50 Best Manchester Black Quotes

Querl: [J'onn and Kara land in the Fortress] What is it? What's wrong?
J'onn: Pull up the footage.
Supergirl: This is live. Rio.
Manchester: We want to send a message.
Menagerie: Low angle? Are you insane?

Manchester: If you don't stand up and fight, you'll lose everything. Again.
J'onn: [seeing a memory of his children] Khym. Tania.

J'onn: I can feel the Morae, but I can't see her. Something's blocking me.
Dreamer: I have an idea.
[she uses her powers to amplify his; her essence follows Black in the Fortress]
J'onn: [to the invisible Morae] I don't quite get what you're saying, but I hear you about Hat. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
[blowing dust off a utility belt]
Manchester: Hmm.
[as he puts it on and presses a button, a force field activates]
Manchester: That's keen.
Dreamer: [the dream ends] We need to get Supergirl now.

Supergirl: [her eyes red and burning] What did you do to me?
Manchester: It's moondust. Sharp enough to cut Kryptonian DNA. Oh, nasty. You just got a lungful from one of them alien moons. Part of it's honed to a nanometer. I bet you're just a bit softer on the inside.
Supergirl: If you kill him, what does that make you?
Manchester: The intolerant left.
Supergirl: If we want to win this, we have to be better. Let me take him to prison, show people who he really is.
Manchester: Don't be daft! Those people hate you! You can put a cape on, say you're a superhero, but to him and everyone else like him, you'll only ever be an alien.
[brandishing an energy staff]
Manchester: A roach!
[he fires an energy blast at a control panel, and she's doused in Nth metal]
Manchester: Time to pick a side, Pollyanna. You're with them, government stooge, Happy Meal hero, or you're with me, and we string up the lot. Every terrorist turning your streets into war zones. You keep saying it's a never-ending battle. How about you and I end it together?
Supergirl: I'll never be like you.

Supergirl: I should get back to the DEO.
Manchester: No, wait. The DEO is already on it looking for that bomb. So maybe you and I can crack something here. Your friend said he'll cal if he find something, right?

Manchester: Bloomin' heck, man.
Hat: Bloody hell.
Manchester: Well, isn't this a surprise?
Hat: Yeah, a giant wall of ice.
Manchester: Now, where did your pal Mxy say the key was?
Hat: He didn't.
Manchester: What?
Hat: [the Morae chitters] "Under the doormat"?
[spotting the key in the snow]
Hat: Right. No, not gold, it's dwarf star. Weighs around 500,000 kilos.
[pulling a pair of mechanical gauntlets out of his bowler]
Hat: There. These little bad boys will do the trick.
[picking up the key, he unlocks the door]
Hat: You're very welcome. Now can we please get something for Mo's mitt?
Manchester: Of course we can.
[they walk through the Fortress of Solitude]
Manchester: Oh, I wager we can find whatever we want in here.

J'onn: That ring... I saw something like this. Just a fragment, right before I heard Fiona's voice.
Manchester: Yeah, she has a matching one.
J'onn: This is what I need. A talisman. Something on her person with emotional weight. I can use it like a cell tower to amplify my link with her.

Col: [with Manchester in a headlock] Take a step and I break his neck.
[Supergirl uses her heat vision to break his bat, and Manchester takes the man down]
Manchester: Thanks, but I had it under control.
Supergirl: Manchester, right? We... we've met.
Manchester: Yeah, I remember.
Supergirl: So, what are you doing here?
Manchester: Ah, you know, just out for a walk when I saw this lot harassing a nice alien couple.
Supergirl: Huh.

Manchester: Something tells me the thing we're looking for is right around this corner.
J'onn: [entering behind him] Manchester! It's over!
[they fly away in combat; elsewhere, Supergirl uses her freeze breath to render the Morae visible]
Dreamer: [conjuring an energy ball] Yield or die.
Supergirl: Just take it down to, like, a... a seven.
Dreamer: Yield or else.

J'onn: I think Fiona is trying to make contact with me.
Manchester: He said his mates had something nasty planned for tonight. Maybe that's where we can meet this Mercy of yours. Columbia and Fourth.
[noticing J'onn react]
Manchester: What's over there?

Supergirl: Long time, no see. Who's Clockwork Orange?
Manchester: What's the line? "No man is a failure..."
Hat: "... who has friends."
Supergirl: [thrown aside by an invisible force] I thought we captured you.
Hat: [a Morae appears] She says that was a different Morae. They all look alike to you.

