The Best Robbie Palmer Quotes

Rev. Eric Camden: [to Robbie] I noticed your name is not on Ruthie's petition?
Robbie: No, I don't put my name on anything like that. I'm not even registered to vote.
Rev. Eric Camden: That's criminal.
Robbie: In America?
Rev. Eric Camden: In this house! Register to vote today!
Robbie: It's not voting season.
Rev. Eric Camden: Do you like living here?
Robbie: Yeah, I love living here. I just don't want to register to vote. I feel like it puts me on some government's list.
Rev. Eric Camden: You are! You are on the governments list of registered voters.

Robbie: [to Ruthie] I never said you were a sneaky person. I said you were sneaking cookies. That's all.
Ruthie: But you still think I'm sneaky.
Robbie: I don't think you're sneaky. I think you're cute. And I think the name "Snooky" suits you... and I like the sound of it even if you never snuck a cookie. And I like having a special name for you because you and I have a special relationship. I never had a little sister. I think you're great.

Robbie: What's that pizza lady's baby doing here?
Annie: You've seen this baby?
Robbie: Yeah, at Pete's Pizza.
Annie: Frankie and Johnny.
Robbie: Yeah, that's her name. Frankie. She works at Pete's and brings the baby in with her sometimes.
Annie: Are you sure this is her?
Robbie: No offense because all babies are beautiful, but I'd recognize that head anywhere.

Robbie: [to Simon] Remember when you told me your mom once kissed you at school and you nearly died? Someday, this will be funnier than the kissing story.
Simon: No, it won't.

Annie: [to Robbie] Ruthie asked me to tell you not to call her Snooky anymore.
Robbie: I thought she liked it. What happened?
Annie: Well, Lucy told her that you calling her Snooky is a polite way of calling her "sneaky."
Robbie: That's not it at all.
Annie: Well, then you better go tell her. She's pretty upset. She likes you a lot.
Robbie: Are you kidding? She loves me!
Annie: I know.
[starts crying and hugs Robbie]
Annie: We all love you. We do!

Robbie: I went out with Cheryl tonight because I was upset that you might be interested in someone else. I don't love Cheryl. I love you. I'm going to commit my life to being a man worthy of being loved by you. Happy Valentine's Day.

Rev. Eric Camden: [to Robbie] I'm sorry.
Robbie: Sorry for what? For caring about me? For giving me the first real home I ever had? For being the dad I never had and always wanted? For forgiving me my past mistakes and being so supportive and kind? You have nothing to be sorry for.

Robbie: Sasha is a lot older than Simon. She's more experienced and she's selfish. She's also beautiful and makes Simon feel like a cool guy, so what is so outrageous about Simon being responsible and prepared?
Mary: He's 15. Just 15.
Robbie: A lot of 15-year-old kids are having sex!
Mary: Not Simon. And I don't care how seductive Sasha may be, she is not going to completely change Simon's sense of right and wrong in one night.
Robbie: It could happen in one moment.
Mary: No, it can't.
Robbie: Anything is possible.

Robbie: I think you should come home, Mary.
Mary: I'm sorry, Robbie, but I'm not ready to come home.

Mary: [to Wilson] What are you doing here?
Wilson: You belong with me in New York.
Robbie: Who's this clown?
Mary: Robbie, this is Wilson. Wilson, Robbie.

Matt: [to Robbie] So who did you go out with?
Robbie: Who do you think I went out with?
Matt: Cheryl? Really That's who it was?
Robbie: It's not going to work for us, but I thought I should give it a try.
Matt: Well, why didn't it work out?
Robbie: Because I'm hopelessly in love with your sister.

Joy: [to Robbie] Do you think the Camdens will like me?
Robbie: Most of them, yeah.

Mary: [to Robbie] You think you have to have a relationship with me so my family will let you stay here.
Robbie: It's not like being with you is a chore.
Mary: But it's not what you want. You don't want to date me. You wanna date my family.
Robbie: No, I want to marry your family.
Mary: Well, just so you know, win, lose or draw with us, you're still part of this family. My parents will never turn their back on you. You don't have to date me to stay here. You don't have to not date me to stay here.
Robbie: So it's over, isn't it?
Mary: Three strikes, we're out.
Robbie: I still love you.
Mary: I'll always love you.

Lucy: [to Robbie] What are you thinking?
Robbie: I am thinking that you are nothing like Mary.

Mary: Don't break my heart.
Robbie: Don't break my jaw.
Mary: Don't break my heart and I'll have no reason to break your jaw.

Robbie: [to Cheryl] I'm comfortable with you. I can be who I am with you.
Cheryl: And what about Mary? You're not comfortable with Mary because you have to be a better person to be with Mary?
[Robbie lets out a deep sigh]
Cheryl: Be a better person, Robbie. Be the person you want to be. Be the person I know you can be. I love you for who you are, but I can see that you're changing, and if Mary Camden keeps you changing for the better then love her, not me because I want someone who feels about me the way you feel about Mary. So I understand, I really do. I don't want comfortable, I want thrilled. I deserve thrilled. And I'm going to get thrilled, just not this Valentine's Day.
Robbie: Thanks for dumping me again.
Cheryl: Anytime. Happy Valentine's Day, Robbie.

Robbie: Hey, Mary. Um... how's it going?
Mary: How's it going? How's it going? What is wrong with you people? Isn't anyone happy to see me?
Robbie: Of course I am.
Mary: Then how about showing it?
Robbie: Okay.
[kisses Mary on the cheek; Mary grabs him and gives him a long kiss on the lips]
Robbie: That says, "Happy to see you" and that is what I came home for!

Man: I'm a veteran myself.
Robbie: Good for you. Thanks for serving.
Man: I don't think anyone's ever said that to me before. Thank you.

Robbie: [to Simon] You're not going out with a pregnant girl.
Simon: Why not?
Robbie: Why? Because you feel sorry for her. Dating is difficult enough without dating someone who's got a complicated life. And you're too young for those complications. Way too young.