The Best Matt Bradley Quotes

Matt: [as he dyes Barry's hair] Now don't get it in your eyes.
Barry: Ow! I got it in my eyes!
Andy: He got it in his eyes!
Matt: Why are you doing that?
Barry: Because you told me not to! I'm anti-establishment now! Curse my punk rock lifestyle!

Barry: Members of the JTP.
Andy: JTP!
Barry: You are about to witness the greastest musical event of your lives.
Andy: Better than seeing all the greatest bands play Live Aid?
Barry: One thousand percent! I literally bet Adam's life on it.
Adam: Wait, what?

Matt: We've been talking and feel you could be a little more respectful of our stuff.
Barry: When am I disrespectful, stupid Matt Bradley?
'Naked': For instance, you constantly use my toothbrush.
Barry: To clean the shower, so you're welcome.
Matt: Also, every time I get home from work, you ninja surprise me with a bo staff to the belly.
Barry: I thought you were a burglar!
Matt: Six times?
Andy: And you ate my allergy medicine.
Barry: I regret that one, tasted real bad.
Matt: So you're gonna change your ways and become a better room mate?
Barry: Over some ticky tack stuff like wearing your shirts and socks and underwear?
Matt: What?
'Naked': Plus, when we talk, you always interrup...
Barry: Silence! Okay! You made your mediocre case, JTP and since it's the season of forgiveness, you'll be happy to know I forgive you for attacking me in my own home.
Matt: I apologise for using this language, but Barry's a crummy room mate!
Andy: It's like no matter what we say, he still wears our underwear.
'Naked': Tasty needs to be stopped.