Supergirl: I have to alert the DEO.
Manchester: Wait. Hey, look, if this is their home base, and they're planning something, Agent Liberty will be there.
Supergirl: Exactly. That's why we need backup.
Manchester: No, it's why we need to be smart. A guy like that can smell the DEO a mile away. If we go in blazing, he'll hit the trigger, or worse. We need to sneak in on the hush. No big guns. You know, your way.
Supergirl: Okay. But there are power-dampening pylons on the island. We have to be careful. But luckily, I always come prepared.
[showing him a small grenade]
Supergirl: It's a yellow sun grenade to boost my powers. Think of it like a Kryptonian multivitamin.
Manchester: Hmm. Can I see that?
Supergirl: [handing it over] Yeah.
Manchester: [inspecting it, then handing it back] Brilliant. I knew I'd do right teaming up with you.

Alex: The only reason they'd want to identify alien homes is to target them.
James: Yeah, but if-if they were marking houses, we would see that, right? I mean, we-we would notice that.
Manchester: The marks might not be visible to the naked eye. The mask had some kind of night-vision tech in them.
Kara: [Brainy retrieves a Liberty mask from his bag] Why did you bring that to dinner?
Querl: Oh. Uh... I figured if things got boring, I might just do a little work.
[popping a piece out from the eye-hole]
Querl: Oh, look at that.

Hat: Shall I teleport us out, then?
Manchester: Ah, not yet. Gotta make another stop.
Hat: I can't take us anywhere I haven't been before. We'll have to do it the hard way.
Manchester: When's that ever stopped us?
[as a group of prison guards approach, Hat pulls a sword from his bowler]
Manchester: All out of guns?
Hat: Thought you'd like something dashing.

[first lines]
Manchester: Clear eyes, full tums, can't lose.
Hat: Just so long as after this hater goes down, we get back to the real task at hand.
Manchester: This is the real task at hand.
Hat: Real small task is right.
Manchester: Friends, I promise tonight's job will be very much in the spirit of our revolutionary mission. Right, now let's synch our watches, so we can meet up you know where, you know when.
[cocking his gun]
Manchester: See you on the other side.

J'onn: Man, you picked the wrong house.
Manchester: Don't think so. Man your age lives alone. No personal history to be found. A bit dodgy, that. Red flags. So, tell me, J'onn J'onzz, how do you know Fiona?
J'onn: You're her fiancé.
Manchester: That I am. Luckiest man in the world. Only Fiona dropped off the radar. Not like her. And you seemed to have spent some time following her about.
J'onn: Fiona is just a friend.
Manchester: Well, friend, I'll ask you once more. Where is she?
J'onn: [his eyes glowing red as Black grabs him] Today is not the day to push me.
Manchester: Not from around here, are we? Relax, man. Weren't going to hurt you.

Manchester: [after talking to J'onn] Right, where were we?
[revealing Officer Petrocelli chained up in his bathtub]
Manchester: [unfurling a belt of torture tools] Oh, yeah. You were about to start talking.

Hat: I'm just saying maybe a prison dye job wasn't the best move.
Manchester: Nor is base dealing, mate.
Hat: [seeing Menagerie's look, he puts a card down] Needed a third king.
Manchester: Gin.
Hat: Thought you'd never ask.
[he pulls a bottle of gin from his bowler]

J'onn: We're on the same side.
Manchester: This is Fi's handwriting.
J'onn: Yeah, it's a badge number. And this is the cop it belongs to. Fiona was looking into him. And I tried to follow up, but I got derailed. Family emergency.
Manchester: Officer Petrocelli. What, thorns in his garden?
J'onn: I think so.
Manchester: Then I am just buzzing to meet him.
J'onn: He's got tricks. I'd be careful if I were you.
Manchester: Ah, don't worry. You've got tricks, I've got tricks, too.
J'onn: You got a name to go with those tricks?
Manchester: Right. How rude of me.
Manchester: I'm Manchester Black.

Manchester: [kicking Ben on the ground] Come on, get up.
Lydia: [crying] Ben.
Manchester: All dressed up for his funeral.
Agent: [catching his foot] When this is over, they're gonna need dental records to ID your body.
Manchester: [drawing his gun as Liberty gets up] Stand back, stand back. It could be a lot worse. We could go biblical, eye for an eye. You killed Fiona, I kill her.
[aiming his gun at Lydia]
Manchester: You feel that? That's what it's like when you're about to lose everything.

