The Best Magica De Spell Quotes

Magica: [laughing] Yes! The magic! The body! I'm back!

Louie: [Magica's magic destroys a mirror] Oh no! You broke the mirror of Taiki!
Magica: The what now?
Louie: Ancient artifact, terrible curse if you break it.
Magica: [Magic fires blasts of magic at Louie] I've never heard of it, and I'm inversed with all magics! Gaelic, Demogorgon, Sumerian!
Louie: Sumerian? You were in that dime a long time. Well, good luck with the curse!
Magica: What kind of curse?
Louie: Grave misfortune, increased gullibility, a swift kick in the ribs.
Magica: A what?
[Webby delivers a flying kick to Magica]
Magica: Ahh! My ribs!

Magica: Feed my power, dark eclipse. Free my form from the abyss. Dormant magic now unchained, the shadow queen be whole again!

Magica: [touching him with her scepter] Hello Scroogey. I've missed you.

Magica: [sitting atop a throne made of Scrooge's gold] Ah, best seat in the house. Now the revenge monologue I've been plotting for fifteen years.
[holding up Scrooge, trapped in the Number One Dime]
Magica: "To my most hated nemesis", that means you, "as you know, you banished me to a nether-realm within your dime where I've been biding my time, devising your delicious downfall. In conclusion"... wait, these are out of order, hold on. Hold on!
[Scrooge rolls his eyes]
Magica: Don't roll your eye at me! I've been trapped for fifteen years, I'm entitled to a full minute of gloating! I will make you watch as I destroy everything you've ever loved! Starting with your precious little town!... Ooh, that's good, got a pen?