The Best Linguo Quotes

Homer: [after Linguo explodes] Linguo, dead?
Linguo: Linguo is... dead.

Louie: Hey, They's throwin' robots!
Linguo: They *are* throwing robots.
Legs: It's disrespecting us. Shut up a'you face!
Linguo: Shut up *your* face.
Legs: Whatsa' matta you?
Louie: You ain't so big.
Legs: Me an' him are gonna' whack you in the labonza!
Linguo: Mmmm... Bad... Bad grammar overload! Error! Error!
[Linguo explodes]

Homer: Here, little fella.
[Homer pours beer into Linguo's mouth]
Lisa: Dad, no!
Linguo: Error!
Homer: I'm sorry. I thought he was a party robot.
Lisa: Oh. This is why I can't have nice things! Grrr... every time I design a robot, somebody comes along and breaks it.

Lisa: Almost done. Just lay still.
Linguo: Lie still.
Lisa: I knew that. Just testing.
Linguo: Sentence fragment.
Lisa: Sentence fragment is also a sentence fragment.
[Linguo's eyes move back and forth as it thinks]
Linguo: Must conserve battery power.
[Linguo shuts itself down]