Supergirl: I never got the chance to meet Fiona. But J'onn tells me she was... remarkable.
Manchester: She was.
Supergirl: I know you want justice for her. I wanna help you find that.

Manchester: Children of Liberty. Well, that's a stupid name, innit? What's with the mask? Too cowardly to show your face, eh?
[trying the mask on]
Manchester: Weird lenses. Right. I'm gonna ask you once more.
[as he turns the shower on, Petrocelli groans under the cold water]
Manchester: Who is Agent Liberty? And where can I find him?
[holding up a pair of jumper cables]
Manchester: Don't give me a reason to have to use these.
Officer: Please, it's like I said. I just got the mask; I'm supposed to patrol the streets and scare roaches. That is all I know.
Manchester: [sucker-punching him in the stomach] Well, I tried to save you some suffering, but it seems like some blokes are just masochists. If only I could see into this big, ugly head of yours.
[getting an idea]
Manchester: Actually, maybe I can.

Manchester: Benjamin Lockwood! Come and get your medicine, lad.
[Liberty attacks from behind, but Black manages to restrain him]
Manchester: Now then, I suppose the requisite question is...
[aiming his gun]
Manchester: Any last words?
Supergirl: [knocking him backwards] I came here to stop him. Don't make me stop you.
Manchester: Is this the part where you tell me violence won't change anything?

J'onn: You burned my father's grave to teach me a theology lesson?
Manchester: You forget H'ronmeer's punishments. You're a hypocrite. Wake up, man! It's time you followed the true righteous path. And we can put a stop to the hate that's burning this world up, just like it burned up Mars. We can stop it together.
Supergirl: [as he disappears, time resumes] I heard everything. J'onn, what did he mean when he said "the punishments"?

J'onn: Hey.
Manchester: My favorite Martian. Sorry, you probably hear it all the time.
J'onn: You didn't reply to my invitation.
Manchester: Right, uh, yeah. Pilgrim Day. I'm just not up for it, man.
J'onn: Right. It's just that I was worried that those leaflets might stir up some bad feelings for you.
Manchester: Nothing I can't handle.
J'onn: Well, maybe a turkey dinner will help. It's a small gathering; we'd love to have you, although I can't promise there won't be Charades.
Manchester: As much as I love Charades...
J'onn: [amused laugh] I understand. I understand.
[writing down Kara's address]
J'onn: Well, look, man, if you change your mind, here's my friend's address.
Manchester: [J'onn turns to leave] J'onn. Thanks for thinking of me.

Fake: Mr. Black. I've heard a lot about you. Please, let's talk.
Manchester: Yes, let's.

Fake: I hear you wanna discuss the possibility of expanding the Children of Liberty to Europe. But I thought you made plans to live here with Fiona.
Manchester: Of course you're not Agent Liberty. Because if you've connected me to Fiona, you know the only reason I'm here is to avenge her. And he'd never risk that.
[he takes out the other Children of Liberty in the room]
Manchester: [removing "Liberty's" mask] I made a deal with our dead friend over there, and he did not deliver. Maybe you can. Who is Agent Liberty?
Frank: If I tell you, you'll let me live?
Manchester: I believe disloyalty should be rewarded.

Hat: All we're saying is, if one of us is rottin' in a cell, it ought to be a priority to get her back.
Manchester: And all I'm saying is we'll fetch Menagerie as soon as we find what lets us get around Supergirl, so we can snuff Benny boy. This is the belly of the beast, bound to be the seeds of her destruction somewhere.
Hat: [holding up what resembles a Kryptonian stone] Or... we just use this. Taking down Supergirl and killing Lockwood don't win hearts and minds. But this... this'll let us activate all our alien brothers and sisters.
[as the Morae chitters, he notices a pendant hanging nearby]
Hat: Ooh. And we can do more with its little brother.
Manchester: [indifferently] Meh.
Hat: [the Morae chitters again] "Meh"? What about the revolution?
Manchester: Killing Lockwood *is* the revolution. They take one of us, we take one of theirs.

