give me the boot.
Dylan: Well that's strike two. One more and you're out.
Seamus: Strike two? What was strike one?
Dylan: Careful - forgetting strike one is enough to be strike three.
Seamus: Right. Now I remember strike one. That won't happen again either.
Dylan: Dismissed.
Seamus: [to himself as he leaves] What was strike one?
Rommie: [after Harper leaves] Dylan, what was strike one?
Dylan: Well, there wasn't one, but he works better under pressure.

Rommie: And why is that, Harper? Because you're such a better match for me? Look at yourself. Your brain is a trillion times slower than mine, and your body? Barely thirty years old and already on its inevitable course toward decay and death.
Harper: Maybe, but there's one thing I got that your little boy toy, here, will never have. I love you.
Rommie: Well, that's the most pathetic thing of all. I might just as easily ask you to love an amoeba.
Harper: I created you. To you I'm supposed to be a god.
Rommie: Well, Harper, you know what happens to gods. They're eventually killed and supplanted by their own children. So, God, get to work.

Seamus: Tyr Ana-sleazy! Livin' large in the lap-dance of luxury!

[first lines]
[being chased and fired at by several ships]
Beka: Who the hell are these guys?
Captain: Nietzschean Pride markings. Tyr?
Tyr: That's Mandau Pride. They're parasites. Slavers.
Beka: I hate to break it to them,but I don't plan on spending the rest of my life in a uranium mine.

Trance: What does a Nietzschean mother hope for her son when she names him Gengis Stalin?
Andromeda: He's said to be a delightful conversationalist.

[last lines]
Elssbett: I just wanted to let you know that, so far, your solution seems to be the better one.
Captain: You're welcome.

Trance: Scared money walks, sweet sugar action talks!
[Dylan looks at her strangely]
Trance: I-I heard it in a casino.

Captain: Vexpag?
Seamus: Yeah, another former crewmate. He's dead too.
Captain: Dead?
Seamus: Don't worry, it wasn't catching.

Seamus: We needed a Plan B. *You* always have a Plan B.
Dylan: Yes, but my Plan B's work.

Trance: I think our friend is ready to join her fleet.
Rev: The Than Hegemony also expresses its gratitude to the Commonwealth for ridding its sector of Nietzschean criminals. They respect us as a force for peace in the galaxy.
Trance: You got what you wanted.
Captain: Not really, but it's a start.

Captain Fehdman Metis: Get off my bridge, now.
Nadya: Don't you get it? Your mission is over. Dead. There's no home for us to go back to. No one will give a damn what we've seen or done. It doesn't mean a thing. And you want to keep roaming the stars in this obsolete piece of junk with all of us as your prisoners.
Captain Fehdman Metis: You were never my prisoner.
Nadya: What choice did you give us? What choice did we ever have?
Captain Fehdman Metis: Only the ones that you've already made. One god, one captain. Dismissed.

HG: Please, do not initiate hostile action. I am Bio-sentient Contact Unit HG1966HXCN5. What is it you humans say? Take me to your leader.

Gabriel: Well, I've never been accused of having useful information before.

Beka: Parlays away, Tyr. This bogey is hostile. Target its vulnerable spots. It does have vulnerable spots, right?
Rommie: Beats me.
Harper: Beats me? Two words I never expected to hear from a warship with a brain your size.

Captain: I was on my way back. I was, but my path was altered. How was I to know that you'd still be here after all this time?
Siara: You came back.
Captain: I came back.
Siara: 300 years.
Captain: Okay, so I was a little late.

Dylan: And you explained it to them, politely?
Beka: I even used one-syllable words.
Dylan: Ah, condescension.
Beka: That's four syllables.

Rommie: It's depressing seeing myself in this condition again.
Beka: You've seen worse.
Rommie: Yes, but it's the repetition of being shot at that I find so annoying. I would like just *one* day where I build missiles and tweak fire control in peace.
Beka: We definitely need to find *you* a hobby.

Professor: But your shipmates... do they know what you really are?
Trance: They know as much as they need to know. That I am their friend.
Professor: But if you tell them what happened down here...
Trance: I won't, and neither will you.
Professor: So what happens to us? Are we going to be your little toys, too?
Trance: No, I'm not that bored. The universe is a mess. I've got plenty of things to keep me busy.

Able: I admire your courage, but if we all die here, nothing I have done will have mattered. And I can't have your death on my conscience.
Beka: Don't worry, neither can I.

Beka: That was almost too easy... Yep, I knew that was too easy.

Officer: You really think she's an AI?
Carter: She got past four highly trained guards, took a direct Gauss gun hit, survived a 42 story drop, then eluded capture by twelve more personnel on he ground. Yeah, I pretty much think she's an android.

Tyr: Am I mistaken, sir, or did you just grant complete strangers unlimited access to this ship?
Captain: Why yes, I did. That way we can monitor them closely and see what they do with it. There's something not quite trust worthy about them, don't you think?
Tyr: You occassion bouts of deviousness never fail to surprise me, Captain.