The Best Goldie O'Gilt Quotes

Louie: Please, I'm a professional, I can handle this.
[Cut to Louie locked in a trunk as Goldie robs his room]
Louie: How did this go so wrong so quickly?
Goldie: [Picks up Louie's golden statue] Rule number 1, kid: if you want to pick a pocket, you gotta get close.
[Steps on a creaky board, flips back the rug and opens it]
Goldie: Better luck next time, rookie.
Louie: Rookie? I'll have you know I'm the evil triplet, okay!
Goldie: [Removes a bag of money from the floorboard] Sure, you're the scariest bunny in the petshop. Let me guess, you see all the angles, you're the sharper than the sharpies? Didn't see this angle, Sharpie.
[Dumps out the trashcan on the desk]
Louie: [Crying sounds] Louie Incorporated is my dream, but no one believes that I can do it. I know I'll never be able to work harder than Scrooge, but I-I thought maybe I could learn to be clever like you, like my hero?
[chest starts to open]
Goldie: [sits on the chest] Not bad. Was that a Crocodile Water Works?
Louie: The hero's guilt trip with a lone wolf gambit.
Goldie: You know your cons.
[picks up a golden piece of paper]
Goldie: Hmm...
[Opens the chest lid and Louie pops up]
Louie: So you'll teach me?
Goldie: [showing a letter] Only if you can get me in here.
Louie: No! No way!
[Shuts himself back in the chest]
Louie: Not Doofus Drake's birthday!

Goldie: Oh Scroogie. Why do you suppose I came all the way out here?
Scrooge: To, uh, get one over on me?
Goldie: Well, that, but also I wanted to see you again.
Scrooge: Um.
Scrooge: It's good to see you too.

Doofus: Tell me a story, Goldiemama.
Doofus': [reverently and in awe] Goldiemama...
Goldie: Well, this one time I was trapped in a dimension where imps jabbed me with a million tiny splinters as they whispered my most devastating failures in my ear. This is worse.

Scrooge: Something is terribly wrong.
[Scrooge begins walking through the Mansion. Grunting is heard and Scrooge opens a door to find Webby, Lena, and Violet fighting a werewolf]
Scrooge: No. That's not it.
[closes door]
Dewey: [Scrooge walks down the stairs hears faint wind noises and opens the door to the kitchen. Inside, Beakley and Dewey are caught in a windstorm stemming from a teapot] WOAH!
Scrooge: Tempest in a teapot. Pesky, but manageable.
[closes door]
Huey: [Scrooge approaches another door. In the living room, Della and Huey are dressed in fantasy game costumes in preparation for a game. On the projection screen is a loading screen for Legends of Legend Quest Dereznaroth] A prophesied hero has arrived. A hero who is- You! Rise, Legends of Legend Quest!
Scrooge: I mean, this is very wrong, but it's not this either. I've checked the whole blasted mansion. What could it be?
[Returns to his office]
Goldie: [Scrooge's eyes widen as he sees his chair turned away, the person sitting in it is flipping a coin into the air. Goldie swivels around to face him] Morning, Scroogie.
Scrooge: Goldie? What are you doing here?
Louie: She's with me.

Scrooge: You loved gold more than you loved me.
Goldie: And that's why you loved me.