J'onn: Look, you lost someone. I know how that feels. Let me help you.
Manchester: You think I'm good deep down, eh? Well, it's a bad time to be a good man. Take you, for instance. If it weren't for your bloody promise, I believe you could solve all the world's problems. You just need... motivation.
[behind J'onn, Hat shoots him with an energy weapon]
Manchester: This is Hat. We go way back.
Hat: 'Ello.
J'onn: Why are you doing this?
Manchester: I wanted to thank you in person. I was thinking small. Hell-bent on getting Lockwood. Petty revenge. But I've got bigger fish to murder. And you can't stop me, old man.
J'onn: Don't do this.
Manchester: Thanks for the chat, mate. Cheered me right up.

J'onn: It's been weeks. And now you agree to see me? Why now?
Manchester: Well, let's just say prison has changed me. So, be honest.
[referring: ]
Manchester: Whatcha think of the hair?

Manchester: Every action has an opposite and equal, yeah? This "Earth first" Liberty crowd, they hurt aliens. And what, they don't think we'll hurt them in kind?
J'onn: That's London.
Querl: And it looks like they stole the Crown Jewels to make a bigger statement.
Manchester: Why? 'Cause Supergirl says that's not the way? Supergirl's like a folk tale. In theory, comforting, noble. In reality, oof, ill-equipped and clinging to ideals of a time long past. When they go low, she goes high. We put them six feet lower. We're through giving these devils the benefit of the law. Supergirl's done. This is the era of the Elite.

Ben: Listen, I've never seen you before in my life, and I'm not whoever it is that you say that I am.
J'onn: [contacting him psychically] Manchester. Manchester, tell me where you are.
Manchester: Get out of my head.
J'onn: You made a promise.
Manchester: That promise died with Fiona.
J'onn: But it didn't die with me. If you can't hold yourself to that promise, I will.

J'onn: Stop this madness! You'll kill thousands of innocent people.
Manchester: This world is already tearing itself apart. If you want to stop that, don't fight me. Join me.
J'onn: Never.

Manchester: I thought you wanted nothing to do with me.
Supergirl: Yeah. But I spoke to J'onn, and he said I should give you another chance.
[offering a wrapped plate]
Supergirl: It's a pot pie. It comes in peace.

Manchester: You loved Fi like blood, right? Don't you wanna see her murderer go down?
Hat: Yeah, but that isn't what we set out to do. We're supposed to be changing the world, not acting suicidal to settle old scores.
Manchester: Back home, when the gang found out you and Fi were otherworldly, I stuck up for you at great peril. And you can't do the same for me?
Hat: That's different, and you know it.
Manchester: Nah, mate. The only one that's different now is you.
[the Morae chitters]
Manchester: Come on, Mo. We've lost this one.
Hat: Well, I hope you find what you're looking for. And choke on it.

Supergirl: So, what did your partners want with the fission rods?
Manchester: Go ahead, tell her what you told me.
Col: I don't know anything.
Supergirl: [Manchester roughly grabs his lapel] Hey, hey. That is not how we do things.
[to the Child of Liberty]
Supergirl: Look, you're getting in the back of a police car anyway, so just tell us the truth.
Col: I swear, I don't know any more. I said I wanted to help, and they gave me two options. I could show up here and steal some fission rods, or hang out waiting for some cargo shipment.
Supergirl: [sharing a look with Manchester, then to a nearby patrol cop] We're done here.

Manchester: You could have just used the door.
Supergirl: And you could stop killing people.
Manchester: [gesturing for her to sit] Please, but no tricks. If anything happens to me, the Morae will start killing.
Supergirl: So, what, we're just gonna sit here and do the diner scene from "Heat"?
Manchester: Ah, no, no. Ah, Pacino, De Niro, they came alone.
[Hat and Menagerie appear in a puff of smoke]
Manchester: They're just for my protection.
[Menagerie takes out the jewels they stole, and a ring rolls across the floor, stopping at Kara's feet]
Supergirl: It's a little gaudy for me.

Manchester: [Ben reveals his Agent Liberty suit to Lydia] Got words for him? He's a killer, you know. Murdered the love of my whole, wasted life.
Lydia: Please tell me this isn't true.
Ben: I'm so sorry. I... It was done, it was finished. I was gonna stop.
Manchester: Put the suit on.
Ben: What?
Manchester: I want you to die doing what you love.
Lydia: [crying] No! Please, no!
Manchester: NOW!

J'onn: That word, ahimsa, it's Hindu?
Manchester: It means non-violence. Just something Fi used to say.
J'onn: Tell me about her.
Manchester: When I met Fi, I was... well, I guess you'd call it "ganged up".
J'onn: Mm.
Manchester: It was football hooligans. Sorry, soccer hooligans. Any excuse to break a window. We worked for me dad. He taught me how to win a fight. It's easy, once you know the trick.
[pointing to his temple, indicating his brain]
Manchester: There's a switch in here. Keeps you from hurting another person. You can turn it on...
[snapping his fingers]
Manchester: ...and off.
J'onn: So, why did you stop?
Manchester: I met Fi. She kept the books for the gang. Didn't hurt no one. No one but me, because one look from her, I was dead, man. Gone, hers. And she showed me... showed me other ways. Non-violent ways. Ahimsa. Then the boys found out she was an alien. Mm. Wasn't safe there anymore. So I told her... I told her to go to the States so she'd be safe.

Supergirl: What is this place?
J'onn: This is where my father died.
[the ground rumbles, and he falls into a crater]
J'onn: Supergirl!
Supergirl: I'm on it.
[time appears to stop]
Manchester: [appearing with the staff of H'ronmeer] Hello, J'onn.

Manchester: [J'onn phases so his blaster fire passes through him] That's new.
[J'onn knocks him backwards]
Manchester: Oof. Fun toys she's got here.
J'onn: This ends right now.
Manchester: You got that right.
J'onn: [Black opens a nearby door, and a monster inside growls] Manchester, no!
[Black runs inside, the door closing behind him]

Manchester: Why are you here? Hmm? Both times you let me go on my merry. Both times I've gone on to do... oh, let's call it unspeakable things. So my theory is part of you wanted me to get away. Part of you wanted me to do what you couldn't.
J'onn: You're wrong.
Manchester: Ah, 'cause you want to be a bloody saint. 'Cause you ain't gonna study war no more, yeah?
J'onn: You think that's a weakness?
Manchester: I think it's a character defect.
J'onn: Couple of weeks ago, you had that same defect. But maybe that's my curse, believing in people who don't deserve it.
Manchester: You think my soul's still up for grabs, old man?
J'onn: Yes, I do.
[turning to leave]
J'onn: And I think you do, too.

Manchester: Is that Supergirl? Or one of the blokes from Daft Punk?
Alex: Supergirl, unfortunately.

Lydia: There he is. Ben, your friend is here from the university. Manchester Black.
Manchester: Thought I'd pop by and say hello.

Supergirl: [catching Manchester threatening an unarmed man] Hey, hey! Hey! Whoa! What are you doing?
Manchester: He's the supervisor. He must know where that shipment was headed.
[kicking the man's feet out from under him]
Manchester: Where did it go?
Supergirl: [restraining him] Stop! Stop. He can't speak through your fist.
Manchester: [the man scurries away] Well done. Now he's gonna go call the cops.
Supergirl: I don't care. You could've broken his jaw. We don't hurt innocent people. What is wrong with you?
Manchester: Okay, look, sorry. Sometimes I just get a little... I had a rough couple of months.
Supergirl: Yeah, well, maybe you should take a few more and cool down.

Manchester: Hey, partner. Wait up.
Supergirl: Look, I-I appreciate what you're doing, but I can take it from here.
Manchester: Look, Agent Liberty took everything from me. I will do anything to see him brought to justice. Anything. Just let me help. I'm resourceful. I tracked them here, didn't I?
Supergirl: I'll call you if I find anything.

Hat: So, what's important enough for you to jeopardize our thrilling escape?
[cut to them outside]
Hat: A bloody jacket? Why?
Manchester: It's dashing.

J'onn: Manchester!
Manchester: [brandishing the staff] Well, well. It's about time. Come and get it, Martian of peace!

J'onn: Did you get anything from him?
Manchester: Just kept whispering "Mercy". It mean something to you?
J'onn: Mercy Graves hurt somebody I care about. I looked for her and... I heard Fiona's voice. I think Mercy may be holding her captive.
Manchester: Heard her? How?
J'onn: I'm a telepath.
Manchester: Let's lead with that next time.

Manchester: I keep coming across this problem. The container was empty when we got to it, which means they had to get rid of the cargo somewhere. But the logs say the shipment just arrived. They didn't have time to unload there or to make land at any other docks.
Supergirl: At least not on the mainland. They had to have stopped at an island. That's... that's the only way. The missing alien fission rods are...
Supergirl: They're on Shelley Island.
Manchester: That's where Fi came through. I thought it was defunct.
Supergirl: It was, but it runs on alien fission rods, just like the ones that were stolen.
Manchester: They turned the island back on.