The Best Manifest, Season 3, Episode 2 Quotes

Ben: Vance's life is in the balance. And, in a way, so is every passenger's.

- I-I-I don't know.
- Go to Canada or whatever.
- For sure.
- But first, we got scores to settle.
- Now, let's go.
- We're gonna do a smash-and-grab and peal out in an RV?
- We might have to improvise.

Michaela: Do not look at me like that. I'm just enjoying things being back to normal.
Drea: I didn't say anything. I was just appreciating some casual banter between two people who used to be engaged to be married.

- You just saw what happened, alright?
- We -We have to keep it.
- Dad is gonna want to see this.
- And there might be more clues.
- I can't. I'm sorry.
- It has to go in the report.
- I'm -I'm -I'm sorry.
- Get home safe.

- I didn't say anything.
- I was just appreciating some casual banter between two people who used to be engaged to be married.
- There.
- That might be them.
- Gotcha.

NSA: [privately to Ben, while leaving his house] The truth shall set you free.

- You're my only brother.
[ Sniffs ] So you figured
- I'd be the one person to always be there for you, no matter what, right?
- Right.
- Wrong.

- say and do the right thing.
- Feelings get hurt, especially when it comes to family.
- But he's your mom's little brother, and she loves him.
- A lot.

- Yeah, held up pretty well, considering.
- Let's see what's inside, though.

- This girl.
- I-I think I'm supposed to go to her.
- What are you talking about, man?
- We gotta go.
- The cops are coming!
- Come on!
- We gotta go!
- The cops are coming!
- Pete!

- are there two planes?
- And what does that mean about the people on the plane?
- Who, or some would say what, are the 191 passengers who landed?
- I'm Logan Crawford, reporting from the newsroom in New York.
- Now back to you.

Grace: You are my family, Tarik. You're my only brother.
Tarik: So you figured I'd be the one person to always be there for you, no matter what, right?
Grace: Right.
Tarik: Wrong.

- You think they snuck away that night?
- That's one possibility.
- Well, what's the other?
- Oh, my God.
- Ben, you need to call me back right away when you get this.
- The three guys who kidnapped Cal...
- They're alive again.

Michaela: Ben, you need to call me back right away when you get this. The three guys who kidnapped Cal... They're alive again.

Michaela: You know, every time I go away for a minute, I come back and you've been promoted.
Jared: Except this time, you're the one who's married.

Michaela: Put your hands up!
- Hey!
- Put your hands up!
- Hands behind your back.
- Easy.
- Where are the others?
- Where are they?!

Ben: The universe doesn't seem to have a moral barometer.

- You're gonna want to do something to help me.
- Do not.
- I'll handle it.
- Still no nightmares?
- I'm not having the nightmares, but... all of a sudden, I just feel like I did before.
- When they were here.

- but there's not much in that box.
- Okay, the Callings -- they led us here, right?
- And the figure was faceless, so that means it wanted you to remember that day.
- I-I think the Calling is leading us to the box.
- Right here.