The Best When Calls the Heart Quotes

Molly: A relationship might be effort, but when love's not there, being together can be overwhelming.
Faith: Or even underwhelming?
Molly: That too. And I don't consider either of those things to be love.
Faith: Hmm. Are you all right being single?
Molly: I am. I'm happy. I have a wonderful daughter, fabulous friends, a splendid job. And who knows? Maybe some day I'll find love again.
Faith: With Bill?
Molly: We're... kindred spirits. And that seems to be enough for us.
Faith: Hmm. I think that's where Carson and I will find ourselves too, some day. I hope so, anyway. We'll always be close. I miss him, you know. I do.
Molly: Of course you do.

Elizabeth: I love you Jack Thornton. From chalk dust to eternity.

Gustave: When a man is wearing two hats, one is only sure to fall off.

Minnie: Have you ever heard it said that you make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give?

Abigail: [Sets a chest down on a table and opens it] This belonged to Peter.
[Pulls a baseball out of the chest]
Abigail: He loved baseball. He used to play in the street with his friends every day. Broke three windows with this ball.
Clara: [Chuckles]
Abigail: And I would scold him and take it away from him... Looking back, I should have let him break as many windows as he wanted... He was my family... and now he's gone... So you can break... as many dishes as you want, Clara... because you are my family now.

Elizabeth: Would you like me to sing to you?
Opal: No. You sang enough. I like the crickets better.

[first lines]
Elizabeth: [narrating] Perhaps it was hubris or just stubborn pride that set me on my journey west. My first instinct was to refuse the offer of a teaching post in Coal Valley. My education certainly qualified me for the post, but I feared my privileged upbringing might leave me ill-prepared and unequipped to brave the hardships and dangers out west.
[outlaws approaching on horseback]
Elizabeth: It was my sister, Julie, who bolstered my resolve because she so doubted my fortitude. She'd tried to frighten me with tales of cowboys, whiskey-runners, and outlaws, but it only emboldened my determination to prove to her and my parents that I am Elizabeth Thatcher, a strong, independent, capable woman.
Elizabeth: [falling to the floor of the coach] I can face any obstacle with courage, grace, and dignity.

Elizabeth: But there will always be uncertainty in life... and if we start to shrink back from those things that might hurt... well then, our greatest risk is possibly never experiencing our greatest joy.

Elizabeth: So much of what matters in life relies on trust. Remembering to trust God, discerning which people are worthy of our trust. For when we place our hearts, our lives, in someone else's hands, it is an act of Faith. It requires courage and hope but it's worth the risk. Because it's trust which brings us love.