The Best Manifest, Season 1, Episode 6 Quotes

- Nothing helpful.
- Well, he's better.
- For now.
- You left me alone when I needed you.
- You can't ever do that again.
- I'm sorry.

- It wouldn't look like this.
- Huh, still fresh.

- His temp hasn't come down.
- I need a nurse in Room 2117.
- It's okay, Mom's here.
- It's okay. It's okay.
- It's okay, Mom's here.
- Shh. It's just a dream, it's just a dream. Shh.
- Okay, okay.
- I'm here, I'm here.
- I'm not going anywhere, okay?

- they haven't seen anything like this in the other patients.
- Grace, breathe.
- We went down this road five years ago.
- Wait for the tests.
- Let's take this one step at a time and not get ahead of ourselves.

- Maybe it was something we did along the way.
- I don't know.
- I have a feeling this isn't over.
- I think we're still supposed to find Marko.
- I'm guessing you got a game plan for that?
- And to think you just met me.

- And you know this how?
- It doesn't matter, but if I'm right about this, then we are all in danger --
- Ben, Cal, and me.
- And if you're wrong... again?
- Then we'll have a nice country drive.
- Fine, I'll go it alone.

- Let me see, let me see.
- Shh, shh.
- No, no, no!
- Not the red door!
- 103.2.
- We should get him to a hospital.
- Get Olive.
- No, she slept at Avery's.
- Gonna be okay, buddy.
- Gonna be okay.

Michaela: [on phone] Five buses, until they exited the thruway, then one of them disappeared.
Ben: [on phone] Buses just don't disappear.
Saanvi: Why not? Happens to airplanes.

- I don't know what his angle is, but there are no passengers here.
- Maybe, maybe not.
- I had to make a lot of stuff disappear in my life.
- If I had to do it, it'd look a lot like this.
- And if there was never anyone here, what would it look like?

- Uh, J, this playlist was ancient five years ago.
- I would've had to go back in time for it not to be cheesy.
- You know the rules.
- My car, my music.
- That's certainly big enough to hide a bus.
- Or a bunch of animals that can go in a barn.
- Pull over up there.

- Get me the file on the list of passengers that he had on his phone.
- You believe all that?
- I can't get a straight answer from DoD, from Homeland, from DARPA.
- I don't know what to believe.

- Antibiotics aren't going to help him, and even if, by some miracle, they do,
- I can tell you 100%
- Cardoso is gonna kick Cal out of the study for deviating from the control group.
- His treatment will end.
- His cancer will come back.

- Okay,
- I'll go check them out.
- Hey.
- Listen, I have no idea what you're gonna find out there, but I'm betting it's not friendly.
- Take Jared?
- Uh, yeah, that is a terrible idea.
- I know.
- But a necessary one.

- Dr. Williams said you probably hadn't eaten all day.
- Oh.
- Thank you.
- One for your husband?
- He's not here.
- Do you mind -Could you just stay with him?
- I just need to...