The Best Martin Brewer Quotes

Martin: Maybe someday I'll marry a girl with a lot of brothers and sisters.
Ruthie: Yeah, maybe you will.

Martin: [Talking to Ruthie about Vincent] Have you noticed how big his head is? I mean, it's not normal.

Martin: Cecilia was helping me with my tie.

Ruthie: What are we talking about?
Martin: That girl in school - Meredith. The one who's going to marry Harry.
Ruthie: Oh, yeah. Is she coming to live here?
Annie: No, I don't think so. But your dad is going to try to find her a home.
Eric: I'm going to try to find her a home.
Annie: That's what I said.

Pete: Well, the only reason he ever pays any attention to me is because I'm a good pinch runner.
Martin: That's not a bad thing. You're the fastest guy on the team.

Martin: You never know when pizza might turn into sex.

Martin: I never thought I'd be the victim of a hate crime. I'